Showing posts with label Dumped. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dumped. Show all posts

Friday, July 29, 2016

Ed Hartwell: THIS is Why I Dumped Keshia Knight Pulliam

It is most definitely all over between Ed Hartwell and Keshia Knight Pulliam.

That much is not up for debate.

But why prompted the couple to split after just seven months of marriage (and one pregnancy)?

That’s a question to which both sides likely have a different answer.

Earlier this week, Hartwell didn’t merely file for divorce from The Cosby Show alum; he also demanded in legal documents that Pulliam take a paternity test.

The answer why would appear to be obvious:

Hartwell must suspect his wife of cheating on him, right?

Insiders later came out and said Pulliam was confident in her fidelity. She was angry to be asked to take the paternity test, but confident she would pass it.

A couple days after news of her impending split broke, Pulliam then gave an interview in which she claimed Hartwell had cheated on her.

In other words: the entire thing is a huge mess.

Now, Hartwell has spoken out for the first time and told his side of the story to The New York Post.

The former linebacker says his marriage was torn apart by jealousy, disagreements about when to start a family and suspicions about infidelity … on both sides.

Explained Hartwell to Page Six of one significant way in which the two disagred:

“She wanted a baby really fast, and what I was trying to explain to her was that – from my beliefs, from seeing other successful people – that when you first get married, especially since we didn’t have a long courtship, that we should actually focus on each other and not just have a baby.

“That’s something she really did want to do.”

The couple got married on January 1 after a mere four months of marriage.

Hartwell says they stopped having sex once Pulliam got pregnant and that she should not have been surprised by his divorce filing.

“I said, ‘I think we probably messed up. I think we moved too fast,’” he told the newspaper. ‘”Our lives and wants are headed two different directions.’”

Hartwell says he confessed to Pulliam that his ex-wife had “lost a baby” and that he realized he still cared deeply about her.

This admission made the former Cosby Show star so hurt and angry that she basically disappeared from his life.

Hartwell added that Pulliam fled to visit a spiritualist and “started going out with friends all the time and not telling me when she was coming home or sometimes not coming home at all.”

This is why he has questions about the paternity of her child.

“I can’t say she’s been unfaithful,” he says.

“I can say she’s stayed out, she’s not came home, she’s went out-of-town … for three days, I don’t know what’s going on. I can say that.

“I can’t say she was unfaithful. I can say she wanted to get in vitro, I can say she wanted to do some things to make sure she got pregnant. I just want to make sure it is mine.”

Hartwell denies having cheated on Pulliam, but makes it sound like the baby issue tore the couple apart.

“She wants what she wants, I want what I want: she wants a baby, I want to find love and happiness.

“But at the end of the day, I think if things don’t add up, I think it’s fair for me, if things don’t add up, to want a test.”

Friday, July 8, 2016

Nathan Griffith: Did Jenelle Evans" Ex Get DUMPED By Jessica Henry?

If you follow the many ups and downs of Jenelle Evans’ world, then you may be familiar with Jessica Henry.

Henry had the misfortune of dating Nathan Griffith immediately after he broke up with Jenelle.

As a result she was sucked right into the whirling vortex that is the Carolina Hurricane’s personal life.

Jenelle was arrested for assault after she threw a Mason jar at Henry’s head in what may have been the redneck-iest crime ever committed by a Teen Mom castmember.

(Which is really saying something.)

The matter was settled out of court, but the bad blood between Jenelle and Jessica persisted.

Teen Mom 2 fans may recall the scene from Season 7 in which Jenelle is less than thrilled to learn that Jessica gave her son Kaiser his first haircut:

Jenelle and Jessica’s lives became intertwined a third time earlier this year when Evans told the judge in her custody case that she believed Griffith and Henry were using steroids.

Considering Jenelle is permanently tethered to Nathan by the fact that they share custody of Kaiser, we imagine she was more than a little pleased to hear that Jessica kicked Nathan to the curb at some point in the past week. 

“Nathan and Jessica broke up,” a source close to the former couple tells Radar Online.

The insider adds that Jessica was the one who ended the relationship, and Nathan appears to have already moved on with someone new.

