Showing posts with label Kendra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kendra. Show all posts

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Kendra Caldwell SLAMMED for Endangering Her Unborn Child?!

Life is tough for a Duggar woman.

Like, real tough.

You get married as young as possible most of the time, and from then on out you’re pretty much just a baby factory. Yep, if your last name is Duggar and you have a uterus, you best believe that uterus is going to do some hard time.

Oh, and definitely be prepared to be judged for each and every choice, valid or terrible, you make while parenting your gaggle of kids.

One of your “duties” is to make yourself available to your husband at all times — meaning if he wants sex, well, then you better get to sexin’.

If you like fashion and beauty, you don’t have too many options, because you have to dress modestly and haircuts should be few and far between.

(Apparently perms are OK though? Whatever, Michelle.)

The Duggars believe so strongly in their fashion choices that it’s been actual news when one of the girls has worn pants. For real.

Now that we’ve gone over all that, let’s take a gander at this new photo of Joseph Duggar’s wife, Kendra Caldwell, with Amy Duggar:

With the rules of Duggar ladies fresh in your mind, there’s a good chance you see a few issues with the picture already, right?

If you don’t though, don’t worry — Amy posted this photo on Instagram, and you know her followers were ready and willing to tear this apart.

First, let’s take a look at Kendra’s attire here. Because yes, she is wearing a skirt while tubing!

“Is that a skirt in the snow?!” one concerned citizen asked.

Another said “It’s weird to me to be sledding in a skirt — it’s actually hilarious to me.”

For the Duggars though, the skirt does make sense. Kendra’s wearing pants underneath the skirt, but the skirt’s purpose is to hide any of her figure that might have shown through the pants.

Modesty, get it?

The bigger issue here for most people is that Kendra and Joseph just announced that they’re expecting their first child, so for Kendra to do a physical activity while pregnant, that’s not OK.

One person called this “not something you should do while pregnant,” and another said “Kendra um aren’t you pregnant not very wise.”

“I’m not her doctor but I do care about a precious unborn baby’s safety,” someone else wrote. “I don’t think people should intentionally do things that could cause harm to their unborn baby.”

“I would just not risk getting a injury to myself or my baby if it wasn’t a must,” yet another cautious commenter said. “I’m sure there is safer activities she can do while she’s pregnant that are fun and less risky.”

“She can flip on the tube or hit a bump or tree. I just don’t think it’s the best idea.”

The thing is, and many of Amy’s followers pointed this out, Kendra is barely three months pregnant, if that. Doing some tubing down a hill like this isn’t going to hurt anything.

What do you think: should Kendra take her skirt and her fetus inside, or is she fine?


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Kendra Caldwell: Pregnant and Smiling in Duggar Christmas Photo!

Even though Joy-Anna Duggar is still being hidden away by her own family, the Duggars are at least willing to put Kendra Caldwell on display.

In fact, this is the first image of Kendra that we’ve seen since her pregnancy announcement.

As you’ll see for yourself, she’s positively glowing, folks. And fans are demanding to see more of her. …

As we learned earlier this month, Kendra Caldwell is pregnant with Joseph Duggar’s baby.

She’s believed to be approximately three months along at this point.

Which means that the two of them worked fast in terms of getting pregnant — getting pregnant only a couple of months after they tied the knot.

We might not approve of how Joseph proposed to Kendra (maybe the family put him up to it, but you do not propose at someone else’s wedding), but the Duggars seem to approve of how quickly they’re getting the baby-making underway.

Check out their photo!

Kendra really does look beautiful.

And though this candid moment of opening presents (which you can see scattered around everywhere) isn’t exactly a posed portrait, you can see how excited this couple is to become parents.

(Also, let’s be honest: they were probably just enjoying opening their gifts. Even if the Duggars can’t really give out good things like “worldly” blu ray sets or whatever, presents are presents)

We’re not the only ones who were struck by how good Kendra looks.

As we mentioned, a lot of fans commented about wanting to see more of Kendra.

“Kendra is definitely glowing pregnancy suits her … I love these two I wish they had their own show.”

Another wrote:

“They need their own spinoff!!!!”

Kendra and Joseph don’t have their own social media account (and when they do, it will almost inevitably be one of those creepy joint-marital-accounts), but hopefully the warm wishes got back to them.

