Showing posts with label Odom's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Odom's. Show all posts

Friday, October 23, 2015

Khloe Kardashian: Forced to Pay Lamar Odom"s $75,000 Brothel Tab?!

In the ten days since Lamar Odom nearly died from overdosing on a cocktail of hard drugs, Khloe Kardashian has done a lot for her estranged husband. 

Khloe has been by Lamar’s side non-stop, and insiders say she even paid for him to be transported to a Los Angeles hospital so that she would be better able to care for him. 

Clearly, Khloe is devoted to Lamar and willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that he receives the best care possible. But even Khloe might balk at what’s being asked of her now:

Speaking with The Wrap recently, Love Ranch brothel owner Dennis Hof threw together a word salad that seemed to be his way of saying he plans to make Khloe pay Lamar’s hooker tab – just as she’s done for him in the past:

“I got a call from Boulevard Management asking all these questions,” Hof said. “‘What were these charges for?’ and such. So, in my mind, are they trying a way to not pay the bill? If he doesn’t, I’m going after Khloe and her husband.”

Seems like a pretty low-down thing to do to a woman who’s currently attempting to nurse her very sick husband back to health (especially since all the media attention surrounding Lamar has caused the Love Ranch’s business to more than triple), but Hof says it’s no big deal.

In fact, he claims Khloe has written checks to cover Lamar’s previous stays at the Love Ranch. He didn’t elaborate on whether this was before or after their separation.

“They need to do the honorable thing,” Hof said in conclusion. Yeah, it sounds like Dennis Hof knows a lot about honor.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Monica Monroe: I Saved Lamar Odom"s Life! I Never Gave Him Drugs!

Monica Monroe, one of the two prostitutes who found Lamar Odom unconscious last week, says she had nothing to do with his drug use.

If anything, she insists, she’s the reason he’s still alive.

Yesterday, reports surfaced that the women Lamar was with eight days ago, Madison Montag and Ryder Cherry, supplied him with drugs.

(Those names are aliases, as is Monica Monroe … whichever one she is. Monroe is in witness protection after her boyfriend’s murder.)

Whatever her name is, she tells the Daily Mail (UK):

“I didn’t do anything wrong … I saved [Odom’s] life.”

The two prostitutes found Odom and called for help, just in time to get him airlifted out of the brothel before his heart and brain shut down.

Monroe has left Nevada, distraught and scared.

“I’m not to blame at all because I didn’t do anything wrong at all,” Monroe reiterated to the site. “I feel like I saved his life by finding him.”

Before that, it sounds like quite the weekend.

According to 911 calls, Khloe Kardashian’s husband had taken at least 10 tabs of the sexual performance enhancement drug Reload.

He was also allegedly on cocaine at the time.

After being treated at Sunrise Hospital in Vegas, and given a 50-50 chance of survival, Odom pulled through and regained consciousness.

He is now at L.A.’s Cedars Sinai Hospital.

Khloe issued a statement yesterday on his condition, thanking friends and fans for support throughout the sobering and taxing ordeal.

The journey ahead is long and arduous, too.

“He’s still really, really sick,” a source said.

“There are a million things they’re doing to him still. He’s still in rough shape, not doing well. He’s talking a little, but not full sentences.”

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Khloe Kardashian: Spending MAJOR Bucks on Lamar Odom"s Recovery, Source Claims

It’s been one week since Lamar Odom was found unconscious in his VIP suite at the Love Ranch brothel in Nevada. Since then, the former NBA star has shown steady signs of improvement, but he still has a long way to go.

Yesterday, Lamar was airlifted to a hospital in Los Angeles where he will undergo a long, difficult physical therapy regimen. 

The cost of his treatment is likely to be astronomical, and though Lamar pulled in substantial earnings during his time as a pro basketball player and reality star, his estranged wife is worth far more money.

So it’s not surprising that Radar Online is reporting that Khloe Kardashian will cover the cost of Lamar’s recovery.

Sources say she began by arranging his recent air transport.

“Khloe and Kris had been working for several days to arrange the medically equipped helicopter for Lamar. As soon as the doctors said Lamar was stable enough to go, Khloe gave the green light for the transport to come to Vegas to get him.