In addition to the fact that Jenelle pretty much openly despises both Nathan and Jessica, she has reason to be happy about the breakup, as Jessica has a no-contact order against her.

In the past, this complicated custody exchanges and even the taping of the most recent Teen Mom 2 reunion show in New York City.

“Producers have been speaking to Nathan about the Jessica going on the trip and they don’t want it to interfere with Jenelle’s no-contact order,” a source told Radar at the time.

“If Jessica goes to NYC, Jenelle can’t be in the same area as her. She can be arrested for being in the same area as Jessica.”

So for once there was some drama that actually simplified Jenelle’s life.

That might actually be a first.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Iggy Azalea Reveals SHOCKING Reasons She Dumped Nick Young!

Earlier this month Nick Young confirmed his breakup with Iggy Azalea by informing his many Twitter followers that he misses her ass.

The man is nothing if not a romantic.

Last week Iggy confirmed that she’d broken off her engagement to Nick in a cryptic social media message.

“Unfortunately although I love Nick and have tried and tried to rebuild my trust in him – it’s become apparent in the last few weeks I am unable to,” Iggy wrote.

Today we learned exactly why the rapper had a hard time trusting her ex, and we think it’s safe to say she was not overreacting.

First, several tabloids reported that Young is expecting a second child with his ex and baby mama, Keonna Green.

“Nick waited until Keonna was four months pregnant to tell Iggy the news,” says one insider reveals

The source adds that Nick claimed “he was drunk and had a lapse in judgment.”

“He said it was a one-night stand and will never happen again,” the source says. “But it’s too late. He is having another son!”

“Iggy was supportive of Nick’s friendship with Keonna,” another source claims. “He took advantage of Iggy’s trust.”

“Iggy seemed to blow everything off. This is something she can’t ignore, and it ruined their future together.”

Well, that’ll do it.

But to hear Iggy tell it, that little whoopsie with his ex was just the tip of the infidelity iceberg.

The one hit wonder from Down Under says she actually dumped Nick before she found out his baby mama was expecting.

It seems she knew that Nick was sleeping around because the couple’s home security camera caught him in the act!

“I broke up with Nick because I found out he had brought other women into our home while I was away and caught them on the security footage,” Iggy tweeted early this morning.

“[News of the pregnancy ]is just like a second shot to the chest. And I feel like I don’t even know who the hell it is I’ve been loving all this time,” she added.

“People in this world really are f—ked up.”

All of this, of course, comes on the heels of Young admitting to cheating on Iggy in footage recorded by his Los Angeles Lakers teammate D’Angelo Russell.

So are we shocked that Nick was sleeping around? Not really.

Are we shocked that he was sleeping around with the entire population of the greater Los Angeles area? Yeah, kinda.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Calvin Harris on Taylor Swift Split: SHE Dumped ME!

Calvin Harris is no longer a member of Taylor Swift’s romantic squad.

And the DJ has now given us a pretty clear idea how he feels about that.

Shortly after news broke that his 15-month relationship with Swift was over, Harris took the high road.

He issued a Tweet in response to rumors and innuendo that said simply:

“The only truth here is that a relationship came to an end & what remains is a huge amount of love and respect.”

Sweet re-Tweeted this message and it seemed like an amicable break-up between the stars.

But then…well…. Swift was caught kissing Tom Hiddleston in public, mere weeks after she and Harris called it quits.

Asked about her ex-girlfriend’s immediate rebound, Harris was a bit less respectful, telling a paparazzi member last week:

“All good, she’s just doing her thing.”

Doing her thing. That’s a casual, passive aggressive way of saying Taylor’s “thing” is to go from guy to guy.

Now, based on screenshots of his account taken by fans, the producer/DJ, 32, has opened up even more about what things were like as Swift’s boyfriend.

In response to a few follower questions, Harris wrote that Swift “controlled the media and this situation. I had no idea what was going on.

“So that kind of makes it a lot worse from my perspective.”

When a fan asked why Calvin unfollowed Swift on social media, only to follow her again on Wednesday, he explained:

“I cared too much and then I didn’t care at all. I am a real person remember.”

With talk circulating that Swift cheated on Harris with Hiddleston, the musician didn’t do much to quell those rumors.

