Showing posts with label Roseanne. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Roseanne. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Jerry Seinfeld Actually Defends Roseanne Barr

First, Jerry Seinfeld refuses to hug Kesha. Now he’s defending Roseanne Barr, of all people.

Remember how Roseanne Barr got fired for her racist tweets?

Seinfeld thinks that canning her was overkill.

In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Jerry Seinfeld defends Roseanne Barr, which has left a lot of people scratching their heads and others outraged.

“I didn’t see why it was necessary to fire her,” Seinfeld said.

Seinfeld then hits his interviewer with a very peculiar analogy.

“Why would you murder someone who’s committing suicide?” Seinfeld asks.

The suggestion seems to be that Roseanne was killing her own show or career and that ABC should have “let the market decide” when her show would end.

That perspective is both devoid of moral judgment and, quite frankly, seems to be willfully ignoring broader PR and business concerns for ABC and for Disney.

Mostly, Seinfeld sounds bewildered at how quickly Roseanne sabotaged her own career and her own show.

“But I never saw someone ruin their entire career with one button push,” Seinfeld muses.

ABC greenlit a Roseanne spinoff, The Connors. This will give 200 people, including the cast, jobs for at least another season.

(We would point out that some of those crew members may have missed other job opportunities since they were already on Roseanne, so this is very welcome news)

Jerry Seinfeld has opinions about that, too.

“I think they should get another Roseanne.” Seinfeld suggests.

Recasting someone for that famous titular role would be a bizarre choice, especially since the character’s name is also the actor’s name.

“They brought Dan Conner back,” Seinfeld points out.

Seinfeld mentions that the character’s resurrection is somewhat famous, pointing out that “he was dead and they brought him back.”

For that reason, he believes, a simple recasting wouldn’t be a stretch of the imagination.

“So,” Seinfeld asks, with Dan’s resurrection in mind. “Why can’t we get another Roseanne?”

For one thing, Barr would probably have to sign off on that.

Seinfeld argues: “There’s other funny women that could do that part.”

Sure. But … what, some wonder, would be the point of making an awkward situation more awkward?

“You need,” Seinfeld insists. “To get the comic in there.”

“I hate to see a comic lose a job,” he laments.

A pity that he doesn’t reserve some of that hate for dehumanizing racism.

Twitter saw Seinfeld’s comments and responded by excoriating him.

One person tweeted: “Please f–k off Jerry, thank you!”

Short and to the point. Not terribly sweet, though.

Another tried to explain: “Hello. Disney is an international company. By Keeping her they’re saying the agree with her views. Think about the repercussions this could have on Disney around the world. They had no choice.”

Very reasonable.

Another tweeted: “well Curb > Seinfeld so yea.”

That is referring to Larry David’s Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Another settled for a gentle burn: “Seinfeld, didn’t his show get cancelled?”

To clarify, Roseanne has years of history of being explicitly racist on Twitter. We don’t mean “edgy” humor. We mean sincere tweets about combatting “Jewish mind-control.”

Roseanne has also expressed the belief that Donald Trump is conducting secret arrests of non-existent Illuminati pedophile rings. She routinely shares fringe-right conspiracy theories on social media.

So, while one particular tweet became the focus of viewers’ ire, Roseanne hardly ended her career with a single button-push.

Instead, it was death of a thousand cuts, and that tweet, if you’ll allow mixed metaphors, was the final straw.


Monday, June 25, 2018

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach Says Roseanne Deserves Forgiveness

TV personality Rabbi Shmuley Boteach says America is becoming too unforgiving … and Roseanne’s teary apology should warrant some apathy. Audio of Roseanne breaking down in an interview recorded with Boteach, just days after Barr…


Sunday, June 24, 2018

Roseanne Barr: I"m Not Racist, Just Super Dumb!

Roseanne is … she’s been … the thing about her is …

It’s just a weird, awful situation, basically.

Roseanne’s recent troubles began last month, when she made a very, very questionable statement on Twitter that was bad enough for ABC to cancel the wildly successful reboot of her sitcom.

What did she say that was so bad?

You surely know by now, but this woman thought it would be appropriate to jump in a thread about Valerie Jarrett, a black woman who worked as one of Obama’s advisors, and write “muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby = vj.”

It was terrible, she 100% should have known better, but still, that’s what she wrote.

People were understandably upset by her tweet, and like we said, the backlash was enough to get the reboot of Roseanne cancelled.

She apologized for her remark shortly after making it, and she also tried to make a whole, whole lot of excuses for it, explaining that “It was 2 in the morning and I was ambien tweeting.”

