Showing posts with label Robbery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Robbery. Show all posts

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Kourtney Kardashian Blames Herself for Kim Kardashian Robbery?!

At this point, it’s looking like we’re going to be hearing sad updates about the Kim Kardashian robbery for the rest of our entire lives.

So, you know, settle in.

It is sad, of course, but is hearing detail after detail about exactly what happened and how Kim reacted and how she’s feeling now really helping anything?

Maybe it is, maybe it’s not.

But there’s some pretty solid evidence that indicates receiving attention from the media is therapeutic for Kim, so let’s just keep on keepin’ on anyway.

To recap Kim’s ordeal real quick, she was alone in a hotel in Paris when five men broke into her room and stole a whole bunch of expensive jewelry from her.

She was bound and gagged and thrown into the bathtub after begging for her life.

And she was alone because Kourtney Kardashian and Kendall Jenner took her bodyguard with them when they went out to a nightclub.

And now, according to a new report, Kourtney is struggling with guilty feelings in a great big way.

Kourtney’s said to have “practically moved in” with Kim to help her recover from her traumatizing experience.

“Kourt’s been rearranging Kim’s schedule,” a source claims, “looking after Saint and North, and even cooking for her and staying overnight if Kanye was to be away on tour.”

Apparently, Kourtney has “never seen Kim like this. She’s a shadow of her former, confident self.”

“It’s incredible how this has changed her — she’s starting to slowly calm down, but still breaks down every now and then. Kourt can’t bear to see her sister like this.”

Thankfully, Kourtney is the one Kardashian with a good head on her shoulders, and she’s convinced Kim to “workout a bit,” since she’s “convinced that exercise is the best therapy for Kim.”

If it had been Khloe who had taken a notion to take care of Kim, poor Kim’s face probably would have melted off by now — after all, if exercise is Kourtney’s idea of therapy, then goodness only knows that plastic surgery hell is ideal for Khloe these days.

Small miracles, you know.

But sadly, there’s a reason why Kourtney has been spending so much time with Kim, and that’s because she reportedly “feels responsible” for what happened in Paris.

“If she hadn’t gone out to party that night,” the source states, “Kim’s bodyguard would have been in the apartment protecting her, so she feels the need to make things up to Kim.”

“Kourtney is by Kim’s side almost all the time.”

No, you know who’s responsible for five guys robbing Kim Kardashian?

The five guys that robbed Kim Kardashian.

It’s not Kourtney’s fault that it happened, and she shouldn’t be beating herself up over it.

Man, isn’t it time for some good Kardashian news yet?


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Kim Kardashian -- Concierge in Robbery ... Something"s Hinky (VIDEO)

Kim Kardashian’s concierge has told a story fundamentally different from the one Kim told cops … raising the question, what really happened when the Paris robbery went down? The concierge — who was taken to Kim’s apartment during the robbery –…


Kim Kardashian -- Concierge in Robbery ... Something"s Hinky (VIDEO)

Kim Kardashian’s concierge has told a story fundamentally different from the one Kim told cops … raising the question, what really happened when the Paris robbery went down? The concierge — who was taken to Kim’s apartment during the robbery –…


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Kim Kardashian Emerges ... And Her First Night Out After Robbery is a Concert

Kim Kardashian apparently decided to get out of the sweats and off the couch, and into something more Kim-like. 

She stepped out last night for the first time since her robbery in an attempt to resume normal life … i.e., going to one of Kanye’s shows. 

TMZ reported that Kardashian wore minimal makeup, simple, straight hair, and no obvious jewelry.  

Smart move … you know, most of it. 

If we’d been robbed of millions of dollars, and had to plan a “first night out,” it wouldn’t be to a Kanye concert. 

Just saying. 

Kim Kardashian Ring Pic


From the pics we’ve seen, Kim was heavily guarded by both her personal bodyguards as well as event staff, and she didn’t even appear to crack a smile once. 

Last night, Kardashian was photographed grabbing an ice cream cone with BWF (best weirdo forever), Jonathan Cheban, where she wore white shower slippers, an oversized white hoodie, and straight locks with no makeup. 

