Showing posts with label Book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Book. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Stephen King Sued for Ripping Off "The Dark Tower" Character from a Comic Book

Stephen King stole the idea for his main man in “The Dark Tower” series from a famous comic book character also known as a gunslinger … according to a new suit. The creator of “The Rook” comics claims King’s protagonist, Roland Deschain, is based…


Friday, March 24, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: I"m Writing a Book About My Third Baby Daddy!

Kailyn Lowry is obviously a big fan of going through difficult life experiences and them publishing books about them.

That’s why she’s already released two memoirs at the tender age of 25.

But, to be fair, Kailyn’s been through a lot in her short life. She had an absent father and an alcoholic mother, she had her first child at 16 years old, she’s already had one divorce, she’s been through a rape and a miscarriage.

So really, it just makes sense that now that she’s pregnant with her third child — her third child with her third partner, just in case anyone’s keeping count — she’d deal with it with another book.

Yep, you heard us right: Kailyn is writing a book all about her third baby daddy.

We first heard about the book on Twitter, when a fan asked her “Do you think you’ll write a 3rd book that talks about the feelings you experienced to decide to have one more ‘tiny human’?”

She responded with “I have already signed a contract for it!”

Shortly after that, an insider described the book as “something many wouldn’t expect” and “not like her previous books.”

And now we know.

Kailyn gave a statement to Real Mr. Housewife about her upcoming book, explaining that “I will be telling the story of how I ended up pregnant and about my baby’s father, but, no, I will not be revealing his name.”

She said that “It’s a story about the baby and heartbreak,” but interestingly enough, “It’s basically a novel.”

Though she does add that it’s “based on a true story.”

So … huh.

We haven’t heard much at all about this guy who fathered Kailyn’s new baby, but it does seem like there’s a strong possibility it could be a friend of hers named Chris Lopez.

Her publicist didn’t name him, but she did say that “The father is a friend Kail was briefly dating.”

And then, in an Instagram live video, she was discussing possible baby names, and she made a joke about how “Chris” would react to a certain name.

She ended the video right after the slip, and many took it as a sign that she accidentally revealed the identity of the baby’s father.

So pairing all that information with Kailyn’s statement, it seems like she was briefly with some guy, perhaps Chris, and while the relationship didn’t end well, she still got pregnant.

Oh, girl.

Best wishes for the new book, the new baby, and just every last thing, Kailyn.


Monday, March 13, 2017

Amy Krouse Rosenthal, Beloved Children"s Book Author, Dies

Amy Krouse Rosenthal, a popular’s children’s book author whose recent New York Times essay about her husband went viral, died Monday morning from ovarian cancer.

She was 51 years old.

Rosenthal’s passing was confirmed by her longtime literary agent and friend, Amy Rennert, who told The Associated press of Amy:

“Everything Amy did was life and love affirming.

“She was such a bright light with a great sense of wonder. Amy loved her family. She loved words, ideas, connections.”

Earlier this month, Rosenthal (who was diagnosed with the disease that would take her life in 2015) made headlines for encouraging other women to date her husband, Jason, after she passed away.

We’re serious.

She penned a beautiful, emotional story for The New York Times’ “Modern Love” column titled “You May Want to Marry My Husband.”

In the piece, Rosenthal created a poignant “dating profile” for her husband, whom she said she fell in love with in “one day.”

The author felt so strongly about Jason that she wanted to share him with others; both in her essay and, in theory, with another woman some day down the line.

“He is a sharp dresser. Our young adult sons, Justin and Miles, often borrow his clothes,” Amy wrote in one section of the article.

“Those who know him – or just happen to glance down at the gap between his dress slacks and dress shoes – know that he has a flair for fabulous socks. He is fit and enjoys keeping in shape.”

Rosenthal made millions of people tear up by outlining various specific details about her husband, going on about all the ways he’s made her happy over the years.

And admitting that she knows she doesn’t have much time left with him or with her three kids, Paris, Justin and Miles.

“I want more time with Jason. I want more time with my children. I want more time sipping martinis at the Green Mill Jazz Club on Thursday nights,” she wrote, adding:

“But that is not going to happen. I probably have only a few days left being a person on this planet.”

WMAQ-TV reported on Monday that Rosenthal was in hospice.

Last month, she wrote about her health on Instagram, making it clear in her final post that things were taking a downward turn.

“This cancer – oh, did I mention I have cancer? – has increasingly (and rudely) robbed me of my normal energy and focus,” she wrote on February 1, explaining that she had to stop her latest project because of her condition.

“There are other things I need to be tending to, creating, and focusing on with my limited time.”

In the essay that went viral, Amy called Jason “an easy man to fall in love with.”

She described him as an “absolutely wonderful father” to their three children and she added:

“Did I mention that he is incredibly handsome? I’m going to miss looking at that face of his.”

Jason and Amy were married for 26 years.

