Showing posts with label Quit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quit. Show all posts

Monday, August 6, 2018

Jenelle Evans: MTV Won"t Let Me Quit Teen Mom 2!

Jenelle Evans is many things.

She"s obnoxious, irritating, a terrible mother … hell, she might be a full-blown sociopath.

But unfortunately for those who are hoping that she"ll soon go away forever, Jenelle is also a rating s magnet.

It"s for that reason that — despite the many reports of Jenelle being fired from Teen Mom 2 — she continues to have a job at MTV.

However, that may soon change, thanks to a contract dispute that has Mrs. Evans-Eason very publicly biting the hand that feeds her.

Jump into the gallery below to bear witness to Jenelle"s attempts to piss off her bosses so badly that they"ll finally kick her to the curb …

1. Jenelle’s Hell

Jenelley evans

Jenelle says she has lots of other job offers but is unable to take advantage of them due to the fact that she’s stuck in a contract with MTV.

2. Talking Trash

Jenelle evans eye roll

Jenelle is basically begging her bosses to fire her at this point, and she’s being even more difficult than usual in hopes of making that happen.

3. Holding Out

Jenelle evans in glasses

On Sunday, Jenelle informed fans that she’s not currently filming, but is unable to officially part wats with the show due to her contract.

4. Trump Speak

Trump speak

“Have lots of offers from many different people, but you have to turn them down when you’re locked in a contract. #Annoying” she tweeted.

5. Keeping Surprisingly Cool

Jenelle evans instagram pic

When a fan cast doubts on Jenelle’s dubious claims, the Carolina Hurricane responded in surprisingly civil fashion.

6. Keepin’ It Real?

Keepin it real

“Just clarifying rumors,” Evans tweeted. Although there are many who doubt the truthfulness of her claims …

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Sunday, July 29, 2018

Mackenzie Standifer: Quit Bullying Me Over Ryan Edwards and KISS MY ASS!

It’s been nearly a week now since Ryan Edwards was arrested, which means he’s spent nearly a week in jail.

It’s been a weird, sad time, right?

There have been conflicting reports about the reason for the arrest, with many reports claiming that he’d been caught with heroin again.

Other reports say that he was taken to jail for violating his probation by missing a court date back in May.

Either way, Ryan violated probation, which isn’t great, considering it’s the second time he’s done so.

Remember, the original arrest for possession of heroin happened last year, and he was placed on probation for a year.

When he was nearly done with that, he was arrested for failing a drug test with heroin in his system, and he was given six more months of probation.

So at this point, it seems pretty clear that probation isn’t working so great, which is probably why he’s being held without bond this time around.

His court date is set for August 6th, so he’ll be hanging out in jail for at least a little while longer.

So what’s his pregnant wife, Mackenzie Standifer, doing until then?

Doing photo shoots and telling off haters, apparently.

Remember earlier this year when she gave her Instagram account to her photographer friend?

She took it back recently, and she’s been sharing some photos of her baby bump, which is getting pretty big now, considering she’s due in October.

It seems like sometime in the past few days, she posed for some photos with her friend.

She shared this one on Instagram:

In her caption, she wrote “She has a kind soul, but a cold [heart emoji].”

Later, she edited it to add “This isn’t a new revelation, I’ve always been the ice queen.”

It’s not hard to figure out why she’s talking like this: a whole, whole lot of Teen Mom OG fans hate her.

A lot.

Some fans hate her so much that they blame her for Ryan’s drug use, because she’s an enabler, see?

She’s also been seen talking trash about Maci Bookout several times on the show, which hasn’t done anything for her popularity, either.

And that’s why the vast majority of the comments on her new post are so negative.

“You know it’s harder to be a bitch than it is to be nice and loving,” someone told her. “It’s nothing to be proud of.”

“Ice queen mom and drug addict convict dad,” another person wrote. “That poor baby.”

One person told her “I hope the father of your child sobers the hell up!”, and another pointed out “your husband is in jail and u taking pictures.”

