Showing posts with label Blame. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blame. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Usher Separates from Grace Miguel; Were Herpes to Blame?!?

Usher is headed for divorce number-two.

In a joint statement the singer made with wife Grace Miguel, the couple has announced that it is separating after two years of marriage (and a decade together overall).

This is what the aforementioned statement says:

After much thought and consideration we have mutually decided to separate as a couple.

We remain deeply connected, loving friends who will continue supporting each other through the next phases of our lives.

The enormous amount of love and respect that we have for each other will only increase as we move forward.

The artist last posted a photo of himself and Miguel on Instagram way back in October, while Miguel did include a snapshot of Usher on her account as a way to ring in 2018.

The pair never spoke much in public about their romance.

They were business partner and lovers and Usher was simply spotted a wedding ring in September of 2015.

It took an insider speaking to E! News to confirm that a wedding had indeed taking place around this time, with the outlet simply reporting the ceremony was “sweet and romantic.”

“He can’t wait to spend the rest of his life with her,” this same source said about two and a half years ago.

So…what changed since then?

No definitive reason was given as a basis for this break-up, but we’d have to imagine that multiple reports of Usher giving ex-lovers Herpes couldn’t have helped the situation.

Last July, a former fling came out and accused the six-packed singer of giving her this STD…and then paying her hush money to not tell anyone about it.

A few days later, another woman came out with the same gross accusation.

Allegations of Usher cheating on Miguel were associated with these charges, specifically by a woman named Lauren Helm who claims she slept with Usher last April.

He was a married man at that time, of course.

This is the second high profile, messy divorce for the performer.

He split from Tameka Foster in 2009 and won primary custody of the former couple’s kids years later.

In between, there were other allegations of infidelity and even some of abuse against Usher.

In response, he said Foster had a mental disorder and the dispute turned very ugly very quickly.

Considering the Herpes chatter that continues to make its way around the Internet, might Usher separation from Miguel follow a similar path.

Stay tuned. Find out!


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Blac Chyna Not to Blame for Poor Sex Tape Performance, Claims Expert

Blac Chyna’s not the only one who blew it with her sex tape performance — her ex-BF’s lazy attitude is just as much to blame … according to the sex expert, the “Head Doctor.” Chyna’s been slammed online since the video with Mechie leaked, with…


Blac Chyna Not to Blame for Poor Sex Tape Performance, Claims Expert

Blac Chyna’s not the only one who blew it with her sex tape performance — her ex-BF’s lazy attitude is just as much to blame … according to the sex expert, the “Head Doctor.” Chyna’s been slammed online since the video with Mechie leaked, with…


Monday, January 22, 2018

Oakland Raiders: Don"t Blame Us for Sean Smith"s Alleged Attack

The Oakland Raiders are firing back at the man who sued the NFL team over an alleged attack at the hands of star cornerback Sean Smith … claiming the team has NOTHING to do with the incident.  The accuser is Christopher Woods — who claims…


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Post Malone Says He Doesn"t Blame LeBron For Getting Ejected

Post Malone says LeBron James’ first career ejection ain’t a big deal … matter of fact, he thinks it was a HUGE energy boost for his Cavs teammates!! White Iverson was leaving Mastro’s in Beverly Hills when we asked about LBJ’s emotional blowup…


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Christian Ponder: I Used To Blame God When I Sucked In NFL

Former NFL QB Christian Ponder says he had a pretty powerful excuse for some of his bad NFL Sundays, ‘cause when he had a tough day at the office, he’d blame God. Ponder and his wife, sports reporter Sam Ponder, sat down at Liberty University…


Friday, September 8, 2017

Jennifer Lawrence: Donald Trump is to Blame for These Hurricanes!

It sure has been a wild and crazy year, huh?

Donald Trump somehow became president of the whole entire country, and things have promptly gone all to hell.

He’s made some truly horrific moves so far in his presidency, so many that we don’t really have time (or the heart) to name them all right now.

But, according to some statements Jennifer Lawrence made in a new interview, he may be responsible for more than just his terrible choices.

In the interview, which Jen did to promote her new movie, Mother!, she was asked about the parallels between the madness in the film and the madness in the U.S. at the moment.

“It’s scary,” she admitted. “It’s this new language that’s forming. I don’t even recognize it.”

