Showing posts with label Derick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Derick. Show all posts

Friday, November 17, 2017

Amy Duggar Slams Derick Dillard: Try Being a Nice Person!

Amy Duggar is urging her online followers – and Jill Duggar’s husband Derick Dillard – to extend love and compassion instead of hate.

What a novel concept, we know. Jarring.

The Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars cast member and niece of Jim Bob Duggar took to Twitter to share an uplifting message:

“You might not agree with someone or their lifestyle but you SHOULD be compassionate and show God’s love regardless to everyone.”

There’s no doubt what sparked this.

Amy’s tweet comes a week after Derick Dillard was fired by TLC following a second, unprompted attack on fellow network star Jazz Jennings.

Derick, the husband of Amy’s cousin Jill, has some serious problems with 17-year-old Jazz, the transgender star of I Am Jazz on TLC.

Dillard got into it with Twitter user @_mastercthulhu, saying, “I pity Jazz 4 those who take advantage of him in order 2 promote their agenda.”

That includes “the parents who allow these kinds of decisions 2 be made by a child … It’s sad that ppl would use a juvenile this way.”

“Jazz is being taken advantage of, as part of a larger agenda. I really have nothing against the kid and wish him all the best in life,” he adds.

“I just hate seeing him used this way.”

Note the inaccurate pronouns as part of Dillard’s attack on Jazz Jennings, which came out of nowhere and wasn’t even the first of its kind.

Derick’s outspoken and controversial quotes along these lines had already been causing friction between the Duggars and the network.

That tension has now boiled over.

After Amy’s message, Der’s Twitter adversary @_mastercthulhu applauded her for being respectful to others, responding:

“This is what I was trying to say to Derick. It’s okay that you don’t agree with the trans community, that’s your opinion and that’s fine.”

“But you can’t bully and be mean to others this is coming from an atheist! I’m glad you understand what it means to be a good Christian, Amy.”

“I have friends that are gay and I still love them as a person,” Amy replied to her new Twitter supporter. “Thank you for following.”

Following his initial criticism of I Am Jazz, a reality show which he called an “oxymoron” based on the transgender “myth,” Derick wrote:

“No one – women, men, children or transgender persons – should be subjected to any form of exploitation or targeted for discrimination.”

“Transsexual and transgendered persons are entitled to the same human and civil rights as others.”

Amy Tweet to Fan

“Recognizing these rights, however, does not mean that we must accept that hormones and surgery transform men into women and women into men.”

“Or,” he added, “that persons who self-identify as members of the opposite sex, are what they subjectively claim to be.” 

“What an oxymoron. A ‘reality’ show which follows a non-reality. ‘Transgender’ is a myth. Gender is not fluid. It’s ordained by God.”

Obviously, this set off a firestorm.

Some of Dillard’s fans lauded these comments, but his network bosses were far from impressed. TLC released a statement:

“We want to let our viewers know that Derick Dillard has not participated in Counting On for months and the network has no plans to feature him in the future.”

“We want to reiterate that Derick’s personal statements do not reflect the views of the network,” the statement said in no uncertain terms.

It concluded, referencing his target: “TLC is proud to share the story of Jazz Jennings and her family and will continue to do so.”

A low-key firing, but pretty direct nonetheless; Jill may be fired from Counting On as well, apparently, based on these comments.

Jazz herself responded indirectly to the controversy, not naming Derick specifically but clearly referring to him when she wrote:

“In the face of constant ignorance and hatred I prefer to disregard negative opinions and continue moving forward with love.”

Sounds like a message Amy Duggar would embrace.


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Jill Duggar: FIRED From Counting On Alongside Derick Dillard?!

If you’re a fan of the Duggar family, then you’ve probably already heard the news that Derick Dillard has been fired by TLC for his relentless harassment of Jazz Jennings, a transgender teen also employed by the network.

Sources have claimed that the Duggars are “outraged” over Derick’s termination, but not for the reasons one might think.