“Not jealous sir, FREE,” he responded to someone who claimed he could be jealous of Taylor having moved on so quickly; and then Harris added the most revealing comment of all:

“Bro I didn’t leave anyone and she’s def not sad. It’s all good.”

There’s also been chatter that Swift dumped Harris over the phone, a pretty harsh and immature way to end any long-term relationship.

Calvin did not confirm this piece of gossip, but he did credit fan account @butikeepswifting for seemingly getting the story right.

“For all we know Taylor broke up with him to be with another man and this is quite upsetting. I would be hurt by that too. He’s not being mean,” the account shared last night, adding:

“He deserves to feel free while he’s single and not feel jealous.”

Harris responded to this post by writing the following:

“@butikeepswifting you’re the only smart one at this point.”

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Tom Hiddleston Pursued Taylor Swift IMMEDIATELY After She Dumped Calvin Harris, Source Claims

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston are dating.

News of the relationship went public not through the usual tabloid grapevine, but via a photo of Swift and Hiddleston kissing in public, apparently with no regard for who witnessed the PDA.

Whether or not the kiss was staged or a genuinely candid moment caught on camera remains a matter of debate.

The reveal was a bit surprising as the photo was published just weeks after Swift’s breakup with Calvin Harris, whom she’d dated for over a year.

To say it was a quick rebound for a woman whose made a career out of heartbreak and lost love would be a massive understatement.

The girl didn’t even have enough time to write a scathing chorus, much less the classic Taylor Swift breakup album we were expecting!

It’s one thing to arrange a low-key friends-with-benefits arrangement so soon after a major breakup, but it’s quite another to publicly move on to a new serious relationship, especially for someone as synonymous with the loveliness of love as Ms. Swift.

So what happened?

Well, if a new report from Us Weekly is to be believed, Hiddleston wasted no time swooping in as soon as he found out Taylor was on the market.

Swift and Hiddleston became acquianted at the Met Gala back in May, and the actor was apparently so smitten that he contacted Taylor is soon as he heard she was on the market.

Obviously, she was open to his advances.

“She’s single, so of course if a cute guy reaches out who she likes, she would talk to him,” says one insider.

“There really isn’t a better way to get over a breakup!”

Adds the source: “He’s hot, smart, talented, British – everything she’s into.”

Tom Hiddleston Pursued Taylor Swift IMMEDIATELY After She Dumped Calvin Harris, Source Claims

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston are dating.

News of the relationship went public not through the usual tabloid grapevine, but via a photo of Swift and Hiddleston kissing in public, apparently with no regard for who witnessed the PDA.

Whether or not the kiss was staged or a genuinely candid moment caught on camera remains a matter of debate.

The reveal was a bit surprising as the photo was published just weeks after Swift’s breakup with Calvin Harris, whom she’d dated for over a year.

To say it was a quick rebound for a woman whose made a career out of heartbreak and lost love would be a massive understatement.

The girl didn’t even have enough time to write a scathing chorus, much less the classic Taylor Swift breakup album we were expecting!

It’s one thing to arrange a low-key friends-with-benefits arrangement so soon after a major breakup, but it’s quite another to publicly move on to a new serious relationship, especially for someone as synonymous with the loveliness of love as Ms. Swift.

So what happened?

Well, if a new report from Us Weekly is to be believed, Hiddleston wasted no time swooping in as soon as he found out Taylor was on the market.

Swift and Hiddleston became acquianted at the Met Gala back in May, and the actor was apparently so smitten that he contacted Taylor is soon as he heard she was on the market.

Obviously, she was open to his advances.

“She’s single, so of course if a cute guy reaches out who she likes, she would talk to him,” says one insider.

“There really isn’t a better way to get over a breakup!”

Adds the source: “He’s hot, smart, talented, British – everything she’s into.”

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Calvin Harris Dick Pic: The REAL Reason Taylor Swift Dumped Him?

When the world first learned that Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris had broken up, it was reported that he was the one who decided to call it quits.

In the past 24 hours, however, a pair of developments have led many to the conclusion that Taylor was actually the one to pull the plug.

First, there was the news that Taylor is dating Tom Hiddleston.

