Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Woman Gets Stuck in Stall, May Never be the Same

Let"s get one thing clear:

Having a baby changing station in a public restroom is a very good thing.

Just ask anyone who has tried to change the diaper of a baby on the floor.

But the woman featured in the video below would also like to make one more thing clear:

Please, please, please fold these baby changing stations back up after using them.

Otherwise, at least in certain public restrooms, they will actually prop up against the stall door and lock someone in there.

HA! (Which is easy for us to say, of course, considering we are not the ones who are stuck in a disgusting stall as a result of this snafu.)

The woman below is addressing her son, Johnny, in the video, explaining what happened and admitting that her large figure makes it impossible for her to get out.

Johnny went ahead and shared the video on YouTube, but hopefully only after he helped his mother escape.

This poor woman. We can"t imagine a worse place to be stuck for any extended period of time.

Watch her cry for help now:

Woman gets stuck in public restroom lives out our worst nightmar