Showing posts with label HERE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HERE. Show all posts

Saturday, May 12, 2018

True Thompson: She"s Here! For Real! Meet Khloe"s Daughter!

Go ahead and say whatever you want about Tristan Thompson.

The guy most certainly deserves it.

But he also deserves credit for doing at least one thing right: he has created an extremely cute little girl with Khloe Kardashian.

After doing so, Thompson cheated on Khloe all over the country, of course.

But the long-time reality star has celebrated her daughter"s one-month birthday by sharing the first legitimate and clear picture of baby True…

… and she is such a cutie pie.

Don"t just take our word for it, however.

Meet Khloe"s baby girl below!

1. This is True

True thompson

No, literally. This is True Thompson. Her mom shared a video of her child, from which we took this screen shot, in mid-May of 2018 and wrote as a caption: “Happy One Month True.”

2. Haven’t We Seen True Before?

True and khloe

Kind of. Sort of. Barely. Khloe did share this selfie, which included a close-up of her face and the tiniest glimpse of her daughter’s arm.

3. The Reactions


It’s safe to say we aren’t the only ones who think True is a cutie patootie, huh? The positive responses to this reveal continue to pour in.

4. True This

Khloe kardashian complains

“Baby True is going to be a month old!” Khloe wrote on her app a little while ago, giving fans the following update: “So far, she’s so incredibly sweet and patient – really not fussy at all. I can tell she’s going to be super athletic and incredibly strong! She’s very calm, peaceful and loves to cuddle with her parents.”

5. The Announcement

True announce

True was born on April 11, 2018. She weighed 6 pounds and 13 ounce and her parents were described as “proud,” despite the tension that existed between them at the time.

6. The Statement

Khloe kardashian and tristan thompson on snapchat

Despite questions over their status, Tristan and Khloe released a joint statement shortly after becoming parent. It read: “Our little girl, True Thompson, has completely stolen our hearts and we are overwhelmed with LOVE. Such a blessing to welcome this angel into the family! Mommy and Daddy loooooove you True!”

View Slideshow

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Little People, Big World Recap: Look Who"s Here! (Just a Tad Late)

There was a special delivery on Tuesday night’s episode of Little People, Big World.

And we mean this literally.

Before getting to the main storyline of the installment, we’ll talk for a moment about Amy Roloff.

She’s been the most central figure of the new season, having said on previous installments that and she isn’t sure about her future with Chris Marek.

This time around, she and Chris were on a vacation when she got mad him for abandoning her.

“I’m definitely enjoying the trip, but we did get into an argument,” Roloff told the camera at one point, explaining what happened:

“When we were having dinner, he just left, and he was gone for a long time, and I was left by myself. I had no idea where he was, what we was doing.”

Marek eventually returned and shrugged off Amy’s complaint initially.

He just want to speak to some friends. What was the big deal?

“My head was in a different place when I walked away from the table,” he said, adding that he apologized and the two are now on good terms.

“There’s some fundamentals in a relationship, and the two that we’ve got nailed are trust and communication.

“We trust each other 100 percent and we communicate well, so that’s part of the reason it’s going so well.”

It really is. The couple has now been together for over a year.

But enough about an old relationship.

Let’s talk about a brand new one… as in, the relationship Audrey Roloff formed last night with daughter Ember Jean, who took her sweet and adorable time entering the world.

The episode was filmed many months ago, so we caught up with Audrey and Jeremy while they were anxiously awaiting their daughter’s birth.

The thing, is she was late.

“It’s a really unsettling feeling just knowing that any day I could wake up and go into labor … and just knowing that the most pain I’ve ever experienced is right around the corner,” Audrey admitted.

We’re sure millions of women can relate.

She added: “Mentally and emotionally, the toll it takes on you is kind of exhausting.”

As the days continued to tick away and Audrey remained pregnant, she touched on another problem this raised:

“My plan is to have a natural childbirth, but if I go 12 days past my due date, then that’s when the doctors will want to induce,” she revealed.

“I don’t want to be induced, so I’m just really hoping and praying that she’ll come before then.”