Maybe lanky blonde lads from the U.K. are just her thing these days, and Taylor moved on inordinately quickly from a relationship of over one year.

Or maybe there’s something more going on here.

Perhaps Taylor wasn’t blindsided by Harris kicking her to the curb.

Perhaps she found it so easy to move on because she’s the one who handed him his walking papers in order to avoid a PR nightmare.

According to Radar Online, a pic that’s being described as a “Calvin Harris dick pic” is making it’s way around the interwebz.

Editors at the site say the pic shows “a shirtless man sprawled on a bed, holding his erect penis.”

We assume he’s flaxen-pubed which means the dong in question could very well be Harris’ … but it could also belong to another tow-headed dong-possessor.

Like, say … Tom Hiddleston.

Dramatic Chipmunk GIF

Just kidding, it’s probably Calvin’s.

And Taylor probably dropped his ass because of it.

The photo was allegedly sent to a “Los Angeles-based music executive.”

Taylor may have caught wind of it and concluded that all those rumors about Harris cheating on her while she was on tour were true.

Or maybe she didn’t feel like having her team handle yet another Calvin controversy.

Whatever the case, the man now has all the time in the world to hang out at as many happy ending massage parlors as he’d like.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Zayn Malik: DUMPED Gigi Hadid After 21st Birthday??

Another beautiful couple bites the dust.

And they seemed so great together. Well, cute, at least.

Zayn Malik reportedly broke up with Gigi Hadid shortly after celebrating her 21st birthday.

Apparently, Zayn just wasn’t that into it and didn’t want to be tied down any longer.

“Zayn broke the news to Gigi two weeks after her birthday,” a source told Life & Style.

“He sat her down at dinner and told her how he felt.”

And how did he feel?

“Zayn told Gigi that he wanted to keep his options open and work on himself,” the source told the magazine.

Ugh. The old “keep my options open” excuse? 

Basically saying “you’re not my best option” or “I’ve got so many damn options and I don’t want to pick one.”

See? Even supermodels aren’t immune to playboy antics.

“Gigi was shocked because she thought they were a perfect couple,” added the source

“She is absolutely heartbroken and has been feeling really sad ever since.”

The pair have been an item since about November of last year.

In January, Zayn included Gigi in the video for his debut solo effort, “Pillowtalk,” and it was pretty freakin’ steamy.

But hey, sometimes these things just don’t work out. These two are young and hot, and we’re sure they’ll be okay. 

Zayn Malik: DUMPED Gigi Hadid After 21st Birthday??

Another beautiful couple bites the dust.

And they seemed so great together. Well, cute, at least.

Zayn Malik reportedly broke up with Gigi Hadid shortly after celebrating her 21st birthday.

Apparently, Zayn just wasn’t that into it and didn’t want to be tied down any longer.

“Zayn broke the news to Gigi two weeks after her birthday,” a source told Life & Style.

“He sat her down at dinner and told her how he felt.”

And how did he feel?

“Zayn told Gigi that he wanted to keep his options open and work on himself,” the source told the magazine.

Ugh. The old “keep my options open” excuse? 

Basically saying “you’re not my best option” or “I’ve got so many damn options and I don’t want to pick one.”

See? Even supermodels aren’t immune to playboy antics.

“Gigi was shocked because she thought they were a perfect couple,” added the source

“She is absolutely heartbroken and has been feeling really sad ever since.”

The pair have been an item since about November of last year.

In January, Zayn included Gigi in the video for his debut solo effort, “Pillowtalk,” and it was pretty freakin’ steamy.

But hey, sometimes these things just don’t work out. These two are young and hot, and we’re sure they’ll be okay. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Jason Derulo: DUMPED By Daphne Joy?!

Well, that didn’t take long.

Less than a year after the world learned that Jason Derulo and Daphne Joy were hooking up, TMZ is reporting that the couple has officially called it quits.

Derulo is best known for such hit singles as “Talk Dirty” and “Wiggle,” while Joy is probably most famous for being one of 50 Cent’s baby mamas.

It seems Jason received a bit of karmic payback for dumping Jordin Sparks over the phone back in 2014, as sources say Daphne cut him loose without warning.

We’re sure he’ll do fine, but hopefully Sparks fans are enjoying the fact that Derulo was taken down a peg.

