Showing posts with label Griffith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Griffith. Show all posts

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Nathan Griffith: Arrested For the NINTH Time!

Nathan Griffith may have survived the Carolina Hurricane (aka Jenelle Evans), but that doesn’t mean it’s been all smooth sailing in the years since.

In fact, it seems Nate’s world is almost as drama-filled as it was when he was dating reality TV’s Most Hated Mom.

(Now that Farrah Abraham has been fired by MTV, Jenelle no longer has any competition for the title.)

Griffith’s life remains something of a mess, and while much of the turbulence has to do with his former fiancee – the ongoing custody battle between Jenelle and Nathan remains a doozy – the 30-year-old is also awash in self-created problems.

For example, Nathan tends to get arrested. A lot.

Not as often as Jenelle, and not as often as he did when he was with Jenelle, but still much, much more frequently than your average person.

In fact, just this week Kaiser’s dad brought his total number of arrests (that we know about) to a whopping nine!

Yes, according to Starcasm, Nathan was taken into custody for allegedly “striking fixtures on the side of the highway” and failing to report it.

Obviously, that’s a pretty intriguing charge, but sadly, specifics are scarce.

The site points out that Nathan was not charged with driving with a suspended license, which means he must have recently regained his right to drive, despite being charged with several DUIs.

We’d congratulate him on that step in the right direction, but from the sound of the situation, Nate will probably be relinquishing his license again very soon.

(If he hasn’t already.)

It’s been a rough couple of weeks for Jenelle’s exes, what with Courtland Rogers going back to jail after recently being released from a three-year sentence.

Some call it the Jenelle Curse, but we think the explanation for why her exes can’t seem to keep their asses out of jail is simpler and less supernatural:

You see, Jenelle scrapes the absolute bottom of the barrel when she’s seeking out boyfriends and husbands – guys who are pretty much destined for prison no matter who they date.

So the situation is still sort of Jenelle’s fault – but because she ruins these dudes’ lives.

These guys have generally done a number on themselves well before they cross paths with Ms. Evans.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of just how bonkers an existence Jenelle truly lives.


Friday, February 23, 2018

Nathan Griffith SLAMS David Eason for Homophobic Rant

Earlier this week, David Eason launched into an unprompted homophobic rant on Twitter that horrified fans — and Teen Mom 2 fans are not easily shocked.

MTV has ended their relationship with David Eason, which makes things even more awkward for the already controversial Jenelle Evans.

Nathan Griffith is stepping up to the plate and condemning David Eason’s words.

Just days ago, while arguing with fans on Twitter about his and Jenelle’s decidedly pro-gun response to the tragic shooting at a Florida high school on Valentine’s Day, David Eason got called out on his atrocious parenting.

(And that’s putting it nicely — fans who’ve seen him in action wouldn’t trust him with a pot roast, let alone a child)

David’s response was to pivot by attacking LGBT parents and children, tweeting:

“Why don’t you go tell the homo and transgender parents to start teaching their kids better morals. Oh, I forgot, that’s supposed to be normal.”

There’s nothing abnormal or immoral about LGBT parents, but David Eason says that he’s going to make sure that his kids steer clear of them.

He tweeted:

“I’m going to teach them not to associate with them or be that way…If you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas.”

A disgusting sentiment and a deeply offensive analogy. 

When David Eason was accused of homophobia, he decided to take a literal approach to the word’s etymology.

“Homophobic? You really lost it now. I’m not scared [of] s–t, especially a homo.”

That’s right, he decided to make it worse. (By the by, folks, “homo” in this context is a slur, but that’s hardly the worst part of his tweets)

MTV pulled the plug, firing David Eason with six weeks of production remaining.

Nathan Griffith Tweet 01

Nathan Griffith sometimes feuds with Jenelle Evans, which really fits the Teen Mom 2 brand because they’re exes. And, in particular, he’s Jenelle’s ex.

And now he’s speaking out against her current husband, David Eason.

He started his series of three tweets with well wishes for everyone.

“Please take care everyone! Especially, with the terrorist attacks in the east and the families suffering in Florida.”

Every day is one nightmare after another, it seems.

“God bless and remember that God is the only one that judges and loves all his children of all races, sex, personal orientation, and belief.”

