Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Fourth Grader Schools Teacher"s Math Question With Girl Code

A fourth grader schooled her teacher when answering a math problem using “girl code.”

Maddy Douglas was completing a worksheet for homework when she got to a question about high school dating patterns.

The questions proposed a precarious situation: a group of four boys and a group of four girls go on dates as varying couple combinations.

Maddy was supposed to figure out how many combinations of couples would be possible among the hypothetical group of boys and girls. But Maddy skipped the math portion of the problem and got straight to the moral quandary:

“I can’t answer this problem because my mom says acoording to girl code you shouldn’t date a friends x boyfriend,” Maddy wrote on her worksheet.

Her mom shared a picture of the question on Huffington Post’s Parent’s Facebook page with the hashtag #girlcodetrumpscommoncore.

Maddy’s mom Jenn Douglas was not thrilled about the math problem her daughter was assigned to answer.

“Maddy had never really seen me disgusted in that type of manner,” she told HuffPo. “She could see my disgust and said ‘Didn’t you tell me that you shouldn’t date your friend’s ex-boyfriend?’”

Although Douglas was proud of her daughter’s answer, she was concerned about the appropriateness of the question.

“I consider myself to be a completely open-minded type person and as a single mom, try to teach my children about equality and about different types of people they will encounter,” she stated.

“But my first reaction was it was not an appropriate question for a fourth grader or really any grade,” the mom continued.

Facebook users and her teacher responded well to Maddy’s clever answer when she turned her homework in on Friday.

Douglas told HuffPo, “Her teacher laughed at her answer and told her ‘Good point."”