Showing posts with label Marry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marry. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Can Marry in a Church, Despite Divorce

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle can walk down the aisle under the eyes of God if they want, ‘cause there’s no issue with a church wedding … despite her being a divorcee. British author Katie Nicholl — an expert on all things Royal –…


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Briana DeJesus: I Want to MARRY Javi Marroquin!

Briana DeJesus either has seriously conflicting feelings toward Javi Marroquin, or she"s really dedicated to trolling the hell out of Kailyn Lowry.

Rumors that Briana and Javi are dating have been circulating for months, and DeJesus seems to be deriving a lot pleasure from keeping both Kailyn and the public in the dark.

So are she and Javi really in a long-distance relationship?

Is this all just an elaborate ploy to mess with Kailyn"s mind?

Does Briana actually want to marry Javi?!

Join us as we answer these questions and more in our investigation of Teen Mom 2"s most unexpected love triangle:

1. Are They or Aren’t They?

Javi marroquin and briana dejesus picture

Are Javi and Briana really dating, or are they just pretending to be in love in order to mess with Kailyn Lowry? To answer that question, we need to delve into the history of Bri and Kail’s relationship.

2. New Girl

Briana dejesus on mtv

Briana just joined the cast of Teen Mom 2 last season. Her co-stars were said to be less than thrilled with MTV’s decision to add a fifth mom to the roster.

3. A Familiar Face

Briana dejesus on teen mom 3

Bri got her start on the short-lived Teen Mom 3. So both viewers and co-stars were familiar with her past … and her ability to create drama.

4. Kail and Bri: Best Frenemies?

Kailyn at teen mom 2 reunion

Insiders who were familiar with the situation claimed that Kailyn was one of the only moms who DIDN’T hate Briana. How times have changed!

5. Surgery Sisters?

Kailyn lowry butt photo

Last year, Kailyn and Briana both underwent Brazilian butt lift procedures performed by the same doctor. Fans have cited this fact as evidence of their close friendship, but Kail says it was just a coincidence.

6. Not THAT Close

Briana picture

So it sounds like Kail and Bri knew each other, got along, but didn’t have particularly strong feelings about one another either way. That all changed when Bri got to know Javi …

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90 Day Fiance Spoilers: Josh and Aika! Do They Marry? Who Has a Criminal Past?

We"ve gotten to know the new 90 Day Fiance couples and grown to like (and perhaps dislike) some of them as they travel to be together decide if they want to potentially spend the rest of their lives together.

One of those new couples is Aika and Josh, and their relationship has … a lot of complications. Some of which are contained in the video below.

Well, we know how how their engagement ends. Beware, folks — spoilers below!

Aika and josh

First, here"s some background:

Aika is 36 and hails from Quezon City, Phillipines.

Josh is 43 and lives in Mesa, Arizona. (Meaning that yes, they"re a couple with an appropriate age difference of a mere 7 years!)

There"s a lot that"s weird about these two.

For starters, the way that they met was an "accidental glitch" that placed Josh"s dating app in the Phillipines when he lives in Arizona.

That"s a story that we find about as believable as 

Some fans and viewers believed that Aika was more interested in a green card and being taken care of in the US than she was in Josh himself.

TLC"s "love story" video for the two of them (full of creepiness; it"s below) even ends with Aika reminding Josh that he"ll be her provider.

Josh and aika beach pic

So … did these two make it, or did they part ways?

According to the investigations by the good folks over at Starcasm, Josh and Aika got married.

Their marriage certificate says that they got married on September 7th.

Josh and Aika haven"t officially announced this news, of course — that"s 90 Day Fiance"s secret to reveal.

But the couple has been spotted all over the US for the past few months. Since Aika is only allowed to stay in the US for 90 days before getting married, that was already a pretty strong hint that the two had tied the knot.

Oh, and a number of sightings of the two involved the pair wearing matching rings.

Josh and aika selfie

Normally, we"d be offering up congratulations at this point.

But honestly … we don"t know that this is good news.

First of all, thanks to Reality Blurb, we know about Josh"s criminal past.

His rap sheet includes a DUI, some credit issues that involved his wages being garnished, and, much more seriously, a domestic violence arrest.

Josh allegedly punched a 28-year-old woman in the face and pushed her down an embankment near their apartment.

Police apparently broke down the door when they heard her screaming for help from inside.

Josh managed to weasel out of it, however, because the woman — as is not uncommon with domestic violence victims — refused to press charges or cooperate with police.

We have no idea how much of this, if any, Aika knew.

We wish that we were surprised, but Josh has been alarming from the get-go, as you"ll see in the video below.

