Showing posts with label Kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kids. Show all posts

Friday, June 22, 2018

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard Saw The Incredibles 2 ... Without Their Kids!

As you may already know Jill Duggar’s parenting decisions are often called into question.

Sometimes the criticism is warranted like when Jill inexplicably forces her young children to walk two miles for Chik-Fil-A.

Other times, however, it’s just haters being haters, such as when the internet decided Jill’s kids looked “sickly” and decided to roast her about it.

We’ll leave it up to you to decide which category the latest controversy falls into.

Even though Derick Dillard is unemployed and Jill seems to work as a midwife no more than a few times a year, these two somehow have disposable income.

And this week, they used that extra cash to take in the long-awaited sequel to the beloved animated Ayn Rand fantasy, The Incredibles.

The reviews and box office have both been spectacular, and it seems that The Incredibles 2 is fun for the whole family.

Which is why it’s a little weird that Jill and Derick decided to take in the flick without their two sons.

“Just dropped off the boys for their first overnight together away from us,” Jill captioned the above pic.

“Let the anniversary date begin! #incredibles2 #besthubbyever”

Yes, it’s Jill and Derick’s anniversary this week, and since they’re not allowed to drink or spend too much on fancy meals or engage in non-procreative sex, we suppose their celebratory options are pretty limited.

But as many fans pointed out, it’s weird to see an animated kids movie and leave your kids at home.

 “They WOULD see the Incredibles 2 on a date night WITHOUT the kids,” one fan pointed commented, according to In Touch Weekly.

Others were quick to defend the Dillards, pointing out that this is pretty minor as Duggar parenting controversies go.

 “Wow!” wrote one follower. “They are at the show watching the Incredibles 2 and people on here think that’s wrong?? Get a life people!”

Others pointed out that it would be standard Duggar practice for the parents to see the movie first before deciding if it’s appropriate for the kids.

That may seem ridiculous for a PG-rated film, but there is some cartoonish violence in The Incredibles 2 that could mess with extremely sheltered kids like the Dillards’.

Plus, as Twitter revels in reminding us, Mrs. Incredible is thick, y’all.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Dana White Rips Immigration Policy, "They"d Have to Shoot Me to Take My Kids"

Dana White is pretty pissed off at the immigration policy that allows for officials to separate kids from their parents — saying, “I don’t even think Trump likes it.” Of course, White and Trump are close friends who go back decades — the UFC…


Dana White Rips Immigration Policy, "They"d Have to Shoot Me to Take My Kids"

Dana White is pretty pissed off at the immigration policy that allows for officials to separate kids from their parents — saying, “I don’t even think Trump likes it.” Of course, White and Trump are close friends who go back decades — the UFC…


Paris Hilton Turns on Prez Trump, Disgusted by Kids in Detention Camps

Paris Hilton voted for President Trump, but she is calling him out for separating children from their families at the border — and she’s demanding her longtime family friend to do better. Paris was leaving Delilah Wednesday night in WeHo when she…


Paris Hilton Turns on Prez Trump, Disgusted by Kids in Detention Camps

Paris Hilton voted for President Trump, but she is calling him out for separating children from their families at the border — and she’s demanding her longtime family friend to do better. Paris was leaving Delilah Wednesday night in WeHo when she…


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Rich The Kid"s Frantic Home Invasion 911 Call

Rich the Kid and girlfriend Tori Brixx were part of a frantic scene when the two were beat up and robbed in a home invasion last week … and the 911 call is proof of that. In the call — obtained by TMZ — a frantic female caller describes…


Rich The Kid"s Frantic Home Invasion 911 Call

Rich the Kid and girlfriend Tori Brixx were part of a frantic scene when the two were beat up and robbed in a home invasion last week … and the 911 call is proof of that. In the call — obtained by TMZ — a frantic female caller describes…


Rachel Maddow Cries, Can"t Finish Report on Immigrant Kids

Rachel Maddow tried.

She really did.

Toward the end of her program on Tuesday night, the MSNBC commentator tried to read a breaking news update about the immigration crisis in America.

But the pundit grew overwhelmed by emotion while reading a report about how babies and toddlers were being taken away from their parents and placed by the government in special holding areas/shelters.

