Showing posts with label Robbed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Robbed. Show all posts

Monday, October 24, 2016

NBA TV"s Kristen Ledlow -- I Was Robbed at Gunpoint ... "Waiting for Me at My Home"

NBA TV’s Kristen Ledlow — host of “NBA Inside Stuff” — says she was targeted and robbed at gunpoint at her home this weekend  by three men who were waiting for her at her home. Ledlow didn’t specify where the robbery took place — but says…


Thursday, September 8, 2016

Cotton Candy Girl Goes Viral, Gets Robbed of Baseball Game Honor

The Seattle Mariners defeated the Texas Rangers by a score of 8-3 on Wednesday night.

But whatever. Who cares?

We’re not here to update readers on the race for the American League Wild Card.

But we are here to talk about the cutest little girl on the entire Internet.

For today, at least, anyway.

She goes by the moniker Cotton Candy Girl and it’s pretty obvious why:

After cameras at the game panned the crowd last night, they stopped and settled on this adorable infant, who had just eaten some cotton candy and who was pretty fired up about it.

See for yourself:

The girl has not yet been publicly identified, but proud father Jake Hart shared the above footage on Twitter.

A family friend at the game, John McCallum, then posted the image posted at the very top of this article.

After the game, meanwhile, the team asked fans to name the “Player of the Game,” but cautioned that Cotton Candy Girl was not eligible for this distinction.

girl with candy

This declaration did not sit well with Seattle Mariners fans on Twitter.

First, there was defiance:

cotton candy tweet1

Then, there was the threat of a revolt:

cotton candy tweet2

Then, there was an attempt to compromise:

cotton candy tweet3

Eventually, the team sort of game in, sharing a Photoshopped image of Cotton Candy Girl wearing the “Swelmet,” which is helmet worn by the player of the game after each victory.


The actual player of the game was Adam Lind, who hit a pair of home runs.

But whatever. He isn’t this cute.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Drake Gets Robbed of $2 Million in Jewelry, FLIPS OUT on Video!

Generally, things are pretty good in the life of Aubrey Drake Graham.

He’s one of the wealthiest and most successful rappers on the planet.

He’s dating Rihanna after years of pining for her as only Drizzy can.

For the most part, people don’t bring up the fact that his first name is Aubrey anymore.

And perhaps best of all, that video of teenage Drake whining about a tuna fish sandwich isn’t being posted on quite as regular a basis.

But here it is in case you’ve never seen it:

Yes, it’s pretty sweet to Drizzy.

But as Seinfeld fans know, there are some folks out there who hate the Drake.

And it’s possible that some of those people recently executed a $ 2 million jewelry heist that left the rapper understandably pissed off.

TMZ obtained the following footage that reportedly shows Drake flipping out on his staff after learning that come clever thieves had relieved him of seven figures worth of bling.

The alleged theft took place as Drake and Future performed at Talking Stick Resort Arena in Phoenix on Tuesday night.

Reports about exactly what happened keep changing.

First media outlets claimed that that the jewelry belonged to Drizzy.

The a conflicting story emerged claiming that the diamonds and gold were Future’s.

Now, TMZ is reporting that the bling was owned by Future the Prince, Drake’s DJ on his current tour.

Whatever happened, a few things are clear:

1. Some very expensive stuff was lifted from Drake’s tour bus.

2. He was not happy about it.

Naturally, there’s been talk on the Internet that this is the latest shot fired in Drake’s ongoing feud with Meek Mill.

That long-term beef nearly got violent in Philadelphia recently when Drake reportedly ignored warnings not to diss meek in his hometown.

Of course, it’s a bit of a stretch to assume that the heist was a retaliation perpetrated by Team Meek.

For one thing, Phoenix is a long way from Philly.

On top of that, does one really need added motivation to steal $ 2 million in jewels?

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Single Florida Father Robbed, Killed by Online Date

Horrible news today out of Auburndale, Florida:

A single Florida father was robbed and then fatally shot after a woman he met on a dating website set him up to be robbed.

According to The Associated Press, Hilarie met Hailey Bustos on the website PlentyOfFish, eventually going on a bowling date with her.

A few hours later, the two went back to his apartment, where investigators believe she was looking the place over, gauging its potential to be robbed.

Later that evening, Bustos texted Hilarie with the message: “I had a good time and would like to see you again.”

The next night, Bustos returned to Hilarie’s house in Auburndale… but this time she arrived with three men by her side.

