Showing posts with label Jeremy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jeremy. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Jinger Duggar Shocks Fans With Jeremy Vuolo PDA

Back in November of 2016, Jinger Duggar married Jeremy Vuolo in front of 1,500 of her closest friends and relatives.

Now, as they approach their one-year anniversary, the young couple is still going strong.

But while Jinger has developed into the same sort of doting wife as her mother and older sisters, she’s also undergone a number of other changes that no one in her family would have ever predicted.

These days, Jinger is known as her family’s resident rebel.

And while her acts of defiance may seem incredibly tame to those of us outside of Tontitown, Arkansas, within Jinger’s inner circle, there’s been much fretting and pearl-clutching over the 23-year-old’s apparent disinterest in following in the footsteps of the other women in her family.

Jinger’s most obvious form of rebellion has been the rejection of her family’s strict dress code.

Before Jinger got hitched, all of Jim Bob and Michelle’s daughters continued to wear below-the-knee skirts at all times (even while playing sports or engaging in other outdoor activities) even after leaving the house.

Jinger not only wears pants, she’s been known to rock shorts on occasion and short (by Duggar standards) skirts:

That’s a photo that Jinger uploaded on Instagram this week, and while her hemline might fall a little higher than her parents would like, it’s a much more subtle form of rebellion that has fans talking.

Jinger captioned the photo with lyrics from the 1965 song “L-O-V-E” by Nat King Cole:

“L is for the way you look at me O is for the only one I see V is very, very extraordinary E is even more than anyone that you adore can,” she wrote.

Sure, it’s not like Jinger is quoting Cardi B, but many longtime Duggar obsessives are still taken aback by her choice of song.

Why? Well, Jinger’s family generally eschews all forms of secular music.

Those familiar with the Duggars’ belief system say that non-religious music isn’t expressly forbidden, but note that young people are “strongly discouraged” to stick with hymns, and even Christian rock is considered potentially problematic.

“A song other then church music? Jinger u rebel!!” wrote one Instagram follower on Jinger’s photo.

“Gasp you’ve heard of this song?” commented another.

Like we said, Jinger’s not exactly scrawling Slayer lyrics on her walls in goat’s blood-red paint, but she’s still sending a message that the life she plans to live is not the one her parents mapped out for her.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Jeremy Roloff: This is What Fatherhood Has Taught Me

Jeremy Roloff is a changed man.

He’s only been a father for a handful of weeks, but the Little People, Big World star says he can tell something is different.

And that something is centered around his faith.

Earlier this week, the new father of a precious baby named Ember Jean shared the above photo on Instagram and included with it the caption below:

Yesterday I had a dying to self moment. The realization that my life is not about me.

This baby is a part of the continual dying-to-self process that is nescessary to pursue holiness over happiness.

That’s profound stuff.

Typically, Jeremy leaves this kind of religious talk to his wife, as Audrey Roloff has been known to often gush over Jesus Christ and His teachings.

But having Ember has clearly brought something out in Jeremy.

If you pursue happiness over holiness, you may lose both, he continued, adding:

But if we pursue holiness, happiness may get thrown in. There is a selfishness deep down that I’m ashamed to say, almost resented the freedom and time that I am about to lose.

However, as it’s been said, nothing can truly be yours until you’ve fully given it away.

After an admittedly challenging opening few weeks as parents, Audrey and Jeremy have been sharing more and more pictures of their daughter, while also taking her on mini road trips.

Or stroller trips, we guess we should say.

In concluding his latest post regarding Ember and what he’s come to believe/realize, Jeremy wrote:

Jesus said it best, “He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.”

I want to live for the truth of holiness, not the facade of happiness.

I want to find my life and find it in the fullness and freedom of Christ.

Amen, right?

Whether or not you believe with absolutely everything Jeremy writes here or believes in general, his sentiment is that being a father has made him more selfless.

Isn’t that how it ought to be for everyone?


Ariane Bellamar Accuses Jeremy Piven of Sexual Assault

Jeremy Piven suddenly has something in common with Kevin Spacey.

And it’s not that both have appeared on beloved television shows.

Instead, days after Spacey was accused of sexual assault by an actor named Anthony Rapp, Piven now faces the same kind of accusation.

Ariane Bellamar, a reality star who appeared on an episode of Entourage many years ago, Tweeted on Monday that Piven once acted very, very inappropriately while in her company.

“Hey @jeremypiven! ‘Member when you cornered me in your trailer on the #Entourage set? ‘Member grabbing my boobies on the without asking??” she wrote.

Bellamar then followed up this question with another message on the troubling topic:

“Member when I tried to leave; you grabbed me by the ass, looked at yourself in the mirror, & said what a ‘beautiful couple’ we made?”