One of her followers got super direct, telling her “Girl, get your f-cking head out of your ass and grow the f-ck up.”

Finally, Mackenzie’s photographer jumped into the fray to defend her friend, writing “I’d like to meet a single troll on this post who has a job, isn’t an addict themselves, isn’t miserable, and isn’t completely insecure.”

“You all have some major soul/hobby searching to do if putting down a hurting mom to be makes you feel satisfied or content.”

“She might have had TV time,” she continued, “but she is still human trying to figure sh-t out.”

“If you don’t know her personally your comments are baseless and a way to compensate for the sh-t in your own life.”

The friend actually made several comments on the post, and in one she wrote “Mack is one of the most selfless people I know.”

“She sees the best in people and is SO freaking loyal it’s blinding. You don’t know her, and you don’t want to.”

She went on and on about how wonderful Mackenzie is, and how nobody knows the kind of person she truly is, but before too long, Mackenzie herself stepped in to call her off.

“Lol these little phone bullies who have nothing better to do than comment ignorance on a picture can kiss my ass,” she began.

She suggested that the people “drilling me with facts you think you know about myself and my husband” take some time from doing that to “go volunteer your services at your local clinic/hospital/medical school research team.”

“I’m sure they’d be happy to have you and the breadth of your knowledge.”

So much sass in one little comment, right?

We imagine that she’s been hearing and seeing lots and lots of negativity since Ryan’s arrest — and also, you know, for almost the entire time she’s been with Ryan.

It’s understandable that she’d snap after a point.

Hopefully in addition to going off on strangers on social media, she’s also dealing with everything that’s happening in a healthier way.

After all, if Ryan’s going to be staying in jail for a while, she’s going to need to pull everything together to have that baby of theirs.

Best of luck, Mack.


Saturday, July 21, 2018

Ryan and Mackenzie Edwards to MTV: Suck It! We Quit!

Teen Mom OG continues to undergo a massive cast overhaul.

In the most stunning news of the week, Bristol Palin confirmed that she’s coming on board Season 8 of this long-running MTV franchise.

And now Ryan Edwards and Mackenzie Edwards have their own statement to make…

… they will NOT be interacting with Palin when new episodes premiere later this year.

For what reason? Because the couple is leaving Teen Mom OG behind.

But not before hurling producers far under the bus first.

Following weeks’ worth of rumors about their status on the series — Would Ryan step away to focus on rehab? Did Palin’s addition force Ryan out? — the couple released a statement to E! News that shot down all of this chatter.

In doing so, Mackenzie and Ryan made it clear they are finished filming… while doing all they could to paint the show in a negative light.

“We’re not returning to Teen Mom this season. The network told us they don’t want to show Ryan as a recovering addict,” Mackenzie told E!, making a rather scathing accusation.

She wasn’t done making it, either:

“But they did want to enter a contract with our unborn baby and have the baby film with Ryan’s parents so it would look like someone else is raising it.”

Uhhhh, excuse you?!?

Mackenzie is pregnant with the twosome’s first child, this much is true.

However, she’s really claiming here that producers were hoping JUST the baby, and not its parents, would appear on Season 8?!? Wow.

Ryan, who has wrestled with substance abuse for nearly as long he’s been in the spotlight and who was arrested earlier this year for heroin possession, also talked to the aforementioned outlet.

The ex-husband of star Maci Bookout, with whom he shares a son named Bentley, Edwards argues that executives refused to let him stand on his own.

He alleges they only wanted him to appear again on Teen Mom OG under the condition that Bookout essentially speak for him. And he was not having that.

Not when his ex has laid down her version of the law to him.

“They also want to take Maci’s word on how I’m doing,” Ryan says. “Maci’s said she’s not going to film unless I enter rehab again and quit the show.

“But I’m sober.”

Mackenzie went on to explain that the couple was told Teen Mom OG is trying to recreate the dramatic magic of Teen Mom 2.

