Monday, May 2, 2016

Game of Thrones Cast Plays Game of Butts, Hilarity Ensues

Obviously, we watch Game of Thrones for the thrilling human drama played out against a fantasy backdrop, the pulse-pounding action sequences, and the panoply of memorable characters.

Of course, there"s also plenty of nudity, and that"s cool too.

In its early seasons, the show focused primarily on the naked female form, as has been customary in film and television dating back to the days of XXX theaters.

Recently, however, the show has undergone a bit of a change.

Don"t get us wrong, you can still see boobs on Game of Thrones more weeks than not, but in recent seasons the men of Westeros have bared a fair amount of flesh in their own right.

Maybe it"s Emilia Clarke"s "free the penis" campaign or simply a sign of the times, but knights and lords are dangling swords like never before on GoT.

In response to this trend, the folks at PopSugar decided to find out if the show"s stars could recognize one another by their nether regions alone.

Yes, when you play the Game of Butts, you win – or you lose, and your co-workers breathe a sigh of relief because you"re clearly not obsessing over their asses.

Obviously, it"s fun to see one of TV"s most attractive casts scrutinizing one another"s butts, but the real joy here is seeing GoT actors out of character.

Some of them look completely different, others pretty much the same.

Some elicit reactions of "Who?!" because there"s so damn many characters on the show at this point that George R.R. Martin probably can"t name them all.

Actually, that dude could probably recognize them all by their asses like it ain"t no thang.

Play Game of Butts for yourself and impress your friends with your knowledge of the Seven Kingdoms most famous backsides:


Game of thrones cast plays game of butts hilarity ensues