Showing posts with label FOURTH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FOURTH. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Guess The Sexy Stars in Red, White & Blue ... Happy Fourth of July!

Atteeeeeeeeention! While you grub on barbeque and binge on brewskis try to guess which sexy stars are reppin’ red, white & blue bikinis.  ‘Merica!


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Maci Bookout: I Want to Adopt a Fourth Kid!

Maci Bookout has made a lot of tabloid headlines in recent weeks, but most of them have had to do with her troubled ex and original baby daddy, Ryan Edwards.

Edwards checked into rehab to be treated for substance abuse issues shortly after getting married to Mackenzie Standifer last month.

His first order of business after leaving treatment was to slam Bookout in an Instagram rant, so we think it’s safe to say she has more than enough on her plate these days.

Bookout says she’s committed to helping her ex remain sober and be the father that her eldest child needs.

But just because she’s up to her eyeballs in Ryan drama these days, that doesn’t mean Maci isn’t ready to take on even more responsibility.

The mother of three sat down for a surprisingly candid interview recently and revealed that she and husband Taylor McKinney may be open to the idea of further expanding their family:

“I don’t want to be pregnant again, but Taylor and I are both definitely interested in adoption,” Maci told E! News.

Knowing that that’s the sort of quote that makes the rounds on social media and prompts a tidal wave of premature congratulations from fans, Maci immediately clarified that she’s talking about the distant future:

“If it does happen, it will not be anytime soon,” she told the interviewer.

That’s probably for the best.

Like we said, Maci has a whole lot going on these days, and the most recent season of Teen Mom: OG was one of her mst emotional to date.

In addition to the drama surrounding Ryan, Maci revealed that she often fights with McKinney at night, when both of them have been drinking. 

Bookout was criticized by fans following that bombshell, but those who know her best rushed to her defense, insisting that they’ve never met a more capable or competent mother.

In the past, Maci has enjoyed one of the more stable lives of any of the Teen Moms.

(Some fans have gone so far as to describe her storylines as “boring.”)

But this season proved that on a long enough timeline, the stresses of adulthood find us all.

Watch Teen Mom online to relive the rocky road that brought Maci to where she is today.


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Leah Messer: Pregnant With FOURTH Child?!

Is Leah Messer pregnant with her fourth child?

That rumor surfaced this week, courtesy of a scene on Monday night’s Teen Mom 2 and a live stream quote from her third child, Adalynn.

Predictably, Twitter is just about losing its mind.

With Jenelle Evans and Chelsea Houska both having given birth in January, and Kailyn Lowry pregnant, was Messer feeling left out?!

We kid, but if Leah were expecting right now, all four Teen Mom 2 stars would’ve been pregnant at some point in 2017, which is just …

Not sure what superlative to use there, even.

In any case, the rumor got started during a Facebook live video (see above) in which Leah’s daughter Addie seemingly spills the beans.

She whispers to her, “tell them ’bout the baby in your tummy,” and then Addie says it again, though the first time is more clearly audible.

Leah didn’t react at all to Addie’s comments, but the 24-year-old began to struggle with the camera, and deleted the Facebook video.

Then there was this on Teen Mom 2

Sonogram photos were seen on Leah’s refrigerator, naturally causing fans to wonder if she could possibly be pregnant with her fourth.

Regarding those ultrasound images above, the MTV scene in question was filmed at the time when Leah’s sister Victoria was pregnant.

She was possibly living with Leah as well, according to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, so there’s a great chance that the pics are hers.

Even if the sonograms aren’t of Victoria’s baby, they could be old ones of Leah’s (it’s possible), as the baby is clearly pretty well developed.

As for Addie’s video, Leah eventually addressed the speculation caused by her daughter with Jeremy Calvert, telling fans on Twitter:

“I am definitely not [pregnant],” Leah wrote.

“I have the IUD.”