While Jim Bob and company reportedly agree with Derick’s transphobic stance, they’re said to be incensed that the father of two brought another scandal down on their heads by expressing his views so publicly and persistently.

Yes, it seems Derick’s famous in-laws are concerned not with his bullying of a teenage girl, but with the ways that it might affect their ailing media empire.

Currently, the family is facing a familiar problem:

How to continue creating the impression that their reality show is an unfiltered slice-of-life, while at the same time avoiding any mention of the latest relative to bring disgrace to the family name?

It’s the same position the Duggars found themselves in following the revelation that Josh Duggar molested five young girls.

Except this time, they’re facing the additional challenge of continuing to incorporate Jill Duggar, while at the same time editing the show in such a way as to make viewers forget about the father of her children.

The situation has led some fans to wonder if Jill will be axed from the show alongside Derick.

Our prediction? Probably not.

Yes, it will be difficult to come up with Jill storylines that don’t make the absence of Derick all the more glaring, but the Counting On crew has proven in the past that they’re up to the task of working around significant challenges.

The Duggars certainly aren’t lacking in on-air “talent,” but Jill is one of a handful of Jim Bob and Michelle’s children that the show can’t do without.

There’s a reason the show was originally titled Jill and Jessa: Counting On.

The sisters and their children served as representatives of the family’s future at a time when producers very much wanted viewers to forget the past.

Audiences watched Jill and Jessa grow up and for many, seeing them start families of their own was no doubt an intensely gratifying experience.

So the show will go on without Derick–but without Jill, many fans would no doubt begin to feel that the Duggar clan has been whittled down by scandal to the point that it’s no longer recognizable.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Duggar Family: "Outraged" Over Derick Dillard Firing?

Earlier this week, we learned that Derick Dillard had been fired by TLC due to his continued harassment of transgender teen Jazz Jennings.

For most, the only thing surprising about the situation is that it took the network that long to give Jill Duggar’s husband the axe.

After all, most employers don’t look kindly on publicly bullying children, and in Derick’s case, the behavior was even more troubling for his bosses, as Jazz is also the star of a TLC reality series.

So for once, a group of powerful men in the entertainment industry made the right decision.

Derick is now unemployed, but don’t waste any tears on the volatile father of two.

He’s been jobless most of his life, and his wife pulls in enough 

(But you might want to dole out some sympathy for the poor souls who are being suckered in by Dillard’s pleas for cash. They could certainly use your pity.)

Anyway, the reaction from the world at large was not one of tremendous shock.

Within the Duggar compound, however, the response has been quite different.

Derick’s famous in-laws are reportedly appalled by his firing and divided on the question of who to blame.

“There’s a lot of outrage between increasingly divided factions,” a source close to the Counting On clan tells Radar Online.

The issue, it seems, is that the Duggars try to maintain a united front at all times, but Jill’s parents and siblings can’t being pissed at Derick for forcing them to deal with yet another scandal.

“Derick is really having a hard time,” says one insider. 

“They are extremely careful to not criticize each other. He wasn’t trying to hurt Jazz. She just conflicted with his belief system and he reacted without thinking it through.”

Jill Duggar is apparently attributing her husband’s insensitivity to the fact that the Dillards have spent much of the past two years living in Central America:

“A lot of times when you live apart from the people you love it takes time to adjust back to your original lifestyle,” the insider says, adding:

“Including family.”

Well, we suppose if you spend enough time in El Selvador, we suppose it’s natural to adopt some of the local customs, such as … hatred of teenage reality stars?

We’re gonna go out on a limb and assume that’s not really a thing.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Derick Dillard Firing Prompts Internet Applause, Outrage

Derick Dillard will never appear on TLC again.

The network made this announcement after Dillard attacked 17-year old transgender reality star Jazz Jennings, who anchors her own series on the same cable network.

After Dillard said he pitied Jazz and that it"s "unfortunate" Jennings was given a show, TLC released a statement that reads:

We want to let our viewers know that Derick Dillard has not participated in Counting On for months and the network has no plans to feature him in the future.

We want to reiterate that Derick’s personal statements do not reflect the views of the network.

