Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Donald Trump Ponders Starbucks Boycott, is on Team Christmas

Presidential candidates are tackling the tough issues this week.

Take Jeb Bush, who said in a recent interview that he would kill baby Hitler if given the chance.

And now take Donald Trump (PLEASE!).

The top contender for the Republican nomination spoke to a crowd in Springfield, Illinois on Monday, touching on the debate surrounding Starbucks, which has chosen to make its holiday-themed coffee cups simply red this season.

The lack of Christmas decorations on these cups has caused some to believe that Starbucks hates Jesus.

Where does Trump stand on the giant scandal?

“I have one of the most successful Starbucks, in Trump Tower. Maybe we should boycott Starbucks? I don’t know,” Trump said, adding that he won’t be resigning his lease with the company due to this debacle.

And tossing in a promise to all who feel passionately about this issue:

“If I become president, we’re all going to be saying Merry Christmas again, that I can tell you. That I can tell you.”

It’s unclear, of course, how Trump will enforce this rule.

Will he build a wall around all who refuse to utter those two magical words?

More importantly, where does Trump stand on the topic of ending baby Hitler’s life?

We can only hope (nay… pray!) that these are two of the questions that are posed to the candidate at tonight’s Presidential debate.