That seems like a direct reference to David Eason.

Nathan Griffith Tweet 02

He then goes on to admit that (quite frankly, like every man who’s ever been in Jenelle Evans’ orbit) he is far from perfect, writing:

“I know there are some things that I have said out of pure ignorance on my part.”

You know what — not that it’s an excuse — but everybody’s learning all of the time.

“And if I have offended or hurt anyone out there, I am truly sorry and the door is always open to vent or even ask for advice.”


Once could cynically suggest that perhaps Nathan is simply hoping to make sure that he never becomes unfilmable, but his message is a positive one.

Nathan Griffith Tweet 03

“I have my own beliefs and my own opinions but to segregated, belittle, and to hate someone based on their opinions, lifestyle, religion, race, and/or sexual orientation is wrong. PERIOD!”

When he talks about segregation, he’s clearly talking about David Eason’s vow to teach his children to never associate with LGBT people.

He then goes on to lament that people are still having to preach basic equality in 2018.

“It’s 2018! As long as it doesn’t affect your life, then let it go. #lovem​orehateless”

That’s a very positive message.

Nathan Griffith does have a tendency to come across as the more reasonable of the two when he feuds with Jenelle.

(Admittedly, that’s not super hard to do — we’re talking about the Carolina Hurricane here)

We’re not going to endorse him for President any time soon, but it’s probably fair to say that Nathan said some good and fair things in these tweets.

And he didn’t actually mention David Eason by name — though, obviously, anyone who saw them knew what brought on his statements.


Monday, December 18, 2017

Jenelle Evans & Nathan Griffith Go OFF on Each Other on Twitter!

Jenelle Evans and Nathan Griffith have never quite gotten along.

Even when they were engaged to be married, they fought constantly and did everything they could to tear each other down.

These days, the Jenelle and Nathan are locked in a custody battle over son Kaiser, and their vitriol has gotten more intense than ever.

Over the weekend, they basically engaged in a roast battle on Twitter … and fans had a front row seat for the action

1. Happier Times

Jenelle evans and nathan griffith

There was a time when Jenelle and Nathan at least pretended to get along. Needless to say, those days are long gone.

2. United By Kaiser

Jenelle nathan and kaiser

Both parties clearly want what’s best for their son, Kaiser. However, they often disagree about what that means.

3. Tough Times For Little Kai

Jenelle evans son kaiser photo

Kaiser is reportedly enduring some health issues these days. Unfortunately, rather than coming together to figure out what’s best for the boy, Jenelle and Nathan are publicly feuding about how best to handle the situation.

4. Nathan Sounds…Sane?!

Nathan soundssane

We hate to take sides, but in the first of many screen shots from the feud, Nathan actually comes off as a decent human being who’s prioritizing his son’s needs over the pettiness of his ongoing feud with Jenelle.

5. "Stay Positive"

Jenelle evans boyfriend david eason

“Just know we all go through ups and downs in our relationships,” Nathan tells Jenelle, clearly referring to recent rumors that the couple is headed for divorce.

6. "Being In the Public Eye…"

Jenelle evans with david eason

Nathan is obviously sympathetic about the fact that Jenelle and David’s rough patch is playing out on a public stage. But Jenelle has zero interest in her ex’s sympathy…

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Friday, December 1, 2017

Thelma Lou on "The Andy Griffith Show" "Memba Her?!

Betty Lynn is best known for playing lovable Thelma Lou — photographed here with her on-screen squeez,e Barney, played by Don Knotts — in the ’60s television show, ‘The Andy Griffith Show.’ Guess what she looks like now!


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Nathan Griffith to Jenelle Evans: Quit Lying and Just Be a Good Mom!

So hey, who do you think is more trustworthy, Jenelle Evans or Nathan Griffith?

If that question makes you want to scream and cry and rip your face off, you’re not alone.

After all, Jenelle and Nathan are both terrible in their own, special ways.

With Jenelle, we’ve seen her bad behavior in action for years on Teen Mom 2 — her frequent arrests for drugs and assaults, the way she constantly chooses men over her children, the horrible way she treats her mother, that bizarre habit she has of being completely and totally delusional.

We could go on and on, obviously.

