Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Guy Orders Milkshake at McDonald"s, Then S--t Gets Really Weird

Josh Raby, the creator of a web series called Local Air, just wanted a milkshake from McDonald"s late at night over the weekend.

He got a lot more than he bargained for.

Fortunately for us, Raby live-tweeted his McDonald"s experience late Sunday night, as one weird exchange gave way to the next.

"It"s 1AM and I decided I wanted a milkshake. So there"s a McDonald"s near my house," Raby told his Twitter followers.

"I"m greeted at the drive thru by the following sentence: "Hey holy s–t hello, you are at McDonald"s, and I am begging your patience.""

Holy s–t? It only got weirder from there …

1. Have Patience?

Have patience

Praise you?

2. Milkshake.


If only it were so simple.

3. I Need a Minute

I need a minute

For your non-descript milkshake.

4. I Do Have Apple Pies

I do have apple pies

Okay then …

5. Are You OK?

Are you ok

I’m not OK. (Clearly.)

6. How About a Chicken Sandwich?

How about a chicken sandwich

That was just asking for confusion.

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