Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Khloe Kardashian: I Believe in God, Not Divorce

The Kardashian sisters often talk about their weight.

And their wealth. And their relationships. And then their weight a little bit more.

But there’s one topic this famous family rarely discusses.

The fact that Kris Jenner was so clearly behind the Kim Kardashian sex tape? No. Even though she was.

We’re referring to religion, however, as Khloe Kardashian took fans by surprise this week via an essay about her Christian faith for Tuesday’s edition of Lena Dunham’s Lenny newsletter.

Why is this topic relevant at the moment for Khloe?

Because she filed for divorce from Lamar Odom in 2013 and may soon finalize the legal split.

“I’ve been blessed with a lot in my life, and I’ve also had challenges,” wrote Khloe. “It was a challenge for me when I decided to get divorced.”

Divorce, of course, goes against the teachings of Catholicism.

“At my core, I don’t believe in divorce,” Khloe explains, going on to chronicle the tragedy of Odom’s substance abuse and infidelity issues.

“But I came to a point in my marriage where I had to make the choice to take care of my own mental and emotional well-being in order to protect myself and my happiness.

“I am at peace with that decision and do feel like I honored my vows to the very end. I feel that I kept the serious vows I made in front of God with every inch of my heart, which is why I am still honoring them today even though my relationship with my ex-husband is in a different place.”

Odom, of course, fell unconscious inside a Nevada brothel last October.

Kardashian has remained close by his side during recovery, but many now fear Lamar could relapse at any moment.

“I believe in caring for my partner – past or present – ‘in sickness and in health,’ and feel at peace with my relationship with God even after the fact,” Khloe writes.

“I’m thankful that I can rely on my God, who, along with my family, has led me through some of the most difficult times of my life.”

Khloe rarely goes to church, but she says attendance each week doesn’t define one as religious or not.

“Believing in a higher power is what guides me to make the right decisions,” she says.

“While I believe in heaven and hell and angels and spirits, I don’t judge people for their beliefs. And I don’t understand how others can sit around casting judgments on people because they have different religions and a certain point of view.”

We make fun of Khloe Kardashian often. Mostly because she deserves it.

But we have nothing but support for her when it comes to these views and how she has handled a difficult Lamar Odom situation.