The actress went on to note that Piven sent her “explicit text” messages and added:

Jeremy Piven, on two occasions, cornered me & forcefully fondled my breasts & bum. Once at the mansion & once on set.


We presume Bellamar is referring to the Playboy Mansion above.

Piven has not yet responded to this disturbing allegation.

Ariane Bellamar, meanwhile, is a Florida native who has stopped by such shows as Beverly Hills Nannies and The Millionaire Matchmaker.

She simply appeared as herself on these shows.

But she also played actual roles in movies such as Suicide Squad and The Hangover Part III.

Here is an Instagram photo of her:

Over the past few weeks, ever since an endless array of women came out and accused Harvey Weinstein of rape and sexual misconduct, this subject has been a pressing one in Hollywood.

As it should be.

Alleged victims such as Rapp have come forward with claims against various celebrities, some based on interactions that are decades old.

But the bravery of the women who spoke out against Weinstein has inspired these others to also speak up.

Along with Spacey, NBC political contributor Mark Halperin and director James Toback have also been accused in recent weeks.

We’ll have more on this Piven story if the actor comments or if any news breaks.

In the meantime, we salute the following individuals who have shared their personal stories online:


Monday, October 30, 2017

Jeremy Meeks" Ex Demands Child Support from Big-Headed "Playboy"

Jeremy Meeks is an absentee father whose success as the so-called “Hot Felon” went straight to his head … so claims his estranged wife. Melissa Meeks filed docs demanding child and spousal support, as well as sole legal and physical…


Jeremy Vuolo: Arrested for Drunkenly Assaulting a COP?!

If you follow news of her family closely, then you’re probably aware that Jinger Duggar has been branded as the resident “rebel” of the Counting On clan.

For the most part, the 23-year-old’s acts of defiance have been incredibly tame by the standards of the non-Duggar population.

For example, Jinger’s decision to wear pants despite her family’s strict long skirts-only policy is often interpreted as a very mild way of flouting the strict rules under which she was raised.

But while the pants get all the attention, Jinger’s most salient act of disobediance was her decision to marry Jeremy Vuolo.

If you watched the young couple’s courtship on Counting On, you know that Jim Bob was slow to embrace the idea of his daughter marrying Vuolo.

And it seems that as Jim Bob’s feelings on the situation haven’t changed much in the year since Jinger and Jeremy tied the knot.

One major issue is that Jeremy and Jim Bob disagree on matters of religious doctrine.

(Jeremy, a Texas-based minister, preaches the doctrine of Calvinism, a tenet that flies in the face of many of Jim Bob’s core beliefs.)

But we now know that there’s more to Jim Bob’s disapproval than arcane theological disputes.

Vuolo has spoken publicly about his troubled youth in past interviews, but only now do we know the extent to whichthe 30-year-old rebelled against authority.

Police records recently obtained by Radar Online detail a 2008 incident in which Vuolo was taken into custody for drunkenly harassing a police officer.

“An intoxicated male who appeared to be a friend of the male that was involved was acting belligerent and shouting obscenities while in front of numerous subjects,” the reporting officer wrote.

“Identified later as Jeremy Vuolo.”

“For no apparent reason, Vuolo walked up to [the officer] and grabbed his right arm/bicep in a forceful manner,” the report reads. 

“Subsequently, Vuolo was arrested and transported back to HQ, where he was booked and later released to a sober friend.”

Vuolo’s BAC was reported as .13 at the time of his arrest, which is considerably higher than the allowable Duggar family limit of 0.00.

“I was part of the college party scene and was living foolishly,” said in an interview last year.

“I’m not perfect, but I sought out accountability and I now see great victory in my life.”

Many Duggar fans feel that even though Vuolo has put his (relatively) hard-partying ways behind him, his less-than-godly past goes a long way toward explaining why Jim Bob was so reluctant to give his son-in-law permission to marry his daughter/

Yes, the incident took place nearly a decade ago, but unless criminal acts took place within his own immediate family, Jim Bob doesn’t forget easily.

(In case it wasn’t clear, yes we’re talking about the Josh Duggar sex scandals.)

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Jeremy Vuolo: Slammed for Anti-LGBT, Anti-Duggar Rant!

We all cling to the idea that pants-wearing Jinger Duggar is a rebel in the family, and that’s even true … up to a point.

She knew even back when they were courting that her husband, Jeremy Vuolo, clashes with Jim Bob Duggar over multiple points. Jeremy’s the one who now allows her to wear pants, and more.

But Jeremy’s latest conflict with the Duggars isn’t winning him any love from fans. In fact, Jeremy Vuolo is coming across as more extreme in his anti-LGBT beliefs.

The Duggar family would love for the general public to think of them as folksy, lovable Christians who have a lot of kids and make for entertaining reality stars.