"This is incredible," Maddow said to open this segment, quickly reading a news update from the Associated Press and then relaying it ti viewers as follows:

"Trump administration officials have been sending babies and other young children…"

She could not maintain her composure, however, not in the face of the latest atrocity committed by this administration.

"Oh, hold on," she said midway through her sentence.

Maddow attempted to continue, but she ended up concluding her show and introducing the host of the following program, Lawrence O"Donnell, who was live in Brownsville, Texas.

After the emotional footage webt viral, Maddow took to Twitter to apologize for the breakdown and share an outline of what she intended to say during the broadcast.

"Ugh, I"m sorry," she wrote in a series of tweets, adding:

"If nothing else, it is my job to actually be able to speak while I"m on TV. What I was trying to do– when I suddenly couldn"t say/do anything  –  was read this lede."

Maddow then shared the entire story with her followers.

"Again, I apologize for losing it there for a moment.  Not the way I intended that to go, not by a mile," Maddow said to wrap up her mea culpa.

As you might expect, the incident has drawn sympathy from Liberals and mockery from Conservatives.

Some believe Maddow was being sincere and can absolutely relate to the heartache she is experiencing while learning that young kids are being torn away from their parents at the U.S. border…

… while others are scoffing at her waterworks and using them as an example of how lame bleeding-heart Democrats can be.

We"re not here to judge, really. Just to pass the clip along because it"s now a part of the national discourse.

Check it out for yourself above.

Rachel maddow breaks down on air cant finish report on immigrant

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Duggar Brainwashing Scandal: Are Rebellious Kids Being "Reprogrammed"?!

One rarely sees a critique of the Duggar family that doesn’t include the word “cult.”

And it’s easy to see why all but the family’s most diehard fans are able to recognize that their particular brand of fundamentalist Southern Baptism bares many of the hallmark distinctions of a band of zealots.

For example, the Duggars are wary of outsiders.

Dissent and rebellion are not tolerated within their ranks, and are swiftly dealt with, often with harsh punishments.

Women are subservient to men and are forced to adhere to strict regulations regarding their clothing and conduct.

They participate in ritualistic animal sacrifices in order to appease their fertility god, Ra’aa’al.

Okay, we may have made that last one up, but you get the point.

The Institute for Basic Life Principles — the organization that’s provided the basis for the Duggars’ controversial belief system — is pretty unabashed in its cultishness, and the Duggars proudly live their lives according to the teachings of its disgraced founder Bill Gothard.

So make of that what you will.

Anyone who’s escaped a cult will tell you that discipline is the glue that holds such groups together, and anyone who’s eer been a teenager knows that perpetually cheerful dispositions and voluntary celibacy are two things that do not come naturally to the pubescent set.

And yet we don’t hear much about how the Duggars discipline their older children.

We know about such controversial practices as “blanket training” for younger children, but surely even a practice as severe as striking toddlers with blunt objects wouldn’t be enough to foster a lifetime of blind obedience.

In fact, one would think that in many cases it would cause children to lash out in their teen years.

So why don’t we ever hear about Jim Bob and Michelle grounding their children or forcing them to go to bed without devouring a steam tray full of deep-fried Crisco first?

Well, according to a new report from Life & Style, it’s because rebellious Duggar teens aren’t published — they’re quietly sent away to be “re-programmed.”

Josiah Duggar is the most recent victim of this practice, but he’s far from the first.

Josiah is said to be the most rebellious Duggar boy, and Jim Bob reportedly attempted to suppress this streak by sending him away for an extra long stint at a secretive IBLP facility known as the ALERT Academy.

Joe and Jeremiah also did time in the clandestine boot camp-like program, but they weren’t there for nearly as long as Josiah, who was gone from the Duggar compound for much of 2013 and 2014.

When he returned, Jim Bob must have been satisfied with the results, as Josiah was promptly tossed into a courtship with Marjorie Jackson.

Unfortunately, it must have been too much too soon, as Josiah and Marjorie broke up after just a few weeks of dating — a move that’s almost unheard of in Duggar courtships.

After that, Josiah once again “kept a low profile” for several months.

But it’s not just Duggar boys who are shipped off to receive the Clockwork Orange treatment when they show signs of independent thought.

Girls serve their time in the equally controversial Journey of the Heart program.

Jana Duggar was sent there in her youth, and she returned as exactly the sort of docile super-servant her parents needed.