“Kids say the craziest things,” Leah wrote one fan, adding:

“Side note: you have to be sexually active to get pregnant.”

Ouch! An amusing way to shoot down the rumor for sure.

As for the obvious question: Is Leah telling the truth?

It’s a fair one to ask, given how her co-stars Jenelle and Kailyn recently lied or dodged questions pertaining to their own third pregnancies.

According to The Ashley, however, Leah isn’t pregnant.

“She has never mentioned anything to the crew, and there have been no indications at all that she’s expecting,” one source reports. 


“She’s really, really thin right now, too,” the source adds.

“There is absolutely not tummy whatsoever.”

Recent Leah Messer weight loss photos have surprised fans, even sparking (false) rumors that she has a drug problem once again.

She doesn’t have a drug problem, let’s just repeat that again. But if anything, she’s looking less pregnant these days than ever before.

Another source says that Leah is flat-out denying it when asked to her face, as well as with comments on her private Facebook (above).

“She’s not pregnant,” another source says.

Probably for the best. We can now put this rumor to rest and go back to debating whether these are inappropriately disturbing photos of her kids.


Friday, January 13, 2017

Kourtney Kardashian: ACTUALLY Pregnant With Fourth Child?!

We’ve been hearing reports about Kourtney Kardashian being pregnant for so long now that if the rumors were all true she’d be walking around with a dozen kids inside her, the oldest of whom would be about 20 months along.

That said, these days, the 37-year-old is sending a pretty strong message that she’s knocked up.

Yesterday, social media was abuzz with word that Kourtney had confirmed her pregnancy with a baby bump selfie … that turned out to be a throwback.

At first, it seemed like Kourt was just having some fun messing with her followers.

She’s a Kardashian, after all, and Kardashians begin to wither away within hours of when the Internet stops talking about them.

True story.

Anyway, Kourtney is certainly doing her part to keep the rumor mill churning with Snapchat posts like this one:

Yes, that appears to be a photo of a pair of baby sneakers with the word “BABY” emblazoned across it, because Kourt is subtle like that.

So is this her way of confirming that she’s actually expecting a fourth?

Weirdly, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Kourt’s made no mention of a pregnancy on any of her other social media pages, so if she is pregnant, this is the most drawn-out announcement ever.

(Did we already sarcastically mention that the Kards aren’t exactly huge on subtlety?)

It’s possible that Kourtney is currently pregnant, but we can’t help but think she would either keep a tight lid on the secret or shout it from a rooftop.

This in-between business is very un-Kardashian.

That said, Kourtney has spoken about her desire for a fourth kid several times in the past, and it looks as though she’s currently back together with Scott Disick.

They’ll probably break up again any day now, and Kourt’s not getting any younger, so she’s probably feeling like the time to breed is now.

In conclusion, we have no effing idea if Kourtney is knocked up or not.

We’re leaning toward “no, but she’ll keep hinting that she is until her Instagram followers get bored and/or a family scandal distracts us all from this charade.”


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Kourtney Kardashian: Pregnant with Fourth Child!

Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick are expecting their fourth child together, according to a source close to the reality star couple.

Yes, we know we’ve heard it all before at this point.

Time and again (and again) as a matter of fact.

Still, a family insider says that it’s happening, and it comes on the heels of reports of Kourtney and Scott back together for good, so …

“Kourtney is pregnant in her first trimester,” the family insider revealed, noting that the eldest sister is still very early along in the pregnancy.

As such, she’s only telling very close friends.

Yet somehow, this story got out? We wouldn’t be all that surprised, given the number of staff members around, but we’re a little skeptical.

Kardashian, 37, and Disick, 33, are already the parents to Mason, 7, Penelope, 4, and Reign, 2, broke up in 2015 after almost 10 years.

Slowly but surely, however, they have reconciled.

Disick infamously cheated on her, then checked into rehab, but recommitted to parenting as they tried to adjust to a new normal together.