Why? Because that means more viewers, which means that Counting On can go on and on and on.

They’d like for some of their viewers, at least, to regard them as role models on how to form a Christian family and live by the laws that they believe.

That means being diehard fundamentalists who live on the fringes of society. That means having as many children as you physically can and raising them in a frighteningly strict manner, forcing your beliefs upon them.

And more.

The Duggars are avowed male supremacists who claim that their lifestyle is Biblically ordained.

(Most Biblical scholars and the vast majority of Christians would disagree, but fundamentalists like the Duggars believe that this is because others have been “contaminated by the culture,” which is supposed to be ominous but doesn’t really mean much)

This means that daughters are the “property” of their fathers until they’re married off (after following the infamous courtship rules), at which point they “belong” to their husbands.

(Which is why Jinger Duggar can wear shorts and short sleeves, baring the sinful woman-flesh or her limbs — because her husband says so)

It’s frightening, but it’s the reality for members of the Duggar clan — and for other families who share their beliefs.

But let’s not portray Jeremy Vuolo as a hero just because his wardrobe requirements for Jinger are more permissive than Jim Bob’s.

In a recent sermon, uploaded to YouTube, Jeremy Vuolo revealed his conflict with the Duggars … because he wishes that they would be more vocal in their condemnation of the LGBT+ community.

He’s recently used social media to condemn pastors and other religious leaders for considering performing same-sex weddings.

(Obviously, while legal recognition of marriage equality is vital, an individual pastor can choose to perform one or not perform one — just as many religious leaders officiated same-sex weddings before they were granted legal status, religious leaders can refuse to do so now. But, for many reasons, a lot of churches are happy to do so)

In his sermon, delivered at Grace Community Church Loredo, Jeremy also condemned these pastors:

“All you have to do is look at the sexual revolution pressuring them, and they cave in to a worldview that rejects God’s truth and embraces popular opinion.”

He said that he and Jinger consider homosexuality to be a “false love.”

Most noticeably, he went on to use a very strange analogy, comparing the existence of LGBT folks to a loaded gun and suggesting that sticking to his anti-LGBT beliefs makes him the only one willing to recognize it as a danger.

Finally, he suggests that rejecting gay people for who they are is a better way to love them than accepting them.

And he wasn’t shy about calling out the Duggars for not using every ounce of their platform to voice their anti-LGBT bigotry as loudly and proudly as they can.

This shouldn’t come to people as a surprise. Seriously.

People love the narrative of Jinger Duggar being the “rebellious, liberal” daughter and Jeremy Vuolo being the man who took her away from all of that, because the audience has been waiting and hoping to see one of these girls escape.

(With 19 kids and dozens upon dozens of anticipated grandchildren, it seems kind of inevitable that at least one of these poor kids will break away and write a tell-all book. Members of the Westboro Baptist Church’s Phelps family have done it.)

But we have to remember that these people grow up isolated from society and taught that “the culture” is evil and could doom their souls. That’s a lot for a girl to overcome, especially when she’s taught to not think for herself.

And Jeremy Vuolo might clash with Jim Bob over sleeve length, but calling him “liberal” is truly twisting the word from its modern usage.

We’re talking about a guy who accuses Catholicism of being demonic, which is well within the standard wheelhouse of Christian fundamentalists but still earned a lot of shock and anger from fans.

Our favorite response to that was probably one viewer who wrote:

“Referring to Catholicism as ‘pagan’ not only insults Catholics, but Pagans. Study both before making such off-base comments.”

Though, if we’re being honest, Jeremy Vuolo would probably consider insulting both groups to be all part of a day’s work.

But the fact that he’s calling out his in-laws for not being sufficiently vocal in their anti-LGBT views almost paints him as being worse.

(Honestly, we’d say that he fits right in with the Duggar tribe … it’s just that Jim Bob and Michelle also like being reality stars and probably want to avoid another boycott)

Honestly, Jeremy Vuolo’s religious views — which he says that Jinger shares (and that’s no surprise) — make us really glad that Jeremy and Jinger don’t seem to be rushing to have kids.

No one can control whether or not their children are gay or bi or trans, but they can reject who they are and torment them into suppressing their true identities, filling them with self-loathing that will change the course of their lives for the worse.

So “whatever” it is that Jinger and Jeremy are doing to delay adding to the Duggar brood sounds like it’s for the best. For so many reasons.


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Jeremy Roloff on Baby Daughter: She Can Do THIS Now!

Jeremy Roloff is here with an update on his relatively new daughter.

A few days after Ember Jean turned one month old, the Little People, Big World star first shared the following precious picture of his infant on Facebook:

Altogether now: AWWWWW!

Jeremy also included a caption with the snapshot that gave fans an idea of both how he is doing and how Ember is doing.