Authorities say Bustos, Andre Warner, Gary Gray and Joshua Ellington knocked on Hilarie’s door and forced their way inside with a gun when he answered.

Based on the arrest report, obtained by The AP, Bustos told police the following:

“Hilarie was begging for his life, he was not putting up any kind of fight and was telling them that he had a 5-year-old daughter.”


During the robbery, the 27-year old Hilarie was shot in the head with a .38-caliber gun.

While he bled to death on the kitchen floor, the group proceeded to steal an Xbox console, video games, three flat-screen TVs, an iPhone, a wallet and other items.

Authorities confirmed to The Washington Post that Bustos was paid $ 50 in cash for her role in the robbery.

She’s 18 years old.

Hilarie worked as a laborer and aspiring boxer and left behind his toddler daughter, LaJaya

She is five years old.

“You couldn’t find a better dad,” Hilarie’s close friend Jennifer Meyer tells Us Weekly, adding:

“Adam’s life began and ended with his baby girl. Everything he did revolved around his daughter, that little princess was the light of his life.”

Does LaJaya have any idea what happened to her dad?

Not really.

“She just knows daddy is with Jesus,” Meyer says.

Bustos, Warner, Gray and Ellington were arrested and charged with first-degree murder, armed robbery and conspiracy to commit murder.

Meyer, meanwhile, set up a GoFundMe page to help raise money for LaJaya and to help pay for Hilarie’s funeral expenses.

You can click on the link above to donate whatever you can.

We strongly encourage readers to do so.

What a sad and incomprehensible story.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Ryan Lochte: Sorry I Twisted The Truth About Getting Robbed At Gunpoint!

Ryan Lochte issued a statement today addressing the story that he and his teammates were held at gunpoint on August 14th.

Unfortunately, Lochte and the four other American swimmers – Jimmy Feigen, Jack Conger, and Gunnar Bentz – fabricated a story that simply didn’t make sense.

And while Lochte was able to escape interrogation (he landed back home in the US as Rio officials began their investigation), his teammates were not so lucky.

Conger and Bentz were taken off a plane that was leaving the country, while as of press time, Feigen’s passport has not yet been returned.  In fact, he has to pay nearly $ 11,000 to avoid charges.

Just under an hour ago, Lochte explained himself via a statement on Instagram.  

Though he did not admit that he lied, he apologized for letting this whole ordeal spin wildly out of control.

I want to apologize for my behavior last weekend — for not being more careful and candid in how I described the events of that early morning and for my role in taking the focus away from the many athletes fulfilling their dreams of participating in the Olympics. 

I waited to share these thoughts until it was confirmed that the legal situation was addressed and it was clear that my teammates would be arriving home safely.

It’s traumatic to be out late with your friends in a foreign country – with a language barrier – and have a stranger point a gun at you and demand money to let you leave, but regardless of the behavior of anyone else that night, I should have been much more responsible in how I handled myself and for that I am sorry to my teammates, my fans, my fellow competitors, my sponsors, and the hosts of this great event.

Ryan Lochte Brazil Gunpoint Statement

I am very proud to represent my country in Olympic competition and this was a situation that could and should have been avoided.  I accept responsibility for my role in this happening and have learned from valuable lessons.

I am grateful for my USA Swimming teammates and the USOC, and appreciate all of the efforts of the IOC, the Rio ’16 Host Committee, and the people of Brazil who welcomed  us to Rio and worked so hard to make sure that these Olympic Games provided a lifetime of great new memories.

There has already been too much said and too many valuable resources dedicated to what happened last weekend, so I hope we spend our time celebrating the great stories and performances of these Games and look ahead to celebrating future successes.

This is a case of too little, too late for many American fans, who were charmed by Lochte’s goofball antics up until this point.  

Now he’s nothing more than some overhyped athlete that will do just about anything to avoid being held accountable for his actions.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Ryan Lochte, 3 Olympians Robbed at Gunpoint in Rio

Ryan Lochte has confirmed that he and three other members of the United States Swim Team were robbed this morning in Rio de Janeiro.

The four swimmers – a group that also included Gunnar Bentz, Jack Conger and Jimmy Feigen – were in a taxi headed for the Olympic Village when the incident occurred, according the the U.S. Olympic Committee.

