Showing posts with label Here's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Here's. Show all posts

Saturday, August 19, 2017

S.I. Swimsuit Model Samantha Hoopes: Here"s Why I Stopped Dating Athletes

Hear that noise? It’s the sound of every athlete banging his head against the wall for not shooting his shot with Samantha Hoopes sooner … ‘cause the S.I. bikini model’s steering clear of ballers for good. We spoke with the smokin’ hot…


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Taylor Swift: Thanks for Your Support! Here"s What I"m Doing Next ...

It was years ago that Taylor Swift accused radio DJ David Mueller of sexual assault, alleging that he reached up her skirt and grabbed her butt at a meet-and-greet.

Mueller lost his job, thankfully, but decided to drag Taylor Swift through court, attempting to sue her for $ 3 million. A judge tossed that lawsuit, which was a clear victory for Taylor.

She has kept pretty quiet on this matter throughout the lengthy ordeal, but Taylor Swift has finally released a public statement:

Now that Taylor Swift won her countersuit against Mueller, her court battle has come to an end and she feels free to speak out to her fans and to the public.

In this case, it’s with a formal statement:

“I want to thank JudgeWilliam J. Martinez and the jury for their careful consideration. My attorneys Doug Baldridge, Danielle Foley, Jay Schaudies and Katie Wright for fighting for me and anyone who feels silenced by a sexual assault, and especially anyone who offered their support throughout this four-year ordeal and two-year long trial process.”

That means thanking a lot of people, including Kesha who recently spoke out in support of Taylor’s battle.

But after that very formal (but nice nonetheless) bit of thanks is out of the way, Taylor talks about how different her situation is from so many women.

And what she’s going to do next.

“I acknowledge the privilege that I benefit from in life, in society and in my ability to shoulder the enormous cost of defending myself in a trial like this.”

That’s so important. One person overcoming a major hurdle doesn’t mean that it’s possible for everyone.

Many use lawsuits or the threat of them to silence their accusers. Obviously, that didn’t work so well against Taylor.

“My hope is to help those whose voices should also be heard. Therefore, I will be making donations in the near future to multiple organizations that help sexual assault victims defend themselves.”

That is such a good thing to do. 

We don’t now which organizations she’ll pick, and we’re sure that she’ll investigate her options thoroughly, but this is a wonderful use of her resources and of her platform as a celebrity.

We need to acknowledge that, in addition to having to recount her horrifying ordeal in court, Taylor’s had even more to deal with.

Ever since Calvin Harris blasted Taylor on Twitter and then Kim Kardashian moved in for the proverbial kill with her shady recordings shared over Snapchat, pouncing on her overexposure and dragging her name on social media, some people have unfortunately jumped on the bandwagon and enjoyed poking fun at Taylor no matter what she does.

Unfortunately, some of those people carried over their insults to Taylor’s recent court battle.

First of all, we need to consider that testifying about sexual assault in court is difficult and humiliating and painful for anyone.

Taylor’s celebrity status makes the entire thing automatically public and makes a bad situation even worse.

And then the insults.

One of the biggest ones that we, to our horror, have seen on the internet was responding to the story of the man reaching up her skirt and grabbing her butt by saying “what ass?!”

That is an unconscionable response.

Those people should be ashamed.

We don’t know if Taylor is going to process all of this in music form as she has so many of her past experiences.

As much as we’re looking forward to new music from her, we definitely want to acknowledge that something as personal and upsetting as being groped by some gross predator might not be something that Taylor wants to involve in her music.

She might feel that it would taint music for her, even.

At the same time, though, maybe Taylor will find a song about her victory or about reaching out to so many other survivors to be liberating or thrilling.

Just look at how amazing Kesha’s “Praying” is.


Saturday, August 12, 2017

Justin Gatlin: I Didn"t Cheat to Beat Usain Bolt, Here"s My Proof

Justin Gatlin wants to make 1 thing very clear to all the haters … he DID NOT cheat to beat Usain Bolt … and he’s got some numbers that back up his case. We talked to Justin after his 100m win at the World Athletic Championships…


Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Amber Rose: Taking Mother of Wiz Khalifa to COURT - Here"s Why!

It’s a stereotype that people will have trouble with their in-laws — specifically, that a woman will have trouble with her mother-in-law.

But most people’s troubles with their in-laws end after they split and certainly don’t have to take anyone to court.

Amber Rose, however, is lawyering up for one reason: to get a restraining order against her former mother-in-law.

Amber Rose has had trouble with exes before — she says that Kanye nearly drove her to suicide when he wrote an album about Amber after their breakup.

