Showing posts with label Austin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Austin. Show all posts

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar & Austin Forsyth: God Says Animal Abuse is Our Right!

The Duggar family holds all sorts of believes that fall well outside of mainstream Christianity — or the rest of society, for that matter. Beliefs like Josh Duggar’s actions being the devil’s fault or that men own women already put them at odds with much of the world.

So when Austin Forsyth and Joy-Anna Duggar got slammed for what critics said was an endorsement of animal-abuse, it’s not surprising that the couple disagreed.

But the couple is defending themselves by arguing that, actually, God says it’s totally okay!

So, have you ever seen a rodeo show? You may have at least glimpsed part of one.

There are a lot of cable channels out there, and some of them have events that you wouldn’t think existed outside of oldtimey movies and Westworld.

Rodeo shows, in which young cattle are released in a frenzy only to be pursued, knocked to the ground, and forcibly have all of their limbs tied together while they panic, are often criticized as animal cruelty.

Well, Austin and Joy-Anna Forsyth have seem one.

They didn’t just watch one on the Sin Screen or whatever the Duggars call television, but actually went to one. In person.

Which, again, sounds like something straight out of an old-timey movie.

The couple attended the Stockyards Championship Rodeo in Forth Worth, Texas. And they posted about it on social media.

And the backlash was immediate.

“The rodeo is pure animal abuse,” one commenter wrote. “So you’re anti-abortion but pro animal abuse?”

There are people who try to keep their views consistent across the board. If they oppose meat-eating because of inhumane treatment, then they can’t bring themselves to support the death penalty for the same reason.

Clearly, Austin and Joy-Anna do not fall under this umbrella.

“Not animal ‘abuse.’ And humans and animals are not equal.”

Ignoring, for the moment, their contention that roping a calf for entertainment isn’t abuse — we’d be interested to hear that argument — critics would point out two issues with their response.

One, they say “humans and animals.” What exactly do they think that humans are? Plants? Minerals?

Two, it appears that they’re saying that a zygote — a single-celled organism formed from a fertilized egg that could potentially grow into a human — is more important that a living, feeling animal that already exists.

They wouldn’t be alone in that, but … it’s a controversial stance for a number of reasons.

And the controversy continued.

Another commenter wrote:

“Humans are just intelligent apes.”

Uh-oh. We have a feeling that this argument isn’t going to work with the Forsyths.

The comment continued: “It’s incredibly arrogant of us to conclude a human life is more important than any other animal’s life just because we can verbalize our thoughts and emotions.”

Whether you agree in whole, in part, or not at all with that statement, it’s very well said.

The Forsyth’s didn’t see eye-to-eye with the commenter:

“God is no ape, and we are created in His image. Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them.”

Interestingly, a lot of anti-evolution arguments cite humanity being made from clay or ribs or otherwise willed into being rather than beginning with “God is no ape.”

But let’s not stray from the topic.

We wonder where Austin and Joy-Anna draw the line, with regard to what they do and do not consider abuse of a non-human animal.

Of course, we have to remember that, as a Duggar, Joy-Anna grew up in a household that is allegedly abusive. Fringe religious beliefs aside, she might have a very skewed idea simply of what’s acceptable for one human being to do to another.

That said … Joy-Anna and Austin Forsyth probably had sex before marriage, so maybe there’s hope for them to grow beyond Joy’s family’s expectations.


Thursday, October 26, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar & Austin Forsyth: Are They Living With Her Parents?!

It’s been five months since Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth got married, and the despite their youth, the couple has wasted no time in taking on all the responsibilities of adult life.

At 19, Joy-Anna is currently pregnant with her first child, and while she has yet to reveal any solid information about her due date, some fans believe she’ll be welcoming a little bundle of joy before the year is out.

(If you crunch the numbers on that prediction, you’ll see why the rumors about Joy-Anna’s “shotgun wedding” have gained so much traction on social media.)

The official explanation is that Joy-Anna got pregnant on her honeymoon and learned she was knocked up shortly after she returned home.

Speaking of “home,” fans have recently taken an interest in the question of where exactly Joy-Anna and Austin are laying their heads these days.