Highlighting Kendra during her pregnancy does, very naturally, bring to mind that Joy-Anna is being all but cloistered at the moment.

Even for the Duggar family’s big Christmas photo, Joy-Anna Duggar’s baby bump was hidden by the way that they had her pose.

It’s long been suspected that Joy-Anna and Austin Forsyth violated the Duggar family’s absurd courtship rules by having (gasp!) premarital sex, but Joy-Anna claims that she got pregnant on their honeymoon.

So perhaps the Duggars were hiding Joy-Anna’s “shamefully” large baby bump?

Of course, if the Duggars were planning on hidding shameful things, they wouldn’t have put infamous child-molester Josh Duggar on display the way that they did.

But most of the Duggar family is controversial in one way or another.

That’s part of what makes them, as a whole, so captivating to viewers.

But whatever we may think of the family itself, Kendra Caldwell — who has only just recently joined the Duggar clan — looks absolutely beautiful and we can’t wait to keep up with her pregnancy as it progresses.


Friday, December 22, 2017

Kendra Caldwell Net Worth: Is Joseph Duggar"s Wife Already Rich?!

It’s only been three months since Kendra Caldwell and Joseph Duggar got married, but the newest addition to the Counting On clan has already jumped on board with the family business.

We’re talking, of course, about making babies.

Currently, Kendra is pregnant with her and Joe’s first child, and the news has been greeted with great enthusiasm from the Duggars’ most devoted fans.

But just because she’ll be focusing primarily on the doting wife and mother role, that doesn’t mean Kendra won’t also be assisting father-in-law Jim Bob in his lucrative money-printing operation.

Yes, as we’ve discussed before, the Duggars make a lot of money, but they aren’t rich in the way that we expect from celebrities with long-running TV series.

There are numerous reasons for this, not the least of which is Jim Bob’s “high-class hoarding” habits, or the fact that the family has a small army to feed.

Jim Bob reportedly spends money as quickly as he makes it, and while many of his purchases may be frivolous (he reportedly loves picking up old furniture at auctions), he also drops a lot of cash on investing in his families’ future.

Massive purchases of real estate and cars that can be sold at a profit are not uncommon for the Duggars, and Jim Bob has launched several businesses which he hopes to pass on to his kids.

So at the moment, the family is not exactly cash poor, but not as well off as one might expect.

Another factor, of course, is that TV stardom simply isn’t as lucrative as it used to be.

According to an estimate from In Touch, an episode of Counting On costs about $ 250,000-$ 400,000 to produce.

Stars typically receive about one-tenth of the production budget, which means the Duggars are paid $ 25,000-$ 40,000 per episode.

Not bad for a week’s work, but it’s divided about 40 bajillion ways.

So what does all of this have to do with Kendra?

Well, like most Duggar men, Joe seems to have no interest in full-time employment.

And since Kendra is forbidden to work, that means cash from Counting On a small cut of the family businesses makes up the enirely of the young couple’s income.

According to some estimates, the total is in the low six-figure range.

That’s certainly not bad, especially for such a young couple in an area with such a low cost of living.

But it’s anyone’s guess as to how long the family’s main source of revenue will remain viable, especially with rumors of Counting On being canceled circulating non-stop.

Kendra’s father is a preacher, and she comes from a humble home.

So she’s not pampered, but she’s clearly planning to have a lot of kids, and we’re guessing she plans on raising them in relative comfort.

And we’re guessing she’s not planning on resorting to begging fans for money like Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard.

Looks like Joe may eventually be forced to do the unthinkable and get a job.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, December 18, 2017

Kendra Caldwell: PREGNANT With Joseph Duggar"s Baby!

Big news out of Tontitown, Arkansas today, as the Duggar family has announced that their ever-growing clan is expanding once again!

Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell announced today that they’re expecting their first child.

The couple shared the news with fans this morning via a statement to Us Weekly.

“During this season that we are celebrating the birth of Christ, we are so excited to share with you that we are expecting the gift of a child ourselves!” Joe and Kendra told the magazine.

“Wow, it’s so exciting!!! We’ve both always loved children and seen them as a real blessing from God. It’s so surreal to think of being parents and having our own little one. We cannot wait to see this new baby!”

In the grand Duggar tradition, the newlyweds have wasted little time in starting a family.

After meeting in church when they were both just kids, Joseph and Kendra got married in September of this year.