“It’s also scary to know that it’s been proven through science that climate change is due to human activity, and we continue to ignore it, and the only voice we really have is through voting.”

“And we voted,” she added. “And it was really startling.”

She definitely makes sense here — it is a scary, scary time.

It is strange, though, that she brought up the issue of climate change seemingly out of nowhere — though in her next statement, it’s clear that it’s been weighing heavily on her mind.

“You’re watching these hurricanes now,” she said, “and it’s really hard, especially while promoting this movie, not to feel Mother Nature’s rage and wrath.”

She’s referring, of course, to the absolute devastating effects that Hurricanes Harvey and Irma brought and will continue to bring.

When the interviewer tried to bring things back to a more general place, Jennifer said “I’ve heard things and seen things on TV in my own country that devastate me and make me sick, and it’s just really confusing.”

Not that it’s Trump who’s confusing her.

“I don’t find him confusing,” she insisted. “I think I know exactly what he is.”

What she’s saying here makes sense, and it’s clear that she really, really upset at the state of the country these days.

But that part where she seems to refer to the hurricanes as “Mother Nature’s rage and wrath” at Trump … it’s got a lot of people quite upset.

Over on Twitter, people are bashing Jennifer hard, insisting on a boycott of her movies and accusing her of being basically the most offensive human alive.

“Jennifer Lawrence thinks hurricanes are America’s rightful punishment for voting Trump,” one person wrote. “Skip her movies from now on.”

“What a dumbass!” another Twitter user complained. “Typical Hollywood snowflake. Should stick to memorizing lines and not using brain.”

One particularly outraged person said “Jennifer Lawrence is a FOOL! People are about 2 lose everything & this BIMBO says sh-t like this?”

Another person really did state that her comment was the “stupidest, most offensive thing ever said.”

Was it a good thing to say, that these terrible hurricanes are Trump’s fault?

No, probably not.

Especially not when Irma is still making her way to the U.S. after causing so much destruction in the Caribbean.

But is it understandable why she’d be upset enough to make this sort of remark in the heat of the moment?

Unfortunately, yes.

What do you think about J-Law’s remarks?


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Lil Wayne: Is Sizzurp to Blame For His Latest Round of Seizures?

Lil Wayne was hospitalized in Chicago on Sunday night after suffering multiple seizures.

Unfortunately, it’s not the first such incident for the music rapper.

Back in 2013, it was widely reported that Wayne was near death after suffering a round of grand mal seizures.

He pulled through, but those closest to the rapper were reportedly concerned that his lifestyle would lead to further medical issues.

If you follow him on social media, you know that Wayne isn’t shy about his recreational drug use.

But there’s one substance in particular that’s prompted fears of a self-destructive downward spiral from which the 34 year old rapper might never recover.

Wayne is a fan of sizzurp, or “lean” as it’s sometimes known, a potent concoction made with codeine-based cough syrup that’s popular on the southern hip hop scene.

He reportedly took some time off from the drug after his 2013 scare, but these days it seems Wayne is once again guzzling sizzurp with glee.

And it many feel it’s a habit that’s endagering the rapper’s life.

TMZ is reporting that Wayne is making no effort to hide his sizzurp consumption, frequently appearing on stage with a “double cup” in hand in recent weeks.

(The mixture is often sipped from one styrofoam cup placed inside of another, in order to prevent it from bleeding through.)

It’s been widely rumored that Wayne overdosed on sizzurp Sunday night, but his team maintains the seizures are a result of epilepsy.

Unfortunately, other than their denials that drugs were involved, Wayne’s people have kept mum about his condition, leading some fans to conclude that the situation is more serious than they’re letting on.

Whatever the case, it may be quite some time before we learn the details of Wayne’s latest hospitalization.

TMZ reports that sizzurp consumption has been known to trigger seizures, particularly in those who suffer from epilepsy.

The site claims that photos dating back to February show Wayne has sipped lean at more concerts than not in 2017.

It’s unlikely that either the rapper or his team will ever cop to his codeine consumption triggering serizures, but continued sizzurp consumption is clearly not a good idea.

Our thoughts are with Lil Wayne and his family during this difficult time.

And our hopes are that the Young Money mogul will receive the treatment and care that he needs  – whatever that might consist of.