Aika of 90 day fiance

In this video — which yes, of course is edited — Josh"s every other sentence seems to raise a red flag.

He describes Aika as "like a trophy to me."

And then there"s the fetishism when he says: "I"ve always kind of had a thing for Asian girls."

Dating Asian women is fine. Exclusively dating any one race of people because you have particular ideas about them being "sexier" than others is gross.

It gets worse somehow when he talks about the Phillipines having a low divorce rate, because it sure sounds like he wants an "exotic" beauty who will totally depend on him and never leave.

Which, we suppose, is why he waited only 5 days after meeting her to propose.

But they"re married now. For better or for worse.

90 day fiance spoilers josh and aika do they marry who has a cri

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Amy Roloff: Is She Ready to Marry Chris Marek?

Amy Roloff’s relationship with Chris Marek has somehow proven to be controversial, earning her some totally unwarranted hate.

But the Little People, Big World star doesn’t let the trolls keep her from enjoying her romance.

Are Amy and Chris preparing to take this to the next level and get married?

Little People, Big World is more than just an entertaining reality series about a captivating and often relatable family.

The Roloff family’s show has educated audiences about dwarfism and, more significantly, served as a positive portrayal of little people that is often hard to find on reality television.

(Or elsewhere, really. It’s Little People, Big World and Game of Thrones and … that’s about it for positive portrayals)

In particular, the Roloff family represents a powerful contrast from the various Little Women reality shows, whose stars tend to exhibit bad behavior.

We’re not minimizing the important of a series like Little Women: Atlanta. People need to understand that little people are, you know, people. They might drink and swear and whatever.

But little people don’t just exist for the entertainment of those of us who can reach things on high shelves. Their height doesn’t have to be a punchline.

And while the lives of the Roloffs — who are affluent reality stars who live on a farm — aren’t in any way typical, Little People, Big World does wonders in that it shows little people living their relatively normal lives and loving their family members.

Amy Roloff may no longer be married to Matt Roloff, but the two new grandparents are both central figures on the series.

Two years after Amy and Matt Roloff ended their 26-year-marriage, Amy started up a relationship with Chris Marek.

Chris Marek is not a little person, and Amy has admitted that she never really expected to find herself in a relationship with a man who wasn’t her size.

We imagine that part of that was a sort of creeping self-doubt and insecurity about whether or not a man could find her attractive. A lot of women with different disabilities feel this way.

(And have to fear chasers, who actively seek them out and may fetishize them)

But part if it must have been wondering if she could find a man who, though not a little person, would understand her and be willing to adjust his lifestyle to mesh with hers..

(Because everyday tasks and home furnishings that are convenient for little people may be inconvenient for others)

But something about Amy and Chris just works so well. The two of them have been doing weekly soup nights with friends for over a year. They go on vacations together. Amy Roloff even dressed up and handed out candy to trick-or-treaters with Chris.

But Amy Roloff has been slammed for hitting the road with Chris, because it was “too close” to Audrey Roloff’s due date.

Sometimes it seems like, no matter what Amy Roloff

Again and again, Amy Roloff has had to defend Chris Marek against haters and trolls who see her happiness and spit on it.

Some of these critics think that Chris is just chasing fame by being with Amy, though Amy has shot down this “theory.”

Interestingly, Matt Roloff doesn’t seem to get any of that vitriol even though he also divorced Amy and is also dating someone — Camryn Chandler, a family friend.

It may just be that, to a small but vocal and hateful group of Little People, Big World fans, Amy Roloff can’t do anything right. They even grandma-shame her over sweet baby photos.

We — and most fans — don’t actually think that there’s anything wrong with Amy’s relationship with Chris. But we have to wonder how far they plan to take their runaway romance?

Amy Roloff has become a grandmother this year. As she dotes on her grandbabies, fans want to know if she and Chris are prepared to tie the knot.

There’s nothing quite like becoming a grandmother to remind people that you’re not getting any younger.

Fans, who are delighted that Amy Roloff is still living on Roloff Farms and able to be so close to her family (despite some accusations that she’d moved away, right after her grandbabies were born), would love to see her and Chris do something official.

They seem closer and closer as time goes on, and now they’re celebrating holidays together. They’re really starting to look like a family.

That said, we don’t know what Amy has planned or what she’s ready for. She was married to Matt for nearly three decades. Marriage is a huge decision, at any age.

We’re sure that Amy Roloff’s supportive fans will be happy with whatever Amy chooses for herself.


Monday, November 6, 2017

Blake Shelton: Refusing to Marry Gwen Stefani Because of Miranda Lambert?!

It’s been a tough year for true love, huh?

Come to think of it, it’s been a tough year for pretty much everything.