Joe proposed to Kendra in front of a massive crowd at his sister Joy-Anna’s wedding back in May.

Just five months later, they tied the knot at First Baptist Church in Siloam Springs, Arkansas in a ceremony officiated by Kendra’s pastor father.

There’s no word yet on Kendra’s due date, but it’s believed she’s roughly three months along.

Typically women in the Duggar family wait until the completion of their first trimester before announcing their pregnancies publicly, and it seems Kendra has followed suit.

Her pregnancy will likely be featured on the upcoming season of Counting On.

Viewers of the popular reality series have been eagerly congratulating Joe and Kendra on their exciting news via social media. 

“Another Duggar baby is on the way!” tweetd one ecstatic fan.

“Joe and Kendra are expecting just three months after tying the knot!” exclaimed another.

Yes, several of the family’s followers have commented on the speed with which Joe and Kendra conceived, but it doesn’t appear that there are any “shotgun wedding” rumors, as there were when Joy-Anna Duggar announced her pregnancy.

Our sincere congrats go out to Kendra and Joe on their forthcoming bundle of joy.

Something tells us it will be the first of many.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most fertile family.


Thursday, November 23, 2017

Kendra Wilkinson Picks Cotton, Gets Accused of Racism

Kendra Wilkinson is the outspoken star of We TV’s Kendra on Top

We say outspoken because, well, she has no filter. Whether she’s posting a sultry selfie on social media, or just appearing on her reality TV show, she’s always stirring up some sort of controversy. 

We’re not even sure she knows she’s doing it, and that’s likely why she’s such a draw with viewers. 

The 32-year-old was on a road trip with her husband, Hank Bassett, and thought it would be fun to stop by a cotton field in Texas because “she always wanted to pick cotton.”

Have a look at the picture in question below. It shows Wilkinson posing with some cotton and a whole field of cotton behind her. 

People took offense to the post and immediately started slamming the star in the comments section of the snap. 

“Racist piece of s–t,” one user wrote. Added another: “People are upset because you are joking about history that you are just simply ignorant about. Some things just keep to yourself.”

While some chose to go on the offensive, the star’s legion of fans also came to her defense. 

“Been watching Kendra from day one, she’s a free spirit,” one fan commented. “You are just combing through social media praying for anything to pound on and rip it to shreds… Hello her husband and children are part black.”

“Don’t give the haters the benefit of explaining what ur doing like picking cotton,” said another. 

One final fan wanted the haters to disappear: “Keep your head up. Ignore the ignorance. I have always liked you and your real fans know you are not a racist and you love everyone equally. Live! Laugh! Love!”

The hatred did not go unnoticed by Kendra who returned to social media to clap back at the people assassinating her character. 

“Lol. I just wanted to pick cotton from a plant cuz I’ve always wondered how it really felt. Never in my life thought of color or race at the time,” she wrote on Wednesday.

“I was trespassing n ran up to grab some cotton. I am not racist. Was just having fun n wanted to feel n wondered how it felt. Hahahahah. I can’t believe I’m getting accused of being racist when I’m sitting here with my black father in law rt now baffled at the accusations.

“F–k off to anyone who don’t know me n know what I’m about. Just cuz I picked some f–king cotton. It’s a f–king plant. Omg I can’t.”

Like we said, Kendra is not afraid to hit back at people throwing shade her way. The star was very likely on the trip why she recovered from a mysterious hospital visit. And, no, it had nothing to do with handjobs this time around … we hope. 

The star has been acting in Sex Tips for Straight Women From a Gay Man, and disaster struck when some of the shows had to be canceled after she found herself in hospital.

“Super sick. Going to have to cancel the late show tonight. My heart couldn’t cancel both. Sorry late show,” she said at the time.

“Sooooo sorry guys gotta cancel both shows tonight. Going to ER. Hurtin bad. I’ll make it up to you.”

What do you think about all of this?!

Sound off below. 


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Kendra Wilkinson Picks Cotton in Texas, Throws Insensitive Celebration

Kendra Wilkinson ain’t just deep in the heart of Texas, she’s knee-deep in controversy after reveling in the joy — as she sees it — of picking cotton. Kendra knocked off an odd bucket list item Wednesday when she pulled over — mid-road trip…


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Kendra Caldwell: Pregnant With Joseph Duggar"s Baby?!

