Showing posts with label Orders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Orders. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Leah Messer: Slammed For Ignoring Doctor"s Orders About Daughter Ali

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you know that Leah Messer occasionally struggles with the demands of raising three young children as a single mom.

And by “occasionally struggles,” we mean that she constantly seems to be on the verge of hopping into her SUV and never coming back.

Already this season we’ve seen Leah suffer a breakdown over the possibility of running a few minutes late for an appointment, and subsequent episodes have led fans to wonder if she’s up to the task of sharing custody of all three of her daughters.

Leah’s stress over time management is understandable, as she lost custody of her twin daughters back in 2015, in large part because she consistently struggled to get them to school on time.

Unfortunately, she doesn’t apply that same vigilance to other areas of her life, as evidenced by her unwillingness to follow orders when it comes to her daughter Ali.

As fans of the show know, Ali – one of Leah’s two daughters with Corey Simms – suffers from muscular dystrophy.

The condition requires her to use a wheelchair much of the time and wear a helmet when she’s not using her chair.

Unfortunately, it seems that both Leah and Corey have been ignoring the very important orders of their doctor with regard to Ali’s use of her helmet.

MTV cameras have spotted Ali walking around without the proper protection, and Leah struggling in vain to convince her daughter to wear the helmet.

Not surprisingly, fans have been highly critical of Leah for what they feel is an appalling lack of concern for her daughter’s safety:

“Dr. Tsao prob watches #teenmom2 and cringes at fact that Leah and especially Corey don’t take his professional advice serious! Ali needs help,” one viewer tweeted.

“Leah should not be asking her daughter if she wants to wear her helmet. She needs to make her for her own safety!” wrote another one.

For his part, Simms has defended giving his daughter more freedom than doctors recommend, stating that he’s optimistic her condition is improving:

“I’ve seen a lot more positive out of Ali,” Simms said recently.

“I’m still holding onto the faith that she’s going to improve more.”

Well, at least this time Leah doesn’t have to worry about Simms using her actions as justification for another custody battle.


Friday, November 18, 2016

Mick Jagger -- Sympathy for the Waiter ... Orders Big, Tips Bigger

Mick Jagger loosens the ol’ belt when he’s eating out, and doesn’t skimp on gratuities … as the staff at a high-end Chinese joint quickly learned. Eyewitnesses at Philippe Chow in NYC tell TMZ Mick popped in earlier this week for a quick meal with…


Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Guy Orders Milkshake at McDonald"s, Then S--t Gets Really Weird

Josh Raby, the creator of a web series called Local Air, just wanted a milkshake from McDonald"s late at night over the weekend.

He got a lot more than he bargained for.

Fortunately for us, Raby live-tweeted his McDonald"s experience late Sunday night, as one weird exchange gave way to the next.

"It"s 1AM and I decided I wanted a milkshake. So there"s a McDonald"s near my house," Raby told his Twitter followers.

"I"m greeted at the drive thru by the following sentence: "Hey holy s–t hello, you are at McDonald"s, and I am begging your patience.""

Holy s–t? It only got weirder from there …

1. Have Patience?

Have patience

Praise you?

2. Milkshake.


If only it were so simple.

3. I Need a Minute

I need a minute

For your non-descript milkshake.

4. I Do Have Apple Pies

I do have apple pies

Okay then …

5. Are You OK?

Are you ok

I’m not OK. (Clearly.)

6. How About a Chicken Sandwich?

How about a chicken sandwich

That was just asking for confusion.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Soldier Charged with Murder Orders Photos with Dead Daughter

A soldier from Fort Bragg, N.C., charged with killing her 2-year-old daughter ordered photos of herself at her late daughter’s grave site.

Jeanie Ditty, 23, is seen with an angelic likeness of her little girl superimposed by her side in this amazing, albeit eerie photo by Sunny Jo:

Mom, Angelic Daughter

The photos were commissioned a month after the killing according to People. Ditty and boyfriend Zachary Keefer face murder charges.

Both were arrested for the first-degree murder of Macy Grace and also face charges of negligent child abuse inflicting serious bodily injury.

They were arrested last week. Police say the child was taken to Cape Fear Valley Medical Center in North Carolina on December 2, 2015.

There, medical staff discovered bruises all over her body.

“It was life threatening injuries consistent with child abuse,” Fayetteville Police Department officer Antoine Kincade tells the magazine.

Tragically, Macy died two days later. Kincade says:

“An investigation was initiated and it was determined after the autopsy the child died of injuries sustained as a result of the mother and her boyfriend.”

As for the photo shown above, Pennsylvania photographer Sunny Jo captured Ditty next to an angelic looking Macy at her grave site.

Jo says he reached out to Ditty on December 7, three days after the child’s death, and a month later she asked him to create the pictures.

“She is 23 years old and that is young to lose a child,” he says. “And I just felt for her. This was terrible. This poor girl just lost her daughter.”

“This must be the most heartbreaking thing in the world. So when she asked me to do the photos I said absolutely,” he tells People.

“I just knew that one way or another I wanted to get the pictures done for what I thought at the time was a grieving mother.”