If you’re a fan of Counting On, then you may remember that Austin flips houses for a living and has eagerly spoken of his desire to find the perfect home for his new family.

(In one of the series’ most random scenes, Austin was advised by his father to hold off on proposing to Joy until he’d flipped his fifth home because … that’s what Jesus would’ve done? We’re still not quite clear on the reasoning.)

Forsyth eventually decided that the perfect home didn’t exist–and thus, it was up to him to build it.

Yes, depending on who you ask, Austin and Joy-Anna’s dream home is either under construction or soon to be under construction.

Whatever the case, it’s a long way from being completed.

So where are Austin and Joy-Anna residing in the meantime?

Well, the most popular theory amongst fans seems to be that they’re living with her parents and several of her siblings at the storied Duggar compound.

What’s the big deal? you may be asking. She’s freakin’ 19 years old! The average Millennial lives with his parents until he’d 47, and that’s an absolute fact I just made up!

Here’s the thing, short-tempered hypothetical reader–we absolutely agree with you.

We firmly belueve there’s nothing wrong with a 19-year-old living at home for a while.

But by all accounts, the Duggars don’t share that belief–at least not in cases where said 19-year-old has already been married off.

The Duggars are almost as big on self-reliance and refusal of handouts as they are on the Bible and procreation.

Yes, it’s extremely ironic, considering they’ve famously begged for money from fans on numerous occasions, but the Duggars pride themselves on long hours and rugged individualism.

Which is probably why Joy-Anna’s continued residence at casa de Duggar is being treated like the family’s biggest secret.

Well, maybe like its fourth or fifth biggest secret.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Sunday, October 15, 2017

"Jeopardy" Sensation Austin Rogers, Hollywood Calls After Winning Streak

Who is … the smartest bartender in the world.  Damn right … it’s Austin Rogers, the “Jeopardy” sensation who’s now got some serious thinking to do after his impressive 12-game winning streak came to an end Thursday … because he’s now…


"Jeopardy" Sensation Austin Rogers, Hollywood Calls After Winning Streak

Who is … the smartest bartender in the world.  Damn right … it’s Austin Rogers, the “Jeopardy” sensation who’s now got some serious thinking to do after his impressive 12-game winning streak came to an end Thursday … because he’s now…


daily-celebrities: Vanessa Hudgens & Austin Butler


Vanessa Hudgens & Austin Butler


Friday, October 6, 2017

Austin City Limits Festival, Killer Mike Says I"m Nervous About Performing, But I"m Gonna Power Through

The Austin City Limits Festival starts tonight, and there are some very nervous performers in the wake of Sunday night’s Vegas massacre. Killer Mike concedes he’s got the jitters about his headlining gig, being a husband and a father, but he’s…


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Counting On Recap: Joy-Anna and Austin Get So Wet

On Counting On Season 5 Episode 4, Joy-Anna and Austin embarked on camping trips as part of their bachelor and bachelorette weekends. 

Heavily chaperoned of course. No hanky panky here.

If you watch Counting On online, you knew this wasn’t gonna be “glamping” (groan) in the vein of the Real Housewives of Wherever.

This here was “legitimate camping” if you ever saw it.

Joy Duggar and her now-husband Austin Forsyth planned a joint bachelor and bachelorette party in the woods, and it was … an adventure.

With about 20 of their closest friends and siblings.

Prior to the weekend, Joy-Anna stressed that no one would be “cheating” on this camping trip. In other words, no modern amenities.

“Guys, please don’t cheat!” Joy said. “It’s not going to be fun if you cheat… No makeup, no electricity… We’re roughing it!”

No word if Austin pitched a tent in more ways than one over the weekend … if you know what we’re talking about people!

“I’m looking forward to today, it’s going to be a good day, God willing,” Austin said before embarking on a kayaking adventure.

“I’m just hoping we don’t flip… I’m a little concerned,” Jana Duggar said, and with good reason … but Joy and Austin flipped!

“It wasn’t too nerve-wracking,” Joy said of her fiance in a confessional. “He popped right back up. I know he’s a good swimmer.”

