Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Waka Flocka Flame Overdoses on Weed During Early 4/20 Celebration

Tomorrow, stoners all over our great nation will spark up baseball-bat sized doobs in celebration of 4/20, the unofficial holiday for potheads everywhere.

Of course, for rapper Waka Flocka Flame, every day is 4/20, and last night the dude toked so hard and munched so many edibles that he reportedly overdosed on weed. Yeah, apparently that’s a thing:

As you can see, Mr. Flame was loaded into an ambulance last night, and he claims it was because he simply consumed too much of Washington State’s legal THC.

“Aw man. #seattle was too much last night. #nonGMO edibles and 20 or more blunts later,” Waka captioned the photo.

It’s unclear if the noted weed-lover was just joking (and squeezing in a random plug for non-GMO edibles), but TMZ and several other outlets have ran with the story, claiming WFF did indeed OD, but was not taken to a hospital.

Sounds like a harmless pre-4/20 prank to us, but hey, if anyone’s capable of ingesting so much herb it requires medical attention, it’s Waka.

No word yet on whether or not this will have any effect on Waka’s presidential campaign, but to us, he’s still looking about as qualified as any of the other candidates.

Even stoned out of his gourd, we’re guessing candidate Flame knows the difference between 7-Eleven and 9/11.