Monday, May 16, 2016

Mariah Carey: I Am GLAAD"s Most Famous Celebrity!

Just because you’re an honoree doesn’t mean an awards show has to cater to your every whim.

JK.  This is Hollywood, of course they’re not going to ignore insane demands.

At the 27th Annual GLAAD Media Awards on May 14th, Mariah Carey held things up for about an hour-and-a-half so that she had the red carpet to herself.

“The red carpet had to be clear of all other celebrities,” an insider told Radar Online.

Carey is famous for demanding that her “good side” be photographed only, and you can bet your bottom dollar that was the case on Saturday night.

“She told a reporter that they had to move the camera to catch her ‘good side,"” the source added.

Carey spoke about the significance of the night’s ceremony, which is great considering she was the only celebrity on the red carpet.

“Some awards are about statistics and things like that, and some are about like something a little more real. Do you know what I mean?” Carey said, according to Billboard Magazine.

“This feels like one of those moments, so I think it’s great.”

Once inside the venue, Carey was her usual gracious self.

“Thank you for the unconditional love,” she told the audience after accepting The Ally Award.

“Because it’s very unusual for me to experience that. I don’t have much of it.

“So, I thank you and wish all of you love, peace, harmony, and, as my 5-year-old son likes to say, ‘Boobies and butts!"”

Carey also shut down a rumor that she will perform at her own wedding to Australian billionaire James Packer.

“Why would you sing at your own wedding,” she asked, according to People.

“It’s obnoxious!”

So is having people clear a red carpet so you’re the only talent available for photos and interviews, but we’re not keeping track of such things!