But her issues with Wiz Khalifa’s mother are on a whole other level, and it’s apparently enough to spend actual money and time in a courtroom to address.

TMZ reports that Amber Rose wants a restraining order against Wiz Khalifa’s mom, Katie Wimbush-Polk.

Specifically, she wants to keep her and her four-year-old son, Sebastian, away from Katie.

Amber Rose wanting some breathing room from her ex in-law is one thing.

You might wonder why she’d want to deprive Sebastian of contact with his grandmother.

As it turns out, Amber worries that Katie’s attitude about Amber will infect her grandson.

That’s unfortunately not uncommon in cases of divorce.

Even in cases where parents can keep things civil despite all of their frustrations with their ex, some other relatives just can’t hold their peace.

It seems unfair to keep a boy from his grandmother, but it would also be unfair to put a little kid in a situation where he’s going to listen to his mom get badmouthed.

They’ve actually faced each other in court before — a clear sign of a healthy relationship.

WImbush-Polk has sued Amber Rose for defamation before after Amber Rose said that Katie was an unfit grandmother.

TMZ reports that Amber believes that Katie WImbush-Polk’s lawsuit is less over preserving her good name or whatever and more about getting revenge.

Apparently Katie has always been outraged that Amber Rose left Wiz Khalifa (which was way back in 2014, folks).

The lawsuit is, Amber is said to believe, just one of the ways that Katie has used to hound Amber ever since.

Amber’s split with Wiz, after mutual allegations of cheating, was nothing if not acrimonious.

But they saw a divorce counselor and did their best to work things out.

Wiz Khalifa hasn’t shied away from slut-shaming Amber Rose in the past, which is truly classless.

Not just because she’s his ex and the mother of his child.

(Though obviously those are big factors)

But also because slut-shaming is never okay.

Amber Rose is a huge proponent of body positivity and of owning your sexuality.

There’s a huge gender double-standard when it comes to sexual activity.

A guy who has sex with a bunch of different women is a “stud.”

A woman who has sex with a bunch of different men gets branded as a “slut.”

Calling a guy a stud is always a compliment.

Calling a woman a slut is supposed to be an insult — but it shouldn’t be.

And that’s sort of what activities like the Slut Walk are supposed to be all about.

When Wiz Khalifa slut-shames Amber Rose, in a way he’s attacking all women who are proud of their bodies and their sexuality.

(Every guy who slut-shames one woman is effectively slut-shaming any other woman who’s done the same thing)

It’s such an unfair situation.

Not for Amber Rose’s sake or Wiz Khalifa’s or even Katie Wimbush-Polk’s, but for little Sebastian Taylor Thomaz.

(Have we mentioned that he has a great name? Though he might have some misgivings about his name whenever he watches The Little Mermaid)

He deserves to have as many family members to dote upon him as he can safely be around.

It’s sad that, for some people, it’s apparently more of a priority to spite little Sebastian’s mother than to get to spend time with him.

You gotta have priorities, people.


Monday, August 7, 2017

LaVar Ball: I Benched 500 Pounds, But Here"s Why NFL Career Failed

“I was 270 lbs with a 48-inch vertical, benching 500 pounds, running a 4.5, 4.6.” — LaVar Ball You read that correctly … LaVar tells TMZ Sports his size, strength and agility was OFF-THE-CHARTS when he was a college athlete — making him a…


Sunday, August 6, 2017

NFL"s Arthur Jones: I Lost 25 lbs In 3 Wks ... Here"s How

Arthur Jones is lean, mean and ready for an NFL return after shedding 25 freakin’ pounds in 3 weeks … and he’s telling TMZ Sports how he got it done. Arthur — Jon Jones’ older bro — is a 6-year NFL vet who’s currently a free agent…


Randy Couture: Jon Jones Can Beat Brock Lesnar, Here"s How

UFC Hall of Famer Randy Couture knows exactly what it’s like to fight Brock Lesnar — and thinks Jon Jones can beat the guy … if he works on one very important part of his game.  Couture and Brock threw down back at UFC 91 in 2008 — with…


Randy Couture: Jon Jones Can Beat Brock Lesnar, Here"s How

UFC Hall of Famer Randy Couture knows exactly what it’s like to fight Brock Lesnar — and thinks Jon Jones can beat the guy … if he works on one very important part of his game.  Couture and Brock threw down back at UFC 91 in 2008 — with…


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Kanye West is Suing His Insurers for $10 MILLION! Here"s Why!

Remember when Kanye West had a mental breakdown, checked himself into a hospital, and had to cancel his tour? Normally, some very pricey insurance policies cover that kind of situation.

