Friday, May 13, 2016

Kylie Jenner on Tyga Split: I Love Really Hard...

Well… this is one way to deal with a break-up.

Shortly after word spread that Kylie Jenner and Tyga were over for real, the 18-year old reality star sought refuge in two places:

On Snapchat and in her mom"s home.

On Thursday night, Kylie recorded many videos of herself via social media, telling followers that Kris Jenner was away and therefore she was playing inside her Calabasas mansion.

"Do any of you OGs remember my old bedroom? I think I"m gonna be in here for a few days, I miss it," she said at one point in one video.

But the video we"ve shared below features an extended chat between Kylie and Khloe Kardashian, as the two caught up over Snapchat even though Khloe lives, like, two minutes from her mother"s house.

"In three words Kylie, who is Kylie Jenner?" Khloe asked at one point, which is totally the sort of thing you ask your sibling during a conversation, right?

Clearly making a reference to her break-up with Tyga, Jenner replied:

"The real Kylie Jenner is sensitive, weird and I love really hard."

She then asked Khloe: "Can you tell me who you think I am?"

"Kylie Jenner is so incredibly smart, deeply deeply loving and incredibly generous," Khloe replied, adding:

"I have a lot more words that you are Kylie, but I do want to say hysterical as well."

This is really sort of weird to watch, due to how fake and scripted it seems, but it"s also sort of sweet. We guess.

Kylie and Tyga have been in a roller coaster relationship for about two years now.

They had a brief split in November, when Jenner skipped Tyga"s birthday party, but had been pretty close for the past few months, up until this latest developments.

As for how Kylie would describe Khloe? As for what else was said between siblings?

Watch the following video now!

Kylie jenner mourns tyga split tells khloe i love really hard