“The first month has been full of learning, and reacting. Haha,” Roloff wrote, referring (we think) to both Daddy and Daughter.

He added:

“Ember Jean has us on our toes and awake. (All night long) haha. We’re starting to learn her cries (I mean singing) and have been taking her on a lot of walks.”

Concluded the TLC star, making a point to shower his wife with a compliment:

“She’s starting to smile and loves tummy time. And this photo is by my beautiful wife!”

Jeremy shared this picture and this message a week after Audrey Roloff did basically the same thing.

“Our baby girl is 4 weeks old today!!! I feel like we just came home from the hospital yesterday… wow,” wrote Audrey as a caption to a photo of her bundle of joy last Sunday.

The first-time parent went on to say that Ember “eats and wiggles by day, and eats and cuddles by night. She likes to pull out our hair, does not like footie pajamas (she kicks her feet right out of the legs), she loves the bath, and she prefers sleeping up right or on our chests.”


‘She smiles a lot and we swear it’s intentional. Some “firsts” include: first time to the farm, first mule ride, and first public blow out.”

Prior to this post, Audrey had been a tad quiet on social media.

Considering how often Zach and Tori Roloff talk about life with their baby son online, followers had been curious and concerned over Audrey’s silence, eventually learning she has been suffering from some postpartum depression.

She’s been experiencing a lot of pain while breastfeeding due to a condition known as mastitis, and she’s just struggling a bit in general with a baby who rarely sleeps.

“The pain that I’ve experienced while breast feeding has been comparable to unmedicated labor contractions,” she admitted a couple weeks ago, adding:

“Inevitably, all of this has left me feeling like I am failing my baby, frustrated, discouraged, and heart ached.”

Thankfully, Audrey has a loving and helpful husband at home, along with strong faith and the right attitude overall.

“But even though the tearful sleepless nights persist, so will I,” she also wrote.

TLC has not yet announced a return date for Little People, Big World – but new episodes will focus on Jeremy and Audrey’s journey to parenthood.

We admire how candid Audrey has been throughout the process and we’ll keep her in our thoughts over the next few weeks.

It really can be challenging to become a parent, as you’re suddenly in charge of a helpless tiny person’s well-being 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

But it’s so very much worth it in the end.

Hang in there, Jeremy and Audrey.


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Jinger Duggar & Jeremy Vuolo: Will They Ever Have Kids?

Believe it or not itt’s been almost a year since Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo got married in front of a couple thousand of their closest friends and relatives.

As is the case with all newly-married Duggar women, Jinger has been subjected to non-stop specualtion about when she and Jeremy will begin siring a small army of offspring.

Unlike her sisters, however, Jinger has not eagerly unveiled a burgeoning baby bump within moths of tying the knot.

If her first wedding anniversary comes and goes with no baby news, Jinger will be the first Duggar woman of her generation to be married for an entire year without announcing a pregnancy.

The situation now has fans wondering if Jinger is ever planning to get pregnant.

As the Duggars’ most diehard viewers tend to share their puritanical views, you might think that the reactions to Jinger holding off on having kids would be overwhelmingly judgemental.

As it turns out, however, the same fans who applauded Jinger for wearing pants are applauding the 23-year-old for bucing other family trends, as well.

“Beautiful couple living their life by their decisions,” one fan commented on the latest photo of Jinger and Jeremy.

“So proud of them. I hope they continue to put God then just being in love and married and enjoying LIFE! It’s OKAY not to be pregnant for a long while. Why keep pushing the baby issue! These two are the smartest! And [happiest]!”

“I think the same,” another Instagram follower responded.

“They are young and in love and it is only fair they enjoy each other without kids for as long as they see fit!”

Many have pointed out that it’s important to be sensitive in any discussion of Jinger and Jeremy’s plans for starting a family.

After all, it’s possible that the couple has every intention of getting pregnant, but has thus far had difficulty in doing so.

But based on comments from both Jinger and Jeremy, it seems holding off on having kids was always part of their plan.

“We really are just looking to the Lord to see what he provides,” Jeremy replied vaguely when asked when he and Jinger would have children.

For her part, Jinger has spoken excitedly about travel plans that she and Jeremy would like to pursue before they get tied down.

There have even been reports that Jinger and Jeremy are planning to move to Scotland.

If that turns out to be the case, we imagine the couple would want to get settled in across the pond before welcoming any new additions.

In any event, it seems Jinger is in no hurry to follow in her sisters’ footsteps.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family. 


Saturday, October 7, 2017

Kenyon Martin: I Apologize To Jeremy Lin, But His Hair Is Still Weird

Kenyon Martin says he’s sorry for saying Jeremy Lin was biting black people’s swag with his new dreadlocks … but is sticking by his belief that Lin’s hair is freakin’ weird. Martin got destroyed on social media for comments he made about Lin’s…


Friday, October 6, 2017

Jeremy Meeks: Files for Divorce!

