Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Leah Messer SLAMMED By Teen Mom 2 Fans For Letting Daughter Eat Icing!

The current season of Teen Mom 2 has not been particularly easy on Leah Messer.

Sure, it’s not as bad as last season, when we saw Leah so high on prescription painkillers that she fell asleep while holding a baby, but even though she’s sober these days and seems to be doing her best to be an attentive mom, she’s still finding new and inventive ways to piss off fans every week.

Leah’s decisions about what and when to feed her daughters seem to be of particular interest to viewers as of late.

The scrutiny began when Messer failed to feed her daughters before rushing them off to school in the season premiere.

It continued following last night’s episode, during which Leah allowed her youngest daughter, Adalynn, to eat straight from a container of frosting.

It’s the sort of thing that kids do, sometimes even with parental permission, but the casual manner in which Leah allowed her daughter to devour sugary cake topping led some viewers to conclude that it wasn’t a special occasion sort of thing.

“Is it bad that I’m going to let Addie eat icing?” Leah asked her mother at one point.

“Just have her sit at the table,” replied the elder Messer.

Not surprisingly, the judgment was harsh and swift on Twitter, as fans took to social media to talk smack about Leah’s parenting:

“Sad how you watch Leah give that baby icing just to get her outta her way,” wrote one viewer.

“Did Leah give her baby frosting so she could sit down & talk about herself?” tweeted another.

“Never should give a kid icing,” said another irate user. “Make her a PB&J. Leah you trying to give her baby diabetes?”

Leah has yet to respond, but we’re sure she’s taking it in stride.

Just kidding, she’s probably collapsed in a heap somewhere. You win again, trolls!

Watch Teen Mom 2 online if you want to get in on the hate.