Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Josh Duggar: Strict Post-Rehab Rules Revealed!

It’s been two months since we first learned that Josh Duggar had been released from rehab and had returned to his hometown of Tontitown Arkansas.

At first, Josh kept a very low profile.

It was an understandable decision, as we imagine it’s not easy being a known sex offender (who was never punished for his crimes) in a town of 2,400.

After a few weeks, however, Josh decided that he couldn’t spend his life lurking in the shadows, peering out on his small southern town like some far creepier version of Boo Radley.

Eventually, the time came for him to venture back out into the world.

So Josh (or someone in his family) decided he should do so far, far from home.

First, Josh was spotted playing mini-golf in a Tennessee suburb.

Taking a child molester to a mini-golf course is a bit like bringing Dracula to a blood bank, but hey, maybe it was meant to be some sort of test.

From there, the silent apology tour rolled on, with Josh rearing his head in various locales, all far from Tontitown, where the townsfolk are presumably awaiting his return with torches and pitchforks.

Earlier this week, Josh was spotted spending time with Anna Duggar’s family in Florida.

It was a surprising sight, as shortly after word got around that Josh used an Ashley Madison account to cheat on the mother of his four children, several members of Anna’s family publicly bashed Josh.

Well according to at least one tabloid report, the reunion didn’t go as smoothly as the Duggars would have us believe.

“He tried to talk to Anna’s sister Susanna, saying he was sorry he hadn’t talked to her since everything happened, and it got really awkward,” a source close to the situation tells In Touch.

“She stopped him and said, ‘You don’t have to apologize to me. If you’d had an affair on me, we wouldn’t be married anymore.’”

Josh didn’t fare much better with Anna’s brother:

“Josh tried to sit next to Daniel at a restaurant,” says the insider. “Daniel got up and moved to another table.”

No big surprise there, as Anna’s siblings were among the many who encouraged her to divorce Josh after he was busted cheating.

Apparently, the only reason they were cool with him coming to stay with them even briefly is that he’s agreed to a strict set of post rehab rules enforced by Anna.

Basically, he’s rarely allowed out of her sight, and his digital communications are closely monitored.

The insider says Josh is allowed to have a cell phone, but it’s of the old-school variety:

“It’s not a smartphone. He isn’t allowed to have one of those,” says the source. “He has a little phone with a tiny screen and he can’t send or receive picture messages on it.”

Looks like that “trust” Anna talked about isn’t quite there yet.