As fans of the family and the series must know by now, Audrey gave birth on September 10, a full 10 days past her due date.

This did allow her to have a natural birth, however.

The night she went into labor, Audrey suffered excruciating contractions … without any kind of epidural or painkiller.


“The closest thing it feels like to me is someone taking a chainsaw to your stomach,” she said.

(Have we mentioned of late that all women are total and complete superheroes?)

Despite doubting herself an hour into delivery (I kept thinking, I’m not sure if my body is going to be able to do this), Audrey pushed on and pushed through and pushed her first child out.

Ember was born at 9:40 a.m., weighing 7.13 lbs. and measuring 20.25 inches long.

“Seeing her for the first time was crazy,” Audrey said. “Just so exhausted and so full of joy. … It’s just a miracle the way it goes down.”

To see this incredible experience in action, click below to watch Little People, Big World online.


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Little People, Big World Recap: Is Matt Outta Here?

In our recap of the first new episode of Little People, Big World in months, we posed the following question:

Is Amy Roloff moving off the farm?

The veteran reality TV star expressed concern on the spring premiere about awkwardness with ex-husband Matt, considering he was dating a former acquaintance of hers and considering close to each other Matt and Amy still lived.

Following last night’s installment of this popular TLC series, however, we now have a different, albeit related, question to pose:

Is Matt Roloff moving off the farm?!?

You see, Amy and Matt reside about 500 feet from one another.

It’s an unusual set-up, but it allows both parties to continue working on the family farm in various capacities.

On Tuesday, though, Matt emphasized his main issue with this arrangement, which is that he’s stuck in a relatively small home and Amy is living in the home in which the couple raised its four kids.

It “makes sense, but it wasn’t supposed to be permanent,” Matt explained to the camera. “I mean, I’m living 500 feet from my ex. It’s awkward.”

This has been the case since the couple split up in May of 2016, following over 25 years of marriage.

So, what changed?

Why have Amy and Matt gone from mostly amicable to… less than amicable?

Both are in serious relationship; the former has been dating Chris Marek for over a year and the latter is with Caryn Chandler.

It’s understandable that these romances might run into the occasional hiccup when one thinks about the aforementioned living situation.

“I’m either at a place now where I need to dig in my roots further on the farm and build a house that suits me, or I need to think about finding real estate off the farm,” Matt added on Tuesday evening, confessing:

“It’s not easy. I’ve been on this farm more than half my life.”

Over the past several months, however, sons Zach and Jeremy have welcomed a son and a daughter, respectively, making Matt a grandfather and making it hard for him to think about moving too far away from these kids.

“I don’t know what the next step is, so that’s the challenge I’m living in,” he said on air.

Could he construct a little person-accessible house somewhere else on the farm?

Yes, but Matt would first need Amy’s permission because she co-owns the property.

“Our lives are always going to be intertwined because of the farm, and we have to work together,” he said. “So we have to talk about it and make sure she’s on board.”

Enter a big argument between the exes.

“I’m like, why is this coming at me now? What’s the purpose?” Amy said in a confessional about Matt’s proposed new house, adding:

“I think for me, my guard goes up all the time, because I always feel like there’s something missing here. I know it.”

We’re not certain what Amy meant by this.

Perhaps that she took the request as a way of Matt saying he wanted to propose to Caryn?

“Because I don’t have all the facts or all the information. Every businessperson would tell you that’s not a good way to make a decision,” Amy said to her former husband when asked why she had a problem.

“This little moment reminds me why we’re divorced,” Matt replied.

Later in the episode, Matt and Caryn looked at a few properties together.

“Am I gonna move off the farm? It’s tough thinking about spending eternity, or whatever that means, here with Amy,” he said, concluding:

“Now that Amy and I are divorced, I just want my own path that’s separate from Amy’s. It really has to do with just creating a little more balance in my own life.”

Elsewhere on the kinda intense installment:

With Jeremy and Audrey’s daughter set to be born any day, Amy grappled with her decision to travel with Chris and risk missing the birth — and Zach and Tori embarked on their first family trip together.