But while Jenelle is awful, Nathan is no gem himself. He’s got several DUIs, not to mention all those domestic violence charges, and the way he treated Jenelle when they were dating was just reprehensible.

It’s really, really hard to support either of them for any reason whatsoever.

Still, we’re going to have to go ahead and declare ourselves Team Nathan for the moment, as shameful as that may be.

See, the Teen Mom universe is still reeling from that great big fight Jenelle and Nathan had over the weekend, the one that was so bad that it stopped production on the Teen Mom 2 reunion show.

When we first heard about the fight, sources claimed that the issue began when Jenelle saw Nathan’s girlfriend, Ashley Landhardt, hug her mother.

Jenelle went off on Ashley, Nathan stepped in to defend her, and then Jenelle called in David Eason, all while a gaggle of Teen Mom kids were playing nearby.

In that original report, Jenelle came off as pretty unhinged, just like always, but she hopped on Instagram on Sunday to explain her side of the story.

In her version of events, Ashley attacked her out of nowhere, and she was so aggressive that MTV security had to pin her against the wall to stop her from coming after her.

Poor Jenelle, the perpetual victim, was simply trying to give her son a hug, but Nathan wouldn’t allow it, even though Kaiser was screaming for Jenelle and David throughout the fight.

She was hurt because Nathan was trying to keep her from Kaiser, and because her mother had hugged her ex’s new girlfriend when she hadn’t hugged her.

It sure is tough to be Jenelle.

But after she posted her video, Nathan posted one of his own.

And it sounds like he remembers things going down differently.

According to Nathan, Jenelle’s claim that Ashley attacked her is “a straight lie,” and what really happened was that Jenelle came up behind Ashley to tell her “I thought you didn’t want to film, bitch.”

He says that Ashley actually didn’t film anything, and she has no interest in doing so — she hasn’t signed a release, so he can’t even mention her name on the show. She was just there to support him.

It’s not really clear why Ashley filming would be a big deal anyway, since goodness knows Jenelle’s had plenty of significant others who were eager for MTV stardom.

But anyway.

Nathan says that he tried to pull Ashley away from Jenelle, and that he told her not to engage with the drama, but Jenelle wouldn’t leave them alone.

Things got so bad that he asked a producer for security to take her away from them, but that never happened — he thinks it’s because he’s a guy and Jenelle, the person doing the attacking, is female.

He says that Jenelle chased them down the hall, and when they got to the area where his mother, Doris, was, she started yelling at her, too.

He also calls her out for insisting on MTV paying for her to stay in a rental home while the rest of the cast members (including her own children) stayed in a hotel because she was concerned about her safety following the Las Vegas shootings.

You can’t make this stuff up, friends.

From there, Nathan reveals that he actually brought his own drug tests for Jenelle and David to do on the show to prove that they’re clean, but they refused.

That part makes sense, obviously — don’t act like you’d agree to a drug test under those bizarre circumstances — but he did say that it may have been because David “looked higher than a f-cking kite.”

Then, in a rare moment of wisdom, he says that “Everybody just needs to get along. Everybody needs to surround this kid with love.”

“I don’t care what we had in the past, these kids just need love, and they’re going to absorb all this hate and all this violence around them, and you can’t raise kids like that.”

“She needs to be drug tested,” he insists, “she needs to start taking responsibility of these children and start being an involved parent that doesn’t worry about herself or what’s going on in everybody else’s life.”

How’s that for some real talk?

Next, Nathan addressed Jenelle’s claims that Kaiser was crying for David — he said that never happened, that he did cry for Jenelle a few times, but only because he wasn’t giving him what he wanted at the time.

After the fight, he says that Kailyn Lowry didn’t even film her segment because she didn’t want her kids to be around that kind of nonsense.

And during it, Chelsea Houska offered to take Kaiser into a separate room and take care of him until Jenelle could be calmed.

Because everyone is cool, it seems, except for Jenelle.

Then Ashley herself steps in and confirms his story, adding that she has no problem with Jenelle, and she just wants Jenelle and Nathan to be able to co-parent peacefully.

Someone leaves a comment on the video, suggesting that Jenelle is being so difficult because she’s still in love with Nathan, and she seems to agree.

We’d have to agree too — Jenelle seems pretty darn jealous in all this.