Later, the group stopped kayaking to enjoy a rope swing, which prompted Austin to reflect on “a special time we’ll remember forever.”

Naturally, the topic of sleeping arrangements came up, and apparently, there weren’t enough trees for the guys’ hammocks.

So they had to sleep next to the girls instead.

Just kidding. Anyone keep a straight face?

Ever-resourceful Austin tied a few hammocks to the group’s trucks to solve that issue before sitting around campfire for s’mores.

The future spouses’ wedding coordinator, Laura, played a game with them in which she tested how well they know each other.

Austin and Joy have been friends pretty much their whole lives, so they fared well, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t anxiety.

Joy confessed that she fears the “responsibilities” of being a wife and that change is “hard” … especially at the young age of 19.

After that telling remark, she snapped back to reality, issuing the company line that this is “going to be the most amazing time.”

Here’s hoping.


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar: I Wear the Pants in This Relationship, Not Austin Forsyth!

It looks like Joy-Anna and Austin Forsyth might be breaking from tradition in more ways than just violating the courtship rules.

The Duggar daughters are expected to submit to the will of their lord husbands or whatever, but Joy-Anna might be bucking this trend.

And nobody’s more surprised by this than Austin Forsyth.

When it comes to Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth, sometimes it’s a little difficult to tell what’s a problem for them and what’s just part of their weird little arrangement.

Like … did Joy-Anna’s pregnancy cause a shotgun wedding, or is her pregnancy just the result of two people who’ve never been allowed to orgasm before in their lives suddenly having free reign?

(While, of course, also possibly believing that they have a religious duty to produce a small army)

Or when Austin Forsyth and Joy-Anna get political again, are they trying to stir controversy or are they just making an endorsement as some part of family deal?

(Remember, these two are so far outside of normal society that they might not realize what’s controversial and what isn’t)

This time, though, the issue at hand seems to be between Joy-Anna and Austin himself.

We’ve seen some boring sneak peeks of Counting On before, but this one piqued our interest for one reason and one reason only:


So, this upcoming episode of the series offers a look at Joy-Anna’s bachelorette party and Austin’s bachelor party. They had the parties together as a joint venture.

Calling them a “bachelorette party” or “bachelor party” is kind of misleading. It’s more like when a couple of kindergarten students “date” but it literally just means that they wave goodbye to each other at the end of the day and that’s it.

In the same way, Joy-Anna and Austin are shown having a “party” that represents all that they, at that pre-marital part of their lives, understand to be fun.

Keep in mind that it’s totally viable to have fun without drinking or anything sexual.

But also keep in mind that these are people who don’t consume “the culture.” So talking about TV shows or podcasts or video games — or playing video games — is right out.

They go on a camping trip with lots of friends and family, and to their credit they spend their afternoon kayaking and rafting, which is genuinely fun.

What weirds us out — and where it becomes clear that Austin and Joy-Anna disagree about a fundamental part of their relationship — is when the couple plays “The Shoe Game.”

We’ve never heard of it outside of the context of the Duggars, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist elsewhere.

Austin and Joy-Anna sit back-to-back, which frankly sounds like something that they’d only be able to do after getting married, and play.

Basically, they get quizzed on each other and their relationship.

Holding flip-flops, they respond by raising their hands.

The question sounds like it would be an easy one for any of the Duggars.

“Who wears the pants in your relationship?”

Not only are the Duggar girls expected to submit to the will of their husbands after Jim Bob effectively transfers ownership of them when marrying them off, but Joy-Anna literally does not wear pants.

She wears dresses. That continues now that they’re married, as Austin Forsyth apparently prefers it.

Despite that, both Joy-Anna and Austin raised their right hands to the question — meaning that they were both announcing that they were the ones wearing the pants.

Now, maybe they had decided on the Duggar version of an “equal” partnership already … though we’ve seen no signs of that in their marriage.

So as much as people might like to see this as a progressive moment, it looks like they may have had a power struggle at that point during their relationship.

And it looks like Joy-Anna did not come out as the winner.

Still, it’s surprising to see any of the Duggar ladies asserting themselves, even if Joy-Anna may have been joking.