TLC is proud to share the story of Jazz Jennings and her family and will continue to do so.

How are viewers and fans reacting to this development? Good question. Let"s find out!

1. Butt Out, Derick!

Butt out derick

Simple questions: How does the transgender lifestyle affect you, dude? Why do you care at all about this?

2. Thank You, TLC!

Thank you tlc

One fewer thing I need to worry about my children seeing on TV now.

3. Ignorance is Not Bliss

Ignorance is not bliss

It’s just mean in this case.

4. Dillard Has His Supporters, Though

Dillard has his supporters though

And they all seem confused by the concept of “Free Speech” and/or “consequences.”

5. Bullying for Religious Discrimination

Bullying for religious discrimination

We’re not totally sure what that means, but this person is sure it’s very wrong.

6. Oh, Boy

Oh boy

Why is this a complicated issue, this person wonders? Derick is just stating the obvious.

View Slideshow

Monday, November 13, 2017

Derick Dillard: Begging Fans For Cash After Being Fired By TLC?!

Over the weekend, fans of the Duggar family were shocked to learn that Jill Duggar’s husband, Derick Dillard had been fired by the TLC network.

The move came in response to Dillard’s continued harassment of Jazz Jennings, a transgender teen who is also the star of a TLC reality show.

Dillard voiced his objections to Jennings lifestyle in a series of transphobic rants that frequently crossed the line into bullying and harassment.

“What an oxymoron… a ‘reality’ show which follows a non-reality. ‘Transgender’ is a myth. Gender is not fluid; it’s ordained by God,” Dillard tweeted back in August.

Dillard persisted in his attacks on Jennings even after being criticized by numerous public figures and former fans of the Duggars.

Bizarrely, despite no apparent provocation, Dillard picked up where he left off last week, once again haranguing the 17-year-old despite pleas for civility from fans and critics alike:

“Jazz is being taken advantage of, as part of a larger agenda,” Derick argued in his unprompted tirade.

“I hate seeing him used this way,” Derick continued, intentionally misgendering the teen.

The fixation may seem entirely inexplicable to casual fans of the Duggars, but those who have watched the family closely these past few years are aware of an ugly truth:

Derick has ambitions of rising above his status as one of the many Duggar in-laws, and it seems he’s decided to make a name for himself as an arch-conservative firebrand by beating up on Jazz.

Of course, his plan backfired in spectacular fashion, and now Derick finds himself on the offensive.

He took to Instagram today to practice two skills that will likely serve him well in his future career as a highly opinionated nobody–he offered a lame-brained defense of his earlier foolishness, and he begged for money from his social media followers.

“Our culture has accepted two huge lies,” Derick wrote.

“The first is that if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle, you must fear or hate them. The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense. You don’t have to compromise conviction to be compassionate.”

Yes, a grown man who was recently fired for bullying a teenage girl is now lecturing you on compassion.

Welcome to 2017.

From there, Derick did what he does best and groveled for cash.

Dillard has a history of begging for money online, but these days, he’s clearly more desperate than ever.

“BIG NEWS,” he latest hilariously began. “I am currently serving through a program at my home church, called the Cross Church School of Ministry!

“I am so excited about this incredible opportunity for further ministry development, and I would like to invite you to share in this excitement with me.”

He added

“I started a fundraiser on gofundme to raise the funding I need for various missions opportunities I will have throughout the year. I have a donations goal of $ 10,000.

“This will enable me to fulfill my specific calling to ministry this year, including trips for Gospel-advancement and humanitarian work in Northwest Arkansas, North America, and abroad.”

In the past, Derick has been kicked off all of the the fundraising sites that hosted his cash-grabs, and that’s probably the fate that awaits him here.

Whatever the case, his pleas appear to be falling on deaf ears.

His fundraising efforts appear to have stalled out at  $ 2,714.

If this keeps up Derick will have to face the one thing he hates more than beloved teenage television stars–full-time employment.

Watch Counting On online to relive D-Dill’s brief time in the spotlight.