And Nathan’s story seems a whole, whole lot more believable than hers.

Your move, Jenelle!


Monday, October 23, 2017

David Eason vs. Nathan Griffith: WILD Fight Shuts Down Reunion Special!

They say opposites attract, but the men who are drawn to Jenelle Evans all seem to share the Teen Mom 2 star"s taste for explosive drama and intense conflict.

Case in point: According to The Ashley"s Reality Roundup, filming for the Teen Mom 2 Season 8A reunion special was shut down over the weekend following a "major altercation" between Jenelle"s most recent baby daddies, David Eason and Nathan Griffith.

Here"s a complete recap of what happened when Kaiser and Ensley"s respective fathers finally squared off:

1. A Promising Start

Nathan griffith and ashley lanhardt

Nathan was all smiles as he arrived in Los Angeles with his girlfriend, Ashley Lanhardt, and mother, Doris Griffith. As fans of the show know, Doris has become something of a major player in the TM2 universe in recent weeks.

2. Jenelle & David: Disgruntled Employees

Jenelle eason david eason

Of course, the stage was set for conflict before anyone arrived on set. Not only is Jenelle currently involved in custody battles with both Nathan and her mother, Barbara Evans, she’s also fed up with MTV that she recently threatened to quit TM2.

3. The Night Before

David eason bartending

The trouble started the night before everyone showed up on set at a party hosted by MTV. (Given how many TM cast members have struggled with addiction and mental illness over the years, you’d think these events would be dry affairs, but Sprite doesn’t fuel ratings-magnet drama.)

4. David Eason: Enemy of Balloons

David eason and jenelle

Witnesses say David got intoxicated to the point that he was caught off by the party’s bartender. He responded like any sane man would–by pulling a knife and using it to slash a bunch of balloons.

5. It Only Got Worse From There…

Jenelle evans with david eason

Fortunately, no one was hurt during Eason’s violent tantrum. But Dangerous Dave was just getting warmed up…

6. It All Began With Babs

Jenelle evans with barbara evans

Barbara Evans was the first to film a segment with the show’s resident charlatan, Dr. Drew. Not surprisingly, she didn’t have glowing things to say about Jenelle and David.

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Sunday, October 22, 2017

Jenelle Evans FIGHTS Nathan Griffith at the Teen Mom 2 Reunion!

So look, we all know how Jenelle Evans is, right?

It doesn’t take much to get her worked up, and when she does get worked up, she tends to get a little bit rowdy.

Well, “rowdy” is a nicer word for it. Really she gets nasty and hateful and loud, and every once in a while she’ll get violent, too.

Check out her arrest history if there’s any doubt on that one.

When you consider all of that, and when you also consider that Jenelle has seemed to be in kind of a dark place lately, judging from her scenes on Teen Mom 2 and her decision to possibly quit the show

There’s really no way that the reunion show this weekend could have gone well.

The weekend isn’t over yet — as far as we know, MTV is still filming today — but our girl here has already thrown down once.

And the whole mess started because of Nathan Griffith. Of course.

A source who was actually on set for the reunion revealed to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup that when Jenelle’s big fight with Nathan began, “most of the cast was in various green rooms backstage and the kids were all running around playing together.”

Nathan’s current girlfriend, Ashley Lanhardt, was there, and she happened to see Jenelle’s mother, Barbara Evans.

The two women hugged, and Jenelle happened to see it. And she did not handle it well.

“She yelled at Barbara that it was wrong for her own mother to hug Nathan’s girlfriend,” the source explained.

“Nathan jumped in and was defending Ashley, and that’s when Jenelle called David in.”

Oh, great idea, Jenelle, bring in the guy with the violent criminal history and the uncontrollable jealousy and anger issues when it comes to Nathan.

The source said that Jenelle “yelled that Nathan was being out of control,” and “that’s when one of the female producers stepped in between Jenelle and Ashley.”

Another source on the scene told the website that Nathan claimed that Jenelle was high, and at another point in the fight, Jenelle claimed that Nathan’s mother, Doris, was high.

(Doris was there for the reunion, apparently to care for Kaiser.)

“No one actually threw a punch,” a source revealed, but the argument did bring the show to a halt because so many crew members had to stop what they were doing to step in.