Reps for the couple say the split was amicable, Jason and Daphne are still friends, and other such nonsense.

Some fans claim Jason and Daphne were never even serious, and were in more a “friends with benefits” situation, with one of those benefits being free publicity.

Despite his string of hits, Jason falls just short of mainstream A-lister status, and Daphne is a relative unknown.

But as a couple, they were bigger than the sum of their parts.

Pics of Jason and Daphne frolicking on the beach often went viral for fairly obvious reasons:

So yeah, they were using each other for more than PR, but Daphne’s social media following skyrocketed during her time with Derulo.

We’re sure he enjoyed their time together in his own way, too.

Here’s wishing these two all the best.

We’re sure Jason is recovering with melancholy 18-some as we speak.

Jason Derulo: DUMPED By Daphne Joy?!

Well, that didn’t take long.

Less than a year after the world learned that Jason Derulo and Daphne Joy were hooking up, TMZ is reporting that the couple has officially called it quits.

Derulo is best known for such hit singles as “Talk Dirty” and “Wiggle,” while Joy is probably most famous for being one of 50 Cent’s baby mamas.

It seems Jason received a bit of karmic payback for dumping Jordin Sparks over the phone back in 2014, as sources say Daphne cut him loose without warning.

We’re sure he’ll do fine, but hopefully Sparks fans are enjoying the fact that Derulo was taken down a peg.

Reps for the couple say the split was amicable, Jason and Daphne are still friends, and other such nonsense.

Some fans claim Jason and Daphne were never even serious, and were in more a “friends with benefits” situation, with one of those benefits being free publicity.

Despite his string of hits, Jason falls just short of mainstream A-lister status, and Daphne is a relative unknown.

But as a couple, they were bigger than the sum of their parts.

Pics of Jason and Daphne frolicking on the beach often went viral for fairly obvious reasons:

So yeah, they were using each other for more than PR, but Daphne’s social media following skyrocketed during her time with Derulo.

We’re sure he enjoyed their time together in his own way, too.

Here’s wishing these two all the best.

We’re sure Jason is recovering with melancholy 18-some as we speak.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Miley Cyrus: CHEATED ON & DUMPED By Liam Hemsworth??

Well, this is a new twist.

Ever since Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth secretly got back together over the new year, we’ve heard so much goss about their on-again relationship.

While the couple have been seen together many times, they have both remained silent on the status of their union, leaving it open to speculation.

We’ve heard they’re engaged, married and pregnant.

We also heard Liam dumped her because she sexted her ex, and then dumped her again because there was too much dog poop in her house.

But a new report claims that Liam is the cheater, and that he’s called off the wedding that we’re not certain was real in the first place.

Regardless, we’re here to report the gossip, so this is what we’ve got:

“He realized that he’s not ready to settle down and that Miley really isn’t the one, so he recently dumped her, just days before the wedding,” according to Life & Style.

“She’s heartbroken, but pissed off, too.”

A source told the publication that he cheated with a rando, which ignited his realization that Miley wasn’t the one.

“He and friends had gone surfing in Malibu and picked up some girls on the beach who were visiting from out of town,” the insider claimed.

“The girls were really hot and Liam’s buddies invited them back up to their house for some drinks and fun. That’s when things got wild.”

The alleged infidelity occurred while Miley was in New York filming a new series with Woody Allen.

“Miley’s pretty open to anything, but not cheating,” added the source. 

“Liam insists that he tried to make it work, but he just wasn’t ready to settle down, not with Miley anyway. The wedding is officially off.”

The source said Liam confessed to Miley at the end of April, while the two were visiting his family in Australia.

That was about the time Miley got matching tattoos with Elsa Pataky, the wife of Liam’s brother Chris Hemsworth.

We’re guessing either Liam spilled the beans after she got the ink that sealed her bond with their family. That, or this whole story is a bunch of hooey.

We honestly wish Miley and Liam would just come clean about what’s going on in their relationship so we can stop with the guesswork.

It’s just getting so hard to keep up.

Miley Cyrus: CHEATED ON & DUMPED By Liam Hemsworth??

Well, this is a new twist.

Ever since Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth secretly got back together over the new year, we’ve heard so much goss about their on-again relationship.