“I know they did want five girls to begin with after Farrah [Abraham] left to sort of resemble Teen Mom 2,” she says, adding:

“But they didn’t want to see another recovering addict storyline. So they’re writing us out of the show right now and making it seem like we dipped out on our baby, on Bentley and on everyone.

“And that’s just not the case.”

As for other details of their departure?

“The show had been paying for my healthcare and for the baby so they could film the visits and then a week ago they let me know that would no longer be the case,” Mackenzie tells E! News.

“They’re not going to film the birth. We’re not going to be on at all. Maci can’t speak to Ryan and Ryan can’t speak to Maci – that was a mutual decision.

“But she doesn’t know what’s going on in our lives.”

Mackenzie says she and Ryan are finished with the program, even if producers approached them down the line to return.

Neither wife nor husband says their decision has anything at all to do with Bristol Palin, who has said the following about her addition to the cast:

“I am excited to join MTV’s Teen Mom OG. I look forward to sharing my experiences and hope that I can help others on their journey.”

Will she actually help viewers?

That remains to be seen.

But we’ll be tuning in each week to find out, that’s for sure!


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

David Eason to Jenelle Evans: Quit Teen Mom 2 or I"m Quitting You!

It"s been eight months since Jenelle Evans" husband, David Eason, was fired from Teen Mom 2, but as production generally lags a few months behind real time, we"re just now seeing our first David-free episodes.

Fans might like what they"re seeing, but not surprisingly, it seems Eason is not a fan.

In fact, he"s reportedly taken a hard-line anti-Teen Mom stance and informed Jenelle that she has to choose between reality TV stardom and her marriage.

Seems like a no-brainer to us, but Jenelle is reportedly having a hard time with the decision.

Here"s what we know so far:

1. Angry Dave

David eason allergic to shirts

Eason was fired back in November of 2017 after launching a homophobic tirade against fans of TM2 who criticized his insensitivity toward victims of the Parkland, Florida school shooting.

2. Crossroads

Jenelle evans instagram pic

Jenelle continued to film in the weeks after David was fired, but she has yet to sign a contract for another season of the show.

3. The Ultimatum

Jenelle eason and david eason pic

Now, Eason has reportedly issued an ultimatum to his controversial wife and forcing her to choose between her husband and her career.

4. Laying It on the Line

David jenelle eason

“David is telling Jenelle to quit the show, since he can’t be on it,” a source close to the couple tells Radar Online.

5. The Small Matter of Money

David eason on insta

Considering David and Jenelle have five kids between them, it’s understandable that Jenelle isn’t too eager to cut off the family’s sole source of income. But David has apparently assured her that everything will be just fine …

6. Oh, Well In That Case…

Jenelle evans david eason on instagram

“David tells Jenelle that they will be fine if she’s not on the show,” the source said. “However, she has no other way to make money. All of her endorsement deals fall through.”

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Thursday, July 5, 2018

Jenelle Evans: I"m Actually Going to Quit Teen Mom 2, Dude, I Swear to God!

Jenelle Evans knows how to throw a fit.

If there"s one thing in this whole entire world she knows, it"s that.

Well, it"s that or proper bong maintenance.

Yep, Jenelle can throw a fit like it"s her job, because in a way, it is. She"s definitely brought the drama during her many years on Teen Mom 2, and we"re all so thankful for that.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and while her brand of drama was never exactly good, we can probably all agree that it"s gotten uncomfortably terrible at this point.

So it might actually be for the best that all signs are pointing to Jenelle being done with MTV.

For real this time.

1. Where to Begin?

Where to begin

So … it’s been a bit of a week for Jenelle. And yeah, you could probably say that most weeks out of the year with some accuracy, but these past few days have been especially eventful.

2. As Always, Poor Kaiser

Jenelle and kaiser birthday pic

Sometime last week, precious little Kaiser went to spend some time with Nathan Griffith and his mother, Doris. And after they noticed some bruising on the child, they decided to take action.

