Friday, May 13, 2016

Kylie Jenner and Tyga: Why Did They Split? Who Dumped Whom?

Tyga may be an epic dirtbag, broke and something of a loser at life, but the real reason Kylie Jenner split up with him is even simpler.

News of the latest, greatest and reportedly final Kylie Jenner and Tyga breakup took the Internet by storm earlier this week, but honestly?

What was she doing with this dude in the first place?

At the end of the day, Kylie is too successful, too young and too damn hot to be tied down to one man, and as a result … she no longer is.

According to TMZ, Kris Jenner’s youngest child gradually realized that she wants to live the single life and reap the spoils of being Kylie.

As an 18-year-old multi-millionaire, they are plenty.

There is a lifestyle component to this, regarding how she makes those millions; Kylie travels often, and all over the world, for appearances.

Tyga, meanwhile, is home focusing on his music (term used loosely, the man is just not good even as mediocre rappers go, but we digress).

As careers go, theirs began to slowly diverge.

One source claims that both knew it wouldn’t work, which is why they took a break last fall, and why there’s been drama ever since.

What to eat, what they wear, where they go, what they say on social media … you name it, these two fight about it. Often times in public.

Everything has become an issue for the duo known as Kyga.

As for the model at Mother’s Day brunch and reports of Tyga cheating on Kylie that have been running rampant in the last few weeks?

Models (like Tiffani Kathleen) are often “hanging around” the rapper, but he insists he has no serious girlfriends and that he’s not a cheater.

Given his propensity for hollering at underage girls, THG finds Tyga’s statement a bit dubious, but he insists there’s nothing going on.

Kylie reportedly buys this explanation, which we think is naive, but given that she kicked him to the curb for good this time, it’s all moot.

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, T-Raww.