We’re guessing she left the matching robe in Paris. 

E! reported that Kim’s “slowly returning to normal life,” and that, at the show, there was “a lot of security throughout the venue.” 

Other celebs in attendance included Kaia Gerber – Cindy Crawford’s lookalike daughter – Katy Perry, and Amy Schumer. 

Kanye even performed his contentious Famous

He said, “Hold on, hold on; welcome to Saint Pablo.”  

“I’m at a loss for words, I appreciate y’all so much.” 

“As y’all know, I went through a lot to write this song and put out how I really felt afater seven years of people talking about me,” he concluded, before launching into the track. 

It’s good to see that Kim K’s finally resuming normal activities, but we hope like hell they don’t get “too” normal … since that’s what got her into this gigantor, emotional mess to begin with. 

Be well, girl, but moreover … be smart. 

You’ve got a second chance, Kim, to almost entirely rebrand yourself.  

Don’t let your husband or Keeping Up With the Kardashians get in the way, otherwise you’ll find that you’ve been robbed of more than just stuff. 


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Kim Kardashian Robbery: Confirmed as Real, Pressing

A very reliable source would like to end all that silly chatter once and for all.

The talk about whether or not Kim Kardashian was actually robbed at gunpoint in Paris? The tabloid reports that have alleged Kim invented the entire story?

Forget them, please.

Take a look below at what Paris police chief Christian Sainte has to say about the scary situation.

“At this time, there is no doubt about the reality of the crime,” the chief told Vanity Fair in his first interview since the early morning of October 3.

That was the date on which Kim Kardashian’s life changed.

She was in bed in her apartment in France when an unspecified number of thieves broke in and pulled her into the bathroom.

They tied her hands behind her back and made her beg for her life.

Reportedly aware that Kim had a $ 4.5 million ring in her possession (as a gift from Kanye West), they demanded to know its location inside the apartment and ended up fleeing the scene with over $ 11 million worth of jewelry overall.

New footage has actually emerged of these men making their escape:

Sainte, meanwhile, provided some funny new information about his reaction to the robbery in his chat with Vanity Fair

Upon being told the identity of the victim, Sainte said he turned to his number-two in charge and asked him a question that no one in America would ever have to ask:

Who is Kim Kardashian?

The police chief said he then rose from his bed and went to his computer, where he entered the name “Kim Kardashian” on Google.

We can only imagine what sort of results he saw before him. It’s hard not to laugh over the idea of the Paris Police Chief staring a photos of Kim Kardashian nude.

“I quickly understood who she is,” Sainte says. “And now I know almost everything about her.”

He smiled and added:

“The personality of the victim, Kim Kardashian, is not like anyone else. She has a lot of likes on Facebook!”

It’s true. She sure does.

According to veteran Paris police writer Frédéric Ploquin, meanwhile, there’s been a wave of home burglaries similar to what Kardashian experienced.

For this reason, authorities are looking at it very important to solve Kardashian’s break-in.

They want to send a message to others who have committed this same crime or who are plotting copycat crimes.

The concierge who was also attacked and tied-up, meanwhile, spoke to The Daily Mail this month about the incident and confimed its heinous, frightening nature.

“He attacked her, holding his gun in her face,” the concierge told the newspaper of one of the criminals, adding of Kim:

She was crying, she was screaming, saying, ‘Don’t kill me, I have babies, don’t kill me, please, I have babies! I’m a mom! Take whatever you want!’ She seemed terrified. She was wearing a white bathrobe and her hair was tied up . . .”

A letter from attorney Martin Singer to The Huffington Post, obtained by TMZ, also said that both Kardashian and the concierge “believed they might be killed at any moment.”

We can’t imagine having been in that situation.

At this time no arrests have been made and Kardashian has not spoken publicly since the robbery.

She is spending as much time as she can with her family. And who can blame her for that?