Derick Dillard: Officially Axed by TLC Over Transgender Comments

Derick Dillard is persona non grata at TLC.

The network has gone ahead and made this official.

Back in August, the 28-year old husband of Jill Duggar made headlines when he attacked 17-year old transgender Jazz Jennings, who, like Derick’s wife and her family, has a show on TLC.

Seemingly unprompted by anything other than the fact that Jennings stars on I Am JazzDillard wrote on Instagram at the time:

“What an oxymoron… a ‘reality’ show which follows a non-reality. ‘Transgender’ is a myth. Gender is not fluid; it’s ordained by God.”

Jennings mostly took the high road in response, labeling Dillard a cyberbully and saying that she’s unfortunately accustomed to remarks from people such as him.

Fast forward to late last week and Derick was at it again, writing the following on Twitter:

I pity Jazz, 4 those who take advantage of him in order 2 promote their agenda, including the parents who allow these kinds of decisions 2 be made by a child.

It’s sad that ppl would use a juvenile this way.

Again, nothing against him, just unfortunate what’s on TV these days.

Ah yes, the classing “nothing against” the person whose lifestyle one thinks is sinful and shameful.

Derick added that “never bullied anyone,” but “just said I didn’t agree with what is being propagated on TV” and is “expressing my view of what should be treated as reality; if I say I feel like I am Nepali, that doesn’t make me so.”

In response to this most recent attack Jazz did not mention Derick by name.

But tweeted on Saturday:

“In the face of constant ignorance and hatred I prefer to disregard negative opinions and continue moving forward with love.”

TLC, meanwhile, was not as even-handed in its latest statement.

On its official Twitter account, the cable network wrote this:

We want to let our viewers know that Derick Dillard has not participated in Counting On for months and the network has no plans to feature him in the future.

We want to reiterate that Derick’s personal statements do not reflect the views of the network.

TLC is proud to share the story of Jazz Jennings and her family and will continue to do so.

tlc statement

Some Duggar/Dillard fans, naturally, have fired back, claiming Derick is simply exercising his right to “free speech.”

Which is true. He’s not about to be imprisoned for his view.

But the right to free speech doesn’t mean one can say absolutely anything without any consequences.

The general future of Counting On remains unclear.

There has been chatter of late that the series may not return for a new season, largely due to Dillard’s ongoing controversial comments.

What do you think about what Derick said and how TLC responded?

Should the network finally cut ties with this family once and truly for all?


Friday, November 10, 2017

Derick Dillard Launches New Attack Against Jazz Jennings

Bill O’Reilly. Sean Hannity. Alex Jones. Derick Dillard.

Yes, Jill Duggar’s husband may not have earned a spot on the list of the far-right’s most emotionally unstable mouthpieces just yet, but he’s determined to get there some day.

And like any good professional bully, D-Dill has already chosen a sufficiently vulnerable target at which to direct all of his frustrations over his own intellectual shortcomings.

Yes, presumably acting on instructions issued to him when Jesus appeared in his Chick-Fil-A Hash Brown Scramble Bowl, Derick has launched a one-man war against his fellow TLC reality star Jazz Jennings.

Derick first attacked Jennings in an unprovoked Instagram tirade back in August.

Dillard was slammed on Twitter by folks from all walks of life who were put off by the idea of a grown man attacking a teenage girl, but the father or two carried on his quest to … teach a young girl how hateful the world really is?

We’re not really sure what Derick was hoping to accomplish.

In fact, we’re guessing Derick couldn’t tell you what Derick was hoping to accomplish.

But since his bigotry briefly earned the attention of people who hadn’t thought about the Duggars since Josh was exposed as a molester, Derick is carrying on with his attack.

In response to a fan who recently pointed out that many of Dillard’s tweets and blog posts come off as “hateful,” Dillard replied:

“I pity Jazz, 4 those who take advantage of him in order 2 promote their agenda, including the parents who allow these kinds of decisions 2 be made by a child.”