And while it’s good that the fight didn’t get physical, it’s not so good because so many of the kids witnessed everything go down.

“The kids were all running around during this huge fight,” the source explained, “and someone in the cast grabbed Kaiser and took him away from the scene.”

“Because the fight was in the hallway, some of the other cast members were basically trapped inside the rooms they were in. Some of the other parents were really concerned and barged out of the green rooms to find their kids and bring them somewhere safe.”

Things were so intense that “Several cast members — even some of the dads — made the statement that this was not a safe place for kids to be, with stuff like this happening.”

Well, yeah.

We’ve seen Jenelle and Nathan fight before, so just throw in Nathan’s girlfriend, David, and Barbara … we wouldn’t want to be anywhere near that mess.

The fact that a bunch of kids were around to see all that fighting, and that those kids’ parents weren’t able to get to them?

We would say that we haven’t heard the last of this fight, but for one last little tidbit, a source revealed that MTV was able to film every bit of it.

So, you know, we definitely haven’t heard the last of it — unless Jenelle’s able to wrangle herself one of those “good edits,” we’ll be able to see it for ourselves!

Seriously, how good is this reunion going to be?


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Nathan Griffith to David Eason: You Married the Devil!

Nathan Griffith offered up some less-than-kind words in response to Jenelle Evans" wedding

He might not be the most articulate baby daddy on the block, but he cerainly got his point across:


1. Jenelle & David: An Unholy Union

Jenelle evans and david eason wedding pic

Jenelle and David Eason got hitched in a small ceremony in North Carolina. MTV camera crews were invited, but Jenelle’s mom was not.

2. An Exclusive Guest List

Jenelle evans pre wedding photo

There were other important people in Jenelle’s life who were also persona non-grata. The list included her ex-husband, and the the three other men she was engaged to, Nathan Griffith being the most recent mistake.

3. Nathan And Jenelle In Happier Times

Nathan griffith and jenelle evans half naked

Griffith, of course, is the father of Jenelle’s second son, and there was a time when they seemed destined for the altar. As you can see, they shared a love of selfies and human growth hormone.

4. Things Didn’t Work Out

Nathan griffith photo

Not only did Jenelle and Nathan breakup, however, they melted down in epic fashion.

5. Battle of the Bad Parents

Jenelle nathan and kaiser

These days Nathan and Jenelle are engaged in an epic custody battle. And their poor son Kaiser is caught in the middle.

6. Nate Goes Nuclear

Nathan griffith jenelle evans selfie pic

Currently, Nathan is claiming that Jenelle did drugs while she pas pregnant with their son.

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Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Natahan Griffith: Ex-Girlfriend Makes Shocking Abuse Allegations

Nathan Griffith and Jenelle Evans’ relationship was a tumultuous affair, and most fans placed the blame solely at the feet of the notoriouslty unstable Jenelle.

But the more we learn about Nathan, the more it seems he may have played a bigger role in the messiness of the situation than we previously thought.

Shortly after his breakup with Jenelle, Griffith started dating Jessica Henry.

That relationship quickly fizzzled, and the breakup underscored the extent to which Nathan is not such a great guy.

In fact, if Henry’s allegations are true, he’s a downright terrible person.

Henry has accused Griffith of abusing her to the point that she feared for her life.

She called the police to have him removed from her home after one particularly brutal episode, but it looks as though Griffith will likely avoid jail time.

Griffith is the latest subject of one of the Teen Mom franshise’s standalone specials about ancillary characters.

And not surprisingly, Being Nathan doesn’t portray Kaiser’s father in the most flattering light.

The special features Henry offering a shocking account of Griffith’s abusive tendencies:

“This was almost every night occurrences,” she tells the cameras.

“There are only two charges out there, but that’s because every single time we called the cops I covered for him. It’s manipulation. He was making me feel like I was the bad person.”

Griffith, of course, disputes Henry’s claims, but TM2 fans have many reasons to doubt him.

For example, it doesn’t look good for Nathan that Jessica has altered her story in the slightest since the night she called the police:

“She said while she was being choked, she started gagging and was in extreme pain,” reads a report from August of last year.

“[The offender] choked her until the point where she could not breath.”

“The offender got on top of her and began choking her,” the report read. “The victim stated that she started yelling the involved other’s name for help.”