The bond kept them together, but their relationship was also rekindled in other ways as they traveled to Nantucket, Miami, and Aspen.

In recent months, discussion of their on-again, off-again romance has heated up, with both parties wanting to see Kourtney pregnant.

Now, the source revealed that they are “definitely back together” and that despite rumors to the contrary, Disick IS the father of the baby!

He or she will be the couple’s fourth!

As for the celebrities’ long-term future together?

Despite talk of Kourtney and Scott’s reconciliation, it looks as though things are a bit murky in terms of where they see this going.

“They are working it out for the sake of the child … neither one of them is seeing anyone else right now,” said the alleged insider.

Nice. So they’re kinda sorta dating exclusively?

That would be an improvement from this fall, Kardashian was playing the field with young hot male model by the name of Younes Bendjima.

Whether or not her goal was to make Disick incredibly jealous, it worked, and he set out trying to win her over the best way he knows how:

Spending massive amounts of dollars.

“Scott bought Kourtney a $ 35,000 David Yurman gold cuff bracelet that is laden with diamonds and she really loved it,” said the source.

“He has also been showering her with flowers and has even started writing ‘rhymes’ for her. He doesn’t call it poetry, but that’s what it is.”

The guy is nothing if not a true romantic.

Indeed, however unconventional, the relationship between Kardashian and Disick appears to be stronger than ever as we begin 2017.

Kourtney shared a photo to her Instagram account last week that appears to be fairly generic, but its caption may tell the bigger story.

It reads simply: “Mom and Dad.”

This is literally the case, of course.

See the three cute kids they already have. They will always be mother and father to them, a fact that kept them close even in sad times.

But it’s hard not to interpret it on another level entirely. Would she really write that if she weren’t trying to invite some additional speculation?

We’d be remiss if we didn’t say we’re hoping it’s a subtle way of her telling the world she and Scott are officially “Mom and Dad” once again.

And that their family is whole.


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Kourtney Kardashian: PREGNANT With Scott Disick"s Fourth Baby?!

For months now, we’ve been hearing rumors about Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick getting back together.

We suppose it was inevitable that they’d get involved in some sort of blurred lines, “conscious uncoupling,” are-they-or-aren’t-they situation given the odd-brother sister nature of their relationship.

But we certainly never expected this:

Sources tell Radar Online that Kourtney is planning to have another baby with Scott.

If you’re keeping score at home, it would be the couple’s fourth.

Apparently, the decision has little to do with Scott, and everything to do with Kourtney’s desire to have two more kids before she hits 40.

One insider tells the website:

“Kourtney is not pregnant, but she has started preparing her body for pregnancy by taking prenatal vitamins and eating in accordance with what her doctor recommends.”

“She is ready to have a fourth child with Scott and she does not want to adopt, or use a surrogate.”

The source adds that Kourtney won’t be satisfied with just one more kid, either:

“Kourtney’s goal is to have as many children as her mother had, and she wants them to all be close in age.

“She is going to have to be a baby-making machine for these next couple of years.”

Normally, we’d say that sounds ridiculous, but if there’s any family that would turn procreation into contest, it’s the Kardashians.

And also the Duggars.

What’s up with reality TV matriarchs and just having a f–kton of kids?

Anyway Kourtney tells friends she has reason to believe that Scott has cleaned up his act:

“Kourtney is loving Scott more than ever because he is finally the man that she always wanted him to be.

“He is sober and he turned it all around just for her and his family.”

Yeah, is it just us, or does that still sound like a pretty terrible idea?

Hey, it still beats getting pregnant by Justin Bieber … but not by much.


Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner: Fourth Baby on the Way?!

At this point, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner’s separation is more than a little like Batman v Superman.

It’s confusing, a little depressing, and it feels like it’s been going on forever.

It’s been more than a year since the actors first announced they were going their separate ways, but neither has pulled the trigger by actually filing for divorce.