Is that a predictor of more conflicts to come between these two? Or, now that months have passed since this scene was filmed, is it all settled?


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar & Austin Forsyth: YES, We Broke the Courtship Rules!

If you watched last night’s episode of Counting On, you know those Duggars were up to their old tricks.

(Read that last part in a Waylon Jennings Dukes of Hazzard voice for maximum effect.)

There was courtin’, there were roadtrips, and there was even some very, very mild rebellion …

As you may have heard, Joy-Anna Duggar is currently pregnant with her first child.

The news created a bit of a stir amongst Duggar fans, as she had only been married to Austin Forsyth for three months at the time of the announcement.

Naturally, there was talk of a “shotgun wedding,” and many fans were convinced that Joy-Anna and Austin had engaged in premarital sex.

Obviously, that’s a pretty big deal in a family that literally has rules about the length of time that non-married couples are allowed to hold hands.

In the past, Joy and Austin confessed to breaking courtship rules, but they never specified exactly what they meant by that.

Finally, in a scene from last night’s episode, Austin broke down and confessed that prior to their marriage, he and Joy had stayed out all night … conversing.

“The only time that I can think of when I overstepped my bounds with my future father-in-law was probably staying up talking past curfew,” Forsyth admitted.

“Just letting time slip past you and being in a good conversation – it’s really easy to do,” he added.

“That and probably going over the three-second hug. That’s easy to do.”

Whoa. Pretty serious stuff right there.

Someone go to Web MD and let us know if four-second hugs can result in pregnancy.

We’d do it ourselves, but we’re feeling entirely too shook right now.

In all seriousness, it’s interesting that Austin felt the need to address this on the show.

Clearly, the Duggars are well aware of the rumors, and this is their way of clearing the air.

Of course, they probably think this will put the matter the rest, which leads us to believe they don’t spend much time on social media, where nothing is ever put to rest.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


daily-celebrities: Vanessa Hudgens & Austin Butler


Vanessa Hudgens & Austin Butler


daily-celebrities: Vanessa Hudgens & Austin Butler


Vanessa Hudgens & Austin Butler


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Austin Forsyth and Joy-Anna Duggar: Stirring Up Controversy by Promoting a Men"s Only Camping Retreat!

Austin Forsyth and Joy-Anna Duggar recently celebrated their one year anniversary. Not their wedding anniversary — they got married in May — but of when they became an item.

Even such a short ways into their relationship, it seems that Austin and Joy-Anna don’t mind spending some time apart. And the context for that is bound to be controversial.

You know how fans have been asking the extended Duggar family to try to keep a lid on their politics? Well … those fans should brace themselves for disappointment.

Austin Forsyth is 23 and Joy-Anna Duggar is 19.

These two are one of the younger Duggar pairs, but they’re clearly making up for lost time.

Following a lifelong friendship, their courtship began with Austin sending Joy-Anna flowers.

The couple got to graduate from side-hugs last May, when they finally got married.

And Joy-Anna is already pregnant.

They got married pretty quickly, even by Duggar standards. 

In fact, the size of Joy-Anna’s baby bump is fueling rumors that this wedding might have been rushed after some hypothetical rule-breaking led to a premarital pregnancy.

You know, making it one of those “shotgun weddings.”

Even if that’s true, we doubt that the Duggars would ever let it be publicly confirmed that Joy-Anna got pregnant out of wedlock, if that’s what really happened.

Jim Bob is, in his own twisted way, very concerned with the family’s public image.

Even with the questions lingering of whether or not they had some “secret front hugs” of the pregnancy-inducing kind before getting married …

(A thing scandalous only in the world of the Duggars, where Joy-Anna effectively remained Jim Bob’s property until getting married)

… These two have seemed to go out of their way to show that their politics are heavily on the conservative side.

That’s not a surprise, exactly, considering that they’re Duggars.

But even in a family where Joy-Anna’s brother-in-law, Derick Dillard, keeps condemning trans teenager Jazz Jennings, it seems like Austin and Joy-Anna are racing to prove that they’re the most staunchly conservative in the bunch.