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Ryan Edwards" Tinder Girl to Mackenzie Standifer: Blame Your Husband (P.S. He"s Old & Not Cute)!

Ryan Edwards’ Tinder match and his wife Mackenzie are getting into it following the alleged sexy pics and images he was busted sending.

It’s getting uglier by the minute, from the looks of it.

If you missed it, the troubled Teen Mom OG cast member was caught using Tinder and sending lewd pics and texts to at least one girl.

Edwards married Mackenzie Standifer just a few months ago, as seen (awkwardly, and painfully) on the season finale of the MTV hit.

After a show of Instagram solidarity – flaunting her rings, and changing her name to Edwards – Mackenzie came at the Tinder girl hard.

“I want you to stop,” Standifer told the other woman, adding that she’s ready to “deal with this the hard way” if she doesn’t comply.

It’s not clear what Mackenzie means, but it’s safe to assume thanks to Radar’s newly-revealed text messages that the woman is unmoved.

“I’m not sure why you’re mad at me when it’s your husband’s fault,” she texted, to which Mackenzie replied, “You’re just as much at fault.”

The Tinder girl then played the classic mistress card, implying that Mackenzie must have somehow “made” Ryan join the dating app.

Why would he do so if he were happy with Standifer, right?

Mackenzie was having none of that victim blaming, firing back that it’s “your fault you continue to message a man you know is married.”

The girl then replied that it’s not like they banged … or she wanted to: “I’m 19, why the f–k would I want to sleep with a 29-year-old?”

Standifer herself is only 20, so that one had to hurt.

“Same reason every other slut does,” she said.

Ouch. But “If I want sex I’d choose someone a little closer to my age and someone who’s actually cute,” the Tinder match said in response.

While decidedly unapologetic, the unnamed young woman did note that she means no harm: “Don’t know why you’re trying to blame me.”

“You deserve better than Ryan.” 

Not inclined to grab onto that olive branch apparently, Standifer ended this with “What’s it gonna cost for you to shut your down mouth?” 

To be clear, Edwards went way beyond the plausible (albeit still shady) use of Tinder for mindless swiping and texting out of boredom.

He sent her a shot of his penis, encouraging her to “send me a sexy one,” in return. Lest she wonder what he meant by that, he added:

“Let me see how pink it is.”

“Me me hard. Come on.”

He then asked for a video of “u playing with your self,” and when she refuses, he says “Come over I told you I’ll let u sit on my face.”

“So I can get u good and wet.”

Kind of horrifying … and worse yet, when she refused to meet him in person, he tried another day, when Mackenzie is “out of town.”

Pretty much as blatant an attempt to get some on the side using Tinder as you can get – and Mackenzie isn’t the only one who’s worried.

Ryan’s ex-girlfriend, Teen Mom: OG star Maci Bookout, has been following this drama, and she’s as concerned about it as she is unsurprised.

Considering that this comes on the heels of Ryan’s recent battles with addiction, Maci understandably worries about his current state.

Maci wasn’t surprised at all about the allegations that Ryan was sexting some chick on Tinder,” a source close to Bookout said.

“She can’t help thinking, a leopard never changes its spots. Once a cheater always a cheater. What really worries her though is his sobriety.”

“Maci has had reservations about Ryan being able to stay sober … this [scandal] just reinforces her belief that he’s not to be trusted.”

As for potential backlash from Edwards and Standifer?

“Maci couldn’t care less about Mackenzie and her feelings,” the source said. “She’s is super worried about Ryan being around their son.”

Given that tensions between them are already high, something tells us this is all going to get a lot worse before it gets better …


Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Amy Roloff Loves Her Some "Grandma Time." And We Don"t Blame Her!

Jackson Roloff may already be three months old, but he’s still young enough to cuddle with Grandma.

And snuggle with Grandma and play with toys with Grandma and just be generally cute and precious and awesome and adorable with Grandma.

The latest Little People, Big World cast member stars in a new photo alongside Amy Roloff on Instagram, one shared by the reality show matriarch and one we simply can’t get enough of.

Because it’s so darn delightful!

“Just having a little baby Jackson time w/ Grandma Amy,” wrote Roloff as a caption, adding:

“I just can’t get enough of this little guy. Gave Tori a chance to catch up on some chores around the house. Love my grandma time w/ him.”