“Jana used to be very outgoing,” John-David once remarked of the change in her personality.

“Whenever she was younger, she was very rowdy.” 

A rowdy young woman? 

Well, we can’t have that, now can we?

Of course, the most frequently brainwashed Duggar is Josh, who was shipped off to ALERT after he was caught molesting five young girls.

As an adult, the treatment was repeated at a faith-based in-patient facilty for sex addicts that’s been described as a prison-like workcamp.

In Josh’s case, such treatment is actually deserved.

Unfortunately, the cerebral scrub-down wasn’t enough to keep from acting like Arkansas’ answer to Harvey Weinstein.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Terrell Owens Raves About Hall of Fame Nod at Kids Event

For a guy who’s blowing off his Hall of Fame induction ceremony, Terrell Owens sure spoke glowingly about the honor at the Boys & Girls Club … and TMZ Sports has the video.  T.O. — along with actor Sheldon Bailey — hit up a B&G…


Terrell Owens Raves About Hall of Fame Nod at Kids Event

For a guy who’s blowing off his Hall of Fame induction ceremony, Terrell Owens sure spoke glowingly about the honor at the Boys & Girls Club … and TMZ Sports has the video.  T.O. — along with actor Sheldon Bailey — hit up a B&G…


Ann Coulter Claims Detention Camp Kids Are Actors Pulling "Political Stunt"

Ann Coulter’s spewing a wild new theory about kids in detention camps … claiming the kids are all part of a huge “political stunt” designed to destroy America. Coulter was out in NYC Tuesday when we asked her if she’s seen the latest pictures of…


Monday, June 18, 2018

Jon Gosselin; At Least ONE of My Kids Loves Me on Father"s Day!

Jon Gosselin isn’t going to win a Father of the Year award any time soon … unless his teenage daughter Hannah is running the show.

Jon and his daughter Hannah have been spending a lot of time together in the past couple of months, and that valuable bonding time has really paid off.

Just look at the precious Father’s Day tribute that Hannah wrote to and about her dad.

Posting a public Father’s Day post, especially when you’re a kid in a very complicated family, is no simple task.

Hannah’s post begins: “Happy Fathers Day, Dad.”

She’s off to a good start.

“I love you so much,” she writes.

Also a good start.

Hannah continues: “You’re the best dad anyone could ever ask for.”

That is … very sweet of her to say.

Hannah adds a personal note, writing: “I love our late night ice cream runs together.”

Those ice cream runs have been well-documented in Instagram photos.

“You’re the best,” she finishes.

She writes all of that within the captions of this photo of a collage that she assembled online.

Is feeding photos into an online collage generator the most personal touch? No.

But it’s a useful tool. Jon knows how much he means to his daughter, and that’s what matters.

This is a public post, and so it’s very different from what you would write in a card, which in turn is different than what you would say to someone in person.

She’s young, but she’s been a celebrity for, like, a decade. She knows how to honor her dad without getting too personal.

Jon responded in the comments, writing: “Thank you HJ love you!!!!”

Jon and Hannah (and, as you can see in this photo and in a couple of the collage photos, Jon’s girlfriend Colleen Conrad) have been spending so much time together that some fans believe that he may have custody.

In May, Jon shared a video that may have alluded to a change in custody.

“Unfortunately Hannah couldn’t make it to this video,” he said. “But I’d like to thank everyone for the love and support you’ve shown us this week.”

That week featured many photos of father-daughter adventures. Yes, those adventures included trips to get ice cream.

“Obviously you know the situation,” Jon continued.

Well, we all know that he is separated from most of his children, to his ongoing frustration. We also know that Kate Gosselin is suing him.

“If you don’t know the situation,” Jon advises. “You should just get together with a friend or anyone that understands the situation.”

If Jon received custody of Hannah, it very likely means that she requested it.

Perhaps this was an arrangement to which Kate agreed … we all know that Hannah wouldn’t be the first time that Kate has sent away one of her children. Poor Collin.

Or perhaps this was just Hannah’s wish. Generally, courts will take a child’s wishes into account if the child is 13 or older. Hannah is 14.

But does that mean that Hannah’s four remaining sextuplet siblings (four remaining with Kate, that is) all chose to stay with her?