But apparently things for Kanye aren’t working out and he’s suing his insurers for $ 10 million … and basically accusing them of being scammers.

And here we were thinking that the Smelly Vagina Lawsuit getting settled was interesting legal news!

Kanye has always been impulsive and outlandish.

It’s part of his brand.

A lot of people believed that maybe it was mostly an act.

People have had similar theories about plenty of stars who are known for being controversial or badly behaved.

Basically, people have trouble believing that a grown adult could act like some celebrities do, and so they imagine that it’s all a show.

In some cases, they’re absolutely right.

But things with Kanye were clearly more serious than a childlike lack of impulse-control.

In recent years, he’s done everything from tweet that Bill Cosby is innocent to beg Jay-Z to not have him murdered to making the irrational statement that, had he voted, he would have voted for Trump.

We’re not saying that every Trump supporter needs their head examined (just a packet of information and perhaps a compassionate lecture), but for Kanye, that was super unexpected and Kanye is, um, not quite Trump’s demographic.

Things got worse last December and, as we later learned, Kanye was suffering from severe psychosis from exhaustion.

The tour was canceled, tickets were refunded, and the costs of shutting down were supposed to be covered by Kanye’s company’s insurance policy.

Well, apparently his insurers — various syndicates of Lloyd’s of London, which sounds shadier than it’s supposed to but that might be appropriate in this case — responded to his team filing an insurance claim by basically taking every measure possible to prove that they weren’t liable.

Many people have had tough dealings with insurance adjusters, but this sounds like it’s on a whole other level.

The Hollywood Reporter obtained details of Kanye’s lawsuit, including the precise wording of the complaint that Kanye’s legal team has filed.

Strap in, folks, because this is possibly the most entertaining legal document that you’re going to read for a good long while.

“[The insurers haven’t] provided anything approaching a coherent explanation about why they have not paid, or any indication if they will ever pay or even make a coverage decision.”

Does anybody else notice a hint of sass in that?

“Implying that Kanye’s use of marijuana may provide them with a basis to deny the claim and retain the hundreds of thousands of dollars in insurance premiums paid by Very Good.”

By Very Good, they mean Very Good Touring, Inc, which sounds like a lazy parody but it’s just the name of Kanye’s touring company.

Kanye’s legal team accuses these insurers of more than just screwing over Kanye’s company, though:

“The stalling is emblematic of a broader modus operandi of the insurers of never-ending post-claim underwriting where the insurers hunt for some contrived excuse not to pay.”

Did you get that?

Basically, Kanye’s accusing these syndicates of accepting massive sums of money (insurance premiums) and then searching for any loophole that keeps them from having to pay anything back when a claim is filed.

That’s not how insurance companies are supposed to operate.

“Almost immediately after the claim was submitted, Defendants selected legal counsel to oversee the adjustment of the claim, instead of the more normal approach of retaining a non-lawyer insurance adjuster.”

That sounds shady, right?

Kanye’s team thinks so.

“Immediately turning to legal counsel made it clear that Defendants’ goal was to hunt for any ostensible excuse, no matter how fanciful, to deny coverage or to maneuver themselves into a position of trying to negotiate a discount on the loss payment.”

It’s an insurance adjuster’s job to make sure that nobody’s filing a false claim, but companies are supposed to pay out when an honest claim is filed.

Kanye’s lawyer, Howard King, has an incredibly well-written statement on the case.

“Performing artists who pay handsomely to insurance companies within the Lloyd’s of London marketplace to obtain show tour ‘non-appearance or cancelation’ insurance should take note of the lesson to be learned from this lawsuit:”

Clearly, he’s going right for their reputation.

“Lloyd’s companies enjoy collecting bounteous premiums; they don’t enjoy paying claims, no matter how legitimate. Their business model thrives on conducting unending ‘investigations,’ of bona fide coverage requests, stalling interminably, running up their insured’s costs, and avoiding coverage decisions based on flimsy excuses.”

Then comes the best line:

“The artists think they they’re buying peace of mind. The insurers know they’re just selling a ticket to the courthouse.”

If that’s any indication, it sounds like Kanye’s getting his money’s worth out of his attorney.

If only he’d had that kind of luck with his tour’s insurers, huh?

That said … so far, we’ve only heard one side of the story.

We’d be very eager to hear what Lloyd’s of London’s insurers have to say in response.


Bella Thorne: Here"s My New Man and He"s NOT Scott Disick!

Bella Thorne has probably kicked Scott Disick to the curb. For real this time. We hope.

It looks like Bella Thorne has a new man in her life, and their relationship is spilling over onto social media.

In addition to flashing some PDA over Snapchat, this couple is also openly gushing over each other on Instagram.