Click on the video below to watch Little People, Big World online and catch up now!


Monday, April 16, 2018

Audrey Roloff: Here Are 7 Things I Love About My Daughter

Have you blinked in the past few months? 

If so, you may have missed Ember Jean Roloff growing up right before our very eyes.

The first and, to date, only child of Audrey and Jeremy Roloff, Ember was born in September of 2017 and has come a very long way since the day of her birth.

Just how long?

Audrey has provided yet another helpful status update via Instagram, starting with a pair of precious new Ember photos.

Check them out below!

1. Look at Her Now!

Ember at 7 months

It really is amazing that Ember has come this far. We’ve taken such pleasure in seeing her grow up before our eyes… on social media, that is.

2. Ember Stands!

Ember stands

We mean… check her out here! Almost standing on her own! If this makes you wonder what else Ember can now do, Audrey is happy to let you know.

3. 7 Months Old!

Ember crawls

“7 months old! Here’s 7 things I love about you Ember Jean…” started Audrey as a caption to her new photos.

4. The First Thing I Love:

With ember

Writes Audrey: “I love your big sleepy smile and scrunched up nose as you reach for me when I come into your room after naptime and in the morning.”

5. The Second Thing:

Auds jer and ember

“I love the sound of your laugh when you’re playing with Dad and all your “Dadadadads.”

6. The Third Thing

Embers eyes

“I love watching you explore our house on your hands and knees, discovering new things you shouldn’t play with and chasing Pine the kitty.”

View Slideshow

Friday, April 6, 2018

Matt Roloff is Here to Clap Back Against Talk of Family Tension

Matt Roloff is a man on a mission.

Yes, the Little People, Big World patriarch wants you to tune in to his family’s long-running reality show.

But he doesn’t want you to do so because you are anxious to see a great deal of in-fighting among Roloffs, young and old.

Indeed, while most reality show try to sell drama in order to lure in viewers, Matt does not want to be like most reality stars.

In anticipation of new episodes returning this week to TLC, Roloff actually hurled some shade in the direction of Little People, Big World crew members, accusing them of editing footage to make it seem like his relatives don’t get along.

“We’ve been pushing the new producers to stop making our show negative and keep the family love and togetherness in the forefront,” Roloff wrote on Facebook, adding:

“For some reason, these new producers/editors that come in to work…don’t know the show and want to amplify the negative…

“I’m not sure we can take that kinda of editing much longer. Errrrr.”

Wow, did Matt really threaten to quit his own series?

We can’t imagine this really comes to that, but Roloff took to Facebook again on Wednesday in order to drive his whole family harmony point home.

“I love this little hang out time with Ember Jean,” Roloff wrote as a caption to the video from which we took the two screen captures above.

Fair (and obvious) enough, right?

But it’s what he wrote next that we took as a message he very much wanted to pass on to all friends and followers:

“The back story is … Jeremy Roloff and Audrey Roloff were in the other part of the barn doing their interviews for lpbw and they asked me and caryn if we would watch Ember for an hour while there we in the next room.”

This may seem like a small point, but it was said with a purpose.

Among the reasons some Little People, Big World fans think there’s tension among various family members is because Matt is involved with Caryn Chandler.

Heck, he may even be engaged to Caryn Chandler!

Chandler formerly worked as a manager at the Roloff Farm, meaning she knew Amy Roloff pretty well back when she and Matt started dating.

You can imagine how that would be a little awkward, can’t you?

Nevertheless, Amy has handled everything with maturity and class, showing no signs of anger or jealousy.

(It helps, of course, that she’s seriously involved herself with Chris Marek.)

As you can see above, Amy and Matt really do get along just fine these days.

But so many critics out there refuse to believe it; they think Chandler is the source of major discord among the Roloffs.

This is why Matt added the note in his caption that Jeremy and Audrey gladly handed their daughter off to both Matt AND Caryn to babysit.

The couple must think pretty highly of Chandler is they’re willing to let her watch their only child, right?