He added:

“It’s sad that ppl would use a juvenile this way. Again, nothing against him, just unfortunate what’s on tv these days.”

Replying to those who have pointed out that Derick appears to be relentlessly harassing a girl he’s never met who did nothing to provoke him, Dillard added:

“Never bullied anyone, just said I didn’t agree with what is being propagated on my TV.”

You would think he was talking about the fact that there’s a TLC series about a family who harbored a child molester (It’s true ! We looked it up!) but no, Derick is still going in on Jazz.

He went on to argue that Jazz is simply too young to make decisions for himself.

In fact, he argues that all minors are incapable of making decisions, which is why he doesn’t send his children to school–they might get a head full of ideas and start making decisions without his supervision!

We wish we were joking:

“Jazz is being taken advantage of, as part of a larger agenda,” Derick argues.

“I hate seeing him used this way,” he adds. “Is it good for the government to force kids to go to school before they are old enough to decide how they feel about it?”

Dontcha see? The guv’mint’s sending kids to school and brainwashing them with Caitlyn Jenner proaganda!

And don’t get Derick started on the moon landing!

For her part, Jennings has yet to reply to Dillard’s latest bid for attention, which is typically the best way to deal with bullies.

Besides, she already said everything she needed to in response to his earlier tweets:

“Every day I experience cyber-bullying, but I keep sharing my story. Today was no different,” she wrote.

Further evidence that at 16, Jazz Jennings has attained a level of maturity that Derick Dillard can only dream of.

Watch Counting On online for more of Derick’s desperate attempts to attain relavance.


Jill Duggar & Derick Dillard: Criticized For PDA at Joy-Anna"s Wedding

Derick Dillard is making quite a name for himself these days.

Not satisfied to play second fiddle to his spouse like the other Duggar in-laws, Derick is currently in the process of rebranding himself as a right-wing firebrand with God on his side and an arsenal of hot takes at the ready.

Name an issue, and Derick’s got an opinion.

Not only that, it’ll be an opinion that’s sure to trigger the cuck-flakes into oblivion.

Transgender people?

A myth orchestrated by the lame-stream media or a pernicious threat to your children’s safety (depending on how pissed off Der is feeling that day).

National anthem protests? Ha! Racism doesn’t exist in America, folks.

And Derick would know. His best friend met a black guy once.

D-Dill has clearly set his sights on becoming the Tomi Lahren of the evangelical set, and he’ll let nothing stop him from reaching his goal.

(Including the fact that he ain’t much for your fancy book learnin’.)

Of course, the man has a hard road ahead of him.

The “far-right fringe group mouthpiece” market is over-saturated these days, and Derick is not blonde and pretty, nor is he built like a former high school football player who developed an unfortunate addiction to fried cheese products in middle age.

So employment at Fox News is out of the question.

Sure, Derick has a decent social media following, but these days, you have to go the extra mile to really stand out, especially when you come from a clan the size of the Duggars.

Fortunately, Derick is willing to do what he has to do to set himself apart from the madding crowd of his wife’s family:

The above photo was taken at the recent wedding of Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth.

As you can see, it appears Derick and Jill decided to lip-lock at the exact second the shutter button clicked.

It’s their way of donning the proverbial red-and-white striped hat and sweater in the “Where’s Waldo” cartoon that is every Duggar family photo.

Fans took notice of the attention-grabbing stunt and were quick to call the Dillards out in the comments:

“Trust Jill and Derick to try and take over the scene. They couldn’t just blend in, they have to smooch,” wrote one Instagram user.

“It was the first thing I noticed! They can’t have one picture without them being the focus, not even at her sister’s wedding,” commented another.

Is it possible that the timing of the PDA was purely coincidental?

Could it be that Jill and Derick simply wanted their affection for one another to be a matter of public record?


But we agree with the commenters that “Derick is an attention-starved social climber” angle is more fun.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, November 6, 2017

Derick Dillard: Snubbed By the ENTIRE Duggar Family?!

Derick Dillard has a lot on his plate these days. 

