Showing posts with label I've. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I've. Show all posts

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Snoop Dogg to UFC Prodigy: I"ve Got the Perfect Nickname for You!

How’s this for a good day: MMA fighter kicks a dude in the head … wins UFC contract … gets a brand new nickname from Snoop Dogg.  That actually HAPPENED to Julian Marquez on Tuesday — the greatest day of his life.  TMZ Sports spoke…


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Katy Perry: What?!? I"ve ALWAYS Loved Taylor Swift!

Katy Perry has no idea what you’re talking about.

She’s probably giving you a quizzical side-eye right about now.

She doesn’t know why you think she ever feuded with Taylor Swift. What a crazy notion!

In a new interview with Australia’s Today show, the singer was asked – yes, once again – about her relationship with Swift.

Despite rarely even saying each other’s names in public, the rivalry between these artists has been near the center of the celebrity gossip universe for years, ever since Swift released the diss track “Bad Blood.”

It was pretty clearly written about Perry, with whom Swift allegedly has a beef due a disagreement over backup dancers back in the day.

While promoting her latest album, Katy said Taylor tried to “assassinate my character” and made it sound as if the feud was only just beginning.

But then the public sort of took Swift’s side… and then Swift made the ultimate passive-aggressive power move against Perry… and Katy quickly changed her tune.

“I love her, I always have,” Perry told the Australian interviewer. “We’ve had our differences, but I just continue to say, ‘God bless her on her journey.’”

That’s very cute of Katy to say.

As the first song off her new record, Perry unveiled what most people assumed was her own diss track, seemingly clapping back at Swift via the single “Swish Swish.”

It wasn’t well received, however.

After receiving negative feedback for the way she went after Swift all these years later, Perry did a 180 several weeks ago and now talks as if the two are soul sisters.

“I am ready to let it go,” Perry said on a recent installment of the Thrive Global Podcast, adding:

“I forgive her and I’m sorry for anything I ever did, and I hope the same from her. There’s a lot of other things out there in the world that people need to be focused on.

“God bless her on her journey. God bless her. Honestly.”

Somewhere (and we really don’t know where because she’s gone social media silent for nearly a year now), Swift and her team must be having quite a good laugh over all this flip-flopping.

Taylor has managed to win her war against Perry without ever mentioning her by name.

Seriously, go back and look at all the stories The Hollywood Gossip and other websites have written about this rivalry.

Try to find one instance in which Swift mentioned Perry or even hinted strongly that she had any problem with Perry at all.

Go ahead. We’ll wait.

You just may not want to hold your breath while you investigate.


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Bella Thorne: I"ve Never F-cked Scott Disick!

Bella Thorne would like to set the record straight.

By saying she has never been contorted into any unusual angles while taking it from Scott Disick in bed.

Chatter of Thorne and Disick as a romantic item got underway in May after the stars were seen heading to the Cannes Film Festival in France.

They took the same car to a hotel in that country upon arriving and were later spotted cuddling together while both wearing bathing suits.

But Thorne left France on her own and seemed to immediately regret spending any time with Disick abroad, especially after he flirted during the trip with any person that had boobs.

“Yo this #cannes fancy life isn’t for me,” she Tweeted at the time, sparking rumors of a feud with Disick.

Initially, many thought the 19-year old was just being taken advantage by 34-year old reality star in his attempt to seek revenge against Kourtney Kardashian.

But then Thorne and Disick attended a birthday party for Lana Del Rey back in Los Angeles and allegedly partied as a quasi couple until approximately 2 a.m.

At this point, they went to another shindig and eventually went home (again, in the same car) with another unidentified female.

How scandalous, right?!?

Wrong, claims Thorne.

“I was never with him sexually,” Thorne told Jenny McCarthy yesterday on her SiriusXM radio show, adding:

“With any reality show, they want the drama. They want the stuff that sells. I’ve never seen ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians.”


But what about those flowers and that kind note Disick sent to Thorne, which the latter excitedly shared with the world just over a week ago on Snapchat?

Scott was simply congratulating Thorne on her release of a new song.

