Thursday, May 26, 2016

Lauren Conrad: New Reality Show Coming Soon??

Is Lauren Conrad returning to MTV?

The lifestyle guru may be suggesting just that.

She recently took to Instagram to share a photo of herself appearing to adjust a bridesmaid dress as a camera man filmed.

“Never thought I’d see the day….” she wrote in the caption.

Even more interesting… she tagged MTV, the network that brought us the reality shows that made her famous, The Hills and Laguna Beach.

Yet even more interesting than that… she deleted the tag later.

HMMM. What’s up with that, Lauren?

In 2011, Conrad filmed a show for MTV, but the network dumped it, saying it “didn’t feel like a perfect fit.”

A peeved Conrad issued a statement of her own, basically saying MTV screwed her:

“We sold a show to MTV, filmed it and are really proud of the final result.

“MTV felt the subject matter was too high brow for their audience and offered me the opportunity to change the show by incorporating more of my personal life.

“We agreed going in that this would be an aspirational show, focusing on my career and not my personal relationships.

“We delivered the show that we sold and are sorry MTV didn’t feel their viewers were savvy enough to appreciate it.”

To be fair, this is the network that brings us Teen Mom, which is about as lowbrow as it gets.

They are likely accurate in assuming their audience wouldn’t be interested in the business dealings of a successful, priveleged Gwynneth Paltrow-type (dare we call her a “basic bitch,” like Allure did?).

So what’s going on in this pic? Let’s speculate.

Maybe she’s got a new show on a different network and tagged MTV to shade them, then removed the tag when she realized slamming them might come back to hurt her?

Guess we’ll have to wait until May 31, when Conrad is said to be making a major announcement on Twitter.