In fact these days, most of the rumors surrounding Bennifer 2.0 have to do with Affleck and Garner getting back together.

Some outlets have already gone so far as leap-frog over the (probably bogus) stories about Ben’s lavish efforts to win Jen back, and skipped right to the Band-Aid baby stage.

Yes, several “insiders” are currently claiming that Garner is pregnant with Affleck’s baby.

It would be the couple’s fourth, and their first since beginning such an arduously slow breakup process that even Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin are like, “C’mon, guys. Sh-t or get off the pot, ya know?”

One source claims the couple is currently “debating” having  fourth child, which is interesting for a number of reasons.

For one thing, it could mean the BenJen PR team is attempting to dial back the pregnancy rumors, while at the some time leaving the door open for future procreation.

Additionally, it means that if Garner does get pregnant, this wasn’t the case of a make-up sex accident.

These two are having serious discussions about expanding their family!

That’s probably as close to an official confrimation as we’re gonna get.

That is, unless Ben brings Jen to the premiere of his next Batman movie, but that would be asking an awful lot of her.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston: Major PDA Alert In Fourth of July Pic

Ugh, smug couples.

As if seeing Tom Hiddleston wearing an “I Love T.S.” tank top weren’t bad enough, now we have to see pictures of them looking like they’re taking engagement photos.

Of course Swift’s engagement photos would include cameos by Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds, because that is how Swift’s life works.  

I’m not bitter, I’m just hangry.

Swift’s best friend, Britany LaManna posted the photo of the three couples – including herself and husband, Ben – on the porch of Swift’s Rhode Island home.

While everyone attempted some form of a pose, Hiddleston and Swift were in their own little world, and quite frankly, we felt like we had walked in on something super intimate.

Swift hosted famous friends over the weekend, including Lively, Karlie Kloss, Cara Delevingne, Ruby Rose, Uzo Aduba, Gigi Hadid, and Martha Hunt.  

The gang wore matching red, white and blue striped bathing suits, and made good use of the bouncy slip and slide put up in Swift’s back yard.

Maack is Swift’s best friend since childhood; the singer served as Maid of Honor at her wedding back in February.

Regarding Hiddleston, No one really understands the relationship he has with Swift. 

Some call it a whirlwind romance, while others think it’s a publicity stunt set up to benefit both parties.

The fact that these two have been dating for a full three minutes and have already gone on a holiday in Rome, and that Swift has met Hiddleston’s mother, has everyone wondering what TF is going on.

By the way, all of this was captured by a photographer that some fans suspect was hired by the couple.

A few weeks ago, a source told Us Weekly that Hiddleston was biding his time.  As soon as Swift and Calvin Harris broke up, Hiddleston was ready to make a move.

Not that Swift minded.

“He’s hot, smart, talented, British – everything she’s into,” the source said.

Monday, July 4, 2016

July Fourth Photo Gallery: Which Stars Love America?

Check out these photos to see how many celebrities have shown their (hot!) patriotism.

1. Julianna Hough Loves America!

Julianne hough naked

And we love the way in which Julianna Hough loves America.

2. Heidi Klum Loves America!

Celebrities love america heidi klum loves america

Heidi Klum and America? Eff Yeah! The super model makes her patrotism clear in this Instagram photo.

3. Joanna Krupa Loves America!

Joanna krupa loves america

Oh say, we can see Joanna Krupa. And she looks ravishing in this red, white and blue bikini.

4. Pauly D Loves America!

Pauly d loves america

Pauly D shows off the red, white and blue in this Instagram photo. He’s on Team America.

5. Vanessa Hudgens Loves America!

Vanessa hudgens loves america

Vanessa Hudgens says it all in this photo: America…. eff yeah!

6. Lauren Conrad Loves America!

Celebrities love america lauren conrad loves america

Lauren Conrad holds up an American flag while posing wiwth girlfriends on the beach.

