Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner to Release Sci-Fi Novel

Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner are getting ready to take the literary world by storm once again.

We really wish this was a joke.

But the famous sisters, who previously hired a ghost writer put pen to paper in 2014 for their debut novel, Rebels: City of Indra, have confirmed a follow-up is on the way.

It will titled Time of the Twins and it will be another science fiction story.

“We love this world and these characters,” Kendall Jenner said in a statement. “It’s been so fun to tell their story and we are excited to share it with our fans.”

The upcoming book will clearly be written against by other people continue to delve into story of the first tome by chronicling the adventures of twin sisters, Lex and Livia.

This time around, however, they will be on a search for their mom, who they previously thought to be dead.


Along the way the, Lex and Livia will try to save their city, while also dealing with the pressure of the ancient prophecy that has proclaimed them as saviors.

Talk about a lot to handle at once, huh?!?

“In our first book, Rebels: City of Indra, we left Lex and Livia in a place where their future was uncertain,” said Kylie Jenner.

“Now, in Time of the Twins, you’ll learn how these sisters struggle to get to know each other and deal with their fate.”

Kylie and Kendall have also collaborated in the past on a fashion line and on a fragrance.

Other members of their famous family that have released books include Khloe Kardashian (a self-help memoir type thing called Strong Looks Better Naked) and Kris Jenner (a cookbook! HA!).

Click below for more.

Kylie and Kendall’s next effort will go on sale on November 15.