Bella also denied there’s any tension between her and two people Scott knows well.

“I’m very friendly with Kylie and Kendall, Kylie and I used to be really close,” she told McCarthy on Monday. “As far as I know, they’re super chill.”

Disick has been on one of his rampages ever since he learned that Kourtney didn’t want to get back together with him.

He’s supposedly been hooking up left and right while drinking almost non-stop. It’s becoming a real problem.

Thorne, meanwhile, addressed talk of a love triangle between herself, Tyler Posey and Charlie Puth during her chat with McCarthy on air.

Did she really go right for Puth after splitting from Posey?

“Honestly, Ty and I stopped dating and that was really difficult for me. It was definitely one of the hardest breakups I’ve been through,” she explained.

“Basically, Ty and I stopped dating and Charlie had been tweeting about me for a while. He was trying to reach out to me. I had hung out with him twice.

“We went to the movies. He was cool. I was like, ‘Wow you’re really talented. Holy sh-t. You’re f-cking great, dude.’ And then he invited me to Jingle Ball to watch him perform.”

Unlike Disick, though, did she sleep with Puth?

“Everything just got way blown out of proportion,” she says of that alleged fling, concluding.

“We weren’t even kissing in that [paparazzi] photo. That photo makes it look like we’re about to kiss and we’re straight-up not about to kiss. I was a little bit butt-hurt in that sense.

“That it got out like that. Obviously, I had to text, call Ty. And Ty wrote me like, ‘It’s all good."”


Thursday, July 13, 2017

NHL"s Mark Giordano: I"ve Never Seen Brian McGrattan Lose a Fight

If you’re gonna pick a fight with a hockey player, STAY AWAY FROM BRIAN MCGRATTAN … so says Calgary Flames captain Mark Giordano.  We were talking to Mark about which hockey player would have the best shot at success in the UFC — and…


Saturday, July 8, 2017

21 Savage, I"ve Dated Amber Rose Way Longer than You Know

21 Savage scoffed at the notion things are moving too fast between him and Amber Rose, because he says they didn’t just hook up yesterday. We got the couple leaving 21 Savage’s album release Friday for Issa Album in Play del Rey. He’s clearly happy…


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Conor McGregor to Floyd: I"ve Got Boxing Training Video, Too

Conor McGregor responded to Floyd Mayweather’s insanely fast boxing training video with a clip of his own — one that showcases his power.  While Floyd showcased blazing speed and quick footwork, Conor’s training video was more focused on…


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Travis Scott: I"ve Banged Kylie AND Kendall! Here"s Who"s Better in Bed...

If Travis Scott is looking for a new nickname, he may want to go with “the Captain Kirk of Rap.”

The dude is out there boldly going where no man has gone before, and he’s happy to report back to us earthbound civilians.

Now, you might be thinking, “Travis is sleeping with Kylie Jenner. So what? He’s certainly not the first.”

And you would be right.

But what you fail to consider, contrarian, hypothetical reader is that this isn’t the first time Travis has taken a dip in the Jenner gene pool.

No, as you may recall, Travis and Kendall Jenner had a brief fling last year.

The two of them never officially dated, so it’s not surprising that Kendall would be okay with letting her sister enjoy her hand-me-downs.

It is somewhat surprising, however, that Travis has taken to publicly comparing the two sisters’, erm … assets,

“He’s been boasting that Kylie’s way better in bed than Kendall and has more to play with, but Kendall’s got more personality,” a source close to the situation tells something called News Hip Hop.

Yeah. We won’t comment on that, except to say, “more to play with”? Gross.

Adding to the skeeviness, the outlet that we’ve never heard of until just now notes that these days, “Kendall is linked to A$ AP Rocky, who must be a personality guy.”

Stay classy, News Hip Hop.

If you’re already feeling like you may need to bathe in Purell after reading all this, then you may not want to to continue, as it’s about to get even more incestuous:

“Scott’s real intention is ‘trading up’ to Kourtney Kardashian because his goal is to go through the entire extended Kardashian family,” says the insider.

Yes, Travis has set his sights on the eldest of the Kardashian sisters.