Or is this about money? Because Jon has a job, but he does not have a reality series or much money at all.

He may have enough to make up for lost time with Hannah, but supporting the rest of his children mgiht be more than he could handle, unfortunately.

Jon Gosselin has absolutely made some mistakes, as a parent and as a human being.

But he is clearly bringing new happiness to his daughter’s life.

And he was even able to visit Collin Gosselin at whatever facility currently houses that poor boy.

He’s doing his best as a parent, and that is worth something.

He could clearly be doing much worse.

Just look at Kate.


Joel McHale Says His Kids Can Skip College If They Play Fortnite Like Ninja

Good news for Joel McHale’s kids: you can quit school to play video games!! Bad news for the McHale children: you just have to be as good at Fortnite as Ninja!! McHale competed at the Fortnite Pro-Am Tournament earlier this week … and, since…


Sunday, June 17, 2018

Wendi McLendon-Covey Says Kids at Border vs. Concentration Camps Are Not So Different

“The Goldbergs” star Wendi McLendon-Covey says there’s not much difference between children held at the border and those in concentration camps … and she’s scolding politicians for thinking otherwise.  We got Wendi at LAX Friday…


Saturday, June 16, 2018

Rich the Kid"s GF, Tori Brixx, Suffers Brutal Face Injury from Home Invasion Attack

Rich the Kid wasn’t the only person who got seriously roughed up during a home invasion robbery Thursday night … as these photos of his girlfriend’s facial injuries clearly show. Sources close to Tori Brixx tell TMZ … she was pistol whipped by…


Rich the Kid"s GF, Tori Brixx, Suffers Brutal Face Injury from Home Invasion Attack

Rich the Kid wasn’t the only person who got seriously roughed up during a home invasion robbery Thursday night … as these photos of his girlfriend’s facial injuries clearly show. Sources close to Tori Brixx tell TMZ … she was pistol whipped by…


Thursday, June 14, 2018

Kailyn Lowry: My Kids are DONE Filming Teen Mom 2!

If you"ve been watching Teen Mom 2, you know that things have gotten especially dramatic this season.

Well, things have always been dramatic, but as Kailyn Lowry said in a recent episode, there"s been more of a Jerry Springer flavor of drama lately.

Maybe it"s all the feuding between the cast members, maybe it was the huge mess that was last season"s reunion, maybe … no, it"s pretty much definitely those first two things.

But the point is that things are different now.

And that"s why Kailyn"s made some big decisions about her family"s place on the show going forward.

1. Kailyn and Sons

Kailyn and sons

This is Kailyn and her three sons — Lincoln on the left, who she shares with Javi Marroquin, Isaac on the right, who she shares with Jo Rivera, and then sweet little baby Lux in the middle, who she shares with Chris Lopez. And honestly, just LOOK HOW CUTE.

2. Awww!

Lowry kail pic

We wanted you to start off with a dose of cuteness, because things are going to get real ugly, real quick.

3. Drama Drama Drama

Kailyn lowry looks sad

So in this season of Teen Mom 2, Kailyn’s unfortunately had to deal with a whole, whole lot of drama — and we’re just a few episodes in!

4. Drama from Briana

Briana on teen mom

As you probably know, most of the issues so far have stemmed from Briana DeJesus and her relationship with Javi, which no one really handled all that well.

5. Too Much

Javi marroquin and briana dejesus

Javi made the mistake of not being 100% honest with Kailyn about the relationship and especially about their trip to Disneyworld (the one where Javi brought two of Kail’s kids), and then Kailyn had that fundamental belief that Briana shouldn’t have gotten with him in the first place, since it violated the sacred girl code.

6. So Much Fighting

Kailyn lowry on insta

Then, once Briana and Javi’s relationship picked up, they all took turns being petty about it.

View Slideshow

Jenelle Evans SLAMMED by Teen Mom 2 Fans: Is She Abusing Her Kids?!

If you watched Teen Mom 2 this week, then there"s a good chance you"re not too happy with Jenelle Evans and David Eason.

Well, that"s probably the case if you watch Teen Mom 2 any week — Jenelle and David are always pretty awful — but stick with us here.

This week, the Easons took the kids on vacation, and things didn"t go exactly as planned.

Lots of people thought that Jenelle and David mistreated their children, and there"s just a whole lot of outrage right now about the whole thing.