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Kim Kardashian Robbery -- Security Footage Surfaces of Thieves" Getaway (VIDEO)

Kim Kardashian’s Paris robbers were captured on street-side cameras as they made their escape with millions of dollars worth of her jewelry. The video shows the 5 alleged robbers, 3 on bicycles and 2 on foot, start approaching Kim’s apartment…


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Brody Jenner: I Could Not Give a Rat"s Ass About Kim Kardashian Robbery!

Brody Jenner just won’t let the feud with Kim Kardashian die, will he? 

Jenner reported that though he texted Kardashian to wish her well after her hostage experience, he didn’t actually speak to her over the phone or face-to-face. 

Brody told Us Weekly, “I don’t want to get too much into it.” 

“I’ll say I haven’t talked to Kim,” he revealed. 

“I’ve texted her to show my support and let her know I’m thinking of her.” 

“Other than that, I haven’t spoken to her,” he said, matter-of-factly. 

“I wish her all the best, I really do,” he continued. 

“[But I] have no idea what’s going on.” 

Jenner and Kardashian have had a contentious relationship, to say the least, but when you’re Brody Jenner, douche extraordinaire, it’s hard not to have beef with everybody, right? 

Back in 2013, Brody was alleged to have told his father, then-Bruce Jenner, to divorce Kris

It was alleged that Brody had some serious beef with Kris for taking time away from Bruce’s first family, which included Brody. 

About Kris, Brody said, “Over the years growing up, I thought Kris was the reason I didn’t see my father and kind of painted her as the villain.” 

Don’t speak too soon, Brode.  

On an old Keeping Up With the Kardashians episode, Jenner lashed out at Kris and said, “I don’t think you’ve ever given two s–ts about the way [brother] Brandon and I have grown up.”

Jenner wasn’t even in attendance at Kim’s lavish 2014 wedding to Kanye West, mostly because he’s a douche, but partially because she is, too. 

It was reported that Jenner didn’t even receive an invitation to the couple’s nuptials. 

He did, however, make it to Reggie Bush’s wedding … who happens to be Kim’s ex, and who married a Kim K-lookalike. 


About Reggie’s wedding, Brody said, “I love Reggie.” 

“It was a great wedding,” he gushed. “It was beautiful.” 

In return for not being invited to Kim’s wedding, it was reported that Brody banned her from his 2014 birthday party, and the feud burned on. 

“There was never any thought to even invite Kim,” it was reported. 

“Publicly, the two will say ‘there is no feud,’ but that is all for keeping up the appearance of having a big extended family for the sake of [Keeping Up With the Kardashians].” 

We’re totally gonna take the source’s word on that, because it is as plain as the nose job on Khloe’s face. 

Ini 2016, Brody simply blasted the Kardashians outright, without any pretense or façade. 

When approached by a fan at Coachella, who simply wanted to congratulate him on his family’s success, Brody shot back, “They’re not f–king family!” 

Not his “f–king family,” indeed. 

Who needs family like this when you can have enemies like the Jenners? Or the Kardashians, for that matter? 



Sunday, October 16, 2016

John Legend: Shoot-Out at Kim Kardashian Robbery?

John Legend, long-time family friend of the Kardashians, recently opened up about Kim’s Paris robbery to XM Radio’s Sway in the Morning, and truth be told, he brought the realness in a big way. 

About the heist, Legend said, “People were criticizing, you know, security, this and that.” 

“But five people with guns come up?” he asked. 

“I don’t care if you’ve got two or three security people, they got to back up,” he proclaimed. 

“You don’t want to get in a gun fight.” 

“You’ve got five armed guys coming; there’s not really much you can do to stop that,” he admitted. 

“Just give them what they want and escape with your life, you know?” 

“[There was no way to prepare for Kim’s] one-in-a-billion situation,” he concluded. 

However, it would appear that he took a shot at Kardashian and her social media ways, using them as a cautionary tale.

“[You] have to be careful about [Snapchatting] and things like that,” he said. 

“Because people know exactly where you are.” 

Despite Kim’s TMI social practices, Legend maintained his Kardashian defense. 