We’re buying in. We’re on board.

The Roloffs may have the occasional disagreement, but they are clearly a tight clan that has overcome quite a few obstacles over the years.

And that’s why we tune in!

There’s plenty of melodrama out there.

Give us legitimate, heartfelt connections between loved ones any day over all the other scripted nonsense on reality television/

Don’t you feel the same way?


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Little People, Big World Recap: Is Amy Outta Here?

Little People, Big World returned with new episodes on Tuesday night.

And with major new drama to boot!

Is one cast member about to make a major move? Are Jeremy and Audrey ready for parenthood? What issue does Zach have with his adorable first child?!?

All of these topics were touched on throughout the premiere, which most definitely did highlight the tension that exists between Amy and Matt.

Is this tension real? Or has it been manufactured a bit by producers, as Matt recently implied and complained about?

All we can go by right now is what we saw on screen yesterday… and what we saw on screen was Amy actually stating she may move off the family farm in order to get away from her ex-husband.

(Matt and Amy divorced two years ago, yet live a mere few hundred feet apart still, operating this property and business together.)

“I like where I live,” Amy told boyfriend Chris Marek during a motorcycle ride on this spring premiere. “Whether I’m able to stay here the whole time remains to be seen.”

“Are you worried about that?” Marek asked.

“Oh, well, yeah,” she replied.

Why is this a concern for Amy, who has always gotten along well with Matt on camera at least?

“I definitely have a lot of uncertainty going on in my life, and I’m not sure how long I’ll be here at the farm,” she told the camera during a confessional, adding a bit more specifically:

“Matt and I are both here, we’re existing, but we may just decide we don’t want to do this anymore. I don’t think it’s very clear yet.”

Matt, of course, is dating former farm manager Caryn Chandler.

So the whole set-up is a tad awkward and unusual.

For his part, Matt didn’t sound too excited about the ongoing arrangement, either.

It may finally be taking its toll on both reality stars.

“I just want my own path away from farm, away from Amy,” said Matt. “It’s always going to be awkward. I’m by Amy’s house.”

Later on, Matt and Amy sat with sons Zach and Jeremy and admitted that the future was a little uncertain.

“We’ve been talking a lot about the farm,” Matt said. “Trying to figure out how to keep it or not keep it.”

We don’t know whether or not the producers edited things to ramp up the suspense here, all we know is that we’re now very anxious to see where this goes.

On the parenting front and the prospective parenting front:

Jeremy was stressed about finishing his home in time for his baby, who was clearly close to being on the way when this was filmed, based on Audrey’s appearance.

She was VERY pregnant, is all we’re saying.

Not so much for Tori, though, who welcomed her and Zach’s first baby last May.

The couple opened up to the camera about what things have been like so far.

“It’s definitely been a huge adjustment,” Zach admitted, explaining why:

“I love it so far but those first couple of weeks were rough. I’m up ‘til 4 in the morning, trying to put this guy to sleep while [Tori’s] getting some rest.

“I don’t do well with little sleep!”

Few of us do, man.

Tori also discussed her biggest obstacle at the outset of motherhood:

“For me, the hardest part is breastfeeding. It took everything I had not to quit breastfeeding. He had trouble latching, but we stuck it out … Being a mom’s really fun but it’s exhausting.”

The premiere was filmed last June, right around Zach’s first Father’s Day as an actual father, back when Jackson was just over a month old.

For those who missed how the Roloffs celebrated (that is, who hosted a barbecue for all four generations), click on the video below to watch Little People, Big World online now!


Friday, March 30, 2018

Corey Feldman: Look! Here is My Stab Wound, Alright?!?

Corey Feldman really hopes the following photo says 1,000 words, most of which can be summed up as follows:


The former child actor made headlines this week after sharing multiple images of himself in the hospital.

Feldman said in a number of subsequent Twitter messages that he wound up there after he was attacked in his car while stopped at a red light on Tuesday night in Los Angeles.

The actor said more than this, too, hinting strongly that he believes this attack was perpetrated by people who want him silenced before he can out various pedophiles in Hollywood who Corey claims abused him and his late friend Corey Haim.