Here, let"s get into the details …

1. A Birthday Trip

Jenelle evans boyfriend david eason

In the episode, Jenelle and David took the kids on a nice family vacation for Jenelle’s birthday. They stayed in a cabin, did some outdoor activities, and for a while, it looked like everyone was having fun.

2. Not for Long …

Jenelle evans kissy face with david eason

But then things started falling apart. Jenelle and David both became very short with the kids, and honestly it looked like they were overwhelmed to be caring for them all by themselves for an extended period of time.

3. Poor Kaiser

Kaiser griffith bruise photo

Like, in one particularly sad scene, the family sat down for breakfast, but Kaiser said that he had to go to the bathroom. David refused to let him go, but he also told him that he’d be in big trouble if he had an accident. It was weird and uncomfortable, and poor little Kaiser just couldn’t win either way.

4. … But Why?

Jenelle evans just chills

When it was time for everyone to leave, Jenelle and David were both angry for no real reason. The kids weren’t really acting out, but they kept scolding them anyway, and they canceled their last activity because of their behavior, which again, wasn’t bad at all.

5. Easy, Killer

David eason on insta

When they all got in the car, David tried to turn the cameras off — not a great sign. When he couldn’t figure it out, he settled for lashing out once again at the kids, telling them “We’re going home because you don’t know how to f—king act right.”

6. Come On, Easons

Jenelle evans smirks

Obviously it wasn’t the most disturbing scene we’ve ever seen on the show, but it’s really seemed to rub a lot of people the wrong way.

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Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Judge to Angelina Jolie: Stop Keeping Your Kids from Brad Pitt!

We interrupt ongoing speculation over Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s love lives in order to bring you factual news on their parental front.

Just about two years after they stunned the world with their divorce news, the A-List stars have amended their custody arrangement for the summer.

According to a variety of new court documents, the Superior Court of Los Angeles County has determined that “not having a relationship with their father” would be “harmful” to Jolie and Pitt’s six kids.

(They, of course, would be: Maddox, 16, Pax, 14, Zahara, 13, Shiloh, 12, and twins Knox and Vivienne, 9.)

The court writes that the offspring of this former couple “are safe with their father” and that it is “critical that each of them have a healthy and strong relationship” with both of their parents.

(However, it’s worth noting that Maddox is basically free to spent time with either parent as he so choose due to his age.)

Prior to this revision, Jolie had successfully kept her kids away from her ex-husband for the most part, as she allegedly believed he was a bad influence on them.

Now, however, a judge has threatened to strip primary custody from Jolie if she does not take steps to improve the relationship between her children and their dad.

To what extent?

The stars were actually ordered be on a phone call between the kids and two psychologists in order “to explain the summer schedule,” the documents read. 

Moreover, the actor will have physical custody everyone except Maddox for four hours a day from June 8 to 17 in London, where Jolie rents a residence.

Pitt must spend time with each child at least twice during the 10-day period with one of the psychologists present.

And Jolie will not be present during her estranged husband’s custodial time.

The documents goon to list other dates in June, July and August during which Pitt will have custody of the kids.

It even sounds like he will have them all to himself from July 21-29 in Los Angeles.

Family law lawyer David Glass, who is NOT associated with the case, tells People Magazine that this sort of legal intervention is unusual.

But there must have been ample evidence to show that Jolie really was doing a disservice to her children and to Pitt.

“It’s a rare case where the court will find that someone alienated the kids,” Glass explains, adding:

“It takes a lot to move the court past estrangement into alienation, but once it’s determined that one parent is alienating the kids, the court has no choice but to jump in and make pretty strong orders right away.”

This new arrangement even requires Jolie to provide Pitt with the kids’ cell phone numbers so that he may text them.

Jolie and Pitt separated in September 2016… and we remain in shock that this marriage failed to work out.

While there have been plenty of rumors regarding the relationship status since, neither Pitt nor Jolie has said much in public about their private affairs.

“This [divorce] has been a longstanding back-and-forth, and hopefully now there will be greater collaboration for the benefit of the kids,” an insider tells Us Weekly, concluding:

“The kids have always been a priority for both parents and hopefully everyone will comply with the court order going forward.

“Brad will be wherever he needs to be for the kids.”
