Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Demi Lovato on Taylor Swift: I Just Don"t Like Her!

In a parallel universe, Demi Lovato would be the ideal member of Taylor Swift’s squad.

Unfortunately, in this one, the ladies are embroiled in a feud that shows no signs of letting up.

It all started when Taylor made a massive donation to Kesha to assist the singer with her legal battle against Sony and famed producer Dr. Luke

At the time, Demi blasted Taylor as a “fake feminist” who would prefer to soak up praise by very publicly donating a large sum to a fellow celeb than to take a real stand on the larger issue of sexual abuse in America.

“Take something to Capitol Hill or actually speak out about something and then I’ll be impressed,” Lovato tweeted, back in February.

“Not everyone has 250k to just give to people. Would love to but I didn’t grow up with money and def haven’t made as much as her.

“I just give more f-cks than other people and would rather start a dialogue ABOUT WOMEN COMING FORWARD ABOUT BEING RAPED than throw money at one person.”

Demi later clarified (somewhat unconvincingly) that her beef was not with Taylor, but with a culture that ignores larger systemic issues in favor of individual celebrity assault cases, tweeting:

“I didn’t shade Taylor… I’m just tired of seeing women use ‘women empowerment’ and ‘feminism’ to further brands without actually being the ones that have the uncomfortable conversations.”

Taylor did not accept Demi’s pseudo apology, and it seems that the ladies still haven’t patched things up all these months later: 

“There are women that I don’t get along with, and that’s fine,” Demi recently told Refinery 29 when asked about Taylor.

“My thing is, don’t brand yourself a feminist if you don’t do the work. I have an immense amount of respect for women like Lena Dunham … or Beyoncé, who make amazing political statements through their work.”

She added, “I’m not going to stop saying what I believe in. I have no problem standing up for myself.”

Taylor has yet to respond, but don’t be surprised if she drops a surprise single entitled “Bad Blood II: This Time It’s Personal (Just Like It Was Last Time)” in the very near future.