Patrick Sandusky, a spokesman for the organization, explained what happened via the following statement:

“According to four members of the U.S. Olympic Swimming Team, they left France House early Sunday morning in a taxi headed for the Olympic Village.

“Their taxi was stopped by individuals posing as armed police officers who demanded the athletes’ money and other personal belongings.”

Concluded Sandusky:

“All four athletes are safe and cooperating with authorities.”

Lochte’s mother, Ileana Lochte, also spoke to USA Today of the incident.

“I think they’re all shaken up. There were a few of them,” she told the newspaper. “No, they were just, they just took their wallets and basically that was it.”

A 12-time Olympic medalist, Lochte won one gold medal during the Rio Games.

He wrapped up his 2016 Olympic experience on Thursday night.

Lochte himself, meanwhile, described the robbery to NBC on Sunday afternoon.

“We got pulled over, in the taxi, and these guys came out with a badge, a police badge, no lights, no nothing just a police badge and they pulled us over.

“They pulled out their guns, they told the other swimmers to get down on the ground – they got down on the ground.

“I refused, I was like we didn’t do anything wrong, so – I’m not getting down on the ground.

“And then the guy pulled out his gun, he cocked it, put it to my forehead and he said, ‘Get down,’ and I put my hands up, I was like ‘whatever.’

“He took our money, he took my wallet – he left my cell phone, he left my credentials.”

Damn. Scary stuff.

Police officials have told NBC News they weren’t contacted about the incident, but they are available to help the athletes if necessary.

When news of the robbery first hit, an IOC spokesperson denied that it took place.

This spokesperson has since acknowledged that it took place, claiming he didn’t have pertinent information upon first making the denial.

In a recent interview with E! News, the 32-year-old said he needed a break from swimming.

He said he was unsure if he would complete four years from now in the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan.

“Going in day in and day out just beating up your body, it takes a toll. Being at the age I am now, it’s definitely time that I need a break, but I can’t say it’s over,” he said.

Taking advantage of his fame after the 2012 Olympics Games in London, Lochte signed on for What Would Ryan Lochte Do?.

This E! reality series, which chronicled life for Ryan Lochte as the single and somewhat goofy Ryan Lochte, lasted just one season.

We wish Lochte well.

Ryan Lochte, 3 Olympians Robbed at Gunpoint in Rio

Ryan Lochte has confirmed that he and three other members of the United States Swim Team were robbed this morning in Rio de Janeiro.

The four swimmers – a group that also included Gunnar Bentz, Jack Conger and Jimmy Feigen – were in a taxi headed for the Olympic Village when the incident occurred, according the the U.S. Olympic Committee.

Patrick Sandusky, a spokesman for the organization, explained what happened via the following statement:

“According to four members of the U.S. Olympic Swimming Team, they left France House early Sunday morning in a taxi headed for the Olympic Village.

“Their taxi was stopped by individuals posing as armed police officers who demanded the athletes’ money and other personal belongings.”

Concluded Sandusky:

“All four athletes are safe and cooperating with authorities.”

Lochte’s mother, Ileana Lochte, also spoke to USA Today of the incident.

“I think they’re all shaken up. There were a few of them,” she told the newspaper. “No, they were just, they just took their wallets and basically that was it.”

A 12-time Olympic medalist, Lochte won one gold medal during the Rio Games.

He wrapped up his 2016 Olympic experience on Thursday night.

Lochte himself, meanwhile, described the robbery to NBC on Sunday afternoon.

“We got pulled over, in the taxi, and these guys came out with a badge, a police badge, no lights, no nothing just a police badge and they pulled us over.

“They pulled out their guns, they told the other swimmers to get down on the ground – they got down on the ground.

“I refused, I was like we didn’t do anything wrong, so – I’m not getting down on the ground.

“And then the guy pulled out his gun, he cocked it, put it to my forehead and he said, ‘Get down,’ and I put my hands up, I was like ‘whatever.’

“He took our money, he took my wallet – he left my cell phone, he left my credentials.”

Damn. Scary stuff.

Police officials have told NBC News they weren’t contacted about the incident, but they are available to help the athletes if necessary.

When news of the robbery first hit, an IOC spokesperson denied that it took place.

This spokesperson has since acknowledged that it took place, claiming he didn’t have pertinent information upon first making the denial.

In a recent interview with E! News, the 32-year-old said he needed a break from swimming.

He said he was unsure if he would complete four years from now in the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan.

