Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Janet Jackson: Pregnant! At 49 Years Old!

It’s official: 

The Rhythm Nation has met the Rhythm Method.

Or something to that effect.

About a month after postponing her tour with a mysterious message about family (below), Janet Jackson has confirmed the shocking, albeit awesome, news:



On April 6, the multiple-time Grammy Award winner revealed on Facebook that she was under “doctor’s orders” to rest.

She then added, cryptically and interestingly:

“Hey, you guys. On August 31, I launched the Unbreakable World Tour. First, I just want to thank all the fans for coming out to see the show…

“[But] there actually has been a sudden change. I thought it was important that you be the first to know. My husband and I are planning our family, so I’m going to have to delay the tour.”

Because it’s rare for a 49-year old woman to become pregnant, some speculated that Janet and husband Wissam Al Mana were planning to adopt.

But then why would she have been ordered to “rest” by her physician?

All signs pointed to a pregnancy and that’s what we can now report as a certainty. How exciting!

The extremely private artist quietly Al Mana in 2012, yet didn’t confirm the nuptials until 2013. The couple started dating in the summer of 2010. 

A year prior to their courtship, Jackson admitted in an interview with Harper’s Bazaar that she would like to be a mother someday.

“Sure, I’d adopt. And I think that if I’m really supposed to have kids, it will happen, if that’s God’s plan for me,” she said in 2009.

Looks like God did have a plan for her womb after all, huh?

The veteran singer will celebrate her 50th birthday on May 16.

Entertainment Tonight was the first outlet to confirm Jackson’s pregnancy and we hope you join us in sending her our best wishes for a healthy and happy baby.