Of course, Kourtney is dating Younes Bendjima these days, a former professional boxer, who might not take kindly to any untoward advances from his girlfriend’s younger sister’s boyfriend.

Yeesh. First the Blac Chyna-Tyga-Kylie situation, and now this.

This is Calabasas, not Kentucky!


Sunday, May 7, 2017

Chrissy Teigen: Of COURSE I"ve Had Plastic Surgery!

Chrissy Teigen is absolutely delightful, just a real and true gem.

One of the things that we love about her — and let’s be real, there’s a long, long list — is her honesty. Girl does not hold back about anything, and it’s always wonderful to see.

And earlier this week at a promotional event, Chrissy really let some home truths fly.

See, she’s doing a new makeup palette in collaboration with Becca Cosmetics, and at a launch party for the product on Thursday night, she told reporters that she’d had plastic surgery.

Extensive plastic surgery, even.

One of the things she claimed to have done, odd as it may seem, is liposuction on her armpits.

“I had an armpit sucked out, which was one of the best things,” she said. “It’s a big secret, but I don’t care.”

“It was nine years ago or so,” she continued. “And it added two inches to my arms. Now it’s back though, so now I gotta pay for [liposuction] again.”

She said that it was “so easy,” and that “It made me feel better in strapless dresses, and I felt more confident.”

“It was the dumbest, stupidest thing I’ve ever done. The dumbest, but I like it, whatever. I have no regrets, honestly.”

It sounds weird when you first think about it — liposuction in the armpit, that is — but it sort of makes sense, doesn’t it?

And if it makes her feel more confident, then more power to that armpit fat removal!

But the liposuction wasn’t the only cosmetic procedure Chrissy admitted to — she also said “Everything else is fake, but my cheeks are real.”

“Women are like, ‘those fake-ass cheeks,’ and I’m like, No! This is my real face!”

She even pointed at her nose, her lips and her forehead, saying “Fake, fake, fake.”

Those who heard her firsthand say that she was obviously joking about having plastic surgery on her face, and most reasonable people reading it would figure that out, too.

But goodness knows that the vast majority of internet users are not reasonable people.

After her quotes began circulating, several outlets and readers took her joke as fact, so much so that Chrissy had to hop on Twitter to set the record straight.

“Reminder to never ever joke, ever,” she wrote. 

However, she did clarify that “I did to the armpits, no regrets except it clearly came back.”

She adorably added “You think I’d have this ass if I’d done extensive work? Like who would ask for this ass.”

Oh, Chrissy. Never, ever change.


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Justin Bieber: Look at Me! I"ve Come So Far!

Justin Bieber may still be nailing models and screaming at fans, but the artist has not been arrested for drunk driving in, like, three years.

As a result, Bieber jumped on Instagram this week in order to congratulate himself for being a changed young man.

In his very proud post, the 24-year-old reflected on his troubled past and said he’s looking forward to a bright and prosperous future.

Sharing his mug shot from that 2014 arrest, Bieber wrote the following as a caption on Monday:


Bieber did not face any jail time for allegedly street racing in Miami in January of 2014, while also reportedly having had too much to drink prior to getting behind the wheel.

He was taken into custody by police around 4 a.m. and proceeded to fail a field sobriety test at the time; hence the charges of DUI, driving with an expired license and resisting arrest.

Tests later proved that his blood alcohol level was below the legal limit, although he did test positive for Xanax and for marijuana.

Justin Bieber has received 2.3 million Likes and counting for these contrasting (and cute!) photos.

In August of that same year, the handsome Grammy winner avoided prison when he reached a plea deal with prosecutors.

He entered a plea of guilty to reduced charges of misdemeanor careless driving and resisting arrest.

Florida judge Bill Altfield told Bieber to undergo a 12-hour anger management course… complete a program in which he’d meet regular folks affected by drunk driving… and make a $ 50,000 charitable donation, along with the payment of a few fines.

“Here is someone who is young, 20 years of age, his whole life is ahead of him and he just hopefully will get the message,” said the judge at the time of the hearing, adding:

“He will grow up, he will use all of his talents positively.”