The TLC mainstay concluded her post with the hashtags “#secondact #grandmaroloff.”

Amy has clearly been enjoying her stint as a grandmother, which bodes well because she’s about to do it all over again:

Audrey Roloff and Jeremy Roloff are expecting their first child any week now. The former is due to give birth to a girl on August 31.

Jacksons first trip to the zoo!!! thanks for tagging along grandma roloff! #babyjroloff, wrote Tori to this photograph of her and her son.

Amy and Matt Roloff, meanwhile, may be divorced after nearly 30 years of marriage, but they remain on good terms and their relationship has only been helped by the arrivalof Jackson.

Both grandparents simply can’t get enough of the little guy.

Earlier this month, Matt shared his own sweet snapshot of himself and Jackson on Instagram, writing as a very nice caption to the image:

“I’m the luckiest grandpa ever.. I get to see Jackson almost every single day.. often several times each day.”

Matt followed up by showing gratitude to his son and daughter-in-law for letting their child spend so much time with his extended family members.

“Thank you, Zach and Tori, for coming to the farm so often,” he added.

Earlier this month, Amy and Matt came together to attend daughter Molly Roloff’s wedding to Joel Silvius.

In photos from the special day, baby Jackson is seen wearing a button-down and bow tie, sending a message to women around the state in several years:

Look out for this one! He’s gonna break some hearts!

Click through wedding pictures from the reception and ceremony now:


Thursday, August 10, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Is She to Blame for Lip Injections Everywhere?!

When you think about Kylie Jenner, there are probably a few things that stick out in your mind.

Coincidentally, those are the things that stick out in real life, too: her boobs, her ass, and her lips.

Like, sure, Kylie has more going on than just her ridiculous body.

She’s probably got thoughts in her head and feelings in her heart and all that good stuff.

But, for better or for worse, those certain assets always tend to get the bulk of the attention when it comes to this girl.

And according to her plastic surgeon, Dr. Simon Ourian, her lips in particular have not only gotten an insane amount of attention — they’ve also inspired an insane amount of copycats.

“When she first talked about her minimal cosmetic procedures I saw a new trend of younger women who suddenly felt empowered to unapologetically want to look more beautiful,” he explains in a new interview.

“It’s like Kylie single-handedly gave a whole generation the ticket to a more enhanced version of themselves.”

Dr. Ourian adds that he’d “treated hundreds of celebrities before but very few of them were bold enough to share their secrets with such transparency.”

But Kylie’s influence “was much that what was once a taboo has now become a bragging right. People want to brag about having their lips done.”

Lip injections are so popular now that “My social media patients put up a selfie with me so that they can say they came to our office.”

He’s not wrong — Dr. Ourian is the go-to guy for all the Kardashians, Kim Zolciak and Brielle Biermann, and countless other reality stars and models.

But he’s also leaving out the darker side of Kylie and her lip injections.

For instance, remember when she first got them? She was still in high school.

She said that she got them in the first place not to empower herself, but because other kids were making fun of her.

And while some young women may be getting lip injections to emulate her, others who aren’t able to afford the procedure or who are too young to have it done have resorted to less savory means.

Don’t act like you’re going to forget that Kylie Jenner lip challenge and its disastrous results anytime soon.

Of course it isn’t Kylie’s fault that a bunch of young people hurt themselves trying to get plumper lips, and if the injections do make her feel better, than good for her.

But we can probably all agree that at this point, her lips have gotten a little out of control.

At the very least, her journey to having the biggest lips in Calabasas isn’t the magical fairy-tale journey Dr. Ourian here is making it out to be.


Friday, July 7, 2017

Kim Kardashian: Is She to Blame for the Feud Between Kanye West and Jay Z?!

Say what you will about Kanye West, but there’s no denying that he’s had a rough time lately.

Between his mental breakdown, the possible addition of one (or two) new babies to his family, and his very public falling out with Jay Z

The guy’s got a lot on his shoulders, that’s for sure.

But for now, let’s focus on that mess with Jay Z.

Kanye and Jay have been close for years and years, both personally and professionally.

Unfortunately, something happened between them in the past few years, and they grew distant — so distant that, according to Kanye, Jay never even checked in on his family after Kim Kardashian was robbed at gunpoint.