His professional name is Blackbear. His birth name is Matthew Tyler Musto, and he’s a hip-hop artist, singer, songwriter, and producer.

Speaking of his “birth,” he was born in 1990 — making him, like, seven years older than Bella.

(Bella turns twenty in a couple of months)

Bella Thorne hinted at her relationship with BlackBear a short while back, if you’ll recall, when she announced that she was done with Scott Disick.

“I have my eye on [someone],” she said at the time.

“I’m sure you’ll figure it out soon enough.”

Well, we sure did.

But just in case their photos together weren’t enough (and we have some PDA of theirs below), they’re taking their cutesy affections public in the Instagram comments.

Under this picture of Bella’s:

First of all, she looks great.

Her top is barely opaque, as you can see from her nipples popping out to say hello.

(Scott Disick isn’t there to touch her boob in a “gentlemanly” effort to conceal her nipples, this time)

Her bottoms appear to be less like panties and more like boxer-briefs.

Those are less revealing than panties but they might be more comfortable.

In a way, they’re sexier — tight clothing might show you the goods, but loose clothing invites access.

If you’re already in a relationship, looser bottoms would be ideal if you’re going to Netflix & Chill with someone special.

And speaking of relationships … Blackbear commented under Bella’s photo:

“[You’re] so hot.”

Blackbear put his words between two emojis for nausea, and we don’t know if it was an inside joke or if he was just trying to convey how overwhelmed he felt by her appearance.

Now, plenty of folks comment about Bella’s hotness. That’s basically her whole Instagram.

Bella doesn’t always respond, but she did in the comments:

“Damn boy, same.”

She followed her message with two hearts.

(Shout out to HollywoodLife for catching that exchange, by the way)

In case you’re like “well, this could just be banter between friends,” know that some of their photos are less … uh … platonic.

Don’t get us wrong — if every photo of a guy hugging a girl in lingerie meant that they were dating, the world would be a different place and our own dating histories would be pretty different.

But … these two seem really, really close.

And while Blackbear may seem like an older knockoff version of Justin Bieber at first glance, it looks like Bella Thorne likes him well enough.

At least … she thinks that he’s hot.

And, say what you will about her, but she would know hotness, right?

Like, if you’re gonna plug whatever ridiculous tea or whatever sponsored product she’s promoting here, you might as well look ridiculously hot while you do it, right?

Bella Thorne is young — again, she’s still 19 for another couple of months.

We’re glad that she’s experiencing so much freedom, thanks to her career and her empowered attitude.

Part of that freedom means dating, even if you wish that she were with a different guy. Or a girl.

It’s her love life, and she can live it how she wants.

(But can we please keep Scott Disick at least 5,326 feet away from her at all times?)


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Kathy Griffin Shaved Her Head: Here"s Why!

Kathy Griffin has been more than a little controversial over the course of her career, but her most recent move has been something that everyone can support.

The actress and comedian has shaved her head, for a very meaningful reason.

And no, it has nothing to do with Trump.

A writer who contributes to multiple news outlets shared a pair of photos of Kathy’s freshly shaved head over Twitter, explaining in the caption:

“In solidarity with her sister, who is going through chemo, @kathygriffin shaved her head.”

That is so heartbreaking to read about Kathy’s sister, Joyce Griffin.

It would be about anyone, of course.

But cancer is especially personal to Kathy and her family.

Kathy Griffin’s older brother, Gary, died in 2014 after losing his battle with cancer.

In the first photo, Kathy poses topless, running a hand across her now bare scalp in wonder at a sensation that people never feel in their lives.

In the second photo, we see Kathy’s mother, Maggie Griffin, respond.

Kathy Griffin’s mother is nearly as famous as she is, for her role on My Life On The D-List and for Kathy’s stories about her mother shared during stand-up comedy.

Maggie is quite a character herself, as you know if you’ve ever heard anything that she’s said.

Maggie quoted the tweet and added her own comment:

“My daughter Kathleen Mary is a wonderful human being.”

Look at how cute Maggie looks in the photo!

Of course, Kathy Griffin is still reeling from the overblown backlash over that controversial photo she made with Tyler Shields.

You know, the one where she’s holding up “Trump’s head” as if she’s just decapitated him.

Like … it was in poor taste, absolutely.

And she shouldn’t have done it.

But the blowback on it would have been comical if the consequences for it hadn’t been so serious.

Kathy Griffin lost multiple jobs over it in the ensuing outrage.

Of course, the Trump team capitalized on it immediately, with the orange man himself making the ludicrous claim about his young son, Barron.

