Showing posts with label Horror. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Horror. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 1: Watch Online!

American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 1 premiered on FX on Tuesday night.

And, so far, the drama is focusing on its scariest subject to date: The 2016 Presidential election!

Set the night before the country decided to elect Donald Trump as Commander-in-Chief, the first installment centered more on story, character and mystery of straight up blood and gore.

Will this change as the season progresses? Probably.

The series is known for going in a million different direction as episodes unfold.

As for what specifically took place this week? As for what the heck Evan Peters’ character is up to?

Go ahead and click on the video here to watch American Horror Story online now!


Sunday, August 27, 2017

Tobe Hooper Dies: Legendary Horror Film Director Was 74

Sad news for horror fans today …

Tobe Hooper has passed away. He was 74 years old.

The coroner for Los Angeles County has reported that he died yesterday in Sherman Oaks.

As of now, the cause of death has not been revealed.

If you are a horror fan, you definitely know of all of his many, many contributions to the genre.

But for those unaware, Hooper was responsible for bringing us two of the best, most influential scary movies of them all: The Texas Chain Saw Massacre and Poltergeist.

In addition to directing 1974’s Texas Chain Saw Massacre, he also wrote the screenplay and created the soundtrack.

Which means that he is, in fact, solely responsible for delivering that entire terrifying tale — and the franchise that followed.

Interestingly enough, Hooper taught at a college before making the film, and he made documentaries on the side.

He was out doing some holiday shopping in the early 70s, and he came across a rack of chainsaws for sale. He thought about how much he wanted to leave the store, and how starting up a chainsaw would definitely part the crowd.

But instead of firing up a chainsaw in a busy department store, he later pulled together a group of his students and other teachers at the college.

And that’s how the movie was created. Seriously.

Though there wasn’t much blood at all in the film, Hooper had to fight repeatedly to get it down to a R rating, and it was still banned in several countries.

Because, as he so impressively proved, you don’t need gore to completely and thoroughly horrify viewers.

Twelve years after introducing the world to those wild Texan cannibals, Hooper directed the sequel, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2.

This movie was very, very different from the first, but still just an absolute gem, proving Hooper’s incredible skill.

Which honestly, at that point, didn’t really need proving: eight years after the original Texas Chain Saw Massacre and four years before the sequel, he directed Poltergeist.

Which is, of course, also one of the greatest horror movies of all time.

He’s directed many other things as well, including a miniseries based on Stephen King’s Salem’s Lot and even a Billy Idol music video.

(“Dancing with Myself,” if you were curious.)

Hooper is widely regarded to be one of the most influential people when it comes to horror films, and for good reason.

And several members of the community are taking the time to pay tribute to him.

James Wan, director of Saw and The Conjuring, tweeted “Sad to hear the passing of Tobe Hooper. One of the nicest people. A sweet, gentle soul of a man. Your legacy lives on.”

Fellow legend John Carpenter wrote “Tobe Hooper directed THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE, a seminal work in horror cinema. He was a kind, decent man and my friend. A sad day.”

William Friedkin, director of The Exorcist, said “Tobe Hooper, a kind, warm-hearted man who made the most terrifying film ever. A good friend I will never forget.”

RIP, Tobe.


Monday, August 21, 2017

American Horror Story Promo: Hillary! Trump! Dead Dogs!

Over the years, American Horror Story has centered seasons on witches, circus freaks and killers in black leather sex suits.

But the upcoming season may be the strangest and scariest to date… because it will focus on the 2016 Presidential Election!

Sort of!

Creator Ryan Murphy has teased that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will both play some kind of role on American Horror Story: Cult, with the just-revealed opening credits sequence featuring characters donning the masks of both these polarizing figures.

There are also bees depicted below, along with many creepy masks and dead dogs.

What else do know about new fall episodes?

Ryan has previously teased a "love story for the ages" between Sarah Paulson"s character and that of Evan Peters… although Paulson will be married to a woman played by Allison Pill.

"I think it"s going to reveal itself in surprising ways," Paulson said at the 2017 TCA summer press tour of her romance.

Billie Lourd, Cheyenne Jackson, Colton Haynes, Billy Eichner, Adina Porter and Leslie Grossman will also star in the new season; while Lena Dunham, Frances Conroy and Mare Winningham will make appearances.