(Editor’s Note: Feldman has argued for years that a group he calls “The Wolfpack” has been after him ever since he went public with the aforementioned pedophile accusations.)

The weird thing was this:

A Los Angeles Police Officer filed an official report that says Feldman was NOT stabbed.

“There were no lacerations to Feldman’s abdomen or any other area of his body. There was no stabbing,” said officer Drake Madison in a statement.

A rep for the actor followed up, however, and clarified that his client never claimed to have been stabbed by a knife.

It may very well have been a syringe and, as a result, Feldman is undergoing tests to see if he was infected with HIV or any other virus.

This really is a potentially serious situation, and it’s worth noting that the police have confirmed that some kind of attack did take place.

And now Feldman has returned to social media in order to depict the literal result of this attack.

“THE WORLDS SMALLEST KNIFE WOUND…..OR?!?!” wrote Feldman as a caption to the following picture.

As you can see below, it’s a snapshot of Feldman’s actual puncture wound:


Continues to star:



He also added the hashtags:


An attorney for Feldman named Perry Wander tells People Magazine that the attack may have been motivated by road rage.

It may have had nothing at all to do with Feldman’s past claims of sexual abuse.

But Corey told TMZ the day after he was hospitalized that there are plenty of people out there who want him to shut the heck up, possibly forever.

“I do know for a fact that that conspiracy has to do with every false accusation that you’ve heard about me in the media within the last six months,” he told TMZ.

“And I do know who the organizer of that conspiracy is and I do know who it’s being lead by – and I do know why. It all has to do with the pedophilia claims that I’ve made.”

Feldman has said for a very long time now that Haim, who died in 2010, was raped by someone in Hollywood many years ago.

He has also said that he was a victim of sexual abuse and that he will one day come out and name the person, or people, behind these crimes.

Hence, according to Feldman, why someone might want to attack him and/or even kill him.

LAPD spokeswoman Officer Rosario Herrera said on Tuesday there is “no suspect at this time and the investigation is ongoing.”


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Spurs Legend Sean Elliott: Kawhi Has No Beef with Popovich, "He"s Really Happy" Here!

Spurs legend Sean Elliott is shutting down the reports on Kawhi Leonard wanting out of San Antonio — saying Greg Popovich and his franchise player being at odds is straight nonsense. FYI, Kawhi’s been out for…


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Jacob Roloff: Look at My Book! It"s Here! It"s Right Here!

Jacob Roloff and Isabel Rock has many reasons to be on top of the world right about now.

Both personally and professionally.

First, of course, the reality stars turned an exciting rumor into a romantic reality back in December when they got engaged.

And while such a moment may never be topped on one level, each half of this relationship has gone ahead and taken a major step on another level in the many weeks since.

Isabel, for instance, had her artwork accepted into a show in Oregon, sharing many photos from the exhibit on Instagram and prompting Jacob to gush over his fiancee.

“I always say this, but she is just rocking it,” the Little People, Big World star wrote as a caption to the photo above this week, adding:

“That painting behind us is the second or third that she ever made, and one of my favorites. It’s hard to choose now though, since she has painted over TWENTY FIVE new ones in the last month alone.”

Impressive indeed.

But Jacob has a reason to brag as well.

Back in September, Roloff teased a new project.

He told fans that he was in the process of writing a second book, explaining that it would be a follow-up to the series of essays he titled “Verbing” and which he previously sold on Etsy for $ 5.

Jacob even included an excerpt from his follow-up, “Out to See,” making it clear at the time that the memoir would be another introspection into what makes him tick.

“I allowed myself to be in such a frustrated state of mind for a long time, until hitting a wall of reason knowing that there must be another way,” writes Roloff in this second book, likely referring to the period when he quit Little People, Big World and distanced himself from his family.

“I retreated just a little bit further into seclusion with books, and cultivation of intellect and mind,” he writes. “These too, I have learned, are just tools.”

Let no one ever say Jacob Roloff is not a profound individual.