Barron is arguably the only innocent among the Trump children (like Donald himself, we don’t really want to talk about Tiffany right now).

So he was perfect for Trump to point to and say that Barron believed that the photo was real when he saw it.

First of all, chances are pretty good that Barron didn’t see it at all.

Second of all, Barron is 11, not 4.

Pretending that he’d gone into a parent at the thought of his father having been murdered by a comedian that the tween had almost certainly never heard of was nothing short of absurd.

But Kathy Griffin shouldn’t have posed for the photo.

(She knows that and apologized as soon as it leaked)

If she hadn’t, the Trump team couldn’t have used up to stir up their followers like they did.

Brace yourselves, because someone will inevitably call this a “publicity stunt.”

They’ll accuse Kathy of doing this to get back into the public’s good graces.

She did this because her sister has cancer, you guys.

There’s no conspiracy behind it.

Just love. And solidarity.


Monday, July 31, 2017

UFC"s Dan Henderson: Jon Jones Should NOT Fight Brock Lesnar, Here"s Why

UFC fans are hurtin’ to see Jon Jones fight Brock Lesnar next … but Dan Henderson is stompin’ out the potential super-fight.  Why? Hendo told TMZ Sports he’s got ZERO interest in seeing Jones vs. Brock “because…


Anthony Scaramucci: Here"s Why His Wife Filed for Divorce While Nine Months Pregnant!

Anthony Scaramucci, who despite his name and disposition and mannerisms is somehow neither a one-off Law & Order character nor a gangster who got on Batman’s bad side, is now Communications DIrector at the Trump White House.

You know, the guy who says that Steve Bannon wants to blow himself. That’s just where we are, as a nation, in 2017.

Anthony Scaramucci’s political career might be on the rise … after a fashion … but his home life isn’t going so well. His wife, Deidre Ball, filed for divorce from him while nine months pregnant. We have some new details to share with you.

Remember last Monday, when Trump gave a fiery political speech to the Boy Scouts Jamboree where he used his usual judgment and regailed the crowd of children with references to hedonistic sex yachts?

Well, Anthony Scaramucci was there with him.

Deidre Ball, on the other hand, was in an Upper East Side hospital giving birth.

It wasn’t until Friday evening that Anthony saw the baby, though the couple had reportedly wanted him to be able to be there.

As we all know, no stage of pregnancy is cooperative to other people’s schedules, and childbirth is no exception.

Deidre had actually filed divorce papers on July 6th, 

It’s been widely reported that a major factor in Deidre’s decision to split from Scaramucci was her husband’s willingness to work for Donald Trump, making Deidre instantly relatable and likable in the eyes of most Americans.

We need to be careful, though, about jumping to conclusions (especially when that just means believing things that fit our worldviews).

It sounds like there’s more to this story.

According to Page Six‘s source, the Scaramucci marriage had a number of problems.

We also know exactly what he texted her last Monday:

“When James was born, he sent her a text saying, ‘Congratulations, I’ll pray for our child.’”

Hey, that’s better than just texting: “Gratz,” which we feel would have also fit his brand.

“There was discussion between him, her and the divorce attorneys about Anthony going to the hospital and unfortunately … the delivery was sudden.”

Like we said, that’s how childbirth goes.

The source added that Deidre’s anger was a factor in the split.

“There’s been … a lot of lies.”

That’s vague as hell, right?

It doesn’t sound like cheating was necessarily one of them, as Anthony Scaramucci’s rep denies that pretty categorically.

“The only one he’s dating right now is the West Wing of the White House.”

There’s an image.

Also, apparently Anthony and Deidre separated earlier this year.

Honestly, as much as we’d like to imagine that Deidre ended an otherwise happy marriage solely after Anthony Scaramucci’s willingness to work for an unstable orange, it sounds like there was more to it.

“She’s mad. They aren’t really speaking right now. The [pain] runs deep. [Anthony] tells her she’s not that smart, that he’s out of her league.”

Ugh, we’ve heard of relationships like this.

Disparaging remarks like that are part of toxic relationships that should never continue.

They can also be part of emotional abuse.

However, “emotional abuse” is sometimes over-used, as one of Anthony’s friends told Page Six that Deidre lashed Anthony with verbal abuse.

“She would say, ‘You’re a grifter, you’re this.’ She would mock him for being a Trump sycophant.”

Well … if the shoe fits, right?

Deidre’s lawyer has denied that Scaramucci’s “political ambition” was the cause of their divorce, citing “personal reasons.”

She’s trying to avoid a media circus because of their children, so don’t expect her to go public and put Scaramucci on blast any time soon, you know?