She’s also said that she’d been criticized so harshly because she’s Jewish, and that she planned on “making restitution for the pain that I have caused.”

Basically, she’s been saying a whole lot of things, and most of them have been very bad.

So why would what she’s saying now be any different?

Roseanne has this friend, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, and he’s got a brand new podcast. So on the very first episode, she made an appearance, and you can probably guess what they talked about.

To kick things off, she said “Of course I’m not a racist, I’m an idiot, and I might have done something that comes across as bigoted and ignorant and I know that that’s how it came across.”

“I ask for forgiveness because I do love all people, I really do.”

She even began sobbing, saying “I have black children in my family. I never would have wittingly called any black person and say they are a monkey.”

“I just wouldn’t do that, and I didn’t do that and people think that I did that, it just kills me.”

And although she was “impaired” when she made the tweet, “I don’t excuse it.”

“I horribly regret it, are you kidding me?” she asked. “I’ve lost everything, and I regretted it before I lost everything, and I said to God, I am willing to accept whatever consequences this brings, because I know I’d done wrong.”

“I’m willing to accept what the consequences are. And I do and I have.”

Then, if you can even believe it, she tries to make another excuse for what she tweeted about Valerie Jarrett with “I don’t agree with her politics and I thought she was white.”

She seriously said “I did not know she was a black woman.”

“When ABC called me and said, ‘What is the reason for your egregious racism?’ I said, ‘Oh my God, it is a form of racism. I guess that I didn’t know she was black and I’ll cop to it."”

For what it’s worth, which isn’t much, she admitted “I know I should’ve known better because I know it’s a form of racism to assume that every person who looks white is indeed white.”

“People make that mistake about me all the time. They think I’m not Jewish.”

But after that, she said “I’ve always worked with black women and worked on my racism and their anti-Semitism, we’ve all done … I’ve done that since the 60s and you know, it still creeps in.”

So which is it? She didn’t know Valerie Jarrett was black or racism crept in?

Either way, she apologized again with “I am so sorry and humiliated and, you know, angry at myself but in my heart, I just made a stupid error and I told that to ABC, and they didn’t accept it or want to hear it.”

“I said, ‘But that’s the truth. I thought she was white.”

Will anyone actually believe this? Maybe, but probably not.

After all, this wasn’t the first time she’s ever been awful, and it certainly won’t be the last.

But to defend herself yet again, she explained “Sometimes you just say the wrong words. And I should have known better. I should’ve not done it.”

“I wish the hell I wouldn’t have done it and I should have been better and I wasn’t and I caused a lot of pain and I know that and that’s the worst feeling in the world — I caused pain for my family, I caused pain for my mother, I caused pain for the 200 actors that I love, and crew and writers.”

“I feel so bad that they gave me another chance and I blew it,” she lamented.

Well, that last part isn’t entirely true — she did blow it, but only for herself.

ABC confirmed just a few days ago that they’d be moving forward with the show, without Roseanne’s character and with a new title of The Conners.

So all those actors and the crew and the writers will still have their jobs, isn’t that neat?

It’s funny how successful you can be if you’re not a terrible person who says racist garbage!


Roseanne Barr Breaks Down in Tears Over Racist Tweet

Roseanne Barr broke down in tears after posting her racist tweet, saying she may be a loud mouth but she would never knowingly call a black person a disparaging term … despite comparing Obama’s adviser Valerie Jarrett to an ape. Barr’s comments…


Roseanne Barr Breaks Down in Tears Over Racist Tweet

Roseanne Barr broke down in tears after posting her racist tweet, saying she may be a loud mouth but she would never knowingly call a black person a disparaging term … despite comparing Obama’s adviser Valerie Jarrett to an ape. Barr’s comments…


Friday, June 22, 2018

"Roseanne" Crew All Welcome Back for "The Conners" Reboot

Good news for everyone who worked on the original reboot of “Roseanne” — they’ve all been invited back for reboot 2.0 … except for Roseanne, of course. Sources close to production tell TMZ … all crew members who worked on the show that got…


"Roseanne" Crew All Welcome Back for "The Conners" Reboot

Good news for everyone who worked on the original reboot of “Roseanne” — they’ve all been invited back for reboot 2.0 … except for Roseanne, of course. Sources close to production tell TMZ … all crew members who worked on the show that got…


Roseanne Spinoff: Actually Confirmed by ABC!

Roseanne is about to die.

Not Roseanne Barr.