In 2015, Bieber released his fourth studio album, “Purpose,” which went very platinum.

But has he really come as far as he’d like to think?

We’re glad Justin hasn’t endangered any lives via drunk driving again, of course.

But he’s blasted his own fans on numerous occasions, exhibiting a cocky attitude and even a penchant for a bit of violence.

Bieber has often been accused of threatening anyone who dares to take his picture and even, on occasion, of physically confronting those who disobey his orders.

Seriously, what other singer out there would say the following to his supporters?!?

Bieber made many negative headlines last fall for berating fans at concerts who dared to yell a lot when he wanted to hold a conversation with them in public.

After doing so one too many times and getting beat up in the press about it, Justin wrote a lengthy message on social media.

“I simply feel like, if I didn’t use this platform to say how I truly feel, and if I didn’t use this platform to be the man that I know I am, and speak from what’s in my heart, then I’m doing myself injustice, and I’m not doing anybody in this audience any justice,” Bieber wrote at the time.

There’s going to be times where I say the wrong thing, because I’m human.

But I don’t pretend to be perfect and I hope to God that, you know, I don’t say the right thing all the time because if that was the case then I’d be a robot, and I’m just, I’m not a robot.

There’s times when I get upset … times when I get angry, there’s times when I’m going to be myself on this stage.

When people try to twist things and say, ‘Justin’s angry at his fans. He doesn’t want his fans to scream’ that’s not at all what I was doing.

All I was simply doing was wanting people to listen; to kind of hear me out a little bit. Certain people … certain cities aren’t going to want to hear me out, and you know, sometimes it’s my job to just say, ‘hey, I’m not going to try to force anything.’

I just appreciate you guys tonight, listening to me and understand, and rocking with me. You guys are truly amazing.

Do YOU think Justin Bieber has really come very far since 2014?

Or is he the same douchebag as ever, just with fewer arrests to his name?


Friday, March 31, 2017

Myles Garrett"s Mom Opens Up About NFL Draft -- "I"ve Lived In Cleveland Before"

With Myles Garrett projected to be the #1 overall pick in the upcoming NFL Draft, we spoke with his mom, Audrey, about how the family is getting ready for the biggest day of his life! NOTE: Garrett’s half-brother is ex-NBA player Sean…


Monday, March 20, 2017

Lala Kent on Plastic Surgery: I"ve Had Enough!

Lala Kent is the Queen of keeping it real. 

The former Vanderpump Rules star opened up to Bravo’s The Lookbook about the procedures she’s had done and what she has on tap for the future

While some celebrities steer clear of comments about their appearance, Kent has confirmed she does, indeed, keep tabs on what the trolls say. 

“I will say, this last time I feel like I overdid it,” the controversial reality star confirmed.

“I want to stop with the lips, I want to stop with the fillers… you know? Enough is enough! I’m starting to look at the comments and then compare photos. I’m not about it anymore.”

Comments can be a really hurtful place that people express how much they hate someone for their appearance in just a few words. 

It’s a toxic place to turn to, but Lala has proven in the past that she does not care what the haters say. 

The former SUR hostess, 25, revealed she is a sucker for Botox in her forehead, the small area between her eyebrows. fillers in her cheeks, chin and lips. 

“So, pretty much my whole face, except my nose,” she quipped.

Kent also said that most of her procedures last a mere six months and that she would continue to get fillers. 

“Because my genetics are horrible with jawlines,” Kent said. “And botox because I like to scowl at people a lot.”

While most people like to keep their procedures on the down low, Lala is not that type of girl. 

“I’m not the type of person who’s going to walk out and be like, ‘I’ve had nothing done! My face just changed like this,’” she said.

“I’m pretty open about things like that.”

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you will know that Kent made her getaway from the Bravo hit in last week’s episode after going into hiding. 

There were a lot of questions about whether Lala was sleeping with a married man and the likes of Stassi Schroeder, Katie Maloney (who has a knack for talking baloney, by the way!) and Kristen Doute targeted her. 

Their comments paved the way for Lala to trash them for not working on their summer bodies in a hilarious rant that found her fall even more into oblivion with her cast members. 