View Slideshow

Friday, March 25, 2016

Patrick Dempsey and Jillian Fink: Expecting Fourth Child?!

Patrick Dempsey and once estranged wife Jillian Fink are not only reconciling, but planning a fourth child together, a new report claims!

Insiders say the former Grey’s Anatomy star and his stylist wife are “100 percent back together” and ready to solidify their shaky marriage.

With a baby!

“It’s so wonderful to see them this happy after a terrible year,” a longtime friend of the couple told Radar, which broke the story earlier.

“They’re very excited about the possibility of baby number four and have agreed to start trying for another child before summer arrives.”

So they’re just planning to conceive at this moment. No actual pregnancy for Jillian yet … but sounds like it could be a matter of time.

Jillian Fink filed for divorce from Dempsey at the beginning of last year after 15 years of marriage and three children together.

However, sources close to the couple say they went through “intense” therapy and that she and Patrick called off the divorce.

He promised to do whatever it takes to make their relationship work, and has made good on it too, scaling back his daredevil hobbies:

“They’ve been working so hard on the marriage. He’s even cut back on his car racing … something that was a huge problem for her.”

Good for them!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Hugh Grant Welcomes Fourth Child Since 2011!

Hugh Grant is a dad for the fourth time … IN AS MANY YEARS.

The British actor, 55, welcomed his fourth child, a daughter, last week. Swedish television producer Anna Eberstein, 37, is the mother.

“I can confirm that I have another grandchild,” Eberstein’s mother Susanne told Swedish paper Örnsköldsviks Allehanda. “It is wonderful.”

It is her second child with Grant, the Daily Mail reports.

The pair are also parents to son John, 3. Grant is also father to daughter Tabitha, 4, and son Felix, 3, his children with Tinglan Hong.

Yes, there are two three-year-olds, and Anna Eberstein’s came first, so Hugh appears to be prolifically alternating between the two. 

Although fatherhood came as a bit of a surprise to Grant, a longtime bachelor, he says it’s changed his life for the better of late.

“Lots of people warned me … [that] the baby period is not that exciting. But I am excited, actually,” Hugh told The Guardian.

“I thought, well, I’ll bluff through … but very little bluffing has been required. I’m absolutely thrilled, I really am. And I feel a better person.”

Good to know. Congrats to the happy couple … or the happy parents, if they’re no longer a couple!! Either way, babies are wonderful!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Fourth Grader Schools Teacher"s Math Question With Girl Code

A fourth grader schooled her teacher when answering a math problem using “girl code.”

Maddy Douglas was completing a worksheet for homework when she got to a question about high school dating patterns.

The questions proposed a precarious situation: a group of four boys and a group of four girls go on dates as varying couple combinations.

Maddy was supposed to figure out how many combinations of couples would be possible among the hypothetical group of boys and girls. But Maddy skipped the math portion of the problem and got straight to the moral quandary:

“I can’t answer this problem because my mom says acoording to girl code you shouldn’t date a friends x boyfriend,” Maddy wrote on her worksheet.

Her mom shared a picture of the question on Huffington Post’s Parent’s Facebook page with the hashtag #girlcodetrumpscommoncore.

Maddy’s mom Jenn Douglas was not thrilled about the math problem her daughter was assigned to answer.

“Maddy had never really seen me disgusted in that type of manner,” she told HuffPo. “She could see my disgust and said ‘Didn’t you tell me that you shouldn’t date your friend’s ex-boyfriend?’”

Although Douglas was proud of her daughter’s answer, she was concerned about the appropriateness of the question.

“I consider myself to be a completely open-minded type person and as a single mom, try to teach my children about equality and about different types of people they will encounter,” she stated.

“But my first reaction was it was not an appropriate question for a fourth grader or really any grade,” the mom continued.

Facebook users and her teacher responded well to Maddy’s clever answer when she turned her homework in on Friday.

Douglas told HuffPo, “Her teacher laughed at her answer and told her ‘Good point."”