He’s a father of two, a reality star, an aspiring preacher, and now, it appears he’s fashioning himself into some sort of social media firebrand.

Yes, apparently encouraged by the response to his attack on Jazz Jennings, Derick has begun rebranding himself as a professional social media jackass.

Derick is forver trying to raise money for the esteemed Derick Dillard Doesn’t Want to Work a Full-Time Job fund, so it’s not hard to see why he would relish the attention.

The more eyes on his posts, the more potential donors to his “cause.”

But telling your followers that there’s no racism in America and condemning vanity and greed while simultaneously starring in a reality show and begging for money are actions bound to attract negative attention.

And it’s not just the usual Duggar critics who are coming down hard on Derick.

In fact, there are rumors that no one is more upset with Derick’s latest actions than the Duggars themselves.

Derick married Jill Duggar back in 2014, and for the most part, he’s been the sort of compliant (read: spineless) son-in-law that Jim Bob prefers.

But the rumblings out of Tontitown these days indicate that Derick’s efforts to make a name for himself are not sitting well with his in-laws.

According to the Duggar-centric Facebook page Life Is Not All Pickles and Hairspray, relations between Derick and the Duggars (great band name, btw) have deteriorated to the point that Jill and her husband were seated separately from the rest of the family at Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell’s wedding in September.

The seating arrangement is being widely interpreted as a massive snub, but there’s some disagreement as to why Derick might be on the outs with his in-laws.

Most believe it’s the result of his recent political ravings, but there’s another theory, as well.

Many Duggar fans are now wondering if there’s some legitimacy to the recent rumors that Derick was caught cheating on Jill.

Derick’s been working closlely with college students as part of his outreach efforts for his church in recent months.

Reports of an inappropriate relationship with a female student were recently bolstered by a series of tweets Derick posted about the importance of marital fidelity.

Given the Duggars’ knack for keeping skeletons in the closet, we may never know for sure just what Derick did to anger his family.

But it’s clear he’s not exactly Jim Bob’s favorite son-in-law these days.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controviersial family.


Counting On: Canceled By TLC ... Thanks to Derick Dillard?!

Counting On aired its most recent season finale last month, but the TLC series’ future – and the Duggar family’s – is very much up in the air.

Rumors of Counting On being canceled by TLC were fueled by the network deleting a post announcing the show’s renewal for Season 7.

Never a good sign … but is there anything to it?

Fans surely recall that in 2015, 19 Kids and Counting was canceled on the heels of the Josh Duggar molestation and adultery scandals.

Despite that fall from grace, the network repackaged it as Jill and Jessa Duggar: Counting On, not featuring Josh, less than one year later.

The controversial spinoff, later shortened to just Counting On, has chugged along ever since, despite being on thin ice ratings-wise.

Ironically, or perhaps fittingly, ridding the series of Josh Duggar hasn’t made the viewing experience as vanilla as executives might like.

That’s because a new “villain” of sorts has stepped in to take his polarizing place, and one that no one would’ve expected a few years back:

Jill’s husband, Derick Dillard.

Forget about what you see on the air; Derick’s controversial posts and comments on social media may be tearing the Duggars apart.

Things have gotten so bad in recent months that Dillard’s absence from the family’s Facebook page can’t be an accident or coincidence.

The crazy part is how deliberate he is; Duggar family members are all under a microscope, but he goes out of his way to stir the pot online.

Derick sparked controversy online by bashing TLC star Jazz Jennings as an “oxymoron” and saying that being “transgender” is a myth.

While he defends this as freedom of speech instead of bigotry, he doesn’t exactly pass up a chance to publicly share his divisive views.

The question is whether he – and more significantly, his giant family of in-laws – will pay a heavy price for this recurring behavior pattern.

Reports of Derick Dillard cheating on Jill Duggar are likely untrue, but the fact that he’s become a magnet for gossip speaks volumes.

Slowly but surely, he may be sinking this ship.

Counting On began with a smaller audience than 19 Kids, and what remained of the viewership then began to steadily decline further.