3. Here We Go

Nathan griffith shirtless

Nathan reportedly sent David Eason a text to let him know that he believed he’d been abusing Kaiser, and Doris made a police report. She also told Jenelle that she wouldn’t be returning Kaiser to her that Sunday as planned.

4. Too Sad

Nathan griffith with kaiser

A 911 call that Nathan made has also been released, and during that conversation, he can be heard claiming that Kaiser had told him that “David hit him with a stick.”

5. Go, Doris!

David jenelle eason

When Sunday came, Doris kept her word — she refused to drop Kaiser off with Jenelle and David. And Jenelle, well, she got real aggravated, dude. Enough that she called the police and drug them down to Doris’ house to settle things.

6. Tough Break

Jenelle hearts drugs

The poor officer who dealt with this mess got child protective services involved, and the CPS agent determined that while Kaiser did have bruising, there wasn’t any definitive proof that the bruises were due to abuse, so there was nothing she could do.

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Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Threatening to Quit Teen Mom 2 for David Eason?!

Realistically, how many times can Jenelle Evans threaten to leave Teen Mom 2 before she actually does it, or before MTV has enough and fires her?

As of right now, it looks like that can happen infinity times.

This girl really loves "quitting" the show for any old reason, but so far, she"s obviously never gone through with it.

And at this point, it feels like it"s high time MTV calls her bluff.

At the very least, it feels like it"s time for Farrah Abraham to step in and turn Jenelle"s talking words into fighting words, after these statements Jenelle made about her …

1. Well, Jenellllllle …

Jenelle evans smirks

This is Jenelle Evans. She makes bad choices, almost exclusively.

2. The Worst

Jenelle evans kissy face with david eason

It’s hard to say what her worst choice has been, since she’s made so very many, but lately, it’s starting to feel more and more like getting with David Eason could be it.

3. So, SO Bad

Jenelle eason and david eason pic

David is controlling, many Teen Mom 2 fans think he could be abusive, and he’s just not a great person. He proved that by making those horrific homophobic tweets that got him fired from the show.

4. Also, Balloons

David eason on insta

And when talking about David’s awfulness, we can never not mention the balloon incident, right? You know, that time he flipped out at an MTV event because no more alcohol was being served, then took out a pocket knife and stabbed some balloons near some crew members.

5. Ugh

Jenelle eason david eason

David is just bad news, that’s what we’re getting at here.

6. Worth It?

Jenelle evans a selfie

So bad that he may end up being the reason Jenelle finally loses that sweet, sweet MTV gig.

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Friday, May 25, 2018

Briana DeJesus: I Quit Teen Mom 2 Because of Kailyn Lowry!

In some ways, the ladies of Teen Mom 2 are like method actors or professional wrestlers.

Once they decide on a persona that works for them, they never break character.

Some of the moms present their authentic selves to the world, while others crank the drama up to 11 even when the cameras aren"t rolling.

There"s nothing wrong with that, of course.

We"re sure MTV appreciates that level of devotion, and fans have fun trying to determine who"s being "real," and who"s merely displaying a Daniel Day-Lewis-like commitment to the art of drama.

Take the news that Briana DeJesus has quit Teen Mom 2, for example.

Is it legit, or — as so many believe — is she just having some fun with fans?

Here"s what we know so far:

1. One Bonkers Reunion

Briana confronts kail

This year’s reunion show was taped in NYC over the weekend, and as usual, it was a complete sh-tshow. In fact, Briana says TM2 as we know it is officially dunz-o.

2. Her Mortal Enemy

Kail has no sh ts to give

Briana clashed with Kail in a big way. The co-stars almost came to blows on two separate occasions but were subdued by security guards both times.

3. Mafia Rules

Briana d pic

Briana reportedly told Kail that she was pissed because Lowry broke the rules of engagement by going after her kids. Kail denied it, but Bri pressed on with that complaint.