It’s been two months since Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell got married, which means fans of Joe’s family are expecting a pregnancy announcement any day now.

After all, Duggars typically work fast in the procreation department.

It’s sort of what they’re known for.

So it should come as no surprise that the latest photos of Joe and Kendra seem to indicate that Kendra is expecting.

Of course, the Duggars are extremely careful about how information regarding their family is released.

As such, Joe and Kendra appear to be playing the big pregnancy news close to the vest.

The photo that has fans talking shows the newlyweds spending time with Kendra’s family.

As you can see, Kendra basically pulls a disappearing act in the pic, hiding behind her mom in a fashion that many fans find suspicious.

The image made the rounds of Reddit recently, and many of the site’s users found reason to be suspicious.

“The fact that Kendra has her entire body blocked by her mother is making me suspicious already,” wrote one fan.

“Is it a coincidence that Kendra’s whole body is behind her mother’s? If they want (to) hide a pregnancy, they’ve done it well since you can’t see Kendra at all,” commented another.

Obviously, the image isn’t exactly conclusive evidence that Kendra is expecting.

And it’s worth noting that Duggar fans have been dead wrong about pregnancy suspicions many times in the past.

You need to look no further than the Jinger Duggar pregnancy rumors that are still in circulation for evidence of that.

Still, Kendra’s positioning in the pic is … interesting, to say the least.

And why would the Duggars go to such great pains to keep a pregnancy under wraps?

Well, at this point, big announcements such as baby news are basically what’s keeping their reality series afloat.

If the news gets out some other way, say, through social media, then the Duggars are out a much-needed one-time ratings boost.

Is it a bit on the cynical side? Of course!

But as scandalous Duggar behavior goes, hiding a pregnancy is extremely mild.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, November 20, 2017

Kendra Wilkinson: Hospitalized Over Mystery Illness!

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Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Joseph Duggar & Kendra Caldwell Accused of Breaking Courtship Rules!

It’s only been six weeks since Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell got married, but already, the newlyweds find themselves at the center of a controversy.

The latest Duggar mini-scandal has nothing to do with the Joe and Kendra’s actions since saying “I do,” however.

Instead, it seems fans are irate about something that took place before their massive wedding.

TLC recently uploaded a video taken just days before Joseph and Kendra exchanged vows.

The footage shows the young couple enjoying a picnic and discussing their plans for married life.

“I think it’s gonna be exciting to move into our first house together,” Kendra says at one point.

“And doing some of the ministry stuff again … Doing the singing and the outreach. It’ll be great to get back.”

Kendra adds:

“I think I’m also looking forward to getting back into a normal schedule. Maybe cook some meals together.”

For his part, Joe says simply:

“I’m looking forward to making more memories like this with you.”

So what’s so controversial about that?

Well, nothing really, but the outing appears to differ from Joe and Kendra’s other dates in one significant way:

In the past, Joseph and Kendra’s dates were chaperoned by members of his massive family.

In fact, the Duggars proved the lengths Joe and Kendra went to to safeguard their own chastity by posting footage of a rollerblading date on which the pair was kept in line by the presence of Joe’s younger brothers.

(Fact: no rollerblading date has ever resulted in sex.)

Fans believe the pre-wedding picnic presented in the new clip shows Joe and Kendra on an un-chaperoned date, which would put them in violation of the Duggar rules of courtship.

(No, camera crews don’t count as chaperones according to the Duggar Code of Conduct.)

Naturally, critics have been quick to attack the young couple for their alleged hypocrisy.

But we’ve gone full Zapruder film with this footage, and after hours of painstaking frame-by-frame investigation, we now believe Joe and Kendra are being unfairly criticized.

In the first several seconds of the video, an unidentified third party can be seen following close behind Joe and Kendra.

We don’t know who it is, but it’s worth noting that woman is dressed according to the Duggar rules regarding female attire.

Is it one of Joe’s sisters?

A trusted family friend, perhaps?

We don’t know, but we’re guessing it’s safe to assume Joe and Kendra didn’t give into their biological urges right there in front of the cameras.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial couple. 


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Joseph Duggar & Kendra Caldwell: First Kiss Revealed!

Last month, Joseph Duggar married Kendra Caldwell in front of a couple thousand of his family"s closest friends.

The big day was documented by a TLC camera crew, of course, and last night, fans finally got to see Joe and Kendra say "I do."