"We"ve got bloody tension, a well-cooked meal, an exciting trip to a grocery store,” previewed executive producer Alexis Martin Woodall this summer of what’s on tap,adding:

“I just think it is true to our brand, which is you"re going to be in a whole new world all over again and fall in love with these really special characters and hate yourself for watching it right before you go to bed and love."

The 11-episode season will be set in Michigan and take place the night of the 2016 presidential election.

American Horror Story: Cult premieres Tuesday, September 5 at 10/9c on FX.

Check out the teaser below:

American horror story cult teases hillary trump and dead dogs

Friday, July 21, 2017

American Horror Story: See the First Teaser for Season 7!

If you"re one of those people who have a thing about clowns … well, sorry about this.

"This" being the brand new, very first official teaser for the upcoming seventh season of American Horror Story, and all of the many, many clowns it contains.

Seriously, so many clowns.

But before you scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the clown-tastic trailer, we have some additional information about the season.

For instance, it"s title is Cult.

American Horror Story: Cult will premiere on September 5th at 10:00 PM on FX, and there will be 11 episodes to enjoy.

In a Twitter Q&A that Ryan Murphy, the show"s creator, did this morning, he said that Sarah Paulson and Evan Peters will be the main stars of this season.

It"s actually going to be Evan"s "heaviest season yet," so go ahead and get psyched about that.

Mare Winningham and Frances Conroy, frequent AHS players whose names you may not recognize but whose faces you definitely would, are returning as well.

It"s always a safe bet to imagine there will be more familiar faces as well.

Unfortunately, Lady Gaga, who had roles in the past two seasons, is sitting this one out, but in her place as resident super famous young person will be Lena Dunham.

We"ll also see Billie Lourd, Colton Haynes, Alison Pill, and Billy Eichner.

Murphy also said that the season is set in Michigan right after the 2016 presidential election, as previously promised.

Remember, in an interview all the way back in February, he revealed that the new season would be about "the election that we just went through."

He also said it would be "very scary and very fun and very … topical," and that "anybody who voted in the last election will very much enjoy what it"s about."

But will Donald Trump himself be a character?

"Maybe," he said at the time.

So how does the election fit in with the obvious clown theme? And how will a cult play into everything?

Looks like we"ll have to wait until September to see!

In the meantime, check out the super creepy, very alarming teaser in the video below:

American horror story see the first teaser for season 7

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Lena Dunham Claps Back at Critics, Joins American Horror Story

Lena Dunham has taken a break from abandoning her dog in order to fire back at a handful of haters.

Without specifically referencing what she was responding to Dunham shared the following photo on Instagram last night…

… and wrote the following as a caption:

It’s only important to me that people know as they’re busy tweeting bullshit about me I’m most often dressed in a latex suit and crystal crown working from home on imagining new worlds.

Dunham concluded her message with the hashtag “blessedbitch.”

This is an interesting way to tell off critics.

The Girls creator is basically saying that you can yell and scream and insult her all you want on social media, but she’s just gonna go about her successful and creative life as you waste your time doing so.

The actress often comes under fire from those who don’t like her liberal viewpoint on life.

Or from those who don’t like how often she takes off her clothes.

But Dunham always tries to have the final laugh in these situations.

Last month, for example, Dunham posed naked to flaunt her weight loss, just a short while after explaining why she can never win when it comes to the Internet.

“It’s just so crazy because I spent six years of my career being called things like ‘bag of milk,’ ‘baby cow,’ ‘aging cow.’ I just never felt self-conscious about it,” Dunham told Ellen DeGeneres, adding:

“I was like, ‘Anyone who is going to take the time to say something negative about my weight on the internet isn’t someone I was particularly keen to impress anyway.’

“Then I had this experience of my body changing.

“Suddenly I got all these people saying, ‘You’re a hypocrite. I thought you were body positive. I thought you were a person who embraced body types of all sizes."”

In other words: when she’s overweight, she hears about it. And when she loses weight, she hears about it.

What’s a celebrity to do?

Change the conversation, perhaps.

In a surprising piece of casting news, Ryan Murphy confirmed on Wednesday that Dunham will join American Horror Story Season 7.

We don’t know what role she’ll take on just yet, but this will mark Dunham’s first season as a member of the drama, which typically features the same actors and actresses playing different characters every year.