With divorces for couples like Chris Pratt and Anna Faris, Fergie and Josh Duhamel, we have to wonder if it’s even possible for two people to get together and stay together these days.

It’s depressing.

Even one of our go-to favorite couples, Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton, seems to be struggling a bit these days.

Because even though you can’t get on the internet without hearing a rumor about the two of them having a baby or trying to have a baby or talking about having a baby, things may not be as good as you’d think between them.

And it’s all Miranda Lambert’s fault.

According to a source who spoke with Life & Style, Gwen and Blake are still in love and all that, but they won’t be getting married anytime soon because of how things went down between Blake and Miranda.

“Blake had hoped that time would ease the pain of the divorce and the betrayal he felt,” the source says, “but sadly, it just hasn’t.”

“To this day, Blake believes Miranda cheated on him. It just wounded his soul.”

This insider explains that although he knows Gwen is different, and although he and Gwen have been discussing getting hitched for a while now, “he’s still devastated” by his divorce.

“Blake has been honest with her lately about not being ready to tie the knot,” how tragic is that?

It could be worse though, because the source goes on to say that Gwen has similar thoughts about getting married — that perhaps it’s just not time yet.

Her reasons are the same as Blake’s, too — while there were a few reports that claimed that Miranda cheated on Blake, it was much more widely reported that Gwen left Gavin because he had an affair with their children’s nanny.

“Gavin’s betrayal of their marriage vows nearly destroyed her,” the source says. “Gwen has also realized over time that she doesn’t need to get married again.”

But before you go and get too upset at this development, know that although we may not see a wedding for these two anytime soon, there’s still a decent chance they could have a baby!

The source explains that “Blake and Gwen are committed to having a baby together. They just don’t want to get married.”

Which is fair, because marriage is a huge commitment, while having a baby with someone is a lot more chill … except there is no universe in which that logic makes sense.

If Gwen and Blake are just not worried about getting married, that’s one thing, but if they’re avoiding it because they’re scared of being hurt again?

Maybe slow down on all those baby efforts then, lovebirds.


Friday, October 20, 2017

Duggar Family on Jana: Someone Marry This Girl!

Despite the family’s emphasis on their rustic lifestyle, Duggar weddings are generally lavish affairs, with guests numbering in the thousands.

There could be many reasons for this–after all, the Duggars are the biggest thing to ever hit Tontitown, and being invited to one of their weddings is basically the Arkansas equivalent of beinng invited to the White House.

But some fans believe there may a more practical, or even more insidous, reason for the Duggars to host such massive wedding ceremonies.

As fans of the family know, when one wedding ends, the preparation for another one usually begins soon after.

This is no coincidence, of course.

Weddings and births are the Duggars’ bread and butter, and any time not spent preparing for a family expansion is considered time wasted.

It’s for that reason that Joseph Duggar got engaged at his sister’s wedding–why not kill two birds with one stone?

And it’s also for that reason that fans believe the last few receptions have doubled as coming out parties for Jana Duggar.

The eldest Duggar daughter is 27, and fans are obsessed with the fact that Jana is stil single.

(It’s worth noting that her twin brother, John David, is also single, but because he doesn’t have a uterus, that’s considered acceptable.)

For reasons that aren’t entirely clear, fans are convinced that Jana’s parents have been putting her on display at her siblings’ recent weddings.

It’s a theory that’s resulted in even more Jana courtship rumors than usual lately.

In the last month alone, fans used their imaginations to hook Jana up with not one, but two longtime family friends.

First, a rumor that Jana is dating Caleb Williams circulated on social media.

Shortly thereafter, it was widely reported that Jana was courting Jacob Wilson.

Wilson was quick to shut the rumors down with a lengthy Facebook tirade.


“[…] We’ve been friends for 21 years and all of a sudden! BAM! we just happen to be in the same picture so of course, the media has to make up a story about it to sell.”

He added:

So I’m here to clear the water… it ain’t true! moral of the story? Don’t believe what you see online.”

Sounds like Jana will have to wait until another one of her siblings gets married in order to meet the man of her dreams.

Fortunately, with that many siblings, she shouldn’t have to wait long.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Friday, October 6, 2017

Meghan Markle: Why She Might Not Be Allowed to Marry Harry

In recent weeks, rumors of Prince Harry proposing to Meghan Markle have been all over social media and the tabloids.

Across platforms, the comsensus seems to be that engagement is virtually a done deal.

In fact some, believe that Harry and Meghan are already engaged and simply have yet to make a formal announcement.

So what’s the holdup?

Well, it’s important to remember that this is a royal engagement we’re talking about, and while it’s unlikely that Harry will ever take the throne, his marriage is still a matter of interest across the British empire.