Check out some of the highlights–including the couple"s long-awaited first kiss–in the gallery below:

1. Joseph Duggar & Kendra Caldwell: Married!

Joseph duggar and kendra caldwell married

Joe and Kendra tied the knot after “courting” for just a few months. Here they are shortly after being announced as man and wife.

2. Joe and Kendra Prepare to Say "I Do"

Joe and kendra prepare to say i do

The big moment is at hand. Your first kiss can be an awkward moment, we imagine it’s even worse when it takes place in front of 2,000 people.

3. Joseph Duggar’s Pre-Wedding Prayer

Joseph duggars pre wedding prayer

They wouldn’t be the Duggars if they didn’t psyche themselves up with a prayer session. Here, Joe receives some wisdom from Jim Bob before they bow their heads.

4. Joseph Duggar: Pre-Wedding Makeup

Joseph duggar pre wedding makeup

Getting married in front of 2,000 people is stressful enough. Joe had the added pressure of knowing millions more might be watching at home.

5. Kendra Behind the Scenes

Kendra behind the scenes

The bride prepares for her big moment. We imagine the presence of a camera crew doesn’t help with the wedding day jitters.

6. Jim Bob Duggar: Father of the Groom

Jim bob duggar father of the groom

Jim Bob has married off quite a few daughters, but Joseph is only his second son to tie the knot. No wonder the man looks nervous!

View Slideshow

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Joseph Duggar & Kendra Caldwell: Are They Already Pregnant?!

It’s only been a few weeks since Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell got married, but already, the pregnancy rumors are flying fast and furious.

With Joe’s sister Joy-Anna Duggar announcing her pregnancy just three months after getting hitched, it’s not hard to see why fans are expecting the young newlyweds to waste no time in bringing a little one into the world.

Adding to the anticipation is the fact that Joseph and Kendra began posting videos almost immediately, leading to rumors that they’d skipped their honeymoon in favor of focusing on conception.

(We don’t know why fans thought they would need to stay home to get pregnant, but that’s a conversation for another time.)

It may be a while before we know if Kendra and Joe are actually expecting, (Duggar women typically don’t make the big reveal until the end of their third trimester), but it looks like there’s one rumor we can definitively put to bed:

Despite reports to the contrary, Joe and Kendra did, in fact, follow in his siblings’ footsteps by traveling to Europe for their honeymoon.

According to the couple’s latest video, the couple is enjoying some time in Greece.

“It’s really an amazing feeling to know it’s official, and we’re really married,” Joe told the camera in a video uploaded by E! News yesterday.

“We’re just enjoying every bit of it,” he added.

“One of the most enjoyable things about being married to Joe is just being together so much,” said Kendra.

“I can hug him, kiss him, talk with and be with him all the time. Being with your best friend makes marriage amazing.”

Caldwell is still a little stiff in front of the camera, but that’s to be expected with Duggar newcomers.

Kendra is just 19, after all, and unlike her new husband. it’s not like she’s spent her life in front of cameras.

“The one thing that we will probably never forget about this trip is being together in another country and just getting to experience all these new things,” Kendra continued.

It remains to be seen if one of those new things is making a baby, but we’re sure after months of side hugs and three-second hand-holds, Joe and Kendra are getting in plenty of practice.

As always, we’ll keep an eye on the situation and keep you updated as more information becomes available.

In the meantime, watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Kendra Wilkinson: Hugh Hefner Changed My Life Forever!

As we all learned either late last night or early this morning, Hugh Hefner has passed away. Overall reactions could not be more mixed, but the man was a legend and has left a lasting legacy on American culture.

The very first thing that crossed our minds when we heard the news was: What has Kendra Wilkinson said?

The former Girls Next Door star was once one of Hugh’s very young girlfriends, and she’s already released a statement.

Hugh Hefner was a complicated man who left a complicated legacy.

On the one hand, he was part of a cultural push for sex positivity.

He was a longtime proponent of gay rights.

He was a lifelong philanthropist and a strong advocate for free speech and the First Amendment, and has been awarded honors in recognition of his work against undue censorship.

On the other hand, one of his philanthropic activities was supporting a fundraiser by Jenny McCarthy and, yes, it was anti-vaxx. Chelsea Houska’s haters will love that, but most don’t.