“Going in day in and day out just beating up your body, it takes a toll. Being at the age I am now, it’s definitely time that I need a break, but I can’t say it’s over,” he said.

Taking advantage of his fame after the 2012 Olympics Games in London, Lochte signed on for What Would Ryan Lochte Do?.

This E! reality series, which chronicled life for Ryan Lochte as the single and somewhat goofy Ryan Lochte, lasted just one season.

We wish Lochte well.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Kanye West Studio Robbed in THIRD Kardashian Clan Hit This Month

Kanye West was robbed!

And we don’t mean he was robbed out of winning a Grammy or major award, as he has raised sand about in the past, we mean he was really, physically robbed.

A creative studio office the rapper maintains in Calabasas, California was burglarized last week, and authorities believe it was an inside job, reports TMZ.

The thief pried open a door in the evening hours and made off with $ 20,000 worth of laptops and computers, the contents of which are unclear.

Fortunately for ‘Ye, the gear was protected with high-tech security features, so none of the information stored was compromised.

Yeezy’s team says they’ve already replaced the goods.

While no suspects have been named, they believe the crime was perpetrated by someone who had an intimate knowledge of what was in the space.

Interestingly, this is the third burglary in recent weeks that has affected extended members of the Kardashian-Jenner family.

Earlier this month, the home of Blac Chyna, Rob Kardashian’s fiance was also hit.

That crook absconded with $ 200,000 worth of jewelry taken from a safe.

Again, police suspected an insider was behind the crime.

“Signs point to the culprit being someone close to her and Rob,” a source reported, adding that there were “no obvious signs of entry.”

Then just last week, Scott Disick was the victim of a home invasion in which a number of pieces in his valuable watch collection were stolen, including a Rolex valued at $ 32,000 and another timepiece worth $ 48,000.

Scott’s house was targeted while he was vacationing in Cannes during its annual film festival.

There were no signs of forced entry, leading police to believe this incident, too, was at the hands of an insider.

Could all three crimes merely be a coincidence? What individual could possibly know these three so well to easily gain entry into their homes and offices?

We imagine Kris Jenner and her kids are installing piranha-filled moats around their homes as we speak.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Scott Disick: House Robbed While He Vacationed in Cannes

Like many celebs, Scott Disick hit the Cannes party circuit last week during the city’s renowned annual film festival.

But his return to the states was less than pleasant.

The reality star discovered his Hidden Hills home had been broken into, and many of his valuable watches stolen, reports TMZ.

The Lord is a collector of fine watches, which includes a Rolex valued at $ 32,000 and another timepiece worth $ 48,000.

While it absolutely sucks to be violated in such a manner, it’s tough to feel sorry for a dude whose watch costs more than your annual salary.

It is unclear how many watches were taken, but law enforcement says there were “multiples worth a significant amount of money.”

Police currently have no leads on who the thief is, but they suspect it was an inside job.

There were no signs of forced entry, and Scott is known to open his home up to friends for parties.

This is the second bit of bad news for Scott this week.

Earlier, he suffered a bout of public embarrassment after he botched a sponsored post on his Instagram page.

He carelessly copied and pasted the instructions for the post into the caption, which likely came in a text or e-mail along with his scripted endorsement of the product.

His friends at the Bootea shake company were likely not pleased.

Still, it sounds like he enjoyed his time in Cannes while he was there.

He partied with fellow d-bag Tyga, because exes of the Kardashian-Jenners have got that lifelong bond.

And he dry-humped model Christine Burke on a yacht, because he’s all about that class.

If you spot a shady-looking specimen in Calabasas sporting a long trench coat lined with expensive watches, you know where they may have come from.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian: We Were Robbed!!!

A lot went missing from Blac Chyna’s safe recently.

Like, a lot.

Sources tell TMZ that Rob Kardashian went to his fiance’s safe and realized that $ 200,000 and jewelry went missing.  He immediately called the cops to Chyna’s Tarzana, CA home, situated in a gated community.

“Signs point to the culprit being someone close to her and Rob,” a source told the site, adding that there were “no obvious signs of entry.”  

Nor was the safe “busted open,” which leads police to believe that someone close to Chyna and Kardashian could have broken into the safe.

Worst case scenario: If the cops are unable to retrieve the stolen goods, then Chyna and Kardashian can make up for it at their (reportedly) televised wedding this summer!

A source told Us Weekly that the couple, who got engaged on April 7th, want their nuptials to take place “somewhere warm.”