He revealed all of this information in one of his infamous rants last October.

As he explained it, he had an issue with Jay Z because he stopped their collaboration with Drake out of respect for Meek Mill — Drake and Meek don’t exactly get along.

To Kanye, Jay’s move was simply some “Tidal/Apple bullsh-t,” and “that sh-t got me tight, yo!”

“I can’t take this sh-t, bro,” he screamed at one point. And it was obviously true.

A month later, Kanye even dared to go after Beyonce, explaining in another public rant that he was hurt that she was “playing the politics too much and forgetting who we are just to win.”

“Jay Z, I know you got killers, please don’t send them at my head,” he added, apparently aware that slamming Beyonce was a bad idea

As we know, Jay Z didn’t send killers after Kanye — instead, he waited several months before addressing the matter in one brutal verse on his new album.

“I know people backstab you, I feel bad too,” he rapped in one song. “But this ‘f-ck everybody’ attitude ain’t natural.”

“But you ain’t the same, this ain’t KumbaYe, but you got hurt because you did cool by ‘Ye.”

He rapped about giving Kanye “20 million without blinkin’,” and in turn Kanye gave him “20 minutes on stage, f-ck was he thinkin’?”

“If everybody’s crazy,” Jay concluded, “you’re the one that’s insane.”

It’s all pretty sad, right? Especially since the two men were once so close.

And now, thanks to a new report from Page Six, it seems like we might finally know exactly what caused their issues.

Her name is Kim.

According to a source, Kanye’s original rant about Jay Z “was really about Kim and Beyonce not being BFFs.”

“Kanye is frustrated that his wife does not have a better relationship with Beyonce. He wanted to put that pressure on Jay.”

“It’s like, ‘We’re cool and we do business together, and now our wives should be friends?"” the source explained.

Sure, it would be nice if Kim and Beyonce could get as close as their husbands once were, but “It’s not organic. It’s not real.”

Because “Beyonce is a Southern, God-fearing woman, despite what you may see when she’s entertaining. She may not have much in common with Kim.”

So the whole feud began because Beyonce doesn’t want to be friends with Kim?

Sounds legit.

Thankfully, the source added that Jay and ‘Ye have a “familial” relationship, and he would be “very surprised if they didn’t work together or have some kind of relationship in the future.”

After all this, we could still get a happy ending?

Dare to dream.


Saturday, July 1, 2017

Farrah Abraham: Rape and Abuse to Blame for Bad Behavior?!

It’s not that easy to like Farrah Abraham.

She has a whole, whole lot of flaws, and if you know anything about her, you know what we’re talking about.

She’s so rude all the time, she screams and shouts for no reason, it seems like she lacks any communication skills whatsoever … the list goes on and on.

But according to some interesting tweets from her father, Michael Abraham, there’s an explanation for all of that.

And it’s a pretty dark one.

It all started yesterday, when people began sending messages to Michael about Farrah.

In response to one of the messages, he referred to her as his “daugther,” an easy enough typo to make.

Someone replied, saying that “Well, we can see where she gets her illiterate word salad from, can’t we?!”

Which doesn’t make sense — Farrah doesn’t typically make typos so much as she strings together words and phrases that loosely mean something sometimes.

Michael said that “Mine comes from being a disabled VET for hearing loss… Farrah’s is from her trauma — shame on you for your judgement.”

“What trauma?” another person asked. “You guys mention it but never say what trauma. What happened to Farrah?”

It’s a fair question — for years now, Farrah and her family have referred to trauma she’s endured.

We heard about it during her time on Couples Therapy, she’s mentioned it on Teen Mom reunion specials, but she’s never given any details.

Even during the Abrahams’ recent stay in Marriage Boot Camp, we learned that Farrah’s mother, Debra Danielsen, was abusive, but there still seems to be so much more to the story.

To answer the question, Michael wrote that “It was many things…fighting between her mom & father, Debra & her physical actions toward Farrah & her sister. Farrah was raped a few years ago.”

Someone told him “When she did PORN, THAT’S NOT RAPE,” and that didn’t sit well.

“Get your head out of your ass…” Michael replied. “It happened (yes Farrah was raped) after that video… facts not your hate.”