Season 7 is expected to center on the 2016 Presidential Election in some capacity.

lena murphy

We hear she’ll only appear on one American Horror Story episode, but whatever. That’s better than zero!

The Season 7 cast already boasts returning favorites Sarah Paulson and Evan Peters, plus newcomers Billy Eichner (Difficult People), Billie Lourd (Scream Queens), Laura Allen (Awake), Leslie Grossman (Popular) and Colton Haynes (Teen Wolf).

We can’t wait.

In addition to writing Girls and starring in that HBO comedy, Dunham has guest-starred on Scandal and The Simpsons in recent years.


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Dad Blogger Puts Daughter on Leash, Internet Reacts in Horror

Everybody knows that being a parent is hard.

But maybe, just maybe, putting your kids on leashes isn’t the best solution to your problems?

Clint Edwards’ blog is titled: No Idea What I’m Doing: A Daddy Blog.

That title is probably more accurate than he ever intended.

He posted the picture of his toddler daughter, Aspen, on a leash, and then defended the practice, saying that he’d never be able to keep his very active daughter safe without a leash.

The post went viral, but he’s still standing by it.

“I’ve written about leashes before and about the dirty looks we get using them, but we’d get even dirtier looks if we lost our child!” he tells People.

You heard it here, folks: you either put your kid on a leash or they get devoured by wild animals or abducted, apparently.

Look, we’re not saying that leashes are necessarily harmful.

And of course we know that there are some monstrous parents in this world who do so much worse.

We get that children are full of energy, and some are more prone to wandering off on impulse than others.

Their brains are still at very early stages of development, after all.

But parents have been holding hands with their children and even carrying them since, well, forever.

Hell, older siblings sometimes carry rambunctious younger siblings. It’s just part of being a family.

If anything, Edwards’ insistence that this is his only option — when, again, hand-holding has been an option since humanity’s ancestors first evolved hands — might be even more controversial than the leash itself.

His blog isn’t all like that.

One post shows him waiting in the car with a crying Aspen — who was upset that she wasn’t allowed to throw chicken nuggets in the restaurant.

We feel you, Aspen.

But he used it as an opportunity to talk about kids crying in restaurants to the irritation of other patrons.

It’s a super common occurrence — you go to a busy restaurant and there are just periodic shrieks from a small child.

Some restaurants advertise that they don’t permit young children. Some restaurants might drive up business by offering a single night a week where they don’t admit small children.

But his point is that they all at some point were shrieking children in restaurants who had to be told “no,” and that if little kids didn’t go to restaurants at all, they wouldn’t be learning restaurant etiquette.

And then wouldn’t go on to be adults who judge parents who bring their loud children into restaurants. It’s a beautiful cycle, right?

We see his point, but we’re still going to exchange grimaces with our companions the next time that we hear a piercing shriek when we’re trying to binge eat with friends.

Loud noises aren’t fun, okay?

As the internet collectively recoiled from his pro-leashing stance — it’s usually the sort of thing that you see on People Of Wal-Mart, not real life — his defenders came out of the woodwork.

Leashing your kids is apparently more common than any of us would like to think.

In general, the best parenting advice is that you shouldn’t be a parent if you aren’t ready to have children — and all that having children entails.

It sounds common sense … but sense isn’t terribly common.

That’s nothing new.


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Stars React in Shock, Horror (And Humor) to James Comey Firing

James Comey has been fired as FBI Director by President Donald Trump.

The shocking development took place as Comey was leading an investigation into the administration"s dealings with Russia, therefore raising a few very obvious red flags.

Did Trump cut Comey loose because he fears what the FBI will discover in this investigation?

There seems to be almost no other way to interpret this morally and legally questionable course of action.

In response to the firing, celebrities from across Hollywood jumped on social media and reacted in stunned horror…

1. Alyssa Milano

Alyssa milano

au·toc·ra·cy ôˈtäkrəsē/ noun: a system of government by one person with absolute power.

2. Jim Carrey

Jim carrey


3. George Lopez

George lopez

Well @realDonaldTrump said he was gonna create new jobs ! #ftp #pelosmelapela

4. Andy Cohen

Andy cohen

HOUSEWIVES PLAYBOOK: he saw Cynthia rip up Nene’s friendship contract and thinks he can do the same thing.