While the couple have been seen together many times, they have both remained silent on the status of their union, leaving it open to speculation.

We’ve heard they’re engaged, married and pregnant.

We also heard Liam dumped her because she sexted her ex, and then dumped her again because there was too much dog poop in her house.

But a new report claims that Liam is the cheater, and that he’s called off the wedding that we’re not certain was real in the first place.

Regardless, we’re here to report the gossip, so this is what we’ve got:

“He realized that he’s not ready to settle down and that Miley really isn’t the one, so he recently dumped her, just days before the wedding,” according to Life & Style.

“She’s heartbroken, but pissed off, too.”

A source told the publication that he cheated with a rando, which ignited his realization that Miley wasn’t the one.

“He and friends had gone surfing in Malibu and picked up some girls on the beach who were visiting from out of town,” the insider claimed.

“The girls were really hot and Liam’s buddies invited them back up to their house for some drinks and fun. That’s when things got wild.”

The alleged infidelity occurred while Miley was in New York filming a new series with Woody Allen.

“Miley’s pretty open to anything, but not cheating,” added the source. 

“Liam insists that he tried to make it work, but he just wasn’t ready to settle down, not with Miley anyway. The wedding is officially off.”

The source said Liam confessed to Miley at the end of April, while the two were visiting his family in Australia.

That was about the time Miley got matching tattoos with Elsa Pataky, the wife of Liam’s brother Chris Hemsworth.

We’re guessing either Liam spilled the beans after she got the ink that sealed her bond with their family. That, or this whole story is a bunch of hooey.

We honestly wish Miley and Liam would just come clean about what’s going on in their relationship so we can stop with the guesswork.

It’s just getting so hard to keep up.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Kylie Jenner and Tyga: Why Did They Split? Who Dumped Whom?

Tyga may be an epic dirtbag, broke and something of a loser at life, but the real reason Kylie Jenner split up with him is even simpler.

News of the latest, greatest and reportedly final Kylie Jenner and Tyga breakup took the Internet by storm earlier this week, but honestly?

What was she doing with this dude in the first place?

At the end of the day, Kylie is too successful, too young and too damn hot to be tied down to one man, and as a result … she no longer is.

According to TMZ, Kris Jenner’s youngest child gradually realized that she wants to live the single life and reap the spoils of being Kylie.

As an 18-year-old multi-millionaire, they are plenty.

There is a lifestyle component to this, regarding how she makes those millions; Kylie travels often, and all over the world, for appearances.

Tyga, meanwhile, is home focusing on his music (term used loosely, the man is just not good even as mediocre rappers go, but we digress).

As careers go, theirs began to slowly diverge.

One source claims that both knew it wouldn’t work, which is why they took a break last fall, and why there’s been drama ever since.

What to eat, what they wear, where they go, what they say on social media … you name it, these two fight about it. Often times in public.

Everything has become an issue for the duo known as Kyga.

As for the model at Mother’s Day brunch and reports of Tyga cheating on Kylie that have been running rampant in the last few weeks?

Models (like Tiffani Kathleen) are often “hanging around” the rapper, but he insists he has no serious girlfriends and that he’s not a cheater.

Given his propensity for hollering at underage girls, THG finds Tyga’s statement a bit dubious, but he insists there’s nothing going on.

Kylie reportedly buys this explanation, which we think is naive, but given that she kicked him to the curb for good this time, it’s all moot.

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, T-Raww.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Kourtney Kardashian: Running Back to Scott Disick After Getting Dumped By Justin Bieber?!

The first time Kourtney Kardashian hooked up with Justin Bieber, we gave her the benefit of the doubt.

We figured she was just having fun with a younger douche after nearly a decade of being shackled to the Lord of the Douches, Scott Disick. Now, however, it looks like the whole thing may have been much more serious than we thought.

Earlier this week, several sources reported that Kourtney and Justin were “back on” after being spotted making out backstage after one of his recent concerts in LA.

Unfortunately, it looks like the 36-year-old reality star and the 22-year-old singer have different ideas about what “back on” means.

It seems Justin was just looking for a one night stand, a way to lick his wounds after learning that his ex, Selena Gomez, is dating Charlie Puth.