Surprisingly, it has since been reported that she and Scheana Shay are friends in the wake of the episodes being transmitted. 

It definitely looked like Scheana’s friends were on the verge of ousting her from their catty clique for speaking to her earlier in the season. 

Kent will appear in the reunion special which is due to air in a few weeks when Vanderpump Rules Season 5 concludes. 

Could her burgeoning friendship with Scheana pave the way for a return trip to one of the most addictive reality TV series out there?

If it means we get more scenes like the one below, we would not mind…

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Kenyon Martin On Lavar Ball"s Billion Dollar Plan ... "Craziest Thing I"ve Ever Heard" (Video)

Kenyon Martin can’t help but laugh at all the outrageous comments coming from Lavar Ball’s mouth — but says one thing is undoubtedly true … his kids can ball.  We asked Kenyon about Lavar’s claim he could beat MJ in 1-on-1 and his plan to…


Kenyon Martin On Lavar Ball"s Billion Dollar Plan ... "Craziest Thing I"ve Ever Heard" (Video)

Kenyon Martin can’t help but laugh at all the outrageous comments coming from Lavar Ball’s mouth — but says one thing is undoubtedly true … his kids can ball.  We asked Kenyon about Lavar’s claim he could beat MJ in 1-on-1 and his plan to…


Friday, March 10, 2017

Roman Polanski to Judge: Say I"ve Done My Time, and I"ll Come Back

Roman Polanski will come back to a California courtroom to face the judge over his fugitive status in his child rape case, but only if the judge says in advance that the director served his full time behind bars. Polanski’s lawyer, Harland Braun,…


Roman Polanski to Judge: Say I"ve Done My Time, and I"ll Come Back

Roman Polanski will come back to a California courtroom to face the judge over his fugitive status in his child rape case, but only if the judge says in advance that the director served his full time behind bars. Polanski’s lawyer, Harland Braun,…


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Dez Bryant Blasts Troll -- "Shut The F**k Up" ... You Don"t Know What I"ve Been Through

Dez Bryant unleashed the fury all over a Twitter troll Wednesday — saying haters “have no clue” what he’s been dealing with off the field over the past 2 years and should “shut the f**k up.” It all started when Cowboys reporter Jon Machota posted a…


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

The Bachelor Finale Preview: A Love I"ve Never Felt Before

Vanessa Grimaldi or Raven Gates? The Bachelor spoilers have told us how this epic season ends for months, and soon we"ll know for sure.

In this season finale preview, however, it looks like Nick Viall was confused, worried and unsure about the decision at hand until the end.

After giving roses to Raven and Vanessa and setting Rachel Lindsay free to be The Bachelorette on last night"s episode, the end is near.

Is Nick still hedging as to who he"ll propose to, though?

“I came here to find a love that I’ve never felt before and a love that has the strength to last a lifetime,” Viall says in the preview clip.

“So now, I feel lucky because I’m so in love."

The only problem, of course, is that he"s fallen for two special people and when it comes to The Bachelor winner, there can be only one.

One rose, and Neil Lane ring, to rule them all.

Nick’s optimism is also dampened by the fact that his previous Bachelor franchise experiences with love have ended in heartbreak.

Not for the women involved, but for him.

“I’m in love with these two women, but I’ve been incredibly terrified because I was very much in love with Andi and Kaitlyn," he says.

“And I was really heartbroken both times."

"And I’m terrified that will happen again.”

Viall made back-to-back finales of The Bachelorette only to watch Andi Dorfman (2014) and Kaitlyn Bristowe (2015) chose the other suitor.

Part of him is therefore knows he"ll be breaking someone"s heart imminently, while also wondering if his decision will be the right one.

Nick’s fears clearly manifest themselves throughout the final episode, as he brings up these concerns about the women and the process.

His family serves as the sounding board.

“There’s no denying how confident I was with Andi and Kaitlyn in the moment,” he admits, adding that he"s scared about what must be done.

“So I think I would be lying if I were to make some grand answer how different this is [or will know] once I make that decision.”