4. Yeah, Well…

Jenelle evans and briana dejesus

“Briana told Kail that she only did it because Kail talks about her kids, which Kail denied,” a source told The Ashley’s Reality Roundup. “Briana then said something like ‘That may be true but you do talk about Jenelle [Evans]’ kids, and that’s not right either.”

5. Clear Instructions

Kail pic

Kail didn’t deny involving Jenelle’s kids in their feud, but she made it clear she was no longer interested in debating the matter. “That has nothing to do with you,” Lowry reportedly said. “Get up now because I’m going to beat your ass.”

6. Bluff Called

Briana drama

Bri says she knew from the start that Kail didn’t really want to fight. “Kail knew what she was doing,” Briana told The Ashley. “In that meeting alone she could have jumped across the table because we were at arm’s reach but she decided to walk around it where all the guards were.” Of course, that wasn’t the end of the weekend’s drama …

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Wednesday, May 23, 2018

John David Duggar: First In His Family to Quit Reality TV?!

In recent weeks, there’s been much talk of the small-scale rebellion taking place within the Duggar family.

Fans seem to be convinced that it all started when Jinger Duggar began wearing pants in direct defiance of her family’s famously strict dress code.

According to this narrative, other Duggar kids then followed in Jinger’s footsteps, including newly-engaged Josiah Duggar, who – according to a source close to the family – is widely expected to be “the next [Duggar] to bust out.”

But this version of events overlooks the original Duggar rebel, the one who’s been rejecting elements of his father’s lifestyle so quietly and for so long that he his insurgence went mostly unnoticed.

We’re talking, of course, about the Silent Duggar himself, John David Duggar.

Even if you’ve been watching the family’s reality shows from day one, you may not know much about JDD.

And what you do know has probably been filtered through the Duggar PR machine:

John David is Michelle and Jim Bob’s second-oldest son, the twin brother of fan favorite Jana Duggar.

From a professional standpoint, he’s the most active of all the Duggars, working as a pilot, firefighter and sheriff’s deputy in his free time.

And it seems it’s the duties of that last post that have brought John David into conflict with his domineering dad.

As we reported earlier, Jim Bob’s efforts to control the town he lives in by purchasing both large tracts of land and politicians reportedly don’t sit well with John David, who’s sworn to uphold law and order.

Add to that the widespread reports that John David is disgusted by Jim Bob’s greed, and it’s not hard to see why so many are convinced the 28-year-old has already begun distancing himself from his family’s social media empire.

Interestingly, in a recent interview, John David has confirmed that he will appear in the new season of Counting On, which premieres this summer.

But he would not comment on his future on the show beyond that.

Instead, when asked about his future, he mostly focused on faith and family:

“Future plans would be to, I think, one day, you know, the Lord will bring the right one along, and I’ll start a family and hopefully be able to invest in their lives and raise up a generation that will be great people for this society,” John David remarked.

The comment has fueled speculation that John David is courting, which may have influenced his decision to be the first in his family to willingly leave the world of television behind.

Whatever the case, we wouldn’t be surprised if John David is actually the first to “bust out.”

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, May 21, 2018

Briana DeJesus on Kailyn Lowry Fight: MTV Set Me Up and I QUIT!

As you may have heard, there was a little incident that took place in the Teen Mom universe this weekend.

A pretty huge incident, actually.

We"re talking, of course, about how Kailyn Lowry and Briana DeJesus decided to pull a Farrah Abraham and Amber Portwood at the taping of the Teen Mom 2 reunion on Saturday.

And by "pulling a Farrah Abraham and Amber Portwood," we mean their feud got physical.

So far, we"ve heard reports from sources about what went down, and Kailyn"s offered a few words of explanation.

But now Briana is telling us exclusively the full, detailed story about what happened.

And it is INTENSE.

1. A Feud for the Ages

Briana dejesus on mtv

Right, so Briana and Kailyn haven’t gotten along for several months now. They’ve never really been friends — remember, Briana just recently joined the Teen Mom 2 cast — but things got way, way worse when Briana and Javi started getting involved romantically.