Roseanne Conner.

Allow us to explain…

On Thursday evening, ABC announced that it has ordered The Conners to series, confirming that 10 episodes of this spinoff will start airing this fall on Tuesdays at 8 p.m.

The sitcom will be a spinoff of Roseanne, the wildly popular show from the 1990s that was revived by the network earlier this year and earned tremendous ratings during its resurrection.

Roseanne had been renewed for what would have been its eleventh season overall… only for its lead star to finally be too racist on Twitter for the network, prompting cancelation in late May after she wrote some abhorrent stuff about a former White House advisor.

Got all that?

Original cast members John Goodman, Laurie Metcalf, Sara Gilbert, Lecy Goranson and Michael Fishman will all reprise their beloved roles on The Conners.

Barr, however, will have no association with the program at all.

“I regret the circumstances that have caused me to be removed from Roseanne,” Barr said in a statement yesterday, adding:

“I agreed to the settlement in order that 200 jobs of beloved cast and crew could be saved, and I wish the best for everyone involved.”

Barr, of course, has not typically been this reasonable and restrained in the wake of her firing.

She said on social media at one point that she’s only been receiving backlash because she’s Jewish.

But anyway. Back to that whole death thing that we mentioned up top, right?

ABC has not revealed how Roseanne (the character) will be written out of the spinoff, but it seems impossible to imagine any way this show will make sense unless the family matriarch is killed off.

The network also said in a press release that “a sudden turn of events” will force the Conners “to face the daily struggles of life in Lanford in a way they never have before.

This statement also read as follows:

“The Conners’ stories demonstrate that families can always find common ground through conversation, laughter and love. The spinoff will continue to portray contemporary issues that are as relevant today as they were 30 years ago.”

As for Goodman, Metcalf, Gilbert, Goranson and Fishman, many of whom have spoken out against Barr?

This is what they had to say about the spinoff:

We have received a tremendous amount of support from fans of our show, and it’s clear that these characters not only have a place in our hearts, but in the hearts and homes of our audience.

We all came back last season because we wanted to tell stories about the challenges facing a working-class family today.

We are so happy to have the opportunity to return with the cast and crew to continue to share those stories through love and laughter.

Additional cast members for the series, along with a premiere date, will be announced at a later date.

Finally, to be clear, Barr will have no financial or creative involvement in the spinoff whatsoever.


ABC Announces New Version of "Roseanne" Without Roseanne Barr

ABC just made it official — as TMZ first reported … it’s giving the greenlight to a new Roseanne Barr-free version of ‘Roseanne,’ and it’s coming back this fall. The network says the show’s working title is “The Conners” and it will be in the…


Monday, June 11, 2018

Whitney Cummings Still "Pissed Off" About "Roseanne" Experience

Whitney Cummings can’t hide it … she’s angry about Roseanne Barr and what happened to her former coworkers on “Roseanne” — so much so, it’s hard for her to find the right words. The comedian and former “Roseanne” showrunner sounded like she…


Saturday, June 9, 2018

"Roseanne" Reboot Has a Major Hang-up ... Roseanne Barr

ABC is still all-in on moving forward with a second “Roseanne” reboot — this one revolving around Sara Gilbert’s character — but there’s a major issue to resolve … ownership. Sources close to the production tell TMZ … because Roseanne Barr…


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Roseanne Barr Has Time to Stop and Smell the Roses

Pretty sure Roseanne Barr would rather be in a writers’ room working on season 2 of her show, but instead she’s got tons of time to smell roses … and scowl. Roseanne’s retreated to her Salt Lake City home, and Thursday morning she was…


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

John Goodman"s Working the Phone Amid "Roseanne" Reboot Talks

John Goodman’s looking like he means business … as in the “Roseanne” reboot business.  John was out in New Orleans Tuesday, and was spotted on a call that seemed more serious than lighthearted — and ya gotta wonder if that’s ABC or…


Roseanne Barr: I"ll Make Restitution, But I Did Nothing Wrong!!

Last week, Roseanne Barr’s racist tweet and the ensuing backlash got her sitcom revival cancelled. Womp womp.

This week, she is trying to convince people that she is “making resitution” for what she’s done. That’s very vague, but sounds good.

Unfortunately, she might be more convincing if she weren’t retweeting outlandish, horrible statements about the same woman she compared to an epe.

Roseanne Barr tweeted that former Senior Adviser to President Obama, Valerie Jarrett, was the child of the “muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes.”

That, folks, is racist. Comparing black people to apes has a long and terrible history, and it is impossible to imagine that Roseanne did not know that.