So … there’s probably a lot about this couple that we don’t know.

And that we won’t know, unless this amicable divorce turns really, really ugly.

Scaramucci’s hiring prompted Sean Spicer’s resignation, a sad day for Melissa McCarthy but a happy day for mini-fridges throughout the White House.

Scaramucci has since been purging the White House of employees, including Rinse the Prius … sorry, Reince Priebus … making Priebus the shortest serving White House Chief of Staff in US History.

(Fun fact: several years ago, Trump blasted Obama on Twitter for going through multiple Chiefs of Staff in just a few years, so shout out to whichever witch cursed Trump to have to live out his old tweets)

Basically, Scaramucci seems to cause division wherever he goes, whether it’s at home or at work.

In light of that history, it will be interesting to see how long he sticks around in that crumbling quagmire of an administration.


Saturday, July 29, 2017

Evander Holyfield To Conor McGregor: Here"s How You Beat Floyd

Listen up McGregor … one of the greatest warriors in the history of boxing is gonna give you the key to doing what some think is impossible … beating Floyd Mayweather. We got 4-time heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield out at the…


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Brielle Biermann, Kenya Moore, & Kim Zolciak: Here"s How Their Fight Started!

Brielle Biermann SLAMMED Kenya Moore on Twitter, and had everyone wondering what in the world her social media mini-rant was all about.

Well, now Kenya Moore’s responded — by pretending that she’s above it all.

And, more importantly, we know what this is all about.

E! did some digging and, per their source, can explain exactly what was going on that got Brielle Biermann so hot under the collar.

Apparently, it all went down at NeNe Leakes’ annual White Party (and sure, why not?).

“Kim and Kenya were already not getting along — they do not like each other.”

Well, yeah.

“Kenya started trash-talking Brielle,” and apparently that “really set Kim off.”

Who the hell trash-talks somebody’s kid?

Like, we know that Brielle is an adult, so it’s not the same as taking a jab at a child.

But isn’t Kenya supposed to be the adult?

Apparently, Kim felt the same way.

“You do not talk about her children. She is a very protective mama bear.”

That’s no surprise — Kim is a lot of things, but she’s kind of a good mom, you know?

In general, Kim Zolciak tends to support Brielle, which shows a healthy relationship.

“She said something to Kenya along the lines of, ‘Don’t talk to my mom, talk to me."”

It was apparently a “huge scene,” so we really hope that it all got caught on camera.

“There is definitely no love lost between Kim and Kenya.”


Kenya Moore indirectly addressed the conflict on Instagram.

Though, honestly, her message was more hashtags than anything else.

“#aboutlastnight Everywhere you look there are haters… don’t let them dull your shine or steal your joy. #shine #happy #thatsMrsDalyToYou #whytheystaymad #obsessed #kenyamoore #rhoa”

Seriously — one or two hashtags would be enough.

At this point, since she’s not doing it ironically, it makes her look desperate, you know?

So, basically, Kenya insulted Brielle, which got her into a fight with Kim, which got Brielle to stand up for herself.

Kenya’s still in the wrong, then, it sounds like.

(We’d still like to know more)

Despite ourselves, we’ve found that we’re fans of Kim and Brielle’s mother-daughter dynamic.

Not so much their habit of twinning, because Brielle looks her best when she appears her own age.

(That’s not an insult to Kim Zolciak, who still looks great)

But Kim Zolciak’s given Brielle some good advice over the years, including suggesting that she test out different guys before getting married.

(That’s great advice, and our poisonously sex-negative culture too often encourages parents to shame their daughters for their sexuality instead of encouraging them to live their best, happiest lives)

The two of them, both adults, standing side-by-side and standing up for themselves is an encouraging image.

But … we do wonder what got it all started.

It’s always possible that what Kim perceived as an “attack” was a fair point.

As intriguing as all of this conflict is, hopefully they can just settle their differences.

Kenya Moore can keep flaunting her new husband, and Brielle Biermann can occupy herself with her ludicrously hot boyfriend.

But maybe Kenya can also remember that she’s supposed to be a mature adult.

Sure, Brielle got a little heated on Twitter afterwards.

But it sounds like Kenya started it all. Why? To stir up drama? To give herself a Real Housewives of Atlanta storyline?

Wait … that might actually be it.


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Floyd Mayweather: I Can Read, Here"s Video Proof

Floyd Mayweather wants Conor McGregor to know … I’M LITERATE, BITCH!  After Conor mocked Floyd at news conference #2 on Wednesday, the Mayweather camp released a video to our friends at BSO showing Floyd clearly reading fight promos off a…


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Tamra Judge: Here"s an Update on My Estranged Daughter!