“You just can’t go through life in fear all the time,” he said. 

“And we try not to.” 

Kim has since emerged in public for the first time after the robbery – over two weeks later – looking very demure and very down, and honestly, who can blame her? 

Though rumors swirled that the robbery didn’t happen, or that Kanye West himself staged the robbery, Kardashian sued the publication fabricating the rumors. 

Kardashian seems to be on the mend, however.

Not only did Keeping Up With the Kardashians celebrate nine years of putting us through hell, it was reported that production on the reality show resumed as normal, after being suspended shortly after the hold-up. 

Though many thought the show would be cancelled after the drama, that same many apparently forgot that the Kardashians thrive on drama to continue their brand.

Of course they wouldn’t toss nine years’ worth of work in the trash. 

John Legend is absolutely right, though – you don’t bring a Kardashian … or anything else for that matter … to a gun fight. 

And also, Kim really needs to exercise a whole lot more discretion with her personal life than she has in the past. 

For her sake, but also for ours. 


Saturday, October 15, 2016

Kim Kardashian: Sighted for First Time Since Robbery!

Kim Kardashian has been keeping a low profile the past few weeks. 

Ever since the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star was robbed at gunpoint in Paris, she has been keeping herself to herself. 

That’s not the Kim Kardashian we all know and love, but she needed a time out after the events that transpired in Paris. 

No one would be able to resume their life normally after such an ordeal, so that explains why she’s been keeping quiet. 

On top of that, she’s probably been super pissed at some of the reports saying she faked the robbery. 

Yes, that actually happened. The website in question later apologized for their allegations.

Being branded as a liar is not a nice thing for anyone, so Kim decided that the best course of action would be to sue the sites claiming she was lying. 

Rightfully so. 

What went down was a very serious matter, so why should Kim allow her name to be dragged through the mud?

Kim was spotted in Los Angeles in public for the first time since going radio silent. 

She was wearing all black. It was clear she was trying not to be noticed, but she was. 

Being so prominent in the public eye, it was always going to be difficult for her to keep a low profile. 

With Keeping Up with the Kardashians now back in production, it’s unclear at this stage whether Kim will return to the hit series. 

She’s appeared on it for nine years of her life, so moving on would not be that surprising. 

There’s also the notion that she might just want some time away from the cameras. 

They’ve been following her for the better part of the last decade, so maybe she just needs a break. 

There’s word that Kim is paranoid in the aftermath of what went down in Paris. 

Anyone would probably feel the same.

The poor woman was fearing for her life throughout the whole ordeal. 

For now, it seems like Kardashian is focusing on being a wife and a mother. 

With Kim in hiding, she took the time to stop following thirteen people on Twitter. 

She’s probably weighing up who she can and can’t trust right about now. 

What do you think about all of this?

Hit the comments below!


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Kim Kardashian: Paranoid, Imploding on Twitter After Robbery

Kim Kardashian is all broken up about her Paris robbery assault, and returned to Twitter on Wednesday night to unfollow a bunch of users. 

Kardashian’s Twitter isn’t the only thing imploding around her – it’s apparent that her mental health is deteriorating, too. 

Last night, Kim unfollowed 13 – ooh, scary, unlucky number! – people that she’d previously followed.

In her return to Twitter, however – the first time she was active on the platform since the robbery – had nothing to say to her followers, all who wished her well. 

It would appear that she doesn’t have many allies – or friends – on the network anyway, as most of those she follows are fan pages designed around the Kardashians and their brand.  

The only notable, verified celebrities that she currently keeps up with are her family, Chrissy Teigen, John Legend, Gigi Hadid, Sam Smith, Cara Delevingne, and Jaden Smith.

Others on the dwindling list include John Edward – yes, the psychic – Pharrell, Oprah, Demi Lovato, Bar Refaeli, Christina Aguilera, and Jonathan Cheban.

… If you want to consider that last one “notable.” 

E! also reports that Kim is undergoing intensive therapy to cope with the aftermath of her terrifying experience, and to us, it sounds like she’s going a little too far with the emotions on this one. 

