Showing posts with label Cyrus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cyrus. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Miley Cyrus Bursts Into Tears Over Donald Trump Presidency

Miley Cyrus did not casually take to Twitter last night and express her shock and/or dismay over Donald Trump being elected President of the United States.


This was too big of a deal for a simple Tweet. It required far more of a reaction than 140 characters and some kind of hashtag.

Instead, Cyrus shared the above photo of herself and her dog and wrote as a caption:

Go to my Facebook to see a video of my reaction & reflection on last nights election …. If we want Donald Trump to accept us …. We must be accepting towards his presidency & his promise to “unify” our country and “make America great” ….

I leave out the “again” because this country has never been able to live up to its full potential because we’ve been putting up our own divided walls between each other. We don’t need Trump to do that for us….

So WE must take a hammer to the bricks WE built up and be more LOVING and compassionate towards all living things! (including the planet)

(p.s. Mr. Elected president….. Global warming IS real. ACCEPT THAT)

Cue the video!

In a dimly lit room, tears streaming down her cheeks, the artist barely even knew what to do or say in response to the Trump victory.

“So, probably like most people – well, maybe not, because given the result -maybe I really am different and maybe a lot of people that I’m surrounded by think with open minds and open hearts like I do.

“And I do want to say that I’ve been very vocal for my support for everyone besides Donald Trump. Heavily supported Bernie. Heavily supported Hillary.

“And I still think that in her lifetime she deserves to be the first female president, and that’s what makes me so sad.”

Miley went on:

“I just wish that she had that opportunity. because she fought for so long and because I believe her when she says that she loves this country. This is all she’s ever done.

“She’s given her life to make it better.

“But, like Donald Trump so ironically played after his speech, it said, ‘You can’t always get what you want.’ And happy hippies, we adjust and we accept everyone for who they are. And so Donald Trump, I accept you.

“And this hurts to say, but I even accept you as the President of the United States, and that’s fine…because I think now I want to be hopeful.”

This is a similar message to the one Hillary Clinton gave in her concession speech and the one President Obama gave soon after.

“The day after, we have to remember that we are actually all on one team. This is an intramural scrimmage,” Obama said on the White House lawn this afternoon.

“We’re patriots first. We all want what’s best for this country. That’s what I heard in Mr. Trump’s remarks last night. That’s what I heard when I spoke to him directly. And I was heartened by that.”

Will Trump maintain the composure and humble attitude that he displayed in the following acceptance speech once he becomes President?

Or will he return to messages of hate and divisiveness?

It’s frightening, but it’s true: the world will find out very soon.


Miley Cyrus -- Crushed by Hillary"s Loss ... "Donald, I Accept You as President" (VIDEO)

Miley Cyrus just made a tearful plea for love and compassion after Donald Trump’s stunning win over Hillary Clinton. Miley’s explaining exactly why she’s sad — and man, is she sad. In the clip she does accept Donald as her next POTUS, but it…


Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Miley Cyrus -- Celeb Treatment at Voting Booth (VIDEO)

Miley Cyrus got the VIP treatment on election day — literally driving into a polling place and casting her ballot while Liam Hemsworth never let go of the steering wheel. Miley hit up a fire station in Bev Hills that offers curbside voting…


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Miley Cyrus Actually Confirms Liam Hemsworth Engagement

As most of the Internet knows by now, Miley Cyrus is unafraid to expose her nipples on a regular basis

But while you may think this makes the singer especially open and revealing… you’d be mostly correct.

Except when it comes to her love life. Good luck getting Miley to say much about Liam Hemsworth.

The stars got engaged way back in 2012, only to break up several months later.

Fast forward two years and Miley and Liam didn’t appear to simply be back together, but Cyrus was spotted wearing her old engagement ring once again.

Through endless rumors of a reconciliation, however, we still heard very little from the actual parties involved.

Which is what made Miley’s most recent appearance on Ellen so notable.

The artist, who is very close with the comedian, was asked about the sparkler on her finger, actually acknowledging (for the first time, as far as we can recall) that she’s engaged to Hemsworth.

“Congratulations,” Ellen said simply in response.

Cyrus went on to explain why she often does NOT wear the engagement ring – and it’s not because she and Liam broke up due to her penchant for pot.

“This is really weird because this is like real jewelry and most of my jewelry is made out of gummy bears and cotton candy and they don’t look that good together because they kind of mix up, so sometimes I replace it with an actual unicorn or a Looney tune,” Miley said.

What does Hemsworth say when he notices that his fiancee isn’t rocking her finger bling?

“He’s kind of like what’s going on? It’s like, well, this isn’t really my aesthetic, but I’ll wear it because you love me,” she replied.

AWWWW, right? How sweet!

Cyrus recently admitted that her first hookup was with a female, but she seems to be happily settled down now with a male.