Whoever said “cheaters never prosper” had clearly never thought about what it means to be a famous model. Those good looks that make it so easy to cheat can really help a model to prosper.

it looks like former “hot felon” Jeremy Meeks, who became famous for his dreamy mug shot, enjoys his new life of traveling the world and wearing very little clothing with Topshop heiress Chloe Green.

Because he’s officially divorcing his wife.

After attaining internet fame thanks to a captivatingly attractive mug shot, Jeremy Meeks emerged from prison to a wife who had waited for him, a son who’d missed him, and a lucrative and legal new career opportunity:


Upon learning that he could potentially pull in $ 10,000 just for being really, really ridiculously good-looking …

(We’re not bashing models and we know that it’s a lot of work, but to a guy who used to do crimes, that had to sound almost too good to be true)

… Jeremy Meeks went for it, with the support of his wife, Melissa Meeks.

What a great way to get a second lease on life, right?

Sure, a lot of people felt frustration that many law-abiding citizens try and fail to get their big break as models or whatever, while Jeremy’s just got handed to him in a way that only happened because he had been arrested.

But, as unfair as that might be, you still want to be happy for him, right?

Well, his wife clearly feels differently, because after he got photographed cheating on her with Chloe Green out on a boat, she announced that she was breaking up with him.

Melissa Meeks may have announced the breakup, but those were just words.

Last July, after 8 years of marriage, Jeremy Meeks actually undercut his wife by filing for separation.

He listed the date of separation as the last time that they’d been in each other’s presence, which is arguably correct but may have been intended to quash any allegations that he was cheating.

It’s not cheating if you’re separated … but we don’t know that what appears to be a retroactive rewrite of his relationship with his wife will actually help him in court.

Ever since then, he and Chloe Green have been practically joined at the hip.

When, as recently as June, Jeremy and his wife Melissa had been very visibly affectionate.

There they were, just … four months ago.

Amazing how things can change.

Anyway, TMZ reports that Jeremy Meeks has now officially filed for divorce.

Jeremy is requesting joint legal custody of their son, Jeremy Jr., who is only 7 years old.

it’s interesting that, though Melissa was apparently the one who broke things off with Jeremy, he’s the one who’s filed separation documents and now filed for divorce.

Especially since Melissa had declared, months ago, that she would be filing for divorce.

Jeremy Meeks and Chloe Green have been extremely lovey-dovey for months, now.

Some who are more cynical might suggest that Jeremy Meeks had realized that modeling would only be a sustainable career for so long and that he seduced the heiress.

But let’s not jump to conclusions. The two of them really seem to be crazy about each other.

And, quite frankly, it’s not uncommon for people who’ve started new careers or otherwise transformed their lives to find that they no longer relate to their former spouse like they used to.

Sometimes, that’s how life works.


Jeremy and Audrey Roloff: Agonizing Over How to Raise Ember Jean!

On September 10th, not even a month ago, baby Ember Jean was born to Audrey and Jeremy Roloff.

Jer and Auj are losing sleep and overwhelmed, but they’re making it work. And they’re looking ahead to the future.

Like all good, first-time parents, it sounds like these two are agonizing over how to raise their kid. Being a parent is the toughest job in the world.

Recently, Jeremy Roloff shared the first close-up photo of Ember Jean’s face.

Along with it, he shared a little about his experience so far with being a parent.

“Ember Jean is two and a half weeks old already!”

Now she’s closer to a month — she’ll soon be growing up before our very eyes.

“She’s doing great, loving life and practicing her singing whenever she’s hungry or needs to poo… Auj has had a tough few weeks, (more on that over on her profile) but that’s not to negate the fact that she’s having fun and enjoying being a first time mother!”

Audrey Roloff’s postpartum symptoms are absolutely zero fun, but she has a support network and she’s going to be okay.

And so will their cat.

“Pine, Pine is wondering why we brought this “thing” home.”

Cats can actually develop beautiful bonds with their humans, but right now the cat has to be like “this is the most useless, noisiest hairless cat in this entire colony of hairless cats.” Because, to cats, we’re all just huge, dumb cats.

“And me, I’m a Dad – loving the perspective shifts and late night cuddles while I read my book.”

With the exhaustion and stress comes a sense of satisfaction. Having kids is a milestone for a lot of people.

The new parents spoke to Us Weekly about their anxieties about raising Ember Jean.

“Just balancing life while being a mom, like work and marriage and other family members and friendships and all of that, just trying to find a rhythm.”

We all know what work-life balance is like.

Being a parent means always putting your child first, but if you forget to take time for yourself, you’ll completely lose your mind.