He doesn’t give any details about the alleged rape, of course, but he could be referring to Farrah’s claims that she was raped by her sex tape co-star, James Deen.

In 2015, adult film star Stoya accused James Deen of sexually assaulting her, and several other women came forward as well.

At the time, Farrah tweeted “I’m not going to say ‘I TOLD YOU SO’ but I’m to busy for Rapists #weakAreStrong #speakout #slutwalk.”

She’s also said said that after the release of her sex tape, she was “drugged and rape more than once.”

Even though it sounds like she’s faced some truly horrific ordeals, people were still intent to hate on Farrah after Michael’s tweets.

“Many ppl have trauma…” one person pointed out to him. “Still gives no one the right to treat ppl like dirt. She needs to control that sh-t.”

But Michael hit back with “Some people can not and Farrah is working with professionals to overcome it.”

What a mess.

Hopefully, if Farrah really is dealing with all of this trauma, she’s getting the help she needs to move forward.


Thursday, June 8, 2017

2 Chainz Party Shut Down, Promoters and City Officials Blame Each Other

2 Chainz is pointing the finger at the fire marshal for shutting down his new album listening party, and the event promoters are blaming cops … but NYC officials are calling BS. NYC Dept. of Buildings officials tell TMZ … their reps were at…


Thursday, May 25, 2017

Don Lemon Loses It When Guest Refuses to Blame Donald Trump for Greg Gianforte Attack (VIDEO)

Don Lemon firmly believes President Trump is the reason Greg Gianforte body slammed a reporter — and he flipped out on the air when someone dared to disagree with him. Lemon had a panel on his show Wednesday night, and immediately stated HIS take…


Sunday, May 21, 2017

Ariel Winter Slammed for Racy New Photo: Is Photoshop to Blame?!

Ariel Winter is a beautiful person. Really, just absolutely gorgeous.

She’s hotter than lava, friends, that’s the point we’re getting at here.

One of the nice things about Ariel is that she seems to be an “if you got it, flaunt it” type of lady — she has a killer body, and she’s not afraid to show it off.

We’ve seen in her more bikinis than we can count, and we’ve appreciated each and every one.

But for some reason, when Ariel shared her latest racy photo, she got a whole lot of hate for it.

Once you get over the beauty, see if you see any issue with what’s going on in this new pic:

It’s her leg! She’s got a wonky leg. Her left leg — the one on the right in the photo, if you get confused — is oddly blurry on the outside.

You can see it best on her calf and up towards her knee. It looks a little funny, right?

And Ariel’s followers were quick to point out the issue.

“Photoshopped thighs,” one person pointed out. “Come on now.”

Another person said Ariel was “doing a Beyonce with the photoshop fail,” because “no thighs are that wonky.”

Yet another perplexed follower wrote “But don’t remember you being so skinny, was this photo shopped? Either way, the real you is what I find amazingly pretty.”

And to that comment, Ariel herself responded with “This is the real me. I don’t photoshop my photos. People look different at different angles.”

Which is true, obviously, but it still doesn’t totally explain those weird blurry lines on her leg, does it?

Those lines weren’t all this girl got hate for, either — she also received comments about her clothes and her weight.

“Do you ever wear clothes that are your size and not the size of a 5 year old? I’m just saying,” one bitter soul wrote.

“What happened to your thickness??” another asked. “Don’t like skinny.”

“You might as well just walk around in a bra & thong or bikini at this point cause nobody is paying attention to your acting when you do this… it’s kind of sad almost, like don’t you get enough attention?”

“It’s a lucky angle. In all paparazzi pics of her out and about she always looks short, wide and stumpy with no neck.”


Ariel Winter is a gift to this world, OK? A gift.

Maybe she tweaks some of her photos a little, maybe she doesn’t. Maybe she’s lost a little weight, maybe she’s got a less conservative fashion sense than most.

But she is still a person. A super, super hot person.

And she deserves more respect than this.


Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Jimmel Kimmel Talks Oscars Gaffe: Who Does He Blame?

On Sunday night, Jimmel Kimmel was at the center of the greatest mistake in Academy Awards history.

As most of the free world knows by now, Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway were on stage toward the very end of this ceremony, prepared to announce the winner of Best Picture.

Only Beatty hesitated, confused by the contents of the envelope, which he then showed to Dunaway.