5. Kumail Nanjiani

Kumail nanjiani

The only person I’d trust as new Director of FBI is fictional character Fox Mulder.

6. Cher



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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

16 First Date Horror Stories to (Poor #9!)

The following text message exchanges about men or women who have agreed to go on a first date should make one group of people very happy:

Those who are in stable marriages!

Be thankful you never need to experience anything like what is relayed in the conversations below…

1. Autocorrect Can Ruin Even the Best First Impressions

Autocorrect can ruin even the best first impressions

Hilarious case in point.

2. I Didn’t Actually Barf

I didnt actually barf

But nothing interesting came out of his mouth, either.

3. Eating Dinner on a Date?

Eating dinner on a date

What a foreign concept… to at least one person, apparently.

4. Hey, This Story Did Take Place Due to a Blind Date

Hey this story did take place due to a blind date

And it’s hilarious. So we’re counting it!

5. A Case of Mistaken Identity

A case of mistaken identity

Why do we feel like this date actually went well, though?

6. After One Date? How Sweet!

After one date how sweet

Oh, oops. We meant: how scary!

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Monday, April 10, 2017

Doctor Gets Violently Removed from Plane: Watch in Horror!

Come fly the friendly skies?

Now we know why United Airlines no longer uses this tagline.

A few weeks ago, the Internet erupted in outrage after a company employee banned girls in leggings from boarding a flight.

And now the airline is once again making the wrong kind of news, following the online release of footage that depicts a passenger being violently removed from a seat he paid for in timely, legal and very fair fashion.

Aboard a Louisville-bound flight from Chicago on Sunday, the passenger refused to give up his seat after the airline randomly selected him to do so.

According to Audra Bridges, the woman who shot the disturbing video below, those on board were offered $ 800 to take a later flight in order to make room for United employees heading for work in Kentucky.

When no volunteers emerged, four individuals, including the person featured here, were then chosen at random to give up their seats.

However, the man told officials that he"s a doctor who had patients to see early Monday, the Courier-Journal reports, and that he simply could not afford to change his schedule.

No matter.

Security members boarded the plane and forcibly removed the physician against his will.

“Oh my God! Look at what you did to him,” a woman is hearing yelling in this video, while other passengers look on in horror.

The doctor was eventually permitted to re-board the flight, with Bridges saying he appeared to be bloody and disoriented. A medical crew quickly arrived to treat the passenger.

United spokesman Charlie Hobart told the Chicago Tribune that the flight was overbooked, which isn"t really the issue here.

The issue is more along the lines of… how is an airline legally allowed to oversell a flight and then remove passengers who simply bought a ticket from the plane?

“After our team looked for volunteers, one customer refused to leave the aircraft voluntarily and law enforcement was asked to come to the gate,” Hobart said.

“We apologize for the overbook situation.”

To date, this video has been viewed over 680,000 times on Facebook. 

Check it out for yourself:

United airlines passenger get bloodied bruised forcibly removed

Friday, April 7, 2017

Billie Lourd Snags "American Horror Story" & Taylor Lautner (PHOTO GALLERY)

Billie Lourd is making big TV deals as the same time she macks it up with Taylor Lautner. Carrie Fisher’s daughter just snagged a role on “American Horror Story,” which begins shooting in June. The theme is the 2016 Presidential election. The…


Monday, March 20, 2017

Robert "Freddy Krueger" Englund Says "Get Out" Not Best Recent Horror Flick (VIDEO)

Robert Englund has a tip for all you horror fans who loved the movie “Get Out” … and it involves a western. We got Mr. Freddy Krueger at LAX and he gave Jordan Peele major props for his blockbuster horror flick, but there’s another…


Thursday, February 16, 2017

Twitter Users Lament #MyValentinesRemorse, Share Romantic Horror Stories

Valentine"s Day is an occasion for chocolate, flowers and bubble baths.

In an ideal universe.

In reality, however, Valentine"s Day is often an occasion for attempts at chocolate, flowers and bubble baths, among other romantic gestures.

Fortunately, when these gestures go awry, Twitter is around with hashtags such as "#MyValentinesRemorse" to make us feel better about all those times we royally screwed up on February 14.

To wit…

1. No Regrets!

No regrets

We bet those nuggets tasted great. And we also bet he still totally had sex with you.