What’s eating at Jer? Questions of how to raise Ember.

““For me, specifically, just parenting in the sense of discipline when they start getting older and that just makes me nervous because you can do it really, really right and you can also do it really, really wrong.”

Our first comment is, of course, don’t panic.

While it’s true that a lot of child-abusers use “discipline” as a euphemism for their abuse, there are non-abusive parents who use the term.

It looks like Jer is very conscious of how awful some parenting can be, what with is “you can also do it really, really wrong,” line.

Obviously, abuse is in the “really, really wrong” category. But it’s possible to develop an adversarial relationship with your children even without, you know, causing them pain.

If a parent is obsessed with consequences, or always winning (and never picking their battles), you’re probably going to see a child who grows up full of resentment, literally counting down the months and weeks and days until they escape off to college.

You might get a rebellious rule-breaker even before that, too — depending upon the child. And if you do, that’s 100% on you.

The key is to, well, find a balance — don’t be an authoritarian parent, but also don’t be automatically permissive of everything.

The general advice is to be authoritative — that is, you know that you’re in charge and they do to — without feeling the need to assert your authority at all times.

The couple mentions that Audrey was brought up in a very strict environment, while Jeremy had a lot more freedom.

We’d say that the Roloff kids turned out pretty well, so taking advice from Matt and Amy sounds like a good idea.

Jeremy says that everyone has one idea or another.

“Ultimately, like, everyone is gonna tell you all these different things to do and try.”

Yeah, some people’s ideas will horrify you, but others might be helpful.

“There are so many different ways to parent and raise a baby and all that, but ultimately just kind of trusting your gut I guess and doing what you think is best.”

Depends on your gut, to be honest.

“I feel like we feel confident in it.”

He’s confident, but he’s honest.

“I think we’re ready for this journey, but are we prepared? No. I don’t think you can be prepared. Similarly to marriage, you just do it and it happens and then you kind of catch up to it.”

He’s right — no one is ever 100% prepared for their first child.

Because each child is different, we’d say that no one is 100% prepared for their second or third children, either.

But the fact that they’re thinking and worrying about how to do things the right way is a great sign.

Not thinking about what’s right, not worrying, is how you become a bad parent.


Thursday, October 5, 2017

Jeremy Meeks Makes It Official, He"s Divorcing His Wife

Jeremy Meeks is absolutely certain he’s done with his marriage … he’s filed to divorce his estranged wife … TMZ has learned. The so-called Hot Felon had filed separation docs back in July, breaking things off from Melissa Meeks …who he’d been…


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Jeremy & Audrey Roloff Introduce Ember Jean, Talk Parenting

Little People, Big World"s Jeremy and Audrey Roloff show off their daughter Ember Jean and talk parenting in a brand new TLC video.

A brand new, adorable TLC video.

The clip shows Jeremy and Audrey introducing baby Ember and also discussing their first days parents, which were obviously eventful.

Jeremy, 27, and Audrey, 26, explain how they picked out the name for their first child, which is both unique and special to them specifically.

According to Audrey, she fell in love with Jeremy by a campfire, and “campfires and embers have a lot of significance” in their relationship.

“We just love the name. It was beautiful, short, clean, unique,” Jeremy added, noting that the “little fiery one” already lives up to it too.

Jeremy called Ember’s birth and holding her for the first time “truly remarkable experience," something any first-time parent can relate to. 

Audrey, who Jeremy said gave birth to Ember on her hands and knees, called her birth a "relief," but also, an event of "so much joy.”

Jeremy and Audrey were “bawling” and say they felt they were “holding a miracle” when Ember came into the world September 10.

The first month, as expected, has been full of mental and physical fatigue, or as Jeremy put it, “right now, it’s an exhausting experience.”

Audrey"s health concerns (follow the link for more on Roloff"s postpartum symptoms) are no joke, but she says it"s 100 percent worth it.

He said they are already “wiped out and totally tired” but the “joy we are going to get from her” far exceeds any sacrifice they"re making.

Despite the duo"s description of the newborn as “rambunctious” and “active,” precious little Ember was asleep during most of the video.

Guess even the wild ones have to sometimes.

She"s “a kicker” and “a cuddler,” according to her parents, though he noted, “right now she’s sleeping, which doesn’t happen very often.”

Jeremy thanked Little People, Big World fans for their support and for following and their lives in general throughout this amazing journey.

Fans, undoubtedly, are excited to see baby Ember and baby Jackson, her cousin and the son of Zach and Tori Roloff, on TLC soon.

With a new generation of Roloffs coming into the world, not to mention Molly Roloff"s wedding, there"s a great deal of material for sure.

It"s not clear when the popular Little People, Big World will return to the network, but we know new episodes are planned for some point.