The Duggars have managed to stay afloat for two years under those circumstances, but how much more heat can the family endure?

Gossip about the Duggars’ imminent demise isn’t new, in large part because a growing chorus of critics would love to see that day come.

Given the dark cloud that will always linger over the reality series, how long with TLC conclude that it’s worth keeping this on the air?

With Derick emerging as a figure that Duggar detractors hate with a passion, they’re hardly shoring up the support they need at this stage. 

If we had to venture guess?

We’d say TLC hasn’t made up its mind one way or another, and is having a lot of internal discussions about the direction they’re going in.

Perhaps the powers that be are waiting to see if any better show ideas come along before rolling the dice on another year of Duggar.

Or they are fully prepared to bring Counting On back but are taking an offseason break from hyping it up in light of recent controversies.

It’s also possible that the show returns with Derick getting the Josh Duggar treatment … sun glare and kids in front of face included.


Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Derick Dillard: Did He CONFESS to Cheating on Jill Duggar?!

After years of virtually non-stop scandal, you would think all members of the Duggar family would be experts at hiding their dirty laundry.

But while the children of Jim Bob and Michelle might, from a young age, receive media training alongside their Bible instruction, the men and women who marry into the Counting On clan may not be as well-versed in the pitfalls of public life.

Take Derick Dillard, for example.

Jill Duggar’s husband has been a thorn in the side of his in-laws for the past several months, having apparently developed a taste for the spotlight following a series of ugly controversies.

First, Derick launched an attack against Jazz Jennings on social media.

Jennings is a transgender teen, who, like Derick, is the star of a TLC reality show.

Derick took a lot of flak for bullying a 16-year-old girl on Twitter and Instagram, but he also received a smattering of praise from fans who share his ultra-conservative views.

And it seems that was all the encouragement he needed.

These days, Derick seems to have been emboldened, baiting his more left-leaning followers with claims that America is the least racist country in the world, and Bible verses that he claims support his views on the subservience of women.

Recently, Derick voiced his support for Donald Trump, thus becoming one of the first members of the extended Duggar clan to publicly back a candidate who’s views and behaviors often don’t align with the family’s Christian values.

The upside of all the attention is that Derick is doing his part to help his in-laws remain relevant.

The downside is that like the Donald, Derick now finds himself in the position of defending himself against allegations of sexual misconduct.

But instead of issuing a series of sternly-worded denials like Trump, Derick seems to be conceding that he behaved inappropriately behind his wife’s back.

Derick has been tweeting*** non-stop Bible quotes about adultery, masturbation, and prostitutes, and many believe it’s his way of confessing that he was unfaithful to Jill.

“He who loves wisdom makes his father glad, but a companion of prostitutes squanders his wealth.” (Proverbs 29:3)” Derick tweeted this week.

Perhaps on its own, the passage wouldn’t have raised many eyebrows.

But it comes on the heels of a number of verses about the evils of adultery, as well as a link to an article instructing readers on how to abstain from masturbation.

But while Derick appears to be unburdening himself through confession on Twitter, his wife is on Instagram, assuring fans that all is well:

Jill posted the above photo this week, along with a caption reading:

“I [heart] you @derickdillard Ladies, find someone who loves Jesus and takes care of you like this guy does me. 

“He made dinner and had the room candlelit for our date tonight. After a stressful last hour leading up to kiddos bedtime (which got extended due to cranky babies not wanting to sleep! Ha!), @derickdillard you made me feel so cherished.”

Sounds like Jill and Der have very different ideas about where their relationship is headed.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial couple.


Sunday, October 29, 2017

Derick Dillard: It"s Not Bigotry, It"s Freedom of Speech!

What is wrong with Derick Dillard?!

That’s a serious question, by the way.

We’re not even talking about those mysterious health issues that some people are still convinced he has — we’re talking about the way he’s been trying to take over the title of the Worst Duggar Family Member.

He won’t be able to steal that title from Josh Duggar, obviously, but he sure is going for it.

For some reason, Derick has felt the need to bash the transgender community for the past few months now.

