Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Justin Bieber to Fans: LEAVE ME ALONE!

Warning to all Justin Bieber around the globe: 

Ask the singer for a photo at your own risk.

Despite so often claiming that he’s grateful for his followers, Bieber went on an Instagram rant this week told supporters to stay away from him in public.

He says he will no longer pose for pictures with… well… anyone, really.

“If you happen to see me out somewhere know that I’m not gonna take a picture I’m done taking pictures,” Justin wrote.

“It has gotten to the point that people won’t even say hi to me or recognize me as a human, I feel like a zoo animal, and I wanna be able to keep my sanity.”

Back in March, Bieber canceled all meet-and-greets prior to concerts, citing exhaustion and security concerns as his reason for letting down fans who paid a ton for a quick introduction to the artist.

Was there a specific incident that caused Bieber to issue this latest missive?

He didn’t reveal one, if so. 

Biebs rant

As you can see above, Bieber went on to acknowledge that folks will be “disappointed” by his decision, but whatever.

He says he doesn’t owe anything to anybody.

“People who say ‘but I bought ur album’ know that you got my album and you got what you paid for AN ALBUM!” he explained in condescending fashion.

“It doesn’t say in fine print whenever you see me you also get a photo.”

Yes, that is true.

But there’s something to be said for showing gratitude to these fans, isn’t there?

We hate to break it to you, Justin, but they may not be buying your albums just for your music. Will you change this photo-snapping policy if your sales start to dwindle?

Bieber has also had some pretty big issues with his picture being taken.

He has gotten in trouble on numerous occasions for going after pedestrians or paparazzi members for trying to take his picture in public… which we understand can be a nuisance at times, but come on.

It’s a small price to pay for the same and fortune Bieber has accrued.

Recently, Bieber got sued for allegedly destroying the cell phone of a guy who took a picture.

And he also acted very rudely toward someone who wanted a selfie with the star.

So we guess we should have seen this stance coming. But it’s still very lame of Justin.