"All I have to do is figure out which one I feel in my heart is best for me and I hope and pray that they will feel the same way."

Doesn"t make it any easier. Nick adds:

“It’s very hard to comprehend how strong I feel for each of these women, but I’m not sure what’s going to happen and I’m running out of time."

Who do you think it will be?

Share your hopes – and predictions, which may be different – in the comments below and watch the emotional preview for the finale:

The bachelor finale preview a love that ive never felt before

Monday, February 27, 2017

Steve Harvey Responds to Best Picture Flub: I"ve Been There, Folks!

Steve Harvey suddenly has something significant in common with Warren Beatty.

But it has nothing to do with the massive number of women with whom Beatty has had sex.

Instead, it’s the embarrassment of making an epically famous mistake on a national awards show stage.

In December of 2015, Harvey concluded the Miss Universe Pageant by announcing Miss Colombia as the winner.

The only problem at the time? Miss Colombia was not actually the winner.

That honor actually belonged to Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach of the Philippines, a gross error that Harvey was forced to come out and admit minutes after misinforming the audience initially.

It was quite the snafu, although it didn’t do much harm to Harvey’s career.

Considering he was invited back to host the same beauty pageant a year later.

On Sunday night, meanwhile, Warren Beatty was at the center of the greatest gaffe in Academy Awards history.

Due to an envelope mix-up that really was not his fault, the legendary actor helped tell the world that La La Land had won Best Picture for 2017.

Except it hadn’t.

Moonlight had won Best Picture for 2017.

Watch this VERY awkward snafu take place in the following video:

Soon after the proper victor was crowned, host Jimmy Kimmel tried to lighten the tense mood, quipping on stage:

“Guys, this is very unfortunate what happened. Personally, I blame Steve Harvey for this.”

It was a pretty good line, but it also gave Harvey a chance to milk the situation for as much attention as he possibly could.

“Good morning everybody! Went to sleep early last night. So…what I miss? #Oscars,” the comedian Tweeted this morning, prior to using the mistake as a PR opportunity.

“Tune in to @SteveHarveyFM at 8 AM ET today for my response to last night’s #Oscars . YOU KNOW I have something to say,” he added.

On his radio show, Harvey proceeded to wax at length about the Oscars flub.

“I know all about this. I know more than anyone else in the world about this,” said the 60-year-old. “I am the creator of these moments. The epicurean of this.”

Harvey went on reference a number reactions made on social media to the televised mistake.

“Because Warren made a mistake, does he have to die?” Harvey joked. “Should he lose his life? Y’all wanna kill him? Well he needs security because of this.”

Prior to the cast and crew from Moonlight accepting the Best Picture prize, Beatty jumped back on the microphone and explained what happened, saying he was confused the second he opened the envelope because it read “Emma Stone, La La Land.”

Since this snafu took place, PricewaterhouseCoopers, the auditing firm that tallies the Oscars votes, issued an apology and took responsibility.

“Me and Warren handled it great. It’s me and Warren’s thing,” added Harvey.

“We handled it great. At least the producers of the Oscars walked out with him… and they corrected the mistake on the night.”

Concluded Harvey on his show:

“Warren I know your pain!”

“I can help Warren get through this. I’m [going to] show him how to handle it with dignity and grace. Thank God for producers who stand with their talent. Unlike waiting the next day to handle it with the press, as it was suggested in my ear…

“I can help Warren get through this. Call me Warren, baby.”


Tim Tebow: Baseball Is NOT My Life"s Calling ... I"ve Got MUCH BIGGER Plans! (VIDEO)

Here’s your Tim Tebow inspirational moment of the day.  Tim was giving a news conference at the Mets spring training facility in Port St. Lucie when he was asked how he balances his career as a pro athlete with the crazy hours he puts into his…


Thursday, February 16, 2017

Charles Oakley: I Don"t Know If Dolan Is Racist ... But I"ve Heard Things (AUDIO)

Charles Oakley says he will NOT definitively label James Dolan as a racist because he’s never personally seen him do racist things … but says he’s heard rumblings “over and over.” Oakley says he’s “heard stuff” about Dolan over the years — but…