2. It’s Not?!?

Its not

This is good to know for future reference.

3. Valentine’s Day Remorse?

Valentines day remorse

More like Valentine’s Day Goals, are we right?!?

4. OOPS!


For President’s Day, we’re guessing his wife is getting him divorce papers.

5. Hey, No Judgment Here!

Hey no judgment here

Just add nuggets to the evening and you’re set.

6. Only 8 Hours of Sleep?

Only 8 hours of sleep

The struggle is real.

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American Horror Story Season 7 to Focus on... Donald Trump?!?

According to executive producer Ryan Murphy, American Horror Story Season 7 is set to take on this franchise’s most frightening subject yet.

Climate change? ISIS? The prospect of the New England Patriots winning a sixth Super Bowl next year?

Nope, nope and nope.

Instead, Murphy has said in a couple new interview that American Horror Story Season 7 will tell the tale of… Dona’d J. Trump!

YIKES, right?!?

The creator of American Horror Story (and Nip/Tuck… and Glee… and upcoming FX series Feud) was a guest last night on Bravo’s Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen.

Asked about his plans for the seventh installment of his beloved cable anthology, Murphy said he does not yet have a title for Season 7.

But he has a subject matter in mind.

“The season that we begin shooting in June is going to be about the election that we just went through.”

For those somehow unaware, the election to which Murphy is referring pitted Trump against Hillary Clinton.

These two long-time public and polarizing figures exchanged pointed barbs throughout 2016, as the wore bore witness to the ugliest President race in U.S. history.

It was won, in stunning fashion, by Trump on November 8.

“Wow! That…wow,” Cohen responds to Murphy’s reveal in the above clip, asking: “Will there be a Trump in it?”

“Maybe,” Murphy replied.

Sounds like another chance for Alec Baldwin to polish his impression!

Following the finale of American Horror Story Season 6 in November, FX tweeted a teaser for Season 7, which seemed to allude to a potential nautical theme for the next installment.

But we should have known better.

These teasers are always vague and weird and don’t really have anything to do with what’s on tap.

In another interview this week, Murphy reiterated the theme of Season 7.

“It’s very scary and very fun and very…topical,” he told E! News. “Anybody who voted in the last election will very much enjoy what it’s about.”

He didn’t reveal many storyline details beyond that preview, simply adding:

“Evan Peters and Sarah Paulson are the leads. But they don’t know who they’re playing…It’s a modern story… We just started back in the writers’ room for that.”

Past seasons of American Horror Story have centered on witches, weird carnival acts, haunted houses, mental asylums and quasi vampires played by Lady Gaga.

But Donald Trump as President?!? Murphy, pictured below on Bravo, truly could not have chosen a scarier topic this time around.

The only question here, of course, is whether or not Trump will still be President when Season 7 premieres later this year.

Have you seen the latest Donald Trump impeachment odds? They grow stronger every day.

American Horry Story, meanwhile, received a rare two-season renewal a few weeks ago, taking it through season 9.

At the time, FX CEO John Landgraf said viewers wouldn’t know anything about season 7 until its premiere, much like they did when it came to Season 6.

“It actually will be shrouded in super secrecy,” he said at the Television Critics Association’s press tour in January.

“Ryan has yet another really innovative idea for how to do something fresh and different with the franchise that audiences haven’t seen before, and there’s a marketing promotional hook around that.”

We can’t wait to see how the election is tackled by Murphy and company.

Until then, we’re totally gonna go back and watch American Horror Story online to see if we can pick up on any clues from past seasons that may inform what we can expect to see this season.


Friday, December 30, 2016

Brilliant Comedy Team Turns 2016 into a Horror Film!

Is it just us, or has 2016 been a real bitch of a year?

Just kidding, of course it"s not just us. At this point, it"s an irrefutable fact that will surely go down in the history books for the rest of all time.

2016 has done so much to us, and we"ve done absolutely nothing to deserve it.

It"s taken so many beloved celebrities, including but certainly not limited to David Bowie, Prince, Carrie Fisher, Debbie Reynolds, George Michael, Gene Wilder …

It"s given us our first Cheetoh-Human hybrid president, Donald Trump, proving that you can speak frankly about your affinity for grabbing women "by the pussy" and still run a nation.