The veteran actress went ahead and told the crowd that La La Land had earned this honor, prompting that film’s cast and crew to take to the stage.

By just as one of the producers started to give an acceptance speech, someone with a headset started whispering in the ears of those around him on stage.

It turns out… a mistake was made! Moonlight actually won Best Picture!

Beatty and Dunaway were somehow given a duplicate envelope that contained the winner of Best Actress (Emma Stone from La La Land), NOT Best Picture.

A bit of chaos ensured before one of the La La Land producers very calmly and gracefully confirmed to the audience what had transpired.

As host, Kimmel tried to lighten the mood, cracking that he blames Steve Harvey for the miscue.

It was pretty incredible to witness. You really should relive the moment below:

Fast forward about 24 hours and Kimmel opened his late-night talk show on Monday by, of course, addressing this unexpected Oscars development.

“As I’m sure you’ve at least heard, La La Land was simultaneously somehow the biggest winner and loser last night,” he cracked, going on to joke that “It was the weirdest TV finale since Lost.”

Kimmel also gave hilarious credit to Beatty for basically passing the confusing buck (that is, envelope) to his fellow presenter.

“See what Warren did there?” said Kimmel of the moment when Beatty hesitated prior to handing the envelope to Dunaway.

“He was confused, so he let her read the winner. In other words, Clyde threw Bonnie under the bus. I have to be honest … it’s one of the slickest moves I’ve ever seen.”

Where was Kimmel when this was taking place?

Sitting next to close friend/fake enemy Matt Damon, prepared to deliver his final scripted joke.

“So the La La Land producers get up on stage, and a few of them – Jordan Horowitz, Marc Platt and Fred Burger – gave speeches,” Kimmel explained.

“So now I am sitting in the audience watching the speeches. The plan is for me to end the show from the audience, next to Matt Damon, who – make no mistake – whatever confusion there was about who won? Matt Damon lost. He was a loser. He is a loser.

“But we’re sitting there, and we notice some commotion going on, and Matt says, ‘I think I heard the stage manager say they got the winner wrong,’ which is unusual, but you figure, well, the host will go onstage and clear this up.

“And then I remember, ‘oh I’m the host."”

Some viewers actually this entire thing was one of Kimmel’s his infamous pranks.

But he assured his folks that the mix-up was not any kind of hoax.

“As I walked off stage, people started to speculate that maybe I was pulling a prank,” he said last ight.

“Which, trust me, if I had pulled a prank in that situation, I wouldn’t have just had the wrong winner’s name in the envelope when they opened it. There would have been a Bed Bath & Beyond coupon inside. It was not a prank.

“And by the way, the producers of La La Land were very gracious, on stage and off. They handled it very well. It was a very amicable custody arrangement. They didn’t even ask for visitation or anything.”

Accounting firm PricewaterhouseCooper has taken responsibly for the wild gaffe and issued an apology.

In a statement released on their Twitter page, the company said:

“PwC takes full responsibility for the series of mistakes and breaches of established protocols during last night’s Oscars. PwC Partner Brian Cullinan mistakenly handed the back-up envelope for Actress in a Leading Role instead of the envelope for Best Picture to presenters Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway.”

Why is there a back-up envelope? Who the heck knows?!?

“We wish to extend our deepest gratitude to each of them for the graciousness they displayed during such a difficult moment,” PricewaterhouseCooper concluded.

“For the past 83 years, the Academy has entrusted PwC with the integrity of the awards process during the ceremony, and last night we failed the Academy.”

It remains unclear whether the Academy will bring PricewaterhouseCooper back in this capacity next year.


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Chelsea Handler on Donald Trump as President: Blame the Kardashians!

Donald Trump is not exactly the most popular figure in Hollywood.

But few celebrities have been as openly disdainful and distrusting of the President-Elect as Chelsea Handler.

The comedian cried on air after Trump defeated Hillary Clinton on November 8.

She then seriously considered moving to Spain, prior to staying put and deciding to use her talk show as a platform to talk about politics and the state of this country.

Handler also plans to lead the Women’s March at the Sundance Film Festival on January 21.

Just days away from Trump being inaugurated as President, Handler spoke to Variety from her home in New York City, responding to a question about the real estate mogul’s victory with a surprising answer.