All of this is happening against the backdrop of a bitter custody battle between Griffith and Evans, in which Nathan is trying to secure full custody of his son and deny Jenelle visitation rights.

We’re guessing Being Nathan isn’t gonna help his case. Of course, nor is being Nathan.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to watch all this insane drama unfold.


Nathan Griffith Sticks It To Jenelle Evans With Engagement Announcement!

In just one week, Jenelle Evans will marry David Eason.

We’re sure Jenelle and David’s friends and family are already placing bets on how long it’ll be before the nasty divorce proceedings begin, for now, all is sweetness and light in the Carolina Hurricane’s world. 

But with the number of people Jenelle has pissed off over the years, it was only a matter of time before someone came along to eff up her wedding week.

Today is Nathan Griffith’s birthday, and to celebrate, his girlfriend, Amanda Lynn, took to Twitter to reveal that Jenelle’s second baby daddy has popped the question.

Needless to say, the move is being interpreted by many as an attempt to steal Jenelle’s thunder.

And it’s not the only way that Griffith has been a thorn in Jenelle’s side in recent weeks.

As you’re likely aware, Jenelle has already lost custody of her eldest son, Jace, who’s under the full-time care of her mother, Barbara Evans.

Now, Griffith is pursuing full custody of Jenelle’s second son, Kaiser, and he’s armed with some pretty damning allegations.

Griffith claims that Evans did drugs while she was pregnant, and has neglected and abused her children in horrifying ways.

One appalling account has Jenelle locking her two young sons out of the house on a day in which temperatures exceeded 100 degrees.

Legal experts say it doesn’t look good for Jenelle, who will likely only have custody of her youngest daughter, Ensley, when all this is settled.

Obviously, Nathan announcing his engagement just days before Jenelle’s wedding is small potatoes by comparison.

But still, it’s an unmistakable salvo in a war without a truce on the horizon.

Of course, now, the question on the minds of many Teen Mom 2 fans is: will Jenelle fire back?

One would hope that with a wedding and a custody hearing on the way, Evans would play it cool and keep her outrage to herself.

But knowing what we know about Jenelle’s behavioral patterns, that seems unlikely.

We’re sure she’s trying her best to keep from unloading on Griffith in an epic tweet storm, but it’s only a matter of time before she breaks.

Hopefully, David has the sense to bury her phone in the yard of their new house.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive all of Jenelle’s most fiery tantrums.


Saturday, September 16, 2017

Jenelle Evans: I"m Not Abusing My Son, Nathan Griffith Is!

Jenelle Evans has a lot going on right now, huh?

Her wedding to David Eason is taking place next weekend, if you can even believe it!

There’s also a good chance she’s still adjusting to the number of kids who have come into her home this year: in addition to Kaiser, baby Ensley was born in January, then this summer she and David got custody of his daughter, Maryssa.

She also got that official visitation schedule with Jace, meaning that he’s been around a lot more, too.

It sounds like a lot to handle, right?

And that’s not even touching the absolute mess that is her upcoming custody battle for Kaiser

At the beginning of this month, Nathan Griffith’s mother, Doris Davidson, went to court to intervene in Jenelle’s custody case with Nathan.

According to documents she filed, it would be in Kaiser’s best interest to be placed with her instead of with either of his parents.

The issues she listed included the fact that Jenelle smoked marijuana throughout her last pregnancy, resulting in a positive drug test for Ensley and an investigation by child services.

Doris also claimed that when she visited with Kaiser, he usually had several suspicious bruises on his body, and he even once told her that David had punched him.

On top of that, she insisted that Jenelle was, at best, neglectful — she said that Jace was once lost in the woods for two hours, and that once when she came to the home Kaiser was outside playing by himself.

They were some pretty strong allegations, to say the least.

Jenelle has responded a couple of times, once in a statement in which she blamed her mother, Barbara, for instigating the new custody issues.

Then, in a quickly deleted Twitter rant, she claimed that while CPS had visited her, they were more concerned with Nathan’s behavior.

And in court documents she filed earlier this week, we’re learning that that’s her official stance: it’s all Nathan’s fault.

According to the documents, obtained by Radar Online, Jenelle claimed that in the past, Kaiser has returned from his visits with Nathan “with severe bruising on his buttocks.”