2. Dang It, Disney

Javi marroquin and briana dejesus

As we saw on the season premiere, their issues began when Kailyn learned that what she thought was a boys’ trip to Disney World with Javi and her sons was actually a vacation with Briana and her family.

3. Girl Code

Javi kailyn and kids

Kailyn thought it was shady of Javi not to tell her that Briana would be there (and it definitely was), but for some reason she seemed to take more of an issue with Briana. She thought she should have told her herself about the trip and about her relationship with Javi, since they’re co-workers.

4. Not So Much

Briana d pic

Briana disagreed, explaining that there was never a “girl code” between them because they’re not friends, and besides, it wasn’t her place to tell her about the Disney trip, it was Javi’s.

5. Getting Nasty

Kailyns not having it

All that happened in August, and the last Teen Mom 2 reunion happened in October, and as we’ve been seeing on the show, tensions were high. Kailyn and Briana ended up arguing over Javi — Briana told her that she was just upset because he’s moved on, but Kailyn denied it.

6. Super, Super Messy

Kail has no sh ts to give

We still haven’t seen all of that fight, but we do know that Javi finally gets involved. We did see Kailyn arguing with Briana’s sister and mother, and then we saw her sit down with Chelsea and Leah and apparently ask for Briana and Jenelle to be kicked off the show, so we know that they didn’t exactly make up.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Raquel Pennington "Glad My Corner Didn"t Let Me Quit"

UFC fighter Raquel Pennington says she would have been “devastated” if her corner would have thrown in the towel during UFC 224 … saying, “I’m glad they didn’t let me quit.” Pennington’s corner has been under fire for not throwing in the towel…


Friday, May 11, 2018

Lil Tay Drops Mama Joke on TMZ Photog, While Her Mom Has to Quit Job

Lil Tay’s talking serious smack about mamas — especially the one who birthed our camera guy — but her own mother suddenly has employment issues … due to Tay’s antics. The foul-mouthed 9-year-old rapper strolled into Mastro’s Steakhouse in Bev…


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Khloe Kardashian: Is She About to Quit Reality TV?!?

Khloe Kardashian is about to be a first-time mother.

But is she also about to be a final-time reality television star?

Or something to that effect?

What we’re trying to say is that a new In Touch Weekly report suggests that Khloe is reevaluating her life and the way she spends her time, as she counts down the days until her daughter arrives.

And while it may sound extreme, one consideration Khloe is weighing is whether or not to keep having every detail of her existence captured on camera all the time.

She may very well walk away from Keeping Up with the Kardashians this year, a source tells this tabloid.

Khloe has reached the point where she’s ready to put family first,” says the insider.

Kardashian has been a full-time cast member since 2007, which is also the year she got arrested for DUI, even saying later on about this incident:

“That’s one of those times you wish you didn’t have cameras on you.”

Khloe also starred in a spinoff with husband Lamar Odom back in the day…

… and we all know how that marriage turned out, don’t we?

In other words: Khloe may have finally realized that the millions she earns each year is not worth this invasion of privacy, especially when she will soon have a tiny human being to care for.

“The show is a full-time job that involves being filmed from the first thing in the morning until late at night,” In Touch adds, continuing as follows:

“After 10 years, she’s ready for a change.”

Then there’s Tristan Thompson.

Khloe and her baby daddy have no plans to marry, but they do have plans to be together for a VERY long time.

“She’s completely fed up with doing the whole long-distance thing and wants to be by Tristan’s side in Cleveland,” writes In Touch.

Thompson, of course, plays professional basketball for the Cleveland Cavaliers.

He and Khloe have been together for well over a year now, with no end in sight.

But if the end of her run on Keeping Up with the Kardashians really is up soon, you can imagine how Kris Jenner feels about this, right?

According to this same article, Jenner “is furious that Khloee wants to leave the show and has made her feelings clear to her daughter…

“Khloe has a huge fan base, and her fun personality keeps viewers tuned in. Kris is concerned that Khloe quitting the show will lead to a drop in ratings.”