“I didn’t know exactly what she was composing,” Jason said in a statement released regarding The New York Times article.

“But I was with her as she labored through this process and I can tell you that writing the story was no easy task.

“When I read her words for the first time, I was shocked at the beauty, slightly surprised at the incredible prose given her condition and, of course, emotionally ripped apart. “

In a nod to his late wife and the marriage they shared, Jason concluded:

“I don’t have the same aptitude for the written word. But if I did, I can assure you that my tale would be about the most epic love story… ours.”

Amazing, heartwrenching stuff all around.

May Amy Krouse Rosenthal rest in peace.


Thursday, March 9, 2017

Kim Kardashian Selfie Book: Vandalized by This Random Dude!

A 74-year-old man has been arrested for entering a Connecticut bookstore and publicly vandalizing multiple copies of Kim Kardashian’s “Selfish.”

And we know what you’re thinking:

Really? People still go to book stores?!?

According to the Glastonbury Police Department’s description of the incident on Facebook, Carl Puia entered a Barnes & Noble and started  “spreading a red liquid all over some Kim Kardashian books.”

Authorities say that six copies of the books were destroyed in the massacre – and, tragically, none “could be revived.”

The police have gone on to say that Puia actually left a lengthy note (which he took the time to type out) explaining his dislike of Kardashian and “people like her.”

After being booked for the crime, Puia (whose very serious mug shot is posted below) was released on a $ 2,500 non-surety bond.

After being released, Puia spoke to TMZ and explained his motivation for ending the lives of these Kim Kardashian selfie books.

He tells the celebrity gossip site that he witnessed a mother yank away a copy of “Selfish” from her young boy inside this Barnes & Noble location.

He then noted how the book was being displayed on eye level, pretty darn close to the children’s section.

Puia then explains that he asked an employee to move the book (which features many close-ups of Kim Kardashian’s boobs) to a higher shelf.

However, three days later, he returned and it was in the same spot. WTH, he thought?!?

It was at this point that he decided to destroy the books with red liquid.

The act of vandalism allegedly occurred on October 13, but cops only arrested Puia on Monday and charged him with third-degree criminal mischief after he turned himself in.

Puia adds that he doesn’t have some broad agenda. He isn’t religious or even especially conservative. Nor does he have a vendetta against Kim in particular.

He just thinks that material such as the photos that comprise Kim’s selfie book ought to be kept far away from children.

(Please, no one tell Puia about Kim’s Instagram page and the revealing photos on her account. He may try to destroy the entire Internet.)

Kardashian’s book of selfies drew a mixed reaction back when it was released. It only has three stars on Amazon.

We don’t blame Puia for rolling his eyes over a book that simply contains self-portraits of Kim Kardashian.

Heck, we don’t even blame the guy for asking an employee if it can be moved.

But we do not encourage violence here at The Hollywood Gossip. Not even of books.


Kim Kardashian Book Vandal Says Smutty "Selfish" Was Too Close to Kids

The guy arrested for trashing a Kim Kardashian book display wasn’t motivated by Kardashian hatred … he just thought her book was too pornographic and accessible to kids in the store. Carl Puia tells us saw a mother yank away a copy of…


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Javi Marroquin: I"m Gonna Take Down Kailyn Lowry HARD in My New Book!

After Teen Mom 2 star’s Kailyn Lowry admitted her pregnancy bombshell last week, her ex-husband Javi Marroquin was far from pleased.

Now he’s plotting some epic revenge.

The father of her second child Lincoln, who has long been rumored to have aspirations of writing a tell-all book, tells Radar it’s on now.

Moreover, this is gonna be scathing.

“Fans can expect a story about a man who thought he figured out life,” Marroquin told the website, referring to his own struggles.

However, “lies and cheating were swept beneath his nose for a long time!” Javi said of the tentatively titled Heartlessly Hustled.

The title alone is a thinly-veiled dig.

His ex-wife’s own memoir, Hustle & Heart, was released in 2016, not long before an unnamed baby daddy got Kailyn Lowry pregnant.

Javi says, in a blatant shot at Kailyn, that Heartlessly will tell the story of “what it’s like now to raise a smart, energetic little boy alone.”

Wow. That is some cold s–t there.

We get that Javi Marroquin’s reaction to her pregnancy wasn’t gonna be good, especially given rumors that she was unfaithful to him.

We also get that speculation over who is Kailyn Lowry’s baby daddy is only twisting the knife, so to speak, when it comes to Marroquin.

Still, does he have to pull this?

Javi is still the father of Lincoln, a young boy who’s going to need both his parents’ love, attention and loyalty, to him and to each other.

Any divorced family unit knows this balance is easier talked about than achieved, but with his tell-all, Javi looks to be going on the offensive.

Is that going to benefit Lincoln? Or Isaac, Kailyn’s son by Jo Rivera who Javi has developed such a close bond with over the years?