And he’s also now an excited one… because copies of his book are out!

“Spring has SPRUNG, I’m goin #OutToSee,” wrote Roloff as a caption to this image.

He added as a tease:

“Just received my first two proof copies of Out To See and it is VERY exciting. I’m going to be making the final adjustments in the next couple of weeks so I can have it ready by May 1st and in your hands by May 2nd!

“It’ll be available on Amazon’s marketplace everywhere (or perhaps with a week’s delay for AUS and UK).”

That’s fantastic news.

It coincides with Audrey and Jeremy Roloff announcing that they’re releasing a book as well.

We had been upset that there was such a long hiatus between new episodes of Little People, Big World — but if the family members used this break to write memoirs, we take it all back.

Now we’re just psyched to read them!

For the record, however, TLC has now confirmed that a new season of this fun reality show kicks off on April 3.

We’ll be directly in front of our television screens that evening, that’s for sure.

Will you be joining us?!?


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Aubrey O"Day Sings Ode to Donald Trump: Hear It Here!

According to a bombshell report, Donald Trump Jr. may not have always been loyal to his wife.

What"s that now? 

You don"t consider it very surprising that the son of a serial philanderer would also have stepped out on the mother of his kids many times?

Fair enough.

But it"s still a bit shocking to learn that Trump allegedly carried on an affair with Aubrey O"Day.

The relationship supposedly lasted for a few months toward the end of 2011 and the start of 2012, back when O"Day was a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice.

Trump"s soon-to-be-ex-wife, Vanessa, reportedly discovered emails between the pair and the romance reportedly only ended because Donald Trump Sr. told his son to cut the sexual chord.

It"s also worth noting that Vanessa was pregnant with the couple"s third child at the time.

Don Jr. “pursued [Aubrey]. It was him who chased her,” an insider told Page Six. “He told her that his marriage was already in the process of dissolving.”

The newspaper simply quotes an anonymous source in making this claim, but there is a pretty strong reason to believe the affair took place.

Namely this: O"Day released a song titled "DJT" in 2013!

Aside from those being Trump"s initials, the track seems to recount a relationship between two people, one of whom wants to pretend it didn"t exist.

"You can say it was all a f-cking fairytale," O"Day says to open the single, adding: "Or you can say it was real. But I need to know and you know."

Continues the artist in the refrain:

"I hate me for loving you, hate you for letting our love die/I hate me for loving you, hate you for letting our love die."

Since this story broke, as you can see below, social media users are convinced that this fling took place:

It"s pretty hard to deny after you listen to the song.

We"ve uploaded it below.

Just be warned, though: It may get stuck in your head and it may make you think about Donald Trump Jr. naked.

We"re very sorry about that.

Aubrey oday sings ode to donald trump jr hear it here

Monday, February 26, 2018

Stormi Webster Has Toes! See Them Here!

Kylie Jenner has given fans their second look at little Stormi Webster.

Nearly a month old, the tiny human being was born to Kylie and semi-serious boyfriend Travis Scott back on February 1.

And while the 20-year old is yet to reveal her child"s face, she has now taken a pair of opportunities to prove to the world that she really is a mother.

There was this adorable glimpse, for example, of Stormi holding Kylie"s finger shortly after she entered the world:

This is the most liked Instagram photo… of all-time!

And now Jenner has gone ahead with a close up of a body part on Stormi"s opposite end:

Her toes!

Seriously, is there anything on the planet more precious than a baby"s toes?!?

In the following video, Jenner holds her phone in one hand and her infant"s foot in her other hand.

She utters four simple words and really just gives Instagram followers on pretty quick glance at her child… but it"s been enough to drive the Internet wild!

Jenner hasn"t said a whole lot since giving birth, but she"s already trying to profit off Stormi (see slideshow above) and she"s apparently surprised that motherhood is so challenging.

As for why Kylie kept herself so far away from the spotlight while pregnant?