Most significantly, Hugh strikes many as an enduring symbol of everything that is wrong with gender dynamics in the modern world.

To many, he represents the commodification of women for male viewing pleasure — without reciprocation.

In fact, even his (very public) personal life had him as an older, wealthy man surrounded by young, beautiful women who, um, “attended to” him.

While there’s nothing inherently wrong with that arrangement, he represents a widespread power imbalance between genders and that very understandably rubs a lot of people the wrong way.

Kendra Wilkinson, who was once one of those “attendants,” has always been very passionate about her views on Hugh.

Though of course Kendra Wilkinson has expressed her feelings — which we have for you in a moment — about Hugh Hefner’s passing …

… It’s pretty clear that she had been bracing herself for this news for quite some time.

In fact, just about one year ago, Kendra Wilkinson expressed her fear that Hugh Hefner would die.

As in, she talked about her constant anxiety about checking social media one day and getting some dreadful news.

“I mean, I worry every day. He’s at that age and I’m not going to lie, every day I open up my social media and I pray that I don’t see what we think might happen.”

Even now, Kendra feels a powerful affection for the man.

“He honestly is my family. I don’t even know how to say it. He’s an angel to me in my life. The day that comes will be devastating for me and my family.”

(We somehow imagine that Hank Baskett will cope … but he probably won’t say that in front of Kendra)

She said all of that last October, when Hugh was still 90.

Now that Hugh has passed away, Kendra is speaking out again.

In a statement to People, Kendra Wilkinson says Hugh Hefner transformed her life forever.

Hef changed my life. He made me the person I am today. I couldn’t be more thankful for our friendship and our time together. I will miss him so much but he will be in my heart forever.

He absolutely changed her life.

After essentially being part of his harem (that seems like the most honest way to describe it, no judgments here), Kendra was then a reality star.

She even got her own spin-off.

There’s no question that her life wouldn’t have gone that way without Hugh Hefner giving her that first reality platform.

Considering what a real piece of work Kendra Wilkinson’s mom seems to be, in some ways, Kendra’s temperament was determined long ago, you know?

But her life — her standard of living, her fame, her job, her income — would almost certainly not be the same if she’d never been Hugh Hefner’s … “friend.”

We hope that she’s coping alright.

In contrast, Holly Madison’s view of Hugh Hefner has been the polar opposite of Kendra’s.

Kendra and Holly were with Hugh, side-by-side.

Their wildly different takes on the man and their time with him has resulted in an intense feud between the two.

We somehow suspect that Hugh’s passing is not going to create peace between Kendra and Holly.

If anything, it might make their differences even more insurmountable. Opinions about the departed tend to become more polarized, not more nuanced.

But Kendra and Holly are both probably very okay with that.


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Kendra Caldwell: Fans Express Concern For Joseph Duggar"s Wife

Just months after announcing their courtship, Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell got married in front of over 1,500 guests in a lavish ceremony in Arkansas earlier this month.

It’s customary for members of the Duggar clan to tie the knot soon after beginning a relationship (Young folks tend to hurry the process along when they’re denied any sort of premarital sexual contact. Go figure.), but in many other ways Joe and Kendra have broken with tradition.

For starters, Kendra courted Jedidiah Duggar before she became romantically involved with his brother Joseph.

Additionally, the young couple skipped their honeymoon, which may lend credibility to the rumors that Kendra is already pregnant.

Whatever the case, something unusual is taking place with these two, and the situation has many fans concerned for Kendra.

Whether they’re members of the family by birth or marriage, all Duggar women are expected to be subservient to the men in their lives.

First, they follow the rules set by their father, then by their husbands.

Due to both her age (Kendra is just 18) and the unusual nature of her circumstances, Kendra has piqued the interest of Counting On viewers — and not necessarily in a good way.

Though she seems eager to pursue marriage and motherhood, the consensus amongst Duggar detractors is that Kendra has been forced to rush into both without time to decide if she’s ready.

“She doesn’t get to pursue an education or explore other avenues. She has been raised to be subservient to a man and to be nothing more than a breeder,” wrote one fan on the Duggars’ official Facebook page.

“It isn’t something to celebrate. It’s incredibly sad,” commented another follower.

A third took things a step further, describing Kendra as a “poor, young, brainwashed girl.”

But one person who doesn’t seem worried about taking on such tremendous responsibilities at such a young age is Kendra.