She did offer to pay ($ 500), but “out of the goodness of my heart I said, ‘No, I can’t let you pay for this,” the photographer says.

His reasoning was simple: “I thought to myself, ‘Sunny you can’t charge someone who just went through this.’ She loved them.”

Obviously, he was later shocked to learn that Ditty was charged with murder, and that fact has kept him up nights. His take on it now:

“I couldn’t sleep since this happened. The only thing that helps me out is me thinking I didn’t do it for Jeanie I did it for the spirit of Macy.”

“The only thing I was trying to do was help a grieving mother. I just wanted to make someone happy who was going through a tough time.”

Monday, March 21, 2016

Jana Duggar: Still Following Sisters" Orders in New Counting On Preview

There was a time when very little was known about Jana Duggar, the eldest girl in the 19 Kids and Counting clan.

Though she appeared in the long-running TLC series as often as her many siblings, Jana seemed to sort of blend into the background.

Eventually, however, astute fans of the show began to take notice of Jana"s role in the family, and some became concerned that the 26-year-old is being taken advantage of.

As her younger sisters began to marry and start families, Jana remained single

Rumors about Jana being forced to do household chores and help raise her younger siblings began to pop up on social media.

Some even went so far as to suggest she felt pressured to stay at home, assist her parents, and put her own life on hold.

With the debut of Jill and Jessa: Counting On, there were reports that a courtship for Jessa would be featured on the Duggar family"s new series.

Thus far, however, we"ve just seen more of put-upon Jana taking a backseat to her younger siblings.

This week"s episode promised fans the chance to "get to know Jana," but the preview featured below offers more of what we"ve already seen of "the Cinderella Duggar."

The clip shows her siblings speaking about her in glowing terms – while basically putting her to work:

"When it comes to getting something done, you"ve gotta get Jana involved," Jessa gushes, while Jana assists her with a home improvement project.

"She has her times where she"ll put her input in, but then sometimes she"ll just be quiet and kind of sit in the background," says Joy-Anna when asked to assess her sister"s personality.

Check out the sneak peek below for more of Jana"s strange relationship with her sisters, and watch Jill and Jessa: Counting On online to get caught up in time for Tuesday"s episode.

Jana duggar still following sisters orders in new counting on pr

Friday, March 18, 2016

Leah Messer: IGNORING Doctor"s Orders About Ailing Daughter?!

Earlier this week, MTV released a preview for the upcoming season of Teen Mom 2 that showed Leah Messer receiving some devastating medical news about her daughter Aliannah, who suffers from muscular dystrophy.

In the clip, a doctor informed Leah and her first husband, Corey Simms, that Aliannah’s trouble with walking will likely only increase as she gets older, and that she should begin using her power wheelchair on a regular basis both to get accustomed to the controls and to minimize her risk of injury.

Now, an insider tells Radar Online that Leah and Corey have not followed the doctor’s orders, and Aliannah continues to walk on her own, both at home and at school. 

“Ali has her wheelchair available, but she only uses it for long distances,” says a source close to Leah. “She’s usually on her feet.”

The insider adds that the sad situation is made even more difficult by the fact that Aliannah’s twin sister, Aleeah, is healthy and incredibly active, and Aliannah wants to participate in all of the same activities she sees her sister enjoying.

Leah reportedly doesn’t have the heart to tell Aliannah to stay off her feet and use her wheelchair, and frankly, we don’t blame her.

It’s hard to imagine a more heartbreaking thing for a young mother than being asked to confine her 6-year-old to a wheelchair when the child is (for the time being, at least) capable of walking on her own.

Rumors that Leah is depressed and neglecting basic duties such as keeping her house clean have been circulating for weeks, and now it looks as though we may now the cause of her lethargy.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive some of Leah’s happier moments with her girls.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Kim Davis Is Allegedly Still Altering Marriage Licenses And Interfering With Court Orders, According To A Deputy County Clerk!

Well so much for Kim Davis finding a compromise…

According to reports, the disgraced county clerk from Rowan County, Kentucky, is once again interfering with court orders — and apparently altering marriage licenses!

Related: Find Out Why So Many People Are Kissing For Kim Davis!

Brian Mason, the deputy clerk for Rowan County, has told reporters that:

“[Davis] may have altered forms used in the marriage licensing process, raising questions over the validity of licenses issued in the county.”

Of course, Davis — who was jailed for five days after she refused to do her job and issue marriage licenses — now appears to be violating the very condition that took her out of jail.

Mason goes on to claim more:

“[Davis] handed out an altered form that did not include her name and does not mention the county.”

According to Mason’s lawyer, Richard Hughes, that’s a problem:

“Those changes were made in some attempt to circumvent the court’s orders and may have raised to the level of interference against the court’s orders.”

That’s disgusting. Supposedly, Davis’ crusade was about her “religious freedom,” but now that the state of Kentucky has found a way to provide her with her own freedom of religion and allow same-sex couples to marry as is the law, Davis finds another way to get involved…

That just proves that this has never been about Davis’ religious freedoms, but rather her straight up bigotry against same-sex couples.

[Image via ABC.]