As a result, Meghan and Harry can’t just post a ring selfie on Facebook and call it a day.

Several higher-ups need to sign off on the coupling before any sort of announcement can be made.

And as candidates for royal marriage go, Meghan is a bit of a divisive one.

To be clear, if there’s any hesitance from Harry’s family, it’s almost certainly not due to Meghan as a person.

By all accounts she’s been well received by Harry’s father and brother, as well as by Kate Middleton and the Queen.

(Sure, there are those rumors that Camilla Parker Bowles doesn’t like Meghan, but who the hell cares what she thinks, anyway?)

There are three main issues that might give royal authorities pause when it comes to signing off on a marriage between Harry and Meghan.

For starters, Meghan is American.

For royal history buffs might bring to mind that of Wallis Simpson and King Edward VIII.

Edward was forced to abdicate the throne in order to marry his American wife.

In that case, however, the issue wasn’t so much that Simpson was American, as there are no clear rules aganst Royals getting hitched to foreigners.

No, the reason Edward was forced to step down was the fact that Simpson was divorced … as is Meghan.

Markle married Trevor Engelson in 2013, and the actor has already been a bit of a thorn in the royals’ side.

Fans of Netflix’s The Crown are likely already familiar with the royal famiy’s policy on marrying divorcees:

It’s strictly forbidden.

The show portrays the romance between Princess Margaret, sister of Queen Elizabeth II, and Captain Peter Townsend, a pilot whom she was not allowed to marry because he had been divorced.

Recent letters from the time reveal that the Queen would have allowed the marriage if Margaret were willing to give up her rights to succession of the throne.

Of course, that was a different time and given a chance to make that decision again, the Queen would probably chose differently.

And she’ll likely get a chance to do exactly that in the case of Harry and Meghan.

The only other matter that stands in Meghan and Harry’s way–or that would have at one time, anyway–is the fact that Meghan is Catholic.

Fortunately, the rule forbidding members of the royal family from marrying Catholics was lifted by the Queen in 2013.

Many have pointed out that this could still be an issue if the couple has kids, as the kids would have to be raised in the Anglican Church, but it doesn’t appear that Meghan is still a practicing Catholic, anyway.

So there you have it.

While there are certainly some complexities in play, Harry should be permitted to marry Meghan.

We’re there are lots of guys out there who wish they had so many excuses to put off proposing.


Friday, September 29, 2017

Miranda Lambert and Anderson East: Racing to Marry Before Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton?!

Well … this is nuts.

Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani seem to be close to tying the knot. Blake Shelton’s recent song was all about marriage, which … is not subtle at all.

But in the race between exes to actually tie the knot, it looks like Miranda Lambert intends to win. By any means necessary.

Have you ever heard one of those romance stories (probably in a movie) where a couple breaks up but they both meet new people and end up being way happier because of it?

Life … rarely works out that way.

But sometimes people who seemed like a solid match aren’t so well-suited for each other.

And sometimes they do both move on and find new people.

The trouble, of course, is that real life has rebound relationships.

That’s a real thing — not just something that bitter exes call someone’s new datemate. You get out of a long-term, serious relationship and suddenly you miss the companionship and affection and convenient sex. So you find someone right away, just to fill that void.

That thirst for a rebound is how Kylie Jenner got pregnant at 19. (She only just turned 20, folks)

In the case of Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert, they both ended up in serious relationships that have now lasted for a couple of years.

Blake Shelton’s relationship with costar Gwen Stefani — who had just gotten out of her marriage after reportedly being cheated on — has been more widely publicized.

In part because they’re costars on The Voice. In part because Gwen Stefani is a mainstream musician, and Country music exists in its own little world.

Miranda Lambert hooked up with fellow Country singer Anderson East, who we should note is ever-so-slightly younger than she is. They only recently celebrated two years together.

So … which of them is going to be the first to tie the knot?

According to InTouch Weekly‘s source, Miranda Lambert and Anderson East may just elope.

That’s not the sort of celebrity wedding that you’d expect.

Especially not when the woman in the couple is so well known that even non-Country fans recognize her name.

Reportedly, Miranda and Anderson had been looking at a “countrypalooza-type wedding.”

It would have had performances from their favorite Country stars (who are also their friends) and been a whole production.

Like a Hollywood wedding, but maybe in Tennessee or something.

But now … plans have changed.

“They are pushing to run away and elope by year’s end.”

October starts on Sunday, so year’s end is three months away.

“They’ll make time during the holidays to elope and have a honeymoon.”

That’s so soon!

Not inappropriately soon. They’ve been seeing each other for two years. So, you know, that’s fine.

But … we have to wonder what’s motivating this.