It"s shaken us to our very core with the tragic murder of one of America"s biggest legends, Harambe.

It"s a terrible, no good, very bad year, and we"ve still got several hours left to go.

2016 has been so awful that it"s been like living in a very long, drawn-out horror movie.

And so a comedy trio called Friend Dog Studios made it so.

You absolutely need to check out the trailer they made for a fictional, but still extremely realistic horror flick titled 2016: The Movie.

Gather yourself, try not to get too spooked, and check out the magic below:

Brilliant comedy team turns 2016 into a horror film

Monday, October 31, 2016

"American Horror Story: Hotel" -- Spooky Fan Wedding ... Just Add Pepper! (PHOTO GALLERY)

The world’s biggest ‘American Horror Story’ fans tied the knot Saturday night with a themed wedding fit for a Supreme. Michael Scola and Jordan Rodarte’s 1920’s-style bash was inspired by season 5 — ‘AHS: Hotel’ — and the couple nailed every…


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Watch American Horror Story Online: Check Out Season 6 Episode 5

Just when you thought American Horror Story could not get any crazier, right?

We left off last Wednesday night with Lady Gaga’s crazy witch person disemboweling poor Cricket right in front of Shelby and Matt.

Watch American Horror Story Season 6 Episode 5 Online

It was painful to watch. Although we’re guessing it was even more painful for Cricket to experience.

Where did things go on American Horror Story Season 6 Episode 5? What other gruesome deaths, if any occurred? Will you be able to get though the entire hour with your eyes open?

Go ahead and click on the video above to watch American Horror Story online and find out now.


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Apple Announces iPhone 7, Wireless Headphones: Twitter Reacts in Horror

Well, another big Apple event was held today, and that usually means people across social media freaking out over a very small change to a popular product.

But this time the changes are bigger and more controversial than usual.

It seems Apple has decided to 86 the headphone jack on the iPhone 7, which means users will either have to plug in old school headphones using a lightning jack adapter or shell out for wireless headphones.

Not surprisingly, the company also introduced its new AirPod wireless ear buds today, which look like they should come with a built-in hole in your pocket to ensure that you lose them on day one.

Naturally, the the reactions from Twitter have been hilariously outraged.

They"re even funnier when you pause to consider how many of these tweets were sent using Apple products:

1. iPhone 7 Photo

Iphone 7 photo

Apple announced the release of the iPhone 7 today. The lack of a headphone jack sparked some serious outrage on social media.

2. Titanic Burn


Even if you die an old lady, warm in your bed, you’ll still be pissed about the iPhone 7.

3. Life’s Too Short!

Lifes too short

Ryan makes a solid point about the inconvenience of wireless ear buds.

4. Throwback Jack

Throwback jack

Soon, headphone jacks may be a thing of the past. Millennials, you’re officially getting old.

5. Air Bud

Air bud

Josh Groban tweeted this photo, along with a caption reading, “#AirPods? I guess another name was taken.”

6. Apple + Headpones = Hilarity

Apple plus headpones equals hilarity

Time TV critic Daniel D’Addario tweeted the above photo along with a caption reading, “Sad I won’t be able to use headphones with my Apple products like I used to.”

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Monday, August 29, 2016

Man F-cks McChicken Sandwich, Internet Reacts in Horror


Google the word "McChicken" at your own risk now now.

Someone has shared a video of himself totally going to town on one of these sandwiches.

His penis is hanging out of his shorts and is placed between the top and bottom bun.

A wrapper is lying on the bed, along with small pieces of lettuce that have fortunately been spared the fate of having this dude squirt his manhood all over them.

The McChicken Banger then thrusts his crotch back and forth through this McDonald"s classic, scarring every viewer for life in the process.

We aren"t about to post the video here.

But we are going to share the reaction of those who have seen it… in the hopes they help you think better of going online to track it down.

1. So NOT Lovin It

So not lovin in

Our eyes! Our eyes! Our eyes are permanently damaged!

2. Nice Buns, Hon

Nice buns hon

Eh, you’ll do.

3. You Want WHAT?!?

You want what

Come on. What about McNuggets?????

4. We Now Pronounce You…

We now pronounce you

Man and Sandwich. We guess.

5. Come Again?

Come again

Actually… no. Please do not come again.

6. Too Easy

Too easy

And yet still… too funny.

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