The show has already been dropping in the ratings for many seasons.

The Kardashians recently signed up for an additional two years of filming, but there’s a question over just how much longer the series can really last, especially if Kendall Jenner also leaves.

So… is this really all Khloe wrote when it comes to the program?

“Right now, she is sticking to her decision,” says the In Touch nsider. “She told Kris that it’s her life and she can do what she wants with it.”


Monday, April 2, 2018

Matt Roloff Rips Little People/Big World Producers, Hints Family May Quit

Like son, like father?

About two years after Jacob Roloff walked away from Little People, Big World because he said the show was scripted and his relatives made out to be people they were not…

… Matt Roloff has echoed this sentiment.

Returning to social media after a brief hiatus late last week, the family patriarch engaged a bit with fans on Facebook.

With a new season of Little People, Big World set to (finally!) premiere on April 3, Roloff responded to a complaint on his official account that referenced his ex-wife, Amy, and how recent scenes between the two have been filled with “stress” and “tension.”

This individual said such moments were unpleasant to watch. 

And not only did Matt agree, he blamed producers for artificially creating such scenes, implying that if this continues, he and his loved ones will quit the series.


“I totally agree [with your assessment],” Matt responded, continuing as follows:

“We’ve been pushing the new producers to stop making our show negative and keep the family love and togetherness in the forefront.

“For some reason, these new producers/editors that come in to work…don’t know the show and want to amplify the negative…

“I’m not sure we (the Roloff family) can take that kinda of editing much longer. Errrrr.”

mr response

Whoa there!

That’s quite the statement.

We’ve been writing for several weeks that social media users often go after either Matt or Amy on a regular basis.

Even through this couple divorced way back in May of 2016 and have both happily moved on with new significant others, many fans simply can’t accept this scenario.

It’s not surprising, therefore, that producers may have picked up on this reaction and used the manufactured feud as a way to sell new episodes of the show.

In a clip from the season, for example, we see Matt and Amy arguing over family farm issues.

(You can watch the complete new season preview above.)

Amy, conversely, has also taken to Instagram in anticipation of upcoming episodes.

But she isn’t blasting anyone behind the scenes of them.

She’s expressing extreme excitement over what lies ahead.

“Woohoo! It’s here. LPBW new episodes,” Amy wrote as a caption to a photo of the Roloff farm, adding:

“What a season it will be – life being new parents, managing life after divorce and relationships, Farm, learning to work together and always a family.

“Yep there’ll be some moments but always in telling a story. So hope you’ll be watching NEW episodes of #LPBW, premiering on @TLC Tuesday, April 3rd at 9/8c!

“You can catch up on past seasons now on! You’re awesome! Thanks for all the years of support and encouragement. Couldn’t do this without you.”

It is expected that these new episodes will focus primarily on Zach and Tori Roloff raising son Jackson, along with Audrey and Jeremy Roloff preparing to welcome daughter Ember, who arrived in September.

But Amy does also cite “life after divorce” and “relationships” in her own tease for the show.

She has been dating Chris Marek for about a year now and Matt has been with Caryn Chandler, the former farm manager.

For those unfamiliar with Jacob’s rant from July of 2016, Matt and Amy’s youngest son said at the time that he had enough of filming Little People, Big World.

He said he simply could not handle the phoniness.

“For the sake of ‘the episode’ and ratings I’ve seen a lot of STORYLINES drawn up (loosely) about our lives,” he said that summer.

Jacob continued, holding nothing back:

“And when I was standing here, behind the scenes and watching it from an outside perspective I just couldn’t stop laughing.

“Laughing at how hard the producers have to try to get us to follow the talking points, and at how ridiculous the talking points are.

“The family that is filmed is not my family.

“They are the Roloff Characters and I have scarcely anything in common with them, nor do I want to be a character myself.”

According to Matt, not much has changed.

But will he and others actually follow Jacob’s lead and leave the show?

Stay tuned to find out.