It’s not like “Miranderson” is especially camera-shy or publicity-shy or whatever.

So a big wedding wouldn’t be out of the question.

Are they concerned about their guest list feeling conflicted because of ties to Blake Shelton?

It’s also possible — and we’re just speculating, here — that Miranda Lambert has had enough with Blake and Gwen’s massively publicized relationship, and that she doesn’t want to read about them getting married when she and Anderson haven’t exchanged vows yet.

That might not be the healthiest reason, if it’s her motivation.

But elopements are a hell of a lot easier to plan than weddings.

Elopements are also cheaper — no matter how rich you are or how fancy your elopement might be.

(Well … not if you elope into space, but that’s not a thing quite yet)

We’re always leery of rumors of elopement.

Like, sometimes people make offhanded remarks about how they’d rather elope than keep planning their wedding.

Just because a friend takes it seriously and leaks it doesn’t mean that the bride or groom was doing anything more than venting or fantasizing.

On the other hand, there’s a lot to be said about eloping.

Many consider big weddings to be a wasteful industry — even when rich people do it.

So maybe Miranda and Anderson have the right idea.

But even if they’re planning to tie the knot in only three months, there’s still a chance that crazy-in-love Gwen and Blake might beat them to the altar.

We’ll see.


Jenelle Evans: Did She Get PAID to Marry David Eason?!

Last week, Jenelle Evans married David Eason in a private ceremony held on the couple’s property.

Jenelle’s mother wasn’t invited to the wedding, but MTV cameras certainly were!

Of course, unlike the rest of the guests, the folks who made Jenelle famous had to pay a hefty admission fee.

Yes, according to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup Jenelle wouldn’t allow MTV to film her wedding unless they paid both her and David bonuses on top of their usual salaries.

The network was initially hesitant, not wanting to set the precedent of Teen Mom 2 stars demanding extra cash for permission to film the big events in their life.

(Pretty reasonable, as they did already agreed to allow MTV to film the events of their lives in exchange for an agreed upon salary.)

Eventually, however, Jenelle and her bosses found a loophole that enabled them to reach an arrangement that left everyone happy.

Well, as happy as Jenelle is capable of being, anyway…

“The higher-ups would not pay her extra to shoot the wedding at first,” a source tells The Ashley.

“Eventually, after a lot of back-and-forth, MTV and Jenelle agreed that MTV would pay Jenelle and David a ‘location fee’ rather than a flat-out payment to film the wedding,” the insider adds.

Yes, because Jenelle and David got married on their own property, MTV was able to justify their sizable wedding bonuses as fees paid for the right to film on the land.

“MTV certainly would be trying to keep that on the downlow, though,” the source added. “It doesn’t look good when fans see them giving in to the stars’ demands,” says the source.

Yeah, it sort of detracts from the “reality” experience, when you know that Jenelle and David are basically functioning in the capacity of well-paid actors.

It’s unclear how much the Easons raked in by walking down the aisle on camera, but it was certainly a lucrative day for the troubled couple.

The Ashley reports that in addition to their bonuses from MTV, Jenelle and David were offered a cool $ 15,000 from American Media, Inc. (the company that owns Radar Online and OK! magazine) for the exclusive rights to publish photographs from the wedding.

Jenelle complained about photographers from OK! lurking in the woods outside her home before the wedding, so she may have turned that deal down.

Or she may have simply felt that the tabloid was overstepping its bounds by covering not just the wedding, but the drama leading up to it.

Or Jenelle may have just been doing what she does best – throwing a completely irrational tantrum.

Either way, the Easons are certainly starting out with a sizable nest egg.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of how little Jenelle does to deserve such a lavish lifestyle.


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Christina El Moussa: Will She Marry Again? Will She Procreate Again?!?

Christina El Moussa has sat down for an interview in which she can neither flip nor flop when it comes to providing important answers.

First, In Touch Weekly asked the HGTV star whether she could ever see herself walking down an aisle and exchanging vows again.

The home-flipping guru split from husband Tarek El Moussa in the spring of 2016 and has since gone on to date a trio of fortunate fellas:

  1. Her former contractor, Gary Anderson.

  2. NHL player Nate Thompson.

  3. And current beau Doug Spedding, a man she has known for over a decade.

This latest romance appears to be fairly serious, which prompted the aforementioned tabloid to pose the question: Will she get married for a second time?

“I love being married, but it’s not something I want to think about right now,” El Moussa responded simply.

Okay. Fair enough.

She and Tarek haven’t even been divorced for a year; it makes sense that she can’t even wrap her mind yet around a second marriage.

But what about having a third child?

The reality star is the mother to a young son named Brayden and a toddler daughter named Taylor and is clearly quite smitten with her kids.

