Friday, October 16, 2015

Khloe Kardashian Blames Herself For Lamar Odom"s Overdose, Source Claims

Earlier today, Lamar Odom showed signs of life for the first time since lapsing into a coma on Tuesday night.

Despite the glimmer of hope, however, insiders say the chance that he’ll regain consciousness remains slim, as an MRI shows that Odom suffered multiple strokes before he was hospitalized, and several major organs may be damaged beyond repair.

Hospital sources say Khloe Kardashian has not left Lamar’s side since the moment he was admitted. She’s reportedly devastated with grief, and the reasons may go beyond her love and concern for her estranged husband.

“Khloe is absolutely inconsolable right now and she is crying hysterically non-stop,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online. “She’s saying that if she never started dating James than none of this would have happened.”

Yes, according to the source, Khloe believes her relationship with James Harden caused Lamar to spiral out of control.

Odom has dealt with substance abuse issues for his entire life, but workers at the Love Ranch brothel where he was found unconscious say that Lamar was “fixated” on Khloe in the days leading up to his overdose.

Lamar’s difficulty in getting over his failed marriage is well documented, and he was reportedly watched Keeping Up With the Kardashians and brooded over his love for Khloe the week of his collapse.

Obviously, Khloe is in no way to blame for Lamar’s overdose, but it’s not hard to see how her grief might be exacerbated by feelings of guilt.