It doesn’t get much more complex or emotional than tensions and estrangement between parents and their children. Sometimes it’s fueled by confused emotions and hormones, and sometimes it’s caused by grievous wrongdoings.

Tamra Judge is famously feuding with The Real Housewives of Orange County costar Vicki Gunvalson, but she also has a much more important and more personal feud — with her estranged daughter, Sidney. She even spoke about it, emotionally, on the Season 12 premiere of RHOC.

Now Tamra’s saying that things with her daughter are improving … but is she just putting on a brave face?

Tamra Judge split from her ex, Simon.

As so often happens in divorce, especially with older children, the family became fractured.

Young kids might be ferried back and forth between the two, but that wasn’t the case.

Tamra’s 17-year-old son, Spencer, lives with her and calls her new husband, David, “dad.”

Her 11-year-old daughter, Sophia, gets shuttled back and forth between Tamra and Simon.

Sidney, however, has refused to live with Tamra, living instead with her father.

Tamra has lamented not being able to be there for her oldest daughter’s milestones.

But, at least on the surface, they might be inching their way towards reconciliation.

There was something of a family reunion for Sidney’s high school graduation, complete with pictures.

She captioned the photo of photos:

“So many things to be proud of this month. Our family has come a long way and I couldn’t be happier.”

That sounds promising, right?

“Simon and I are so proud of these amazing, smart, funny, beautiful, & crazy kids.”

It’s good that she and her ex can speak as one on a subject as important as their children.

And then Tamra gets a little more personal, bringing it back to her daughter — whom they were all honoring.

“Congrats Sidney! Your smile lightens up the room and your future is so bright.”

But, clearly, there’s still quite a bit of tension.

But Tamra Judge says that her relationship with Sidney is improving, little by little.

“We’re making progress. Every day’s a step forward and we’re just really trying to bring the family back together.”

We don’t know how mutual that is.

Sometimes parents can mistake “working out our issues” with “getting their children to see things their way.” It never ends well.

Publicly, at least, Tamra has nothing but praise for Sidney.

“She’s amazing. She’s doing great. She graduated from high school, going off to college and I’m just really proud of her.”

And she should be.

“It’s still very difficult and we’ve had a long journey and we’re making progress which is good.”

It’s hard to tell if she’s just being optimistic and putting a good face on it, or if her statements reflect reality and her daughter’s actual feelings.

Like, Tamra refers to a facelift as a comeback — she can put a shine on anything.

What we’d really want to do is hear from Sidney, in Sidney’s own words, how things are.

And also why things are the way that they are.

We don’t know if Sidney wants to repair things with her mom or if she privately listens to that Tamra Judge diss track.

Sidney’s entering the adult world and old enough to speak for herself.

Because as long as we’re just hearing from Tamra, we’ll never have the complete story.


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Madison Beer: Here"s Why I Stayed with Jack Gilinsky After Emotional Abuse!

So, YouTuber Madison Beer was “discovered” by Justin Bieber a few years back, and she recently made headlines when audio leaked of her then-boyfriend, fellow YouTuber Jack Gilinsky, berating her with a series of vile insults that everyone was quick to point out constituted emotional abuse.

In a now-deleted post to her fans and followers, Madison Beer spoke out and explained why she stayed with Jack — and issued a warning to her young followers about repeating her mistakes.

When the initial audio recording broke, fans were outraged — and others were worried.

Twitter even through one of its famous over-parties (as in, Jack Gilinsky Is Over).

Jack has since posted a huge apology, because that’s what happens when people find out what sort of person you are.

A lot of people couldn’t understand why Madison stayed with Jack so long.

It’s easy to look at something like that and not understand how it went on.

But only people who’ve been in abusive relationships seem to truly understand.

Madison Beer, however, posted something that should hopefully help others to wrap their heads around why she stayed with Jack.

And no, it wasn’t “because he’s hot.”

There’s no amount of hotness that makes abuse of any kind okay.

Madison is only 18, but her now-deleted words show that she’s grown into a level of wisdom that’s beyond her years:

“This message is for my fans, friends, and people who have sent me so much love and support over these past few days. You guys being here for me has brightened my world more than you can ever know.”

That’s a good, tasteful start.

It’s very likely that not all of Madison’s friends and family had any idea of what was going on.

“Jack and I having to face this yet again has been so hard.”

You might think that Jack would be the only one suffering now that this has come out, but many people who’ve been targets for abuse feel a serious sense of shame.

“Many of you [have been] asking me ‘why would you stay with him if it happened last year?"”

That’s always the question, but Madison does a fairly good job of explaining it.