Though she had made a similar statement about another member of the Obama administration several years ago, it was the outcry over this tweet that prompted ABC to cancel her series.

In addition to using racism as a weapon to target a woman whose politics she dislike, Roseanne also cost the entire cast and crew their jobs.

While multiple sources indicate that a spinoff without Barr might actually happen, it sounds like a long-shot.

Roseanne herself seems to at least acknowledge that she did something wrong. On Tuesday, she tweeted:

“I’m making restitution for the pain I have caused.”

It is not clear whether Roseanne is referring to the people she targeted with racist insults — people like Valerie Jarrett.

She may also be talking about the cast and crew who are suddenly in search of new jobs even though her show had previously been renewed for a second season.

Many of these people may have had to turn down offers that have now expired because they already had Roseanne lined up. Some are scrambling.

But maybe Roseanne really wants to convince fans who felt betrayed by her racism that she’s not the same as she was.

Though retweeting replies like this one may make that harder to believe.

A fan tweeted, and Roseanne retweeted, this:

“You didn’t cause any pain. Those people always hated you.”

Point of order: actually, plenty of people who currently dislike Roseanne Barr were fans of her, years ago, when she was an advocate for equality. They wonder what happened to make her like she is today.

“Valerie Jarrett wants Israelis and Jews chased into the sea, and she’ll celebrate.”

We’re horrified by this statement and also unsure of the source of Jarrett’s alleged desire to red bull an entire diverse ethnic group of millions of people.

Obviously, Roseanne is not responsible for the abhorrent things that her fans say.

But she chose to retweet this. She is responsible for that.

And many feel that it calls her entire “restitution’ statement into question.

Roseanne also tweeted this:

“Deplatforming — read about it.”

Deplatforming is usually brought up when people are talking about nazis.

The idea is essentially that while people are free to think and say the most evil, abhorrent things imaginable, that doesn’t mean that other people have to listen.

It also doesn’t mean that these people need a platform from which to spew their vile rhetoric.

Thus, deplatforming is making sure that people like famed nazi Richard Spencer have as few opportunities to try to share their ideas about genocide as possible.

Based upon that tweet, Roseanne apparently believes that deplatforming is a bad thing and that it is happening to her.

In that case, is she suggesting that her racist tweet was fine, and that this was all a sinister conspiracy to boot her off of television?

To be honest … based upon her social media history, this would not even the most bizarre and improbable conspiracy theory that Roseanne believes.

But though people have rushed to her defense — sort of — by claiming that she isn’t racist but is in fact just crazy, there is no evidence of that.

Racism is a lot of things, but it is not a mental illness. Millions of people with mental illness manage to not be racist. Sometimes, people are just bad.

We would all like to see Roseanne do and say better things. Maybe she’s serious about restitution. We sure hope so.


Monday, June 4, 2018

ABC Could Announce "Roseanne" Reboot Any Day Now

ABC wants to move forward with a second reboot of “Roseanne” and we’re told an announcement could be imminent. Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ … network executives kicked negotiations into third gear when Tom Werner, who produced…


Tom Arnold Says Roseanne is Racist and So is Trump

Tom Arnold says his ex-wife, Roseanne, is undeniably racist … also acknowledging she’s plagued by mental illness. Tom was on “Good Morning Britain” Monday when Piers Morgan asked him about the tweet that tanked the show. He says Roseanne has been…


V. Stiviano Says Roseanne Is Racist, But So Is Everyone!!

Remember V. Stiviano?  She’s the one who recorded Donald Sterling’s racist rant about Magic Johnson — which led to the NBA forcing him to sell the Clippers.  Well … she’s BACK — and this time, we’re talking about Roseanne! “Everyone’s…


Saturday, June 2, 2018

"Larry Sanders" Creator Dennis Klein Calls Roseanne "A Pig and a Slob"

The creator of “The Larry Sanders Show” is baffled at everyone’s reaction to Roseanne’s racist tweet, because he says it was just a case of art imitating life. We got Dennis Klein Friday night in WeHo leaving Craig’s, and he was quick to say…


Friday, June 1, 2018

Roseanne Spinoff: Might It Actually Happen?!?

If at first you succeed, try again.

Such was the thinking behind the Roseanne reboot, which took a classic sitcom and revived it for the year 2018… to surprisingly strong ratings.

But then Roseanne Barr opened her often-racist mouth, ABC canceled the series and now a source alleges that executives are contemplating a second line of thinking:

If at first you succeed, and then you try again successfully until your star proves herself to be an irredeemable dirtbag… well… try again. Again.