Kourtney reportedly thought it was something more, and insiders say the mother of three is now deeply embarrassed.

So embarrassed, in fact, that she’s turned to the one man who she knows is always good for an ego boost.

Yes, multiple tabloids are reporting today that after months of reconciliation efforts, Scott Disick is getting another chance with his baby mama.

Disick hinted that he and Kourtney were back together in a recent interview, but most fans dismissed it as wishful thinking.

Now it seems like the Lord knew he what he was talking about.

Say what you will about the man – he’s got a way of getting what he wants.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Caila Quinn: The REAL Reason She Was Dumped for JoJo Fletcher as the Next Bachelorette

Last week, it was a foregone conclusion that Caila Quinn, this season’s third runner-up on The Bachelor, would be selected to star next season as The Bachelorette.

But during The Bachelor season finale on Monday, host Chris Harrison dropped this bomb:

The next Bachelorette will NOT be Caila, but JoJo Fletcher.

The audience was shocked. It had just made sense that Caila would be The Bachelorette

After all, the show has a history of choosing the third runner-up, plus Caila’s Filipina heritage would help the franchise address attacks that the show wasn’t diverse enough. 

In fact, it seemed Caila had already secured the gig as she was seen filming her intro package for the show in her home town of Hudson, Ohio earlier this month.

Apparently, the show’s producers had a change of heart at the last minute and ultimately went with JoJo, the one bachelor Ben Higgins loved, as it were, only second most.

“It was nothing against Caila, but JoJo’s storyline was just so compelling,” a source told E! News.

“After seeing how she fell in love with Ben and then had her heart broken, there was no doubt that everyone’s going to be rooting for her as Bachelorette.”

While fans initially believed Caila was pissed at being passed up for the job (couldn’t blame her), the source insisted that she had no hard feelings.

Caila even Instagrammed this photo of herself with JoJo and Lauren Bushnell, this year’s winner:

“Congratulations to these beautiful girls!” she wrote in the caption. “From dancing in our pjs in the Mansion to Mexico City mimosas, can’t help but smile at all of the fun memories. Sending love as the journey isn’t over, it’s only just beginning.”


We’re not sure exactly what’s ahead for Caila, but she is is reportedly planning a move to New York City.

Since the Big Apple is notoriously the hardest place to find love on the planet, we assume she’ll be focusing on her career.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Lauren Bushnell: Dumped By Ben Higgins For JoJo Fletcher?!

The Bachelor Season 20 is coming down the home stretch and Ben Higgins is down to his final four after Monday night’s double elimination.

While The Bachelor spoilers have hinted at a fairly cut and dried ending to the 2016 campaign from the start, is an epic twist in the works?

If you watch The Bachelor online, you know where we stand:

Amanda Stanton, Caila Quinn, Jojo Fletcher (above), and Lauren Bushnell (below) are the only four women out of 25 still in the hunt.

Sorry Becca Tilley. For the second straight year.

WARNING: It should go without saying, but The Bachelor spoilers await below, including who Ben Higgins picks (or allegedly picks).

So read on at your own risk. We good? Good …

According to Reality Steve, the show’s unofficial soothsayer – the Oracle of Bachelor Spoilers if you will – Amanda is the next one out.

Her hometown date didn’t get it done, apparently.

Then Ben sends Caila home from overnight dates in Jamaica, leaving Higgins to choose between JoJo Fletcher and Lauren Bushnell.

From the get-go, Lauren has been the favorite (some rumors even implied that Ben made up his mind before filming ended) this year.

Is there more to it, though? Read on …

However, recent speculation has centered around Ben’s unresolved feelings for JoJo Fletcher, and whether that might doom his engagement.

Sure, the “I’m in love with two women” trope is done to death every year to build suspense, but in this case, is there something to it?

Talk of Ben Higgins pulling a Jason Mesnick and dropping Lauren Bushnell after she wins the final rose has us intrigued, we can’t lie.

That gossip may be completely bogus, but other accounts suggest it went down to the wire for Ben, and that alone has rankled Lauren.

Lauren had no idea how close she was to almost not receiving a ring, believing Ben was just going through the motions all along in 2016.