“It was only about an hour and a half trip from Las Vegas to Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles. The cost was $ 120,000 which wasn’t covered by medical insurance.

“But Khloe had no issue paying, even though her mom questioned if Lamar could be billed directly. Khloe appreciated her mom’s concern, but told her it was already paid for, and ended the conversation.”

Many expenses that can’t be covered by insurance are certain to arise over the course of Lamar’s treatment, especially since the Kardashians are said to be seeking out the best available experts from across the country.

Insiders say Khloe has made it clear that she has no problem paying for all of it.

So much for the “Kardashian curse.” Sounds like Khloe’s reputation for compassion and loyalty is well-deserved.

Madison Montag, Ryder Cherry: Prostitutes Suspected of Supplying Lamar Odom"s With Drugs

Shortly, after the world learned that Lamar Odom was found unconscious in a Nevada brothel, workers at the Love Ranch identified the two women who may have helped save his life.

Madison Montag and Ryder Cherry were reportedly the first to discover that Odom had passed out. Witnesses say the ladies attempted to revive him and instructed another employee to call 911. 

Now, controversial Love Ranch owner Dennis Hof says the women will not receive payment for servicing Odom over the weekend, as he suspects they may have supplied the drugs that resulted in his overdose.

“They will not answer questions about Lamar or possible drug use while he was here,” Hof told TMZ. “I’m suspicious.”

That may sound shady, but it makes sense that the women wouldn’t want to risk implicating themselves legally.

Hof, of course, may have ulterior motives as the women were supposed to receive half of the $ 75,000 that Odom paid to stay at the brothel.

Adding to the suspicion is the fact that Hof has proven to be quite the shady character in the week since the incident took place.

Against the wishes of Odom’s family and friends, Hof appeared on Nancy Grace’s talk show and boasted about telling the Kardashians to “go to hell.”

He has since refused requests to refrain from giving any further interviews.

Even more disgusting is the fact that Hof has used Odom’s overdose to promote his business, charging customers $ 500 to see the room where the 35-year-old nearly died.

Now, he’s refusing to pay the women who may have literally saved Odom’s life. Yes, Dennis Hof is emerging as a late, dark horse candidate for Douche of the Year.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Khloe Kardashian: Texting James Harden From Lamar Odom"s Bedside?!

As you’ve probably heard, Lamar Odom was found unconscious in his room at the Love Ranch brothel in Pahrump, Nevada last week.

After overdosing on an extremely dangerous cocktail of drugs, Odom suffered multiple strokes and was comatose for nearly three days.

Odom’s estranged wife, Khloe Kardashian, rushed to Vegas and has reportedly been by his side ever since.

Though the couple is legally still married, they’ve been separated since 2013. Over the summer, it was revealed that Khloe is dating James Harden, a guard for the Houston Rockets.

Many assumed that Khloe had put that relationship on hold in order to attend to Lamar’s needs. Now, Radar Online is reporting that Harden is still Khloe’s top priority.

A source tells the site that James and Khloe “have been in constant communication since she arrived in Las Vegas.”

“They have mostly been exchanging text messages, and there have been phone calls too,” the insider claims. “James has been very supportive of Khloe being at Lamar’s bedside. If James wasn’t confident in his relationship with Khloe, he would be concerned.

“However, he isn’t stupid and knows that Khloe had never really gotten over Lamar. He is busy with preseason games. Khloe has all of her attention focused on Lamar and while that is to be expected, no one knows what the future holds.”

To recap: Khloe’s relationship with an NBA All-Star was recently complicated when her estranged husband emerged from his coma. 

Lamar’s situation is incredibly sad, but the fact that Khloe’s life sounds exactly like an episode of Days of Our Lives is pretty awesome.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Khloe Kardashian Blames Herself For Lamar Odom"s Overdose, Source Claims

Earlier today, Lamar Odom showed signs of life for the first time since lapsing into a coma on Tuesday night.

Despite the glimmer of hope, however, insiders say the chance that he’ll regain consciousness remains slim, as an MRI shows that Odom suffered multiple strokes before he was hospitalized, and several major organs may be damaged beyond repair.