In footage from Joseph and Kendra’s first date, the woman seems giddy with excitement.

In interviews for the Duggars’ reality show, she speaks of Joseph in glowing terms and pines for their future together.

It’s true that she likely has no idea what she’s getting herself into, but that’s true of virtually all 18-year-olds in all situations.

Of course, in most cases, teenagers have the ability to change their minds if they realize they’ve made a terrible mistake — a luxury that will not be afforded to Kendra. 

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Joseph Duggar & Kendra Caldwell Endure Most Awkward Date Ever

If you’re a fan of the Duggar family, then by now you’ve probably heard the news that Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell are married.

Relationships evolve rapidly in the Duggars’ world (Tell teenagers they can’t have sex until they’re married and watch how fast they propose.), which means the family’s reality show, Counting On, is just now documenting the early days of Joseph and Kendra’s relationship.

And man, were those ever some awkward days for the lovebirds.

Monday’s episode of Counting On gave fans a look at Joe and Kendra’s first date.

Now, first dates are often nerve-racking affairs, but in the Duggars case they’re doubly so.

For one thing, the luckiest you can get is a good luck “side-hug” (all other forms of physical contact were forbidden to Joseph and Kendra).

On top of that, datin’ Duggars are required to employ the services of chaperones, who usually come from within the family.

Yes, that means you go on a date with a dude, and he brings his younger brothers.

Every. Single. Time.

For their first date, Joseph and Kendra chose to go rollerblading, because apparently it’s still 1992 in Tontitown.

We kid, we kid.

It’s a fun, wholesome activity, and blah, blah, blah.

Besides the decision to go rollerblading doesn’t crack the top 100 on the lost of things that are weird about this date.

They were joined by 16-year-old James Duggar and 13-year-old Jackson Duggar.

Explaining that he considers himself “a professional chaperone,” James filled his younger brother in on their duties:

“The responsibility of a chaperone is to make sure they don’t do things they’re not supposed to do, like …” he began, before trailing off.

It’s then that Jackson chimes in, saying, “I know two of them – no holding hands and no kissing!”

Thankfully, the list ended there.

We don’t think we could endure the awkwardness of a 13-year-old explaining that sexual intercourse is purely for procreation purposes.

Obviously, it all worked out, and it’s currently rumored that Joseph and Kendra are expecting their first child.

But man, that was one awkward first date.

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Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Joseph Duggar & Kendra Caldwell: Baby On the Way ALREADY?!

It’s been less than two weeks since Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell got married, but it looks like the young newlyweds are wasting no time in getting down to business.

Yes, many fans believe Joe and Kendra may have advanced from front-hugging to baby-making in record time.

Typically, Duggar kids go on enviable honeymoons abroad after they tie the knot.

Most recently, Joy-Anna and Austin Forsyth celebrated their marriage in Switzerland; Joy-Anna and Jeremy Vuolo marked the occasion in New Zealand.

But Joe and Kendra eschewed that trend (possibly the only cool tradition practiced by the Duggars, TBH) in favor of staying home in Arkansas and posting a bunch of videos online.

Earlier this week, Joseph and Kendra made their debut as a married couple when they took to YouTube to congratulate Josh and Anna Duggar on the birth of their fifth child.

Today, they uploaded a clip in which they teach fans how to bake oatmeal cookies.

That might sound like literally the least-scandalous video in the history of ever, but Duggar fans think Joe and Kendra’s sudden obsession with YouTube says a lot about the state of their relationship.

Instead of traveling the world like Joe’s older siblings, they’ve decided to stay home and make instructional baking videos.

Naturally, that has Duggar obsessives jumping to conclusions left and right:

“When’s the first baby due?” a fan asked in the comments section of their latest video.

“[Kendra is] probably already pregnant.”

And that’s all it takes, folks!

That one comment had fans off and running and jumping to wild conclusions about the state of Kendra’s uterus.

By reading the latest comments, you’d think Joe and Kendra are already picking out names.

Thus far, no one is claiming Joe and Kendra’s was a shotgun wedding, as they claimed with Joy-Anna, but many are assuming that the couple has already begun the procreation process.

Obviously, it’ll be quite some time before we learn if Kendra is actually knocked up, as the Duggars tend to keep things under wraps until after the third trimester.

But we’d say it’s a safe bet that yet another Duggar pregnancy is in the making.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.