"I needed to prepare for this role of a lifetime in the most positive, stress free, and healthy way I knew how," she said via statement not long after telling the world she was a mother, adding at the time:

"I chose to do it this way for my little life and our happiness…

"Pregnancy has been the most beautiful, empowering, and life-changing experience I"ve had in my entire life."

Just wait until she fully experiences motherhood!

We"re bound to see a lot more of Stormi as the days, weeks and months go by, but take a look below at the latest reveal by Kylie.

Pretty adorable, right?

Stormi webster has toes see them here

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Mark Cuban"s "Shark Tank" Partner Defends Mavs Owner, "No Problems Here"

One of Mark Cuban’s “Shark Tank” business partners says the billionaire always acted like a consummate pro with her … and she’d be SHOCKED if he really did know about the horrible things happening with the Dallas Mavs.  We spoke with Raven…


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Audrey Roloff: Here are 5 Shocking Facts About Me!

Audrey Roloff is mostly an open book on social media and on Little People, Big World.

But the reality star has taken to Instagram in order to reveal a few fascinating new pages about her life.

In a wide-ranging post she shared in February of 2018, Audrey revealed a few never-before-known facts regarding her stomach, her ears and a certain writing habit she cannot give up.

Scroll down if you wish to get to know Audrey Roloff better than ever before… 

1. What Do You Want to Know?!?

Audrey roloff having a blast

Roloff has talked openly about difficulty breastfeeding, about her faith in God, about her marriage… she’s basically an open book on Instagram.

2. She Loves – and We Mean LOVES – Her Daughter

Some ember snuggles

There’s not much Audrey can really tell us about motherhood or raising little Ember that she hasn’t already shared. So, what did Roloff reveal in this unexpected Instagram post?

3. The Tease:

Audrey roloff ponders life

“5 things you wouldn’t know about me from following my insta feed…” Audrey wrote to open this message, prior to delving into pretty serious detail in regard to each “thing.”

4. She Has a Problem with Her Ears

Audrey roloff poses on instagram

“I have accidental gauges. Yes, you read that correctly. I haven’t worn earrings in 6 years,” writes Audrey as her first fact.

5. What Does This Mean Exactly?!?

Audrey roloff at the doctors

She expounds as follows: “Apparently spending all day every weekend wearing a ski helmet isn’t the best idea after getting your ears pierced… I noticed me ears were a little sore, but I have a high pain tolerance so I didn’t think anything of it. oops. To this day, if I pull my ear out to the side it looks a lot like a piece of bologna some kid bit the center out of.”

6. Fact #2

Audrey and ember photo

“I was a complete tomboy growing up. The only time I ever wore dresses was to prom. And even then I still wore my vans.” We can sort of see this, can’t you?

View Slideshow

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Amy Schumer Wedding Pics: Here Comes the Funny Bride!

It"s a sentence we never thought we"d write, but here we go:

Amy Schumer is a married woman.

The comedian got hitched on February 13, 2018 to celebrity chef Chris Fischer, surprising fans by exchanging vows in Malibu on a Tuesday evening.

Approximately 80 guests were in attendance, including a few familiar faces featured here.

Indeed, Schumer has uploaded a number of beautiful, romantic and flat-out funny photos from her big day to Instagram.

We"ve collected them all below. Check each one out now and then send Schumer and Fischer your very best wishes!

1. Her Wedding Morning

Her wedding morning

What was so special about this date for Amy Schumer? It was the date on which she got married! And here’s a photo of her in the morning.

2. Making Up Amy

Making up amy

Amy Schumer shared this photo of her styling team from the day on which she became a married woman.

3. About to Be Hitched

About to be hitched

She does, people! She really does! We’d like to thank Amy Schumer for sharing this photo from her big day.

4. Chris Fischer and His Bride

Chris fischer and his bride

How sweet of a photo is this?!? Nick Fischer gives a little kiss on the forehead to his brand new bride.

5. We’re Newlyweds!

Were newlyweds

They look pretty happy, don’t they? We really hope things work out well for Amy Schumer and Chris Fischer.

6. Yup!

Amy schumer wedding pic

They sure are married! Amy summed that up here with one single word.

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