Monday, May 16, 2016

Kesha Takes Back Her Life, Gives World Two Middle Fingers

Hers has been a very public, very difficult battle.

Kesha sent a message to both supporters and haters this weekend on her Instagram account, sharing a silhouette of herself sticking two middle fingers in the air.

“I have been battling depression and an eating disorder for a while now. my career is in a strange place and it feels like I’m fighting an uphill fight some days,” she wrote.  

“But I have decided to take my life back. my freedom. my happiness. my voice. my worth.”

“I will not just fucking be quiet and hide. today I will say fuck it and live.

“So FUUUUUUUUCK it. today I’m making that choice. AND IM HAPPY AS A DAMN CLAM. and also a big ol fuck u if u wanna hate on my body. just remember that makes u look like a dickhead.”

The singer has taken a much-needed holiday since being embroiled in a legal battle with music producer Dr. Luke, whom she’s accused of drugging and sexually assaulting her in the past.

Back in April, a judge rejected Kesha’s emergency request to be released from her recording contract with Sony.

In a nutshell, this means that the singer is not allowed to make any music outside the record label.

After the decision, the judge issued the following statement:

“Although [Luke’s] alleged actions were directed to Kesha, who is female, [her claims] do no allege that [Luke] harbored animus toward women or was motivated by gender animus when he allegedly behaved violently toward Kesha.”

In another recent Instagram, Kesha thanked a sea creature for helping her move past the ordeal.

“when a whale shark decides to be ur best friend and reconnect you to your true self and nature and spirituality and magic and beauty and love and gratitude…..I LOVE THIS WHALE SHARK. I CANT EVEN.”

You do do, Kesh.