It probably helps that he looks like Liam Hemsworth and that he gave her such a pretty ring:

And that he’s nice and caring and sweet and has a big heart and everything, too. Those are nice bonuses.

“The ring is special because Miley and Liam worked on it together,” a source told E! News.

“Miley specifically wanted it set in gold. She didn’t want platinum. She liked the gold because it was different and unique, like her. She didn’t want anything classic or generic.”

Interesting. We weren’t aware of that.

Watch the video above for Miley’s complete interview with Ellen.

And then join us in sending Cyrus and Hemsworth your best wishes. They’re engaged! For real! Officially! HOORAY!


Monday, October 24, 2016

Miley Cyrus Stuns College Students, Campaigns on Campus for Hillary Clinton

Miley Cyrus went back to school this weekend.

Not her own education, necessarily, but for the education of others.

The singer shocked students at George Mason University in Virginia on Saturday when she walked around campus and urged everyone there to vote for Hillary Clinton.

Clinton currently leads Donald Trump by about eight points in this state, but it’s important for everyone to get out there and vote.

Isn’t that right, Miley?

The singer – who actually supported Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary – went door to door inside the dormitories of the Fairfax, Virginia school to talk about the one Presidential nominee NOT accused of 11 cases of sexual harassment.

“Hello? How are you? I’m Miley,” the artist said after knocking on freshman Jake Zartman’s door, according to The Washington Post.

“I’m here supporting Hillary. Are you going to vote?”

Dressed in a red-and-silver striped dress… a furry blue jacket… a bright pink headband … and rocking an oversized blue bow across her chest, Cyrus walked across the campus in hopes of making sure Clinton wins this swing state on November 8.

“Your room is so cute!” she told another student, based on a New York Post report.

She continued:

“Sorry to come in with all these people. They’re awesome people also excited for Hillary. Are you registered to vote? Are you voting here or are you from out of town? 

“I’m from Nashville but I actually just re-registered because I’m so excited to go on the day because I want the sticker.”

A video posted by Emma Loop (@emmagloop) on

Cyrus posted her share of photos from this trip on Instagram, as did students who couldn’t believe they were actually hanging out with Miley Cyrus.

“Campaigned for @hillaryclinton today in GMU in VA encouraging young people to volunteer and vote!!!!” the sinter captioned one of the images of herself giving a thumbs up to potential voters from a dorm window.

A reporter from the George Mason student newspaper wrote as a caption to one of her social media photos:

“Miley says she was offended by way Trump spoke about abortion at the last debate. Says she is big supporter of Planned Parenthood.”

Indeed, Trump said many things at the last debate that left viewers shaking their heads.

In another caption for a video she shared on Instagram, Loop wrote:

“Mousa Abusaif, 20, tells Miley that Trump tried to have him fired from his Washington country club.”

We presume this is because Abusaif is Muslim.

Earlier this year, Katy Perry performed her songs “Rise” and “Roar” at the Democratic National Convention, where she urged viewers to “have an open mind and to use your voice.”

Other celebrities we know are on Team Clinton include Kim Kardashian, Demi Lovato, Kerry Washington and Eva Longoria.

Those supporting Trump in this election include Scott Baio, Antonio Sabato Jr. and Kelsey Grammer.

You absolutely should NOT based your vote on the opinions of famous people.

But maybe take a look at the success achieved by those voting Clinton and the success achieved by those voting Trump and ask yourself is there’s a correlation.

Have you made up your mind yet? 

Who will YOU be voting for on November 8?

And the Winner is?

Donald, Hillary or… Gary? Who has your vote to be the next President of the United States? View Poll »


Miley Cyrus Stuns College Students, Campaigns on Campus for Hillary Clinton

Miley Cyrus went back to school this weekend.

Not her own education, necessarily, but for the education of others.

The singer shocked students at George Mason University in Virginia on Saturday when she walked around campus and urged everyone there to vote for Hillary Clinton.

Clinton currently leads Donald Trump by about eight points in this state, but it’s important for everyone to get out there and vote.

Isn’t that right, Miley?

The singer – who actually supported Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary – went door to door inside the dormitories of the Fairfax, Virginia school to talk about the one Presidential nominee NOT accused of 11 cases of sexual harassment.

“Hello? How are you? I’m Miley,” the artist said after knocking on freshman Jake Zartman’s door, according to The Washington Post.

“I’m here supporting Hillary. Are you going to vote?”

Dressed in a red-and-silver striped dress… a furry blue jacket… a bright pink headband … and rocking an oversized blue bow across her chest, Cyrus walked across the campus in hopes of making sure Clinton wins this swing state on November 8.

“Your room is so cute!” she told another student, based on a New York Post report.