“My theory was, and as horrible as this is, is that if I left him, he’d do it to the next girl. I tried to fix him.”

That’s how it happens. Love, a desire to fix them, a desire to protect others. It doesn’t work out so well.

“We have both grown and changed so much at this point and it has been an extremely difficult to relive/even go through what you have all heard in the first place and I hope ALL my fans learn from my foolishness.”

We don’t think that it was foolish — just naive.

She doesn’t need to be blaming herself, basically.

“If someone is mistreating you in ANY way please speak up.”

That is such a good message.

Notice how she keeps it vague and isn’t just talking about verbal abuse. We’ll get to that.

“It is NEVER okay and I was blinded by love and much too afraid to come out and say anything in fear I would be broken up with/not taken seriously by someone I told.”

That’s the fear that holds everyone down.

Unfortunately, as we all know from the world’s reaction to Amber Heard, people fearing that they won’t be believed is far too often justified.

People are still defending Johnny Depp after those Amber Heard text messages came out, so yeah.

“SPEAK UP. Don’t make the same mistakes I did, your safety is never worth it. No matter what, nobody deserves to be treated that way. You deserve the world and respect from EVERYONE and ANYONE. Be strong and thank you again.”

The fact that she kept her wording so vague about the nature of her mistreatment, and her use of the word “safety,” could have two meanings.

One could be that she’s just speaking to fans and knows that people go through all kinds of abuse. A lot of her fans are young enough to be abused by parents or teachers.

Some also wonder if she might have been referring to the situation with Jack Gilinsky escalating beyond verbal abuse.

That’s sort of a reach, but the fact that Madison deleted the post only adds fuel to that speculation.

We’re glad that she’s in a better place now.

We’re even gladder that she’s using her horrible experiences to educate her fans.


Dwyane Wade: I Like Steph"s $201 Mil Contract, Here"s Why

Dwyane Wade is giving the big thumbs-up to Steph Curry’s new $ 201 million contract with the Golden State Warriors … telling TMZ Sports he wants to see even MORE players getting monster contracts. “Hopefully the game continues to grow. Hopefully,…


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Teen Mom Crew Member: Here"s Why We Let Ryan Edwards Drive High

If you watch Teen Mom online you know that the most recent season finale featured one of the show’s most controversial scenes to date.

Viewers were shocked to see Ryan Edwards driving to his own wedding while visibly intoxicated.

MTV has issued a statement on the incident, but the network has failed to adequately respond to fans’ questions about why it allowed such a dangerous scene to take place.

Now, a crew member who was present during the notorious incident is speaking out on condition of anonymity and defending the potentially deadly decision to let Ryan get behind the wheel:

“The reason the producers didn’t stop Ryan from driving after he was seen nodding off is because the producers would not have been able to see him nodding off,” the anonymous crew member tells The Ashley’s Reality Roundup.

“That footage (and almost all car footage) is captured on Go-Pro cameras installed on the dashboard. We do not have a live feed to watch the cast in their car, despite what some viewers think. We do not have live eyes on them the whole time we’re filming them.

“That footage is captured and watched a few days later after the producers/crew get home from the shoot. It’s edited in later. When things happen in the car, we don’t know about it until the cast tells us, or when we watch the footage later on.”

He went on to throw some mild shade at Mackenzie, insinuating that she may have made the situation worse by turning off the dash cams in the car:

“In the case of Ryan, he or Mackenzie would have had to alert us  to watch the footage ASAP,” the crew member said.

“We wouldn’t have seen it happen as it was filmed. Obviously, Mackenzie unplugged the GoPros, which isn’t really allowed, but we wouldn’t even know she turned them off until later when we watched the footage.”

“People think that the production crew is just looking for footage that will get the best ratings, no matter what and that is not true at all,” the source added.

“We really do care about the safety of the cast and other people. A lot of these people on the show are our friends.”

The crew member went on to point out that even if the production staff wasn’t concerned with Ryan’s safety, workers still would have prevented him from driving for legal reasons:

“Even if you take the human decency element out of it, we care because it’s our butts on the line if something happens,” he said.

“The show would have been absolutely liable had Ryan gotten into an accident or something while filming, even if the producers were not aware that he was under the influence.

“It doesn’t matter, we are still liable. They would be risking their jobs and possibly be liable personally for allowing that to happen.”

Thousands of fans have expressed outrage on social media, and it seems unlikely that they’ll be satisfied by MTV and the production crew’s comments on the incident.

Fortunately, Edwards checked into rehab shortly after the scene was filmed.

Only time will tell if the uproar will change the way the Teen Mom franchise is filmed going forward.