A new video on Matt Roloff’s Facebook page indicates that filming is currently underway, so we"d have to guess sometime next spring.

We can"t wait.

Jeremy and audrey roloff introduce ember jean talk parenting in

Friday, September 29, 2017

Jinger Duggar & Jeremy Vuolo: Moving to SCOTLAND?!

Shortly after she married Jeremy Vuolo in November of 2016, Jinger Duggar became the first of her father’s daughters to permanently relocate from her native Arkansas.

Jinger and Jeremy moved to Laredo, Texas after their wedding, and it’s been said that Jim Bob Duggar was less than thrilled by that development.

So we’re guessing he’s really not too happy about what the couple may have in store next.

Last week, Jeremy got fans buzzing with a tweet about a potential career change.

Linking to a post about a job opening at an organization called Banner of Truth, Vuolo tweeted the following: 

“Ahhhhh!!! I told you this was my dream job.”

The ecstatic tone led fans to believe that Vuolo had already accepted the position.

Which is interesting, because it would require him to move to Edinburgh, Scotland.

Banner of Truth’s Twitter page describes it as “a Christian organisation which publishes books, organises conferences, and publishes a monthly magazine. You are what you read.”

Currently, Vuolo works as a preacher, and he’s been vocal about his passion for theological research, so it’s not hard to see why the position of editorial assistant at a Christian publishing company would appeal to him.

According to the Banner of Truth website, the job would have Vuolo directly involved in the publication of faith-based books and periodicals:

“The successful candidate will be involved in all aspects of the editorial work, from early manuscript development, to detailed editing, proofing, and page design,” the description reads.

It’s still unclear if Vuolo has accepted or even applied for the job, but fans are speculating that such a move would outrage Jim Bob for a number of reasons.

For starters, if Jim Bob was displeased when Jeremy and Jinger relocated to Texas, we’re guessing he’d really be angry if they up and moved across the pond.

On top of that, Jim Bob and Jeremy differ in their religious beliefs to the extent that Jim Bob was hesitant about giving his daughter permission to marry Vuolo.

It seems the primary point of contention is the fact that Jeremy is a Calvinist, a belief system that fliest in the face of much that Jim Bob holds dear.

Though the movement began in France, Scotland is considered to the the epicenter of modern Calvinism, a designation that Jim Bob is no doubt very much aware of.

A move to Scotland would send a strong message to Jim Bob from both Jeremy and Jinger, who’s been openly rebelling against some of the draconian strictures of her childhood ever since she became a Vuolo.

It’s impossible to predict how Jim Bob would respond, but it will certainly be interesting to see how all of this plays out.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Jeremy Roloff: Check Out My Daughter"s Face!


Jeremy Roloff has taken to Instagram and provided Little People, Big World fans with the photo they’ve been earning to see for over two weeks now:

That of his precious baby girl, Ember Jean.

The adorable newborn entered the world on September 10, over a week past Audrey Roloff’s due date.

Such a delay caused followers to wonder whether something had gone wrong with the pregnancy or the birth.

It turns out, however, that Ember was simply taking her time. As far as we know, she was born happy and healthy and Audrey is doing fine, physically at least. (More on that below.)

But Jeremy and his wife have been slow to update their social media accounts with snapshots of their daughter as they adjust to the challenging life of first-time parents.

Before Thursday, we had only received a few glimpses of Ember Jean, and each photo almost revealed more of her parents than of the baby herself.

Until now, that is!

“Here’s her beautiful face! Ember Jean is two and a half weeks old already!” wrote Jeremy at the outset of his caption to this gorgeous new image.

With Audrey having recently admitted she’s struggling a bit with postpartum depression, Jeremy assured fans that Ember herself is doing very well.

“She’s doing great, loving life and practicing her singing whenever she’s hungry or needs to poo,” added Jeremy.

“Auj has had a tough few weeks, (more on that over on her profile) but that’s not to negate the fact that she’s having fun and enjoying being a first time mother!”

It’s unfortunate, but true.

In pain from a pretty serious health concern, Audrey confessed to Instagram followers this week that motherhood has been “HARD” so far.

“I was well prepared for the pain and suffering that comes with childbirth, but I was not prepared for the pain and suffering that comes afterwards,” the TLC star admitted, explaining as follows:

“I got all the things… the common ‘TMI’ postpartum hurts, along with severe engorgement, too much milk, not enough milk, blisters, bruises, clogged ducts, and mastitis.

“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but the pain that I’ve experienced while breast feeding has been comparable to unmedicated labor contractions.

“Inevitably, all of this has left me feeling like I am failing my baby, frustrated, discouraged, and heart ached.”

That’s terrible. We feel so badly for Audrey.

The faithful star made it clear that she plans to “persist,” however, and everyday really should get easier.