Honest if nothing else, Marroquin added even before the pregnancy scandal that his book is “actually a response to Kail’s new book.”

“Except mine will be the truth and what she actually did that ended the marriage,” Marroquin said, adding that he shelved the idea once.

The he said-she said battle has lingered for months.

“The only reason I was coming out with that book was to make sure my story was out,” he said in October, when relations had thawned.

“But Kail and me are doing really well so I guess we’ll see. I’m willing to drop all of this. At the end of the day, I was mad and angry.”

“Now I’m in a good place,” he said then.

“I’m willing to let everything go.”

So much for that.

In the understatement of all time, the duo’s truce / peace treaty / non-aggression pact is off and Marroquin is back to feuding with Lowry.

One additional fact really has to sting him, too:

Kailyn confirmed her pregnancy with a third baby daddy only months after divorcing Javi – claiming he wanted more kids and she did not.

(Javi also blamed Kailyn for a miscarriage she suffered, so he can shoulder plenty of blame for the end of their union, which takes two.)

Yet to see their marriage end and his former wife get pregnant by some other guy in a shockingly short time period had to be a shocker.

The betrayal forced Marroquin to blast his ex.

“Take a shot for me,” he asked fans, adding of his son,“My son, follow your dreams. I’ll pick up the pieces for you. Love, your daddy.”

We really hope these two can bury the hatchet and move on for the kids’ sake, but somehow we expect this to get worse before it gets better.


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Jenelle Evans: My Mom is a Liar, Read About It in My Book!

Jenelle Evans has some problems with her mother, Barbara.

And, of course, instead of dealing with them like the mature adult she should be — seriously, she has three kids now, would it kill her to act grown? — she’s airing all the dirty laundry on social media.

It’s not surprising, but it sure is disappointing.

There are several layers to this story. It’s like a moldy, smelly, but still entertaining onion that way.

First up, there’s this interview that Barbara gave to Radar about the birth of Jenelle’s third child, Ensley.

“David is very excited about having Ensley,” she said, which is kind of shocking, because she and David have never gotten along.

But don’t worry, nothing’s changed. Barbara added that “Everything was good until he threw me out of the room.”

So she was in the delivery room with Jenelle while she was preparing to give birth. That’s sweet, right? Or, well, it would have been, until that part where David kicked her out.

When Barb was asked exactly why David threw her out, she said “I don’t know, maybe it’s me! I haven’t seen them.”

As for Jenelle’s side of the story, she tweeted (and deleted!) that “She was never kicked out of any delivery room.”

“She says that so people feel pity for her. She ends up arguing with my boyfriend and leaves.”

So who do we believe here? Jenelle, who has always been one of the hottest messes that ever was, or Barbara, who honestly seems pretty confused most of the time?

It’s hard to say. But what we do know is that Jenelle is really enjoying hating on her mother these days.

She’s been retweeting several negative comments about Barbara, things like “Barn is seriously a conniving snake. She’s probably the main reason for all Jenelle’s issues. And now Jace is.”

Someone asked her why Barbara’s been keeping Jace instead of handing over custody to her, and she said “She really has no real reason. You will see more into this issue later this season.”

But when a fan told her that her mother was using Jace against her, and that she’s been verbally abusive to her, that’s when Jenelle let the real juicy stuff out.

“Wait until my book is released this summer,” she wrote. “There will be lots of diary entries of mine as a child and it sheds light on my earlier relationship with my mom.”

“Makes things very clear to me now why I have so much bad thoughts about the way I was raised. I was very unhappy.”

… So Jenelle’s releasing a book? And it’s going to have old diary entries of hers?

We all need to pre-order this mess immediately.


Sunday, February 5, 2017

Keke Palmer Breaks Down At Book Signing (VIDEO)

Keke Palmer gave a teary explanation of the hardest part of being in Hollywood … all while plugging her new book oh so perfectly. Keke was at the Grove’s Barnes & Noble Saturday doing a book signing … when someone asked her about the…


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

George Karl Admits Book Screwup ... Handled Kenyon & Carmelo the "Wrong Way" (VIDEO)

George Karl is finally expressing remorse about the controversial comments he made about Carmelo Anthony and Kenyon Martin … saying, “I think I said that the wrong way.” Karl came under fire for a passage in his new book that said guys like Melo…


George Karl Admits Book Screwup ... Handled Kenyon & Carmelo the "Wrong Way" (VIDEO)

George Karl is finally expressing remorse about the controversial comments he made about Carmelo Anthony and Kenyon Martin … saying, “I think I said that the wrong way.” Karl came under fire for a passage in his new book that said guys like Melo…


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Donald Trump Autographed Book Selling for $18k (PHOTOS)

Donald Trump has made a lot of promises this year, and an old signed copy of his book shows he’s true to his word … certainly when it involves his hair. Gary Zimet is selling an autographed “The Way to the Top: The Best Business Advice I Ever…