She often poses alongside these small people on Instagram, while she and Tarek have constantly said that co-parenting in a healthy environment is their top priority in life.

“I have two amazing kids,” Christina told In Touch, yet she then made it clear that this doesn’t mean she’s in the market for any more.

“I’m done,” El Moussa added of having children.

While Christina and Tarek are no longer a couple, the two have no intentions of stopping their roles as business partners.

They’ve actually expanded their quasi empire and will soon work behind the scenes as producers on upcoming HGTV programs.

“Working with Tarek comes easy for both of us,” she says, adding:

“We have worked together for 12 years and we will continue to work and co-parent together. We have a lot of fun (both on and off camera) flipping houses.”

HGTV has cleared Tarek and Christina to continue filming Flop or Flop through the end of 2017 at least.

Moreover, the network has given the green light to multiple new versions of the franchise in different cites around the country.

Tarek and Christina won’t be involved in these spinoffs, but they will be involved in each other’s lives for a very long time to come.

What choice do they have when they have two small kids?

“We told Taylor, ‘Mommy and daddy are going to be better parents for you and your brother apart. But we will always be here for you and your brother,"” Christina says of how she broke the divorce news to her daughter, concluding:

“And we have made sure to always stay positive in front of the kids.”



Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Goldie Hawn Would Marry One of Kurt Russell"s Movie Characters

Goldie Hawn wants no part of marriage to Kurt Russell’s “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2” character, Ego … but there IS one guy he’s played she could see herself with forever. Goldie and Kurt have passed on the marriage thing, but still…


Thursday, August 10, 2017

Amber Rose Wants to Marry 21 Savage!!!

Amber Rose wants 21 Savage to put a ring on it … and she’d rather talk about THAT than her ex-mother-in-law suing her. Amber was at LAX Wednesday where we wanted to get serious for a minute — she’s being sued by Wiz Khalifa’s mom…


Friday, July 7, 2017

Prince Harry: Denied Permission to Marry Meghan Markle By the Queen?!

From the moment we first learned Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were dating, the tabloid media has been breathlessy reporting on every engagement rumor that comes down the pipe.

So the fact that the proposal hasn’t happened yet (that we know of) has many scrambling for an explanation.

Thie week started with reports that Camilla Parker Bowles doesn’t approve of Meghan and is doing everything in her power to keep the relationship from moving forward.

That was followed by rumors about Meghan continuing to date Cory Vitiello after she’d started hooking up with Harry.

Now, the sketchy tabloid sources are pulling out the big guns and claiming that the kibosh has been placed on Harry and Meghan’s wedding plans by the OG Khaleesi herself, Queen Elizabeth II.

In a report published today by The Inquisitr via OK! magazine, the Queen has denied Harry permission to get engaged to Meghan for reasons that remain unclear.

An insider tells magazine that Harry has revealed he is ready to abdicate his royal duties if the Queen doesn’t come to see things his way.

“It’s awful,” the unnamed source claims.

“Harry is now faced with the choice between his country and the woman he loves.”

The insider says that Meghan has made Harry happier than royal life ever could, and he wouldn’t hesitate if forced to choose between his title and his relationship.

“Harry can’t imagine going back to his duties without her by his side,” the source claims.

“She’s given him a new lease on life, and he’s tired of putting everything but himself first. He’s waited years to find this level of happiness, and he’s not going to give it up without a fight.”

The Royals have yet to comment on the situation because … c’mon, like they ever would.

If something this outrageous turned out to be true (ginormous “if”), we’d likely only find out about it when Harry actually stepped down in order to marry Meghan.

In recent weeks, Harry has actually seemed more energized about his royal duties than ever before, an enthusiasm that many attribute to his relationship with Meghan:

“We’re involved in modernizing the British monarchy,” Harry said in a recent Newsweek interview.

“We are not doing this for ourselves but for the greater good of the people.”

Of course, if this rumor turns out to be true, Harry may have to retire the royal “we” in favor of boring old couples’ pronouns.


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Kim Kardashian to Tristan Thompson: Marry Khloe NOW!

We’ve already heard that Khloe Kardashian’s been pushing Tristan Thompson for marriage and babies, but now it sounds like Kim has been adding to the pressure, trying to give Tristan a push to pop the question.

It sounds like she might be making a complicated situation worse, though.

What are sisters for?

We can’t help but wonder if some of this pressure is about how happy Kim as a married mother.

But you’d think that the explosive feud between Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna would cool everybody’s jets about encouraging people to make things permanent.

We know that the whole Kardashian family is mad at Rob over his behavior.