Thankfully, too, she has a supportive and helpful husband at home to help with whatever she and Ember need.

“I’m a Dad – loving the perspective shifts and late night cuddles while I read my book,” Jeremy concluded as a caption to the above photo.

We continue to wish him and Audrey the very best.


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Ron Jeremy Calls B.S. On Ric Flair: 10K Chicks Is Impossible

Porn legend Ron Jeremy says there’s NO WAY Ric Flair banged more than 10,000 chicks … telling TMZ Sports, in his opinion, it just ain’t possible. Jeremy knows a little something about … um, puttin’ in work. He’s been named #1 on AVN’s 50 Top…


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Jeremy and Audrey Roloff Thank Amy Roloff for Anniversary Dinner, Quash Feud Rumors

Hey, so remember how people wondered if Jeremy and Audrey Roloff were being distant from Amy Roloff after the birth of their child? And remember how we said, at the time, that no one should jump to conclusions?

We were right.

Not only is Amy Roloff still in contact with Jeremy and Audrey and their precious baby Ember Jean, but she helped them celebrate their anniversary.

Audrey and Jeremy Roloff have had their hands full — literally, we’re sure — ever since welcoming their newborn baby, Ember Jean, into this world and into their lives.

As exciting as a new addition to the Roloff family might be, babies are a lot of work.

(Children, in general, are a lot of work — it’s just the nature of the work that changes)

But Audrey and Jeremy also had their anniversary to keep in mind.

Last night, Audrey posted this reminder of that to Facebook:

“3 years ago today, I said ‘I do"” to the love of my life. But on that day I wasn’t just confessing my present love for Jeremy, I was promising my future love. Every year on our anniversary we rewatch our wedding video and reread our wedding vows.”

That sounds so sweet! Intense, but precious.

“It’s such a sweet time of reminiscing and realigning. ‘If it’s half as good as the half we’ve known, here’s hail to the rest of the road!’ Happy anniversary babe, I love you more.”

Audrey and Jeremy are very committed to each other and to, well, commitment.

Obviously, though, their role as parents always comes first, so they didn’t have time to plan anything elaborate.

That’s where Jeremy’s mother, Amy Roloff, stepped in.

Fans were concerned when the very hands-on and affectionate Amy Roloff didn’t immediately upload photos of herself with Ember Jean immediately after the birth.

Amy Roloff is a proud grandma, but that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t know how to give her son and daughter-in-law some social media space.

And it wasn’t like she’d ignored Ember’s birth.

The thing about Instagram is that just because it’s a photo-sharing app doesn’t mean that you’re supposed to only look at the pictures.

You’re supposed to read the captions, too.

Amy Roloff celebrated Ember Jean’s birth with a photo of some beautiful flowers and with this caption:

“And my baby granddaughter is here. I’m so so excited and happy for Jeremy and Audrey. I’m a grandma again. Ember Jean is beautiful. What a blessing. My heart is full of joy!!”

That didn’t stop haters from slamming Amy Roloff, but it was silly to assume that she and the couple had suddenly become estranged based on … what? … a lack of instant photos?

Jeremy shared Amy’s sweet gesture towards the couple that allowed them to celebrate their anniversary.

“My mom just brought us a nice, beautiful steak dinner ‘coz we got a baby. Thank you, mom.”

If you watch Little People, Big World, you know that Amy Roloff is a fantastic cook. That sounds like a wonderful meal.

“We’re gonna sit down and have a meal at our table, which we haven’t been able to do in a while.”

(Honestly, eating at the table is overrated, but if that’s their thing, hey, more power to them)

“But just because the baby’s young does not give us an excuse not to celebrate our anniversary.”

That’s a healthy approach to leading a balanced life. Putting the baby first doesn’t mean neglecting your marriage.

“Happy marriage, happy family. We’re trying to get started right this year.”

We’re glad that Amy could make that possible.

Honestly, the borderline conspiracy theories about Amy Roloff’s “absence” probably had less to do with busy parents not having time to give their mom a birthday shout-out over social media (though they probably, you know, still told Amy happy birthday) …

… And more to do with the fact that there’s a small but vocal group of Little People, Big World fans who don’t like Amy Roloff.

Maybe it’s because Amy Roloff and Matt Roloff are no longer together, and fans of the show are as attached to the idea of lifelong marriages as Audrey and Jeremy seem to be.

(Though that wouldn’t explain why people seem fine with Matt)

Maybe it’s because Amy Roloff has a boyfriend. Which, again, is a normal thing to do and not villainous.

Hey, maybe it’s because those fans’ hearts are three sizes two small. We just don’t know.

It seems clear that Jeremy and Audrey don’t feel that way. And that’s what matters.

We do look forward to seeing Amy get to spend grandma time with Ember as well as with Jackson.
