Friday, May 13, 2016

Josh Duggar: Returning For "Jill & Jessa: Counting On" Season 2?

Family pariah Josh Duggar has been spotted a few times lately as the Arkansas clan slowly orchestrates his reintroduction to public life.

With the Duggars floating this trial balloon regarding the adulterer, child molester and porn addict, many fans wonder what the endgame is.

Specifically, is the plan to bring him back for the next season of filming on the resurgent Duggar reality hit, Jill & Jessa: Counting On?

Considering that around 1.9 viewers watch Jill & Jessa: Counting On online or on TV, the series is very likely to return to TLC soon.

Of course, Josh’s myriad sexual scandals of 2015 were what sabotaged the previous iteration of Duggar TV fame, 19 Kids & Counting.

Despite shutting down 19 Kids, and dealing with some controversy and angry sponsors with Counting On, TLC salvaged this key brand.

Which brings us back to the infamous Joshua:

As part of its public relations strategy, TLC assured viewers and potential advertisers that the eldest Duggar sibling would not appear.

Indeed, he’s been persona non grata thus far.

With the first successful season wrapped, however, Josh has returned to the public eye on a number of occasions over the past few weeks.

Whether he’s been “enjoying” a Mother’s Day lunch, going to a friend’s graduation, or hitting up sporting events, it feels like a soft launch.

If it was meant to gauge interest or tolerance for Josh existing, it worked: Josh critics and fans alike are vocal in their opinions of him.

While many find the father of four appalling for many obvious reasons, some fans of the Duggars see a story of redemption in the making.

Either way, it seems clear that reintroducing Josh to the general public is, if nothing else, a test run for the Duggars regarding his future.

After all, on Jill & Jessa: Counting On, Anna Duggar and her marriage were main storylines, even if her cheating spouse did not appear.

Imagine if ol’ Josh were prominently featured trying to beg, pray, and work around the clock to make things right with her in Season 2.

Can you say major ratings draw?