(Honestly, I’d have paid cash money to see Kris Jenner become aware of what her only son was doing in the wee hours of yesterday morning and her response)

Like, Rob could be in serious legal trouble for revenge porn.

And, obviously, showing terrible judgment and zero impulse-control won’t do Rob any favors whatsoever when it comes to a custody battle.

His entire disgraceful timeline could all be evidence in criminal court and in family court.

Maybe this ongoing fiasco should temper Kim’s enthusiasm for putting pressure on Khloe’s boyfriend, you know?

But apparently Kim Kardashian still wants Tristan Thompson to propose to Khloe.

“[Khloé] is madly in love with Tristan and wants to get married and have a family. But he hasn’t proposed yet, so Kim’s been pressuring him.”

Khloe’s usually the biggest meddler, but it’s not meddling if it’s your own life, so Kim had to step up to the plate.

“Tristan was floored, especially since he hasn’t spent a lot of time with the Kardashian family — on purpose.”

Yeah, that’s all kinds of intrusive.

“Kim was just looking out for Khloé, but her pushiness may have only made things worse.”

Well … obviously.

It’s like how when you’re a kid and you keep asking your mom for McDonald’s or pizza or whatever.

You ask too many times, and suddenly it’s a salad night — a fate worse than death.

Of course, in Tristan’s case, there might be more than just reactionary tenacity keeping him from popping the question.

He must be still asking himself if he wants to marry Khloe.

First of all, she’s Khloe.

If she gets her way, Khloe and Tristan might have way too many children.

Also Khloe is such a meddler and she can’t seem to stand when her relatives don’t do exactly what she advises them to.

Imagine that in a relationship.

Now imagine that forever.

And then, of course, there’s the fact that even if Khloe were the most perfect partner in the world (and maybe, to Tristan, she is), she is not sold separately.

Khloe means having Kourtney and Kim and Kylie and Kendall as sisters-in-law. It means having Rob as a brother-in-law.

And it means having Kris Jenner as a momager-in-law, though honestly that part doesn’t sound like such a big deal.

Not everybody wants the drama of the Kardashian family, and not everyone wants to sign up for a lifetime of it.

But Kim might be putting on this counterproductive pressure because of Rob’s struggles with Blac Chyna.

If she approves of Tristan, as she clearly must if she’s pushing for this, then Kim must be desperate for Khloe to tie the knot with a good guy in a non-toxic relationship.

(We’re not asserting that Khloe and Tristan are a perfect couple, but it sounds like Kim feels that they’re at least good enough)

In Kim’s mind, if Khloe doesn’t get with Tristan, she might end up in a toxic relationship with someone in the future.

(Maybe she fears that Khloe will relapse and go back to Lamar)

One Rob/Chyna feud is enough for the family, don’t you think?

Kim can’t be eager for another.

But, obviously, Kim needs to back off and let Khloe and Tristan work things out for themselves.


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Camilla Parker Bowles to Meghan Markle: Do NOT Marry Prince Harry!

It’s been nine months since we first learned that Prince Harry is dating Meghan Markle, and engagement rumors have pretty much been flying non-stop the entire time.

Based on insider accounts of the situation, we’re guessing Harry will eventually pop the question.

But if Camilla Parker Bowles has her way, Meghan won’t be giving him the answer he wants.

Parker Bowles, as you’re likely aware, is the second wife of Prince Charles.

She reportedly disapproves of Meghan for reasons that remain unclear.

Sources say Camilla has appealed to her husband in an effort to get Harry to call it quits.

Now, she’s trying a different tack and taking her argument straight to the source.

No, she’s not trying to talk Harry out of proposing …

… she’s trying to talk Meghan out of accepting.

We should add that all of this comes from an Australian Yahoo! site, and should this be taken with many grains of salt, but it’s not the first we’ve heard of Camilla looking down her nose at Meghan.

“She told Meghan that she didn’t like her relationship with Harry and that she should think twice before agreeing to his marriage proposal because Camilla was planning to make her life very tough,” a source tells the site.

“She’s long thought Meghan isn’t good enough for Harry and told her that she’s not welcome in the royal family.”

The site claims that Camilla isn’t keen on Meghan for the usual reasons (she’s American; she’s an actress; she stars on a basic cable show that no one watches outside of nursing homes), but there’s an additional reason for her disdain, as well:

Apparently, Meghan was in a two-year relationship with a “celebrity chef” named Corey Vilitello when she met Harry.

She promptly dropped Corey like a hot rock because “prince” beats “celebrity chef,” and Camilla thinks it was the shadiest of moves.

Markle’s own sister has accused her of being a status-obsessed social climber, and while most of her claims have been debunked, it seems Camilla is still riding the anti-Meghan train.