She said that she “attempted to address this concern” with both Nathan and his mother, but they “became hostile, threatening, and rude” to her “and would not maintain a respectful or business-like tone.”

It’s interesting because Doris mentioned this incident in her original filing — in her version, Jenelle did confront her about the bruising and insisted that Nathan was the one responsible.

Doris said she told her that she’d been there with Nathan and Kaiser the entire time and it didn’t happen, and also that she’d been taking pictures of Kaiser after picking him up and dropping him off to document the bruising she’d seen.

So basically both sides here are admitting that Kaiser has been abused, it’s just a question of figuring out who’s responsible.

That poor, sweet little boy …

In Jenelle’s documents, she said that instead of Doris intervening, the agreement should instead be arranged so that she has full custody.

She deserves this, she explained, because Nathan “has pending felony charges resulting from allegations of domestic violence.”

Additionally, Nathan “is often unable to care for the minor child during his designated visitation,” and instead of talking to Jenelle about it beforehand, he lets Kaiser stay with his mother.

And on top of all that, she said that Nathan had violated their custody agreement — particularly the part where they’re both supposed to be respectful of each other.

But, oddly enough, though she complains that he won’t spend time with Kaiser, she’s also upset that he won’t give up a weekend with him when it suits her schedule.

Because next weekend is Nathan’s weekend … but it’s also Jenelle’s wedding. And according to her, he’s not interested in letting Kaiser attend.

The court date to sort this mess out is scheduled for October 2nd.

Should be an eventful day!


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Nathan Griffith: David Eason Told My Son I"m Gay!

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you might be aware that Jenelle Evans isn’t always the easiest person to get along with.

Of course, she has a tendency to surround herself with unhinged rage-oholics like herself, so iher life has become a kind of perfect storm of insanity.

Currently, Jenelle is involved in an ongoing custody battle with Nathan Griffith, and like every other conflict in her life, it seems to keep getting uglier.

Griffith took to Twitter yesterday to level some accusations at Jenelle and her fiance, David Eason.

Nathan claims David used an anti-gay slur to describe him to his son and mother.

“Because your man friend wants to call me a f***ing queer to my mom and my son without me there, but is always nice to my face,” Griffith tweeted.

“Anyways, DAVID EASON, if you want to man up for once and talk to me like a man, face-to-face, I would love to exchange words like adults.” 

Griffith went on to share a screen shot of texts he recently sent to Jenelle (whom he’s hilariously saved in his phone as “SheDevil):

“Tried to send this to her,” Nathan captioned the pic.

“The green I sent, but she obviously blocked me then unblocked me.”

Griffith insists that he’s trying to raise his son ina loving and emotionally stable environment, which means never speaking ill of the boy’s mother.

And he says he wishes Jenelle would return the favor.

“Seriously? Toddlers about 2-5 are just learning tangible words that can be associated with a physical action or thing. Please stop feeding my child words like ‘mean,"” Griffith says in his text to Jenelle.

“Just last night, we were talking about you and I told Kaiser, ‘Daddy loves mommy because she’s your mom.’ I feed positive stuff to him about you. And I wish you guys would do the same.”

Of course, Griffith isn’t really helping his case by bad-mouthing his ex and airing his dirty laundry on social media.

“Jenelle, you contact me then block me as soon as you get your two cents in, you’re in contempt of court in multiple ways, so please do!” 

It looks like Nathan will get the fight he’s looking for, as Jenelle replied, simply:

“I’m filing to go back to court. You and your mother are ridiculous.”

Like we said, this situation is sure to get a lot uglier before it gets any better.


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Nathan Griffith: David Eason Is On DRUGS!

For a while there, it looked as though Jenelle Evans’ life had finally begun to settle down.

Jenelle welcomed her third child back in January, and she seems to have finally found a somewhat stable relationship (by Jenelle standards) with her third baby daddy, David Eason.

Evans and Eason are engaged these days, and while Jenelle has been engaged a whopping four times in the past, this time it seems like she’s serious about getting hitched.

Hell, she’s picked out a dress, and everything!

Yes, Jenelle’s really painted a convincing picture of domestic bliss, and she may have even been fooled by the facade herself.