A home invasion isn’t easy for anybody, but unfortunately, there’s far worse things that a person can endure and wouldn’t need counseling for post-traumatic stress disorder. 

The source said, “Kim is doing better, but she still has a long way to recover from the robbery.”

“She has been receiving some professional counseling,” the source added.

“Her friends and family have been really supportive, [and] her sisters and mom have been checking on her every day.”

The source also claims that Kim’s using her children as a shield against freakouts. 

“Being around her children is the biggest distraction for [Kim’s] mind,” the source revealed. “North West is aware her mom is sad and not herself, but Kanye and Kim are trying not to talk about it around her.” 

To be fair, it’s not likely that a child at the age of three is very attuned to what a robbery is.

… Especially considering she wasn’t even there when her mother was reportedly tied, gagged, and thrown into a bathtub while thieves raided her Paris apartment. 

It shouldn’t be too hard not to let North know that things aren’t what they’re supposed to be, but we are talking about the Queen of Drama herself. 

It sure sounds like Kim’s going off the deep end with this robbery – whether it’s the real deal or an epic fake-out of a heist.

If you know anything at all about the Kardashians, it’s that they’ll milk any opportunity for fame or pity until there’s not a drop of life-sustaining force left.  


Nancy Grace: Kim Kardashian Robbery is a Set-Up!

Nancy Grace, famed legal analyst, is guns-out adamant that Kim’s robbery was a set-up.

In fact, she has her own ideas as to what really went down, and they’re raising more questions than can be answered. 

Grace complains that the job wasn’t necessarily an inside one, but a set-up nonetheless. 

Nancy proclaims, “I definitely believe it was a set-up, but I don’t necessarily think the Kardashians set themselves up.” 

In an interview with Sirius XM’s “Wake Up With Taylor,” Grace didn’t mince words.

“What I’m saying is a set-up,” she continues, “[is] in that they got away on bicycles,” as if high-powered, plotting thieves would dare to escape in non-motorized transport. 

“And then the story keeps changing about how the doorman let them up,” she asserts, calling into question the motives and integrity of building security. 

“Now, the story,” she says, “is [that the thieves told the doorman], ‘We really need to see Ms. Kardashian, and [the doorman] goes ‘Okay!’ “

Grace maintains that somebody’s lying, and that’s why the case will remain unsolved. 

“I mean, everything’s just changing and when the story changes – it’s been long, long my theory – when a story changes, somebody’s lying,” she says, perhaps making the most obvious statement ever made. 

“When a story is embellished upon,” she continues, “that’s not a problem, because if you ask the right questions, you may get more answers; more information, and it adds on.” 

“I can’t tell you from this distance [who I think is responsible],” Nancy concedes, “but I can tell you if the night clerk is giving two different stories – if he actually gave those two stories – that’s impossible; that’s a lie.”

Sounds about right to us.

Unfortunately for Kardashian, it doesn’t look like this case is going to be solved. 

And while sometimes it’s better to just let things go and allow them to sort themselves on their own, things haven’t exactly been smooth sailing after the Paris incident.

Husband Kanye West was accused of setting up the robbery in a bid to save his foundering bank accounts, and another rumor claimed that the robbery didn’t even happen at all.

Additionally, Kim was a no-show for the “Keeping Up With the Kardashians” wrap party, prompting people to think that the show will be canceled.

One thing is certain, and it’s that nothing is certain. But when you’re dealing with the Kardashians – reality experts extraordinaire – who can really tell the real from the fake anyway?


Kim Kardashian Robbery -- Secret Recording in Paris Apt. Sparks Police Investigation

Moments after Paris cops responded to the Kim Kardashian robbery scene, someone recorded video inside her apartment and whoever shot the footage is in big trouble … TMZ has learned. The video shows Kim on a couch, wrapped in blanket…


Kim Kardashian Robbery -- Secret Recording in Paris Apt. Sparks Police Investigation

Moments after Paris cops responded to the Kim Kardashian robbery scene, someone recorded video inside her apartment and whoever shot the footage is in big trouble … TMZ has learned. The video shows Kim on a couch, wrapped in blanket…


Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Kim Kardashian Robbery: Halloween Costume Sparks Outrage

It’s been just over a week since Kim Kardashian was robbed at gunpoint in Paris, and the story shows no signs of leaving the headlines any time soon.