She continued:

“Sorry to come in with all these people. They’re awesome people also excited for Hillary. Are you registered to vote? Are you voting here or are you from out of town? 

“I’m from Nashville but I actually just re-registered because I’m so excited to go on the day because I want the sticker.”

A video posted by Emma Loop (@emmagloop) on

Cyrus posted her share of photos from this trip on Instagram, as did students who couldn’t believe they were actually hanging out with Miley Cyrus.

“Campaigned for @hillaryclinton today in GMU in VA encouraging young people to volunteer and vote!!!!” the sinter captioned one of the images of herself giving a thumbs up to potential voters from a dorm window.

A reporter from the George Mason student newspaper wrote as a caption to one of her social media photos:

“Miley says she was offended by way Trump spoke about abortion at the last debate. Says she is big supporter of Planned Parenthood.”

Indeed, Trump said many things at the last debate that left viewers shaking their heads.

In another caption for a video she shared on Instagram, Loop wrote:

“Mousa Abusaif, 20, tells Miley that Trump tried to have him fired from his Washington country club.”

We presume this is because Abusaif is Muslim.

Earlier this year, Katy Perry performed her songs “Rise” and “Roar” at the Democratic National Convention, where she urged viewers to “have an open mind and to use your voice.”

Other celebrities we know are on Team Clinton include Kim Kardashian, Demi Lovato, Kerry Washington and Eva Longoria.

Those supporting Trump in this election include Scott Baio, Antonio Sabato Jr. and Kelsey Grammer.

You absolutely should NOT based your vote on the opinions of famous people.

But maybe take a look at the success achieved by those voting Clinton and the success achieved by those voting Trump and ask yourself is there’s a correlation.

Have you made up your mind yet? 

Who will YOU be voting for on November 8?

And the Winner is?

Donald, Hillary or… Gary? Who has your vote to be the next President of the United States? View Poll »


Saturday, October 22, 2016

Miley Cyrus -- I"m with Her ... Huge Bodyguards Are with Me (VIDEO)

Miley Cyrus is out campaigning for Hillary Clinton, and she’s doing it with insane amounts of protection … just in case.  Miley surprised students at George Mason University by hitting up dorms, knocking on doors and encouraging the kids to…


Miley Cyrus -- I"m with Her ... Huge Bodyguards Are with Me (VIDEO)

Miley Cyrus is out campaigning for Hillary Clinton, and she’s doing it with insane amounts of protection … just in case.  Miley surprised students at George Mason University by hitting up dorms, knocking on doors and encouraging the kids to…


Monday, October 17, 2016

Liam Hemsworth to Miley Cyrus: You"re a Pothead!

THIS JUST IN: Miley Cyrus loves to smoke marijuana.

What? You knew that already?

This news is less breaking than the non-revelation that Donald Trump is a womanizing bigot? Oh, okay then. Our bad.

But the singer’s penchant for pot is apparently fairly new for boyfriend Liam Hemsworth, despite him and Miley having been together for a number of years overall.

According to a Life & Style insider, the actor and the artist recently got into major blowout over the latter’s affection for getting high… pretty much all the time.

How did Cyrus reportedly react to this criticism?

“She was screaming at him, telling him he was holding her back and making her hide who she truly is,” an anonymous friend tells the tabloid.

The article in question goes on to say it “wasn’t long” after this argument when Hemsworth and Cyrus “ended their engagement.”

“They are still both so upset and angry,” the insider alleges, although he or she adds that Hemsworth hopes the two “can work things out.”

There’s been no confirmation, of course, that Hemsworth and Cyrus have actually split.

For as much as some critics may lay into Miley for constantly wanting attention, she ought to be praised for how she keeps her romantic life on the proverbial Down Low.

When was the last time you heard Cyrus even mention Hemsworth’s name?


The star has been open, however, about her dating history.

In a recent, revealing interview with Variety, Miley admitted that her first-ever hookup was actually a girl.

Does this mean she’s a bisexual? The singer would prefer if you didn’t use that word or that label.

“I always hated the word ‘bisexual’ because that’s even putting me in a box,” she explained to the publication, adding:

“I don’t ever think about someone being a boy or someone being a girl… I’m the only f–king Disney star who would say I’m pro-lesbian and gay before it was OK to say that.”

That’s actually true.

Cyrus deserves props for being outspoken on the topic of sexuality.

And she’s always been just as outspoken on the topic of marijuana.

She loves it! She smokes it often! And she thinks other people should, as well.

“I put pictures of me smoking weed on my Instagram” Cyrus said way back in September of 2014.

“I was brought up in the way that we never thought marijuana was bad. I don’t promote it in my songs or say it and whatever, but it’s not like I’m sitting around telling a bunch of kids to do a bunch of drugs.”