But just behind that picket fence lurks the usual Jenelle drama that we’ve come to know and appalled by.

Last week’s episode of Teen Mom 2 revealed some major relationship problems between Jenelle and David, as the couple screamed at each other (in the presence of children, of course) about everything from household chores to parenting responsibilities.

Now, there’s even more trouble in “paradise,” as David may prove to be a burden to Jenelle in her ongoing custody battle with Nathan Griffith.

On this week’s episode of Teen Mom 2, we saw more court mediation between the exes, and viewers, and viewers may have come away with the impression that Jenelle proved she’s able to provide a more stable home for her son.

But Griffith thinks the couple is hiding a lot of skeletons in their closet.

“Unless you’re trying to hide something, I didn’t know you had to protect your eyes from the UV rays inside,” Nathan tweeted during the episode, clearly in reference to David’s decision to wear his Oakleys in court.

Nathan’s girlfriend, Ashley, quickly seconded that notion, tweeting:

“I think I would recognize if my boyfriend had an alcohol problem. I do recognize when sketchy people wear sunglasses inside tho.”

She went on to tweet that she comes from a family of addicts and can easily spot the tell-tale signs.

We think it’s safe to say this is one custody battle that’s sure to get worse before it gets better.

Here’s hoping both parties bear in mind that the health, happiness, and well-being of their son is all that really matters here.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Jenelle’s endless custody battles.


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Jenelle Evans SLAMMED for Bad Parenting by Nathan Griffith!

If you watched Monday night’s season premiere of Teen Mom 2, then you know that Jenelle Evans did not have the greatest time while pregnant with her third child, Ensley.

It was actually kind of hard to watch.

The big issue in the episode was that Jenelle and her family were forced to move to a new rental home because their current house had some mold in it.

Mold that was potentially toxic: bad news for everyone, but especially bad news for a pregnant woman and toddler.

So her boyfriend, David Eason, assembled some buddies and began moving things while she took care of little Kaiser.

Sounds like they had a plan, right?

Unfortunately, being pregnant while caring for a toddler and also while moving is a recipe for disaster, and a disaster is what we got.

After a day of moving, David called their realtor’s office to pick up the keys for their new house, only to find that the office had already closed.

Jenelle began freaking out — hard.

“Now where are we going to sleep? In a hotel?” she asked him. “What are we going to do? I’m going to freak out if I have to stay in this house another day.”

David pointed out that he’d told her earlier that day to pick up the keys, but she said that she couldn’t do it with Kaiser.

He told her to take Kaiser and go to a hotel, and she scoffed, telling him sarcastically that being in a hotel room with Kaiser would be “so much fun.”

Basically nothing was good enough for her, and she took her frustrations out on everyone around her.

Including poor little Kaiser.

She made it sound like that little boy is the worst kid in the world, like he’s completely unmanageable and she’s simply unable to control him by herself.

She kept calling him “bad,” and she kept making it seem like she’d rather do anything than be alone with him.

And yes, she was heavily pregnant during these scenes, and her frustrations are understandable, but she’s still his mother. She still needs to be caring and kind to him.

And it sounds like Kaiser’s father, Nathan Griffith, agrees.

When someone reached out to him on Twitter to ask him if Kaiser was really as bad as Jenelle made him out to be, he wrote “He can definitely be a handful but it’s not his fault.”

“I think a little love, structure and attention can go a long way in a child’s life.”

To be clear, Nathan is a terrible human being and also a terrible father, so it’s not like he really has any room to give anyone else parenting advice.

But he’s actually not wrong.

Another person told him that he needed to work on co-parenting more effectively with Jenelle if he really believed these things.

“100%,” he replied. “I can’t agree with you anymore! I have discussed these issues with David and Jenelle.”

“I get along with my ex wife and her family perfectly,” he added. “I’m really easy going. I give in a lot to JE. I know it doesn’t show it but it is tv.”

“Kaiser has a big heart. He is like me that needs tons of love and structure that I didn’t get.”

“He will fall and learn as I did,” he wrote, “but I want him to be 100x’s better than a man I am!”

Again, we can’t stress this enough, Nathan is an absolute nightmare.

But if he looks like the reasonable parent here … what does that say about Jenelle?