It doesn’t help that there are new reports that the robbery was exposed as fake in recently leaked footage that appears to show the reality star calmly FaceTiming just moments after she was allegedly bound and gaged.

Then there are the stories over the public’s reaction to Kim’s terrifying ordeal…

As with anything Kardashian-related there were jokes aplenty on social media in the days after the robbery took place.

Some fellow celebs expressed outrage over the fact that so many saw fit to make light of Kim’s victimization.

For the most part, their pleas for empathy fell on deaf ears, as thousands expressed their belief that Kim brought the theft on herself by making a living flaunting her wealth in a world full of have-nots.

Many didn’t see Kim as a particularly sympathetic figure to begin with, and reports that the robbery was an inside job orchestrated by a member of her inner circle, or possibly even altogether staged, haven’t helped her situation.

Now, online retailer Costumeish has hit Kim with the ultimate low blow in the form of a costume that turns her horrifying ordeal into a punchline:

Technically, it’s a “Parisian Heist Robbery Victim Kit” that’s currently selling on the site for $ 69.95, but clearly, it’s based on the latest Kim scandal.

The members of the Kardashian-Jenner clan are no strangers to controversial Halloween garb.

Last year a Caitlyn Jenner costume stirred up controversy in the weeks leading up to the holiday.

Even after Caitlyn gave fans permission to wear the costume, many still decried it as distasteful at best, transphobic at worst.

We doubt Kim will be offering her fans a similar pass.

The 35-year-old mother of two is currently suing the website Media TakeOut, alleging that it published three erroneous articles accusing her of staging the robbery.

We’re guessing a partier bound and gagged as part of a misguided joke is the last Kim wants to see on Halloween night.

Thus far, the site selling the costume has not responded to any media requests for comment.


Kim Kardashian Robbery: Exposed as Fake in Bombshell Video?!?

Might Kim Kardashian have plummeted to such a pathetic new low that even Donald Trump would be disgusted by the reality star’s actions?

That’s what Radar Online is trying to imply by sharing a new video of Kardashian inside her Paris apartment.

The footage was allegedly filmed soon after Kim got robbed at gunpoint of over $ 10 million in jewelry.

The crime took place early on the morning of October 3 and its details have prompted even the most ardent Kardashian haters to feel sorry for this mother of two:

She was yanked out of bed. She had her hands tied. She was bound and gagged. She believed she was going to be raped.

But did all of this really take place?

Or might Kim and Kanye West have concocted the ultimate lie in order to compensate for the latter’s dire financial situation?

Radar is running a video that claims to depict the scene inside Kim’s apartment not long after the robbery went down.

It’s unclear who is behind the camera, but the footage features Kardashian bundled up in a blanket, sitting on the sofa and talking on her cell phone.

She does not seeming disturbed or panicked.

Moreover, at least a couple of reports had claimed that the thieves stole the very cell phone on which we see Kim video-chatting.

Is this so-called evidence not enough to convince you that Kardashian staged the robbery and lied about the entire thing? We don’t blame you.

But there’s more…

Kardashian told authorities that her hands were zip-tied behind her back during the robbery.

She says she was thrown into the bathroom and unable to move, due to these bindings.

HOWEVER, Radar stops its tape to show that there are no visible markings on either of Kim’s wrists, despite these assertions of what transpired.

(In order to test Kardashian’s story, Radar hilariously writes that an employee “subjected herself to being hogtied [and] suffered bruising almost immediately.” That may be the funniest lie line we see written on a celebrity gossip site all decade.)

kim image

What else does Radar claim runs counter to Kardashian’s claims?