He kicked off his hateful campaign of transphobia by getting on Twitter and bullying Jazz Jennings, his fellow TLC reality star.

She’s also a teenage girl, so we hope Derick, who is nearly 30 years old, felt good about himself for attacking her.

After TLC tweeted a promo for Jazz’s show, he responded, writing “What an oxymoron… a ‘reality’ show which follows a non-reality. ‘Transgender’ is a myth. Gender is not fluid; it’s ordained by God.”

When he started getting some backlash for his tweet, he added “I want to be clear. I have nothing against him. I only have issue with the words and definitions being propagated here.”

Sure, Derick, your issue is with some words and not with a girl who is living her life in a way you don’t see fit.

A few days after that, he tweeted “It seems truth is relative these days. So glad my God is the same yesterday, today, and forever! His word is always perfect! #Hebrews13.”

Which isn’t another direct attack on Jazz and/or the entire transgender community, it seems pretty pointed.

Since then, he’s gone out of his way to make it clear that he doesn’t believe in the idea of a person being transgender — even though it’s not exactly a matter of belief, and those people exist whether or not Derick likes it.

He’s even tried to get in on a Target boycott, because of that never-ending, ridiculous bathroom issue.

And now, in a new blog he posted on the Dillard family website, he’s addressing the issue again.

“There’s been a lot of talk lately about how divisive America has become,” he began. “This isn’t new in the world; divisiveness is as old as the human race.”

“It’s not new, but it is destructive.”

It’s weird, because America is pretty divisive right now, but it’s largely because of people like Derick who feel the need to be so hateful to others.

And it’s extra weird, because Derick took that opener and turned it into a discussion about the Bill of Rights.

“No other country in history has had such progress and success as America,” he wrote. “We can thank our founding fathers for constructing a constitution that’s founded on principles of freedom, protection, justice, and truth.”

“If our generation is going to, not only benefit from, but also improve our country, we’ve got to maintain those same principles. They’re not outdated, they’re timless and are proven through time.”

Can you tell where this is going yet?

Derick asked his readers to think about the constitution when considering three big points he wanted to make.

The first being “Just because you don’t agree with someone, doesn’t mean you hate them.”

“What one thinks of someone’s idea or actions really doesn’t serve at all, to tell what they think of them personally, one way or the other,” he wrote.

“For example, I disagree with about 95% of what my son does or suggests that I do (‘Get out of the car!’ as we’re going 70mph down the highway), yet I love him dearly!”

… Seriously, he disagrees with 95% of what his son says? His two-year-old son?

That’s probably not a great sign.

“It’s not bigotry, fascism, etc… to exercise one’s right of free speech.”

Oh, that old chestnut! See, you can say whatever you want, you can be cruel and ignorant and hateful, but it’s not bigotry, it’s freedom of speech! This is America!

Of course, this argument fails to acknowledge that of course people like Derick have freedom of speech — no one is arguing that.

But being free to say the things he says doesn’t mean that he’s free from any consequences, and it doesn’t mean that we can’t call him out for being a bigot.

Because he is being a bigot.

“It’s not a problem that someone has different beliefs than you,” Derick went on, “or that they’re LGBT, or that they do anything else other than what you agree with.”

“That’s the beauty of America, that we have the freedom to make personal choices, within a civilized society of law and order. All people should be treated equally before the law, plain and simple.”

“If you do bad stuff, you should pay the consequences regardless of who you are. One’s consequences, good or bad, should be based on actions, not identity.”

… Nope, you’re still a bigot, buddy.

He also wrote that “Capitalism is great,” and “if you agree/disagree with some product/idea, you can choose not to support it or even freely encourage others to support/not support that same thing.”

And he’s right, you can do these things. For example, one could choose to boycott Target because they allow transgender people to use the appropriate bathrooms.

Again, you can do these things, but other people can then point out your bigotry.

Hilariously, he shared this blog post on his Twitter with the message “America needs unity now more than ever.”

… Why not start by not bullying teenagers then, Derick? Would that not be a unifying thing?