“He and Chyna will shoot the wedding for a reality show,” the source added.

“Networks are interested.”

Last night, season12 of Keeping Up With The Kardashians aired, and all those stories about Kardashian’s sisters not loving his new appetite for fame are true.

Khloe was especially pissed that her little brother lied about having Chyna over at her house, where he was living at the time.

“I don’t really care who Rob dates but having Chyna over at my house without my knowledge is disrespectful,” the reality star explained.

“‘Why can’t he be honest with me and communicate because Robert knows Chyna’s Tyga’s ex-girlfriend and I just don’t want that drama in my personal space …

“I told him, I said you’ve burned your last bridge.”

Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian: We Were Robbed!!!

A lot went missing from Blac Chyna’s safe recently.

Like, a lot.

Sources tell TMZ that Rob Kardashian went to his fiance’s safe and realized that $ 200,000 and jewelry went missing.  He immediately called the cops to Chyna’s Tarzana, CA home, situated in a gated community.

“Signs point to the culprit being someone close to her and Rob,” a source told the site, adding that there were “no obvious signs of entry.”  

Nor was the safe “busted open,” which leads police to believe that someone close to Chyna and Kardashian could have broken into the safe.

Worst case scenario: If the cops are unable to retrieve the stolen goods, then Chyna and Kardashian can make up for it at their (reportedly) televised wedding this summer!

A source told Us Weekly that the couple, who got engaged on April 7th, want their nuptials to take place “somewhere warm.”

“He and Chyna will shoot the wedding for a reality show,” the source added.

“Networks are interested.”

Last night, season12 of Keeping Up With The Kardashians aired, and all those stories about Kardashian’s sisters not loving his new appetite for fame are true.

Khloe was especially pissed that her little brother lied about having Chyna over at her house, where he was living at the time.

“I don’t really care who Rob dates but having Chyna over at my house without my knowledge is disrespectful,” the reality star explained.

“‘Why can’t he be honest with me and communicate because Robert knows Chyna’s Tyga’s ex-girlfriend and I just don’t want that drama in my personal space …

“I told him, I said you’ve burned your last bridge.”

Monday, February 15, 2016

Martin Shkreli: Robbed of $15 Million While Attempting to Purchase Kanye West Album

When most people want to buy an album, they open up iTunes and shell out the necessary $ 9.99.

When Martin Shkreli wants to buy an album, he wants fork over more cash than most people make their entire lives so that no one else can ever listen to it.

This obnoxious habit began when the much-reviled “pharma bro” paid $ 2 million for the sole copy of a Wu Tang Clan album that had previously been stored in a vault in Morocco.

The odd arrangement was orchestrated by Wu Tang members with the idea that whoever purchased the disc would in some way distribute it to the public. 

They didn’t account for someone like Shkreli, who appears to have no plans to share the album with anyone outside of his inner circle.

Apparently, Shkreli is really relishing the title of Most-Hated Man in Hip Hop, as he attempted to pull a similar stunt last week when he offered to buy the sole rights to Kanye West’s new album, The Life of Pablo, for $ 10 million.

Unfortunately for Shkreli, Kanye’s people saw through the offer as an obvious attempt to prevent, or at least delay, the album’s release.

Even more unfortunate for Shkreli is the fact that karma’s a bitch.

The 32-year-old former hedge fund manager – who first made headlines for jacking up the price of a life-saving medication when he was CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals – upped his offer to $ 15 million following Kanye’s star-studded release party.

With that kind of cash on the table, Shkreli was bound to generate some interest.

Hilariously, that interest came from someone who’s probably never even met Kanye.

Shkreli took to Twitter yesterday alleging that  he had been bilked of $ 15 million in Bitcoin by someone who identified himself as a friend of Kanye’s named Daquan.

Apparently, Shkreli was under the impression that Daquan would pass the money along to Kanye, who he believed had agreed to sell the rights to the album.

You’d think a guy who’s famous for screwing people over wouldn’t be quite so trusting.

“WHO THE F-CK HAS MY FIFTEEN MILLION DOLLARS??????” an increasingly irate Shkreli tweeted yesterday afternoon.


“I hope you all enjoy this stupid music SO much and the fact it has brought me so much pain and suffering. I quit rap.”

The irony of that statement is probably lost on Martin, but we’re sure there are many people who enjoy the album much more precisely for that reason.