(Maybe it’s sincere, maybe they’re trying to compensate for a premarital indiscretion … we just don’t know)

Fans have implored the couple to keep that to themselves. A lot of people who don’t agree with the Duggars watch to keep up with … well, with the Duggar girls, mostly.

But it seems like Austin and Joy-Anna just can’t help themselves.

On the couple’s shared Instagram account (don’t get us started on shared social media accounts between spouses; it’s weird), they posted a promotion for the conservative and controversial Fort Rock Family Camp.

“Fort Rock Family Camp hasits last Family Camp for the season coming up on October 6-8, 2017. Check out our website at @fortrockfamilycamp”

Just a few weeks after the end of their honeymoon, at a time when most newlyweds are still in, well, the honeymoon phase and cannot bear to be apart …

(This is usually even more the case for couples who have abstained from sex before marriage)

… Austin attended an all-male retreat at Fort Rock Family Camp.

Along with Jim Bob Duggar and Austin’s new brothers-in-law, Austin seemed to embrace a lot of culturally conservative traditionally masculine activities.

Disturbingly, the motif of the retreat was “Battle Ready.” The all-male guests threw hatchets and fired rifles and shotguns.

Sort of strange for a retreat that’s supposed to encourage men to become spiritual leaders to feature so many weapons and to focus so much upon violence — even if no one was getting hurt.

And then there’s the weird gender segregation involved.

Fans noted in the comments that women might have enjoyed some of those activities, too.

“Bet the girls would love [things] like that too,” one fan commented. “Hope they boys had a precious bonding together.”

Though Austin and Joy-Anna are featured on the Fort Rock Family Camp website, it’s always possible that this isn’t exactly Austin’s idea of a good time.

After all, Austin has only just married into the Duggar family. Maybe he’s just going the extra mile to bond with his in-laws.

Still, a lot of fans of Counting On continue to find the Duggar family gender roles to be unsettling.

Many enjoy seeing the girls break free of those restrictions as they get married.


Sunday, September 10, 2017

Vanessa Hudgens & Austin Butler

Vanessa Hudgens & Austin Butler


Vanessa Hudgens & Austin Butler

Vanessa Hudgens & Austin Butler


Friday, September 8, 2017

Brian Austin Green: Who Cares If My Son Wears a Dress?!

Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green sure do make some adorable babies, huh?

We know that because so far they"ve created three beautiful boys: four-year-old Noah, three-year-old Bodhi, and one-year-old Journey.

Megan and Brian haven"t shared too many photos of their children over the years, but thanks to paparazzi photos and a handful of social media posts, we"ve had a few good glimpses of these kids.

And, just over a month ago, one of those rare glimpses brought on a whole, whole lot of hate.

See, Megan shared a few photos of her sons, and in one of them, darling little Noah was wearing a dress.

A Frozen dress, to be specific — an adorable Elsa costume.

It was a pretty cute picture, but judging by some of the comments people left, letting a four-year-old wear a dress is basically child abuse.

Some people told her that it was "so sad" that she"s "confusing" Noah like this, while others said it was "disgusting" to let him wear a dress.

One particularly unhinged person even wrote "Putting your son in a dress conforming to the gay trans illuminati agenda. Burn in hell witch! You"re sickening!"

Seems like too many feelings about something that is just not a big deal, right?

And in a new interview, Brian is telling it exactly how it is.

"So yeah," he begins, "my son, you know, he"s four, and I"ve heard from some people that they don"t agree with him wearing dresses."

"To them, I say "I don"t care.""

"He"s four, he continues, "and if he wants to wear it, then he wears it. And it"s dresses, or goggles, or slippers, whatever."

"It"s his life, they"re not my clothes."

Solid points — but he"s not done yet.

"I feel like at four or five," he says (Noah turns five later this month!), "that"s a time when you should be having fun."

"He"s not harming anyone wearing a dress, so if he wants to wear a dress, awesome. Good on him."

Did anyone else just develop a whole, whole lot of appreciation for Brian Austin Green all of a sudden?

Watch his full, amazing interview in the video below:

Brian austin green who cares if my son wears a dress