In other, less complicated:

A Roseanne spinoff is in the works at ABC.

Insiders close to the situation say that network higher-ups are thinking of re-branding Roseanne and centering it on Sara Gilbert’s character of Darlene.

The thinking is that:

  1. The Roseanne brand still resonates with millions of viewers.

  2. Gilbert is far, far, far less of a terrible person than Barr.

Gilbert has supposedly been calling co-stars to gauge their interest in such a show, with John Goodman described by TMZ as “very interested.”

These same television sources say Tom Werner, who produced Roseanne through his company Carsey-Werner, is involved in the effort to reboot the show around Sara.

Just three days ago, Roseanne quipped about former White House advisor Valerie Jarrett, saying she was a mixture of an “ape” and the “Muslim Brotherhood.”

In a statement mere hours later, Channing Dungey, president of ABC, did not hedge in the any way, shape or form when she said the following:

Roseanne’s Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values, and we have decided to cancel her show.

So that was that… until Roseanne blamed the use of Ambien for her racist remark.

She also went after any colleague who dared to call out her awful viewpoints on life, one of whom was Gilbert hereslf.

Here is what Gilbert said the day Roseanne’s Tweet went viral:

Roseanne’s recent comments about Valerie Jarrett, and so much more, are abhorrent and do not reflect the beliefs of our cast and crew or anyone associated with our show.

I am disappointed in her actions to say the least.

Elsewhere, showrunner Bruce Helford said he was “horrified and saddened” by the insult.

Barr was later dropped by her talent agency ICM Partners; while TV Land, Paramount Network, CMT and Hulu all announced that Roseanne reruns were being yanked.

But would there be interest nationwide in a Darlene-centric sitcom?

It would not lack for publicity, that’s for sure.

“Don’t feel sorry for me, guys!!,” Roseanne Tweeted at one point this week, adding:

“I just want to apologize to the hundreds of people and wonderful writers (all liberal) and talented actors who lost their jobs on my show due to my stupid tweet.”

Well, not at least one of those talented actors may end up with an even better job.

But why do we doubt Roseanne will be happy for her?


Kanye West Supports Roseanne Because Of Course He Does

As you’ve likely heard by now, the popular ABC sitcom Roseanne was canceled this week after the show’s eponymous star and creator spewed hateful invective at former Obama aide Valerie Jarrett in such a way as to finally push her bosses over the edge.

Despite the fact that the recent revival season of the influential series was well-received, Roseanne Barr hasn’t received much public support because, well … even in 2018, most people aren’t too wild about Nazi rhetoric.

But that doesn’t mean Roseanne is completely without sympathizers.

Donald Trump is in Roseanne’s corner — a fact the president made clear with a tweet in which he condemned Disney president Bob Iger for apologizing to Jarrett, but didn’t breathe a word against Barr’s bigoted remarks.

And as we’ve learned time and again in recent weeks, as MAGA nation goes, so goes Yeezy.

Yes, Kanye West released a new album today, but it seems he has no fears that further alienating his fans might affect his sales figures.

(And to be fair, he probably has no reason to be concerned about that.)

According to Radar Online, Kanye is both a huge fan and a stalwart supporter of Roseanne.

Kanye West-Roseanne

And while he hasn’t spoken out in defense of the disgraced comic just yet, those closest to the rapper feel that an old-fashioned Yeezy rant is in the mail.

“Kanye loved Roseanne’s show and watched it faithfully. He feels it’s messed up it got canceled,” says one insider.

“‘Ye thinks America is becoming too sensitive.”

We won’t bother to point out the irony of that comment coming from the most sensitive man on God’s green earth.

“Roseanne’s a comic,” the source continued.

“He doesn’t think she’s a racist, and feels like she was just being her outlandish self and trying to be funny.”

Does Kanye think anyone’s racist?!

This guy could walk out of a meeting with David Duke and be all, “Talk about misunderstood!”

Anyway, as pretty much everyone suspected, it seems Kanye’s affinity for blowhards like Roseanne and the Donald has little to do with politics and much to do with the fact that he vews them as egomaniacal kindred spirits:

“His heart goes out to people like Roseanne and Trump, because he feels they’re good people who are edgy, just like himself,” the source summed up,” the insider says.

“And like him, gets slaughtered for it on a regular basis.”

Let us all observe a moment of silence for bajillionaires who must occasionally suffer consequences for saying idiotic things in public forums.