Hospital sources say Khloe Kardashian has not left Lamar’s side since the moment he was admitted. She’s reportedly devastated with grief, and the reasons may go beyond her love and concern for her estranged husband.

“Khloe is absolutely inconsolable right now and she is crying hysterically non-stop,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online. “She’s saying that if she never started dating James than none of this would have happened.”

Yes, according to the source, Khloe believes her relationship with James Harden caused Lamar to spiral out of control.

Odom has dealt with substance abuse issues for his entire life, but workers at the Love Ranch brothel where he was found unconscious say that Lamar was “fixated” on Khloe in the days leading up to his overdose.

Lamar’s difficulty in getting over his failed marriage is well documented, and he was reportedly watched Keeping Up With the Kardashians and brooded over his love for Khloe the week of his collapse.

Obviously, Khloe is in no way to blame for Lamar’s overdose, but it’s not hard to see how her grief might be exacerbated by feelings of guilt.

Khloe Kardashian, Liza Morales: Fighting Over Lamar Odom"s $10 Million Life Insurance Policy?

It’s been almost three days since Lamar Odom was found unconscious in his suite at the Love Ranch brothel in Nevada.

It was reported yesterday that doctors have declared Odom brain dead, and despite showing occasional signs of life, they continue to believe that he has little chance of emerging from his coma.

Shortly after he was hospitalized, it was revealed that Odom is still married to Khloe Kardashian, despite the fact that they’ve been estranged for over two years.

This means that Khloe may soon be in the position of making difficult medical legal decisions on Lamar’s behalf.

Radar Online reports that Khloe is the beneficiary of Lamar’s $ 10 million life insurance policy. She will also receive a large portion of his estate which at one point was valued at $ 100 million.

(That number is probably significantly diminished now, as Lamar has not received any substantial income in nearly two years.)

“Khloe was to receive a majority of that,” says one insider. “His kids were of course included in the will, but it’s understood they were to only receive a small portion compared to Khloe.”

The terms of Odom’s will put Khloe in a strange predicament, as she’s worth far more than he is, and Odom has two children to support.

The children’s mother, Liza Morales, is reportedly already mounting a legal offensive in order to secure as much of Odom’s estate for herself and her children as she can.

Khloe certainly doesn’t need the money, but she and Morales are not exactly close friends (It’s been widely reported that Odom cheated with Morales while before he and Khloe were separated.), so she may not be too keen on the idea of giving the woman a 9-figure gift.

Many expect that Khloe will give Liza a sizable enough chunk of Lamar’s estate to effectively make her go away. But if Liza wants the whole thing, Khloe might have an ugly legal battle ahead of her.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Khloe Kardashian Stays By Lamar Odom"s Bedside as Rest of Family Leaves Las Vegas

It’s been two days since Lamar Odom was found unconscious in his suite at the Love Ranch brothel in Nevada.

Shortly after the news broke, Khloe Kardashian rushed to be Lamar’s side, and the rest of her family followed suit shortly thereafter.

Now, TMZ is reporting that the most of the Kardashian-Jenner family is returning to Southern California, but Khloe has no intention of leaving Las Vegas while Lamar’s life hangs in the balance.

Sources say Khloe’s mother and sisters boarded a private jet bound for LAX just moments ago.

Apparently, Kim has an appointment with a pregnancy specialist who flew to LA just to meet with her. Several family members have reportedly assured Khloe that they’ll return to Vegas to provide emotional support as soon as possible.

The only Kardashian-Jenner siblings who have not yet visited Lamar are Rob, who remains in seclusion, and Kendall, who was in London when she received news of Lamar and is reportedly headed back to Vegas to visit him today.

Insiders are now reporting that Lamar was on a week-long bender just prior to his collapse. Workers at various Vegas hotspots claim to have seen Odom binging on alcohol, cocaine and opiates with little regard for his health.

As he approaches 48 hours in a coma, doctors are putting Odom’s chances of survival at 50/50.

We’ll keep you updated on his condition as more information becomes avilable.