Based on how smitten Harry seems, we doubt Meghan has anything to worry about.


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Ariana Grande: I"m Ready to Marry Mac Miller!

Last week, a rumor that Ariana Grande is engaged to Mac Miller made the rounds on social media.

Fans were confused, as it seemed odd that the singer would make such a major decision in the midst of the trauma of the Manchester bombing, which occurred at her concert.

But tragedies have a way of bringing people closer, and insiders say Mac has been a much-needed source of love and support for Ariana during this temendously difficult time.

But while the bond between them may be stronger than ever, sources say Ariana and Mac are definitively not engaged.

That said, don’t be surprised to see if Ms. Grande makes a long-term commitment to Mac sometime in the very near future.

The engagement rumors began when fans noticed that Ariana was sporting a massive rock on her left ring finger during her benefit concert for the victims of the Manchester attack.

It turns out the ring was a gift from Mac … but the rapper has yet to pop the question.

“They aren’t engaged yet, but Mac did buy her a diamond ring, just as a gesture. Ariana made the decision to wear it on her engagement finger,” a source close to the singer tells In Touch.

The insider says that Ariana is certain she wants to spend the rest of her life with Miller, but the couple hasn’t taken the plunge just yet. 

“She’s learned that what matters most are the people that you love — and that’s Mac. She has no doubt in her mind that he’s the man she’s supposed to be with,” a source reveals.

The insider adds that Ariana has made it clear to friends and family that Mac “is the one and that she wants to marry him as soon as possible.”

Ariana and Mac started dating last summer, but those closest to the couple say it was immediately apparent that this was no mere fling.

Grande has endured some bad breakups in recent years, and insiders say those experiences have only made her more appreciative of Miller.

Mac and Ariana are both young, but this is a wedding that fans would love to see happen soon.

Here’s hoping one of our favorite celebrity couples will make good on their tentative plans to tie the knot.


Saturday, June 10, 2017

Amber Portwood: I Will NOT Marry Matt Baier!

How many issues can you have in a relationship before you finally admit that things aren’t working?

With Amber Portwood and Matt Baier, that sure seems to be the question.

They’ve been together for over two years now, and it’s just one problem after the other.

Remember when Amber found out that Matt had been lying to her about how many kids he had, and she still made excuses and kept dating him?

Then remember how he tried to pressure her into getting married in Las Vegas even though she didn’t want to?

He called her “psycho,” he said that she wanted to marry her brother instead of him, he basically humiliated her on TV, and still, she didn’t break up with him.

There have been piles and piles of rumors that he’s been cheating on her, and he even failed a lie detector test when questioned about it, but still … you guessed it.

The girl seems completely incapable of kicking this jackass to the curb, and it’s tough to watch.

But judging by what goes down in a new sneak peek for the upcoming episode of Teen Mom OG, she might finally be growing a backbone when it comes to her creep of a fiancé.

In the clip, Amber and Matt head to New York, along with the other Teen Mom cast members, for some press events.

They’re with some crew members when Matt pulls her aside, saying “Come here, I want to tell you something.”

“I’m really sorry about last night,” he begins, but Amber isn’t having it — she tells him that she knows he’s sorry.

He asks her if she forgives him, but she says “You’re sorry every other f-cking week.”

And then, Matt delivers what could very well be the most horrifying statement to ever be made on reality TV:

“Do you forgive Daddy?”

He asks her this not once, but twice — “Do you forgive Daddy?”

You’ll hear it in your nightmares, it will haunt your waking moments … you’ll never, ever be able to rid yourself of the fact that, at this moment in time, Matt Baier referred to himself as “Daddy.”

But still, Amber doesn’t care.

She says that she doesn’t forgive him, and when he asks if she still wants to marry him, she shakes her head.

He seems shocked by her answer, and asks her what she’s going to say during interviews about their relationship.

“I’ll lie right now,” she says with a shrug, but he insists, “You’ll marry me.”

She remains firm: she’s not going to do it.

“Babe, come on,” he pleads with her. “I made one mistake.”

“You made more than f-cking one mistake,” she responds. “I’m not doing it.”

Matt tells her that whatever he did, he won’t do it again, and it’s only then that Amber tells him that she’s wearing a microphone, and he might want to watch what he says.

He seems really upset by the fact that she’s wearing a microphone while they’re filming a reality show, but Amber’s low on sympathy here.

“Your ignorance,” she tells him as he walks off.

So what did Matt do that’s so bad that Amber won’t forgive him? Is this about the cheating rumors?

Is it because he feels the need to call himself “Daddy” and she just can’t live with that kind of disgusting nonsense in her life anymore?

Hopefully we’ll find out on Monday!