Does she blame a poorly-run Clinton campaign for the stunning Trump win?

Frustrated white workers in states such as Florida and Michigan?

Trump’s message on jobs?

Nope, nope and nope. 

Handler blames Kim Kardashian. And Khloe Kardashian. And Kourtney Kardashian. And probably Kylie Jenner, too.

After blaming the media for treating Trump like an “entertainer” instead of a politician, Handler explained her viewpoint thusly:

“We’ve turned into a reality show. I blame the Kardashians, personally; the beginning of the end was the Kardashians. The way these people have blown up and don’t go away – it’s surreal.”

There’s certainly something to be said for the Kardashians representing a new age of social media and celebrity, one in which one can basically “do” nothing and still be rich and famous.

But Trump did a lot during his campaign for the Presidency.

He didn’t just pose for racy Instagram photos… thank goodness.

“Everyone is for sale. We’re looking at a man that gets mad at Vanity Fair for reviewing his restaurant poorly,” Handler expounded to Vanity Fair, adding:

“By the way, have you ever been to that restaurant? It’s the biggest piece of garbage you’ve ever walked into. That place looks like a Southwest airport lounge. It’s the worst.”

In all seriousness, though, Handler is concerned about the future of our country.

“The idea that so many people were so wrong about the outcome is so screwed up,” Chelsea says.

“The fact that Russia is interfering with our election is beyond repair. How do we ever recover from that? What’s to prevent them from doing it for the rest of our lives?”

Elsewhere in the interview, Handler refers to Trump as a “sociopath,” says Kanye West “needs to get on his meds” and says of her role as a celebrity:

“[It’s] to reach across and figure out the people who are so disenchanted that they voted for him, and try to find some common ground.”

Sounds like a tall order.

And it may say something about the state of… well… everything that we’re partially turning to Chelsea Handler to help fill it.

Keep fighting the good fight, though, Chelsea. We’re on your side.


Monday, January 16, 2017

Abby Lee Miller on Possible Jail Time: Dance Moms Fame Is To Blame!

Abby Lee Miller is not going down without a fight. 

The 50-year-old star of Dance Moms star has allegedly been trying to find a way out of spending any time in jail for fraud charges. 

With the day of Abby’s sentencing drawing ever so near, Radar has lifted the lid on some “exclusive documents” that imply that Miller is was not to blame for the charges. 

In fact, they state that the Abby’s fame from starring in the Lifetime hit played a huge part in the charges. 

Apparently, Abby is holding out hope for a “non-custodial sentence” that would allow her to dodge jail in exchange for probation, community service and/ or a fine. 

The documents seem to paint Abby in a very different light from what we’ve watched on the show. 

“In 1980, at just 14 years old, Ms. Miller founded the Abby Lee Dance Company,” the sentencing memorandum read.

“Through her loving, yet demanding approach, Ms. Miller brings out the best in her students. She instills in her pupils the dedication and discipline necessary to achieve great success.”

If you watch Dance Moms online, you probably already know that Abby can be very rude to the kids at the ALDC if they do not do exactly what she wants them to. 

The document even goes as far as saying that Abby was just simply too busy trying to keep on top of everything to make sure that everything was right with the ALDC. 

“At the time, Ms. Miller had no accounting experience,” the court papers read.

“She was unfamiliar with the books and records of the dance business, and she had no understanding of the studio’s fiscal practices.”

“The tax sale was prompted by the fact that property taxes were not being escrowed by the bank that held a mortgage on the studio,” the filing read.

“In order to stave off the tax sale… Attorney Calaiaro counseled Ms. Miller to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, which she did on December 3, 2010.”

Basically, the filing seems to imply that Abby was not up to scratch on the accounting side of things and that she should skip jail for that reason.

That’s not how it works, Abby!  

She did, however, agree that she should have been more forward about the international monetary transaction. 

“Ms. Miller gained nothing from her exercise in poor judgment,” the filing read.

“She placed herself and colleagues at risk for little or no obvious advantage. Her conduct was motivated by neither greed nor ill will. It was a foolish decision to skirt the law and she has accepted a felony conviction as the wages of her frivolity.”

There’s no denying that the filing covered all bases in an attempt to have Miller skip jail time, but we’ll need to wait until next week to find out whether she will be sent to prison. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!