She also told Rolling Stone in 2013:

“I think alcohol is way more dangerous than marijuana – people can be mad at me for saying that, but I don’t care. I’ve seen a lot of people spiral down with alcohol, but I’ve never seen that happen with weed.”

But has Miley’s own relationship now spiraled out of control as a result of weed?

Eh, probably not.

Does anyone really believe this report?


Friday, October 14, 2016

Bella Thorne Talks Crushes on Demi Lovato, Miley Cyrus

Back in August, Bella Thorne came out as bisexual after a Twitter user asked point-blank if she’s attracted to women.

Of course, the question wasn’t entirely unprovoked, as it was the result of a photo that showed Bella kissing a female friend that the actress posted on Instagram.

In the weeks since her casual coming out, Bella has opened up about her experiences being bisexual in Hollywood.

She claims she’s experienced prejudice both blatant and subtle, and says the experience has given her a greater appreciation for men and women who have paved the way by coming out before.

Bella credits Kristen Stewart and other famous members of LGBTQ community with leading by example and giving her the strength to come out.

She’s also stated that she hopes young people of every gender and orientation will feel more accepting and more accepted as more public figures come forward as anything than 100% heterosexual.

Bella opened up about her sexuality and her career in a recent interview with Maxim, telling the men’s mag that she didn’t think twice about answering honestly when asked about her attraction to women:

“I didn’t even think about it,” Thorne said. “A fan on Twitter asked me, and I’m super open about it. So I just said, “Yeah!”

Asked about the backlash she’s experienced as a result of coming out, Bella replied:

“It is hard in this business for us. It really is. I have already had people talk shit to me.

“And it comes from people in the industry, not even fans. I’ve had studios tell me my image is too “out there,” hinting at it but not really saying it.

This is still Maxim we’re talking about, so naturally, Bella was asked about her female crushes:

“Demi Lovato. I must say…rawrrrr,” Thorne said.

“She is a pretty toasty woman. Miley Cyrus, too. She’s dope. But Demi is fire, just fire.”

Is “toasty” legitimate new slang for “hot,” or is it something Bella just made up?

At the moment, Bella is dating Tyler Posey, but we’re guessing the actor doesn’t mind if his girl joins him in oigling Demi Lovato.

It’s basically the duty of all red-blooded Americans.


Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Miley Cyrus: My First Hookup Was With a Chick!

Miley Cyrus apparently has 2016 by the ‘nads … or it is, at least, the year that she stopped being so damn obnoxious about everything all the freaking time. 

Taking the cover of Variety’s brand-new Power of Women issue, Cyrus was interviewed about Disney, her sexuality, and nipple pasties.

While most of you are just here for Miley Cyrus’ nipple pasties—it’s okay, we don’t judge around here—she actually has a lot of good to say…and above all, it makes sense. Good on her, you know? 

About her sexuality, Cyrus says, “My whole life, I didn’t understand my own gender and my own sexuality,” which isn’t hard to believe, growing up all Disney — and that’s sad as hell. 

“I always hated the word ‘bisexual,’ ” Miley explained, “because that’s even putting me in a box.” Insert obligatory box joke here.  

“I don’t ever think about someone being a boy or someone being a girl,” she clarifies. “Also, my nipple pasties and s–t never feld sexualized to me.” 

Well, good on you, girl, for being blind for the last few years.  

Oh, but wait, never mind — she says that her eyes have been opened for a really, really long time. Our bad! 

Miley continues, “My eyes started opening up in fifth or sixth grade. My first relationship in my life was with a chick,” she says, inferring that her Southern upbringing frowned upon this.  

But she credits the universe — the youuuuuuuniverse, y’all — to ensure that she remains on her true path like any good Jedi knight, and says, “The universe has always given me the power to know I’ll be OK.” 

She also reveals that there might be a little element of regret to one of the greatest (?) songs ever written, “Wrecking Ball.” 

About the song — and unforgettable video — she says, “On my tombstone, I didn’t want the ‘Wrecking Ball’ lyrics.” 

“I’m the only f–king Disney star who would say I’m pro-lesbian and gay before it was OK to say that.” 

Uh, sure, Miley. Keep that universe or whatever it is running through your head. 

All jokes aside, though, Miley’s doing much better than she has in previous years. She sounds more grounded and less outlandish — it’s true, believe it or not — than she has in previous interviews.  

Further, she puts presidential nominee Donald Trump in the same baskets that the Kardashians ride around in, and that makes things OK in our book, too. 

About Trump, Miley says, “This is not a dig, but I do think there’s something that goes with the Kardashians and Trump. The Kardashians are better than Trump, because they are not trying to run the country.” 

“They are just trying to be famous, and that’s fine,” she concedes (it’s not). 

Keep on keeping on, girl. By 2020, you might have all of your ish together, and wouldn’t that be a blessing? 