The apartment is not in disarray. The furniture is all in place and there is no sign of forced entry on any doorways.

Magazine clippings are intact on the wall and a bunch of mirrors remain in place.

(Then again: the robbers reportedly knew what items they were looking for, specifically asking Kim where to find the $ 4.5 million ring gifted to her by Kanye.

She reportedly told them, meaning they had no reason to ransack the apartment.

Also, the assailants supposedly held the concierge hostage and he very likely had a key to the apartment. This would explain the lack of forced entry.)

Radar zooms in on Kim’s assistant, who appears to be wearing a lapel mic, along with cameras mounted on the wall of the apartment.

What would these be for, the website wonders, considering Keeping Up With the Kardashians was not being filmed at the time, according to the family?

In February, Kanye West Tweeted of his money problems:

“I write this to you my brothers while still 53 million dollars in personal debt … Please pray we overcome … This is my true heart. I don’t have enough resources to create what I really can.”

For this reason, other outlets have also wondered whether West staged this robbery in order to collect on the insurance from the allegedly stolen pieces of jewelry.

It would be a scandal of biblical proportions if that rumor was somehow proven true.

But is this Radar video really enough to make you believe there’s validity to that claim?

Does what you see in that footage constitute any kind of evidence against Kim and Kanye?

We’re no fans of Kim Kardashian here at The Hollywood Gossip. Not by a very long shot.

And we’ve been conditioned to be cynical of nearly every celebrity over many years of covering them.

But still. Come on. We can’t bring ourselves to believe that Kimye would be capable of conjuring up such a fantastic story.

Are you buying any of this? Or do you believe that Kim Kardashian was truly robbed at gunpoint?


Kim Kardashian Robbery -- Goes On the Attack! Sues Over Claims She Lied

Kim Kardashian’s calling out a media outlet … Tom Cruise style … suing for published stories that accuse her of lying about the whole Paris robbery. Kim just filed a federal lawsuit against for 3 posts about her ordeal ……


Kris Jenner on Kim Kardashian Robbery: Don"t Be Ungrateful!

Kris Jenner’s ideas on the robbery of daughter Kim Kardashian are a little out there — even for a Jenner/Kardashian — but what else would you expect from the momager who allowed her daughter to be used as a urinal cake when she was just 23 years old?

Jenner shared a goopy, cliché Instagram post, which was pretty cringeworthy. 

Truth be told, we’re a little disgusted by her lack of sincerity — as well as by breaking her silence via an Instagram photo that she apparently dug out from a generic inspirational quotes account. 

Jenner said, “Every morning is a reminder of how blessed we are.”  

“Today I am grateful for my family, who I love more than words can explain,” she continued.

“Count your blessings, be grateful always, and cherish every moment you spend with your loved ones,” Jenner concluded. 

Yes, count blessings (and the rest of your money) to show that you’re totally thankful for stepping on the necks of others in order to even be considered a target for such a large-scale robbery.

As previously reported, Kanye West purportedly blamed Kris Jenner for the lack of security around the time that his reality-TV wife was robbed in Paris. 

Kanye was said to “flip out” on Jenner because she advised him that Kim would be safe, and that she’d be guarded like Fort Knox.

However, by many accounts, Kim was alone at the time of the robbery.  

That makes things extra disturbing that Kris would seem to entirely skirt any responsibility, and instead, take the singular route of concerned, Instagram-present mom.  

Kris isn’t the only one seemingly lying low after the middle Kardashian sister was held at gunpoint. ET Online previously reported that Khloe Kardashian and Kendall Jenner cancelled upcoming book signings. 

The delay was said to be due to “safety reasons.”  

The only family member who has maintained a normal presence in the public eye has been Kylie — who hasn’t quit with the onslaught of barely-there clothing selfies (of course). 

We won’t hold our breath that the family will stop milking Kim’s horrifying ordeal anytime soon, but we’re hoping Kris Jenner uses her calculating brain a little bit more before she fires off anymore generic quips about being “thankful” for her family. 

And, of course, their safety — which is nothing to joke about. 