In truth, was he a lot more conflicted than he let on?

Well, one insider says this has given way to real feelings of jealousy toward Ben and JoJo Fletcher, leaving the couple on the rocks.

Might Higgins end up with Fletcher in the end?

Until that happens or we hear The Bachelor spoilers from Steve himself, we aren’t going to go that far. But it does make you wonder

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Adam Lind: DUMPED By Girlfriend Due to Explicit Photos

Last week, sexually explicit photos of Adam Lind surfaced online, and were quickly deleted.

Though the pics didn’t show Lind’s man bits, many fans were shocked by the sight of the Teen Mom villain – how can we put this delicately? – aggressively tossing his ex-girlfriend’s salad.

As we said, the pics were taken down shortly after they appeared on Instagram, but the damage had already been done.

Yesterday, we learned that has decided not to fight Chelsea Houska for custody of their daughter, Aubree, as a result of the photos.

Today, Radar Online is reporting that Lind has been dumped by girlfriend Stasia Huber due to the fallout from the explicit pics.

“Obviously she was upset to see her boyfriend like that with his ex,” one insider tells Radar. “They already had problems, but the photo added fuel to the fire.

“Stasia was doing her best for Adam and his daughters, but she knows she has to focus on herself right now.”

It seems like an odd reason to end a relationship, but then again, any reason is a good reason to break up with Adam Lind.

So look, ladies of North Dakota! Adam Lind is on the hunt once again. Hey, at least now you have an idea of what he’s willing to do in bed.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Harry Styles: DUMPED By Kendall Jenner?!

It’s only been six weeks since Kendall Jenner and Harry Styles went on vacation together, prompting rumors that they’re  an item.

At first it seemed like fans and the media were jumping to conclusions, but it wasn’t long before Kendall’s own family members started confirming that she’s dating Harry.

Unfortunately, the young couple probably wishes the Kardashian hype machine had waited a while before forcing them to go public, because by all accounts, things are not going well in Handall Land.

Last week, there were rumors of Harry cheating on Kendall with a longtime friend, and now Hollywood Life is reporting that Kendall has kicked Harry to the curb.

Surprisingly, the two incidents are not related, as the site claims that Kendall dumped Harry not because of his alleged infidelity, but because of his unwillingness to commit. 

“At this point in her life, Kendall is ready for a serious relationship,” says one insider.

“She thought she could just go with the flow with Harry, but it’s just not making her happy. Harry is too loosey-goosey for her.”

The source adds that Kendall and Harry gave it a go once before and experienced the same problems:

“It’s pretty much what happened the first time around for them; Kendall wanted more and Harry wasn’t ready to fully commit.

“They aren’t on bad terms or anything, but Kendall isn’t going to wait around for Harry to make the next move, which would be to make a serious commitment and follow up with concrete actions. She wants a guy who’s going to walk the walk.”

Well, at least they’re still on good terms. Harry already has beef with Zayn, the man doesn’t need any more hostility in his life.

Leah Messer: DUMPED By Jeremy Calvert For Brooke Wehr?!

It’s tough to keep up with everything that’s going on in Leah Messer’s love life, but here’s a brief rundown of recent events:

Last week, Leah broke up with T.R. Dues after five months of what appeared to be a very serious relationship.

Shortly thereafter, it was rumored that Leah was back with Jeremy Calvert – her second husband and father of her youngest child. 

Unfortunately for Leah, if she dropped Dues in hopes of convincing the Calvert that she’s serious about giving their marriage another chance, then she may have bet on the wrong horse.

Radar Online is reporting today that Jeremy is back together Brooke Wehr, whom he began dating shortly after the end of his marriage with Leah.

“They are really happy together,” says a source close to the situation.

Jeremy seems to have confirmed the reconciliation just yesterday, posting a photo of Brooke along with a caption reading, “We had our ups and downs, but only to make us stronger.”

Calvert and Wehr split briefly last year, and it was during that time that he reportedly began exchanging flirty text messaged with Leah.

Now, it seems Leah may have overplayed her hand and falsely assumed that Jeremy was interested in giving their marriage another chance.

Just another fumble in the notoriously unlucky love life of Ms. Messer.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Leah’s questionable life decisions.