Showing posts with label Shookus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shookus. Show all posts

Friday, August 11, 2017

Jennifer Garner to Lindsay Shookus: Ben Affleck"s Boozing Is Your Problem Now!

Back in March, Ben Affleck checked into rehab to be treated for alcohol addiction.

Just a few weeks later, Jennifer Garner filed for divorce from Affleck.

The two events may not be related, as Affleck and Garner had been separated for over a year at the time of Garner’s filing.

Still, according to insiders, Affleck’s drinking was a factor in the couple’s decision to part ways, so the timing may have been significant.

Some have speculated that Jen wanted to give Ben an opportunity to get sober before filing, so that she could work out an equitable custody arrangement with her ex and not fear for her children’s safety.

Whatever the case, Jen is likely well aware that staying sober will be a lifelong battle for Ben.

And while it seems she trusts him enough to let him spend time with their kids on his own, sources say that she’s also happy that the task of making sure Ben stays away from the bottle is no longer on her.

These days, Ben is dating Lindsay Shookus – an SNL producer he met during an appearance on the show – and Jen is reportedly happy to hand her ex’s problems off to his new flame.

“Of course Jen worries about Ben’s health because he is the father of her children, but she feels like she’s done everything she can to help him over the years,” a source close to the situation tells OK! magazine.

Unfortunately, it seems Shookus may have already given Jen reason to doubt that she’s up to the task of helping to keep Ben sober.

Last month, Ben and Lindsay were spotted leaving a liquor store together while vacationing in Maine.

“Jen is very surprised that Lindsay is drinking around Ben,” the insider says.

“But she feels that ultimately it’s up to Lindsay how she wants to handle the situation.”

It’s believed that Affleck is still abstaining and doesn’t feel tempted when he’s around others who are imbibing.

Ben and Lindsay’s relationship is still in the early stages, but sources close to the couple say it’s getting serious fast.

Though Shookus is reportedly still worried about meeting Affleck’s family, the couple has reportedly been discussing details of their future together.

Those who know Ben best say they’ve never seen the actor-director happier.

Hopefully, his newfound bliss will help the father of three stay off the sauce.


Thursday, August 10, 2017

Lindsay Shookus: TERRIFIED of Meeting Ben Affleck"s Family!

As you may have heard by now, Ben Affleck is dating Lindsay Shookus, a Saturday Night Live producer whom he met during one of his appearances on the show.

This isn’t like the many other dating rumors that have plagued Affleck in the months since his divorce from Jennifer Garner became final.

Affleck and Shookus are the real deal, and by all accounts, their relationship is getting serious.

But there’s one major milestone that the couple is apparently eager to put off as long as possible.

According to Radar Online, Lindsay is “terrified” by the prospect of meeting Ben’s family, with whom the actor is said to be very close.

For starters, Lindsay reportedly fears the Afflecks will blame her for the dissolution of Ben’s marriage.

“Lindsay’s been avoiding this so far, but meeting Ben’s mom, his brother Casey and the extended family is something’s she’s going to have to face,” a source close to the situation tells Radar.

“She’s terrified at facing their questions on how she and Ben met and fell in love,” the insider admitted.

“But she’s starting to run out of excuses – and Ben’s family members are beginning to wonder what’s up.”

Given the rumors that Ben started dating Lindsay while he was still married, we suppose it’s no wonder that she’s worried about how she’ll be perceived by the Affleck clan.

On top of all that, Lindsay is from Buffalo, which means she has to meet with Ben’s family prior to the start of the NFL season, so as to avoid being mocked relentlessly.

And don’t get us started on the challenge of deciphering Casey’s mush-mouthed mumbling without the assistance of closed captioning.

We can already hear Ben’s mother asking why he can’t settle down with a nice girl, like his friend Matt.

That, of course, may prove enough to cause a transition into Sad Affleck mode, or even a wild rage, as he does anytime someone dares to suggest that DeflateGate was anything other than a simple misunderstanding.

Lindsay is in a tough spot, as she lives in New York City, and hails from upstate, which means if she tries to kiss ass by praising the Red Sox or the Pats, she’ll instantly melt like an Indiana Jones Nazi.

We wish her the best of luck.

She’d do best to focus the conversation on the superiority of New England clam chow-dah over Manhattan and the wicked pah-kin’ nightmares created by the Big Dig.

Either that, or pretend she’s the person who saw and enjoyed Gigli.


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Ben Affleck to Lindsay Shookus: You Need a Makeover & Botox!

As you’ve likely heard by now, Ben Affleck is dating Lindsay Shookus, a Saturday Night Live producer whom he reportedly met while rehearsing one of his appearances on the show.

(There are conflicting reports about how long Affleck and Shookus have been dating, and the fact that Ben’s made several appearances on SNL over the years makes it difficult to pin down an exact date.)

Now, Lindsay is in the industry, but she works behind the camera.

So she probably doesn’t indulge in the sort of vanity we expect from people who drive around with trunks full of head shots at all times.

(Read: every single human living or working in Hollywood.)

Lindsay is from Buffalo, which means she was likely raised on a steady diet of chicken wings, Canadian beer, seasonal affective disorder, and football-related depression.

And though Ben still dusts off his Bah-ston accent for the occasional Dennis Lehane adaptation, he’s been in Hollywood for pretty much the entirety of his adult life, which means he probably cares more about climate than about important stuff like hating the Yankees.

Lindsay is an attractive woman by any standards, but she’s probably never had anything weird injected into her face for the purpose of plumping something that’s not as plump as she’d like it to be.

And if the rumors are to be believes (a big “if,” as always), that just doesn’t fly in Ben’s world.

One insider tells Radar Online that the actor feels Lindsay has not quite at the “Ben Affleck arm candy” level of hotness.

“Ben takes his image incredibly seriously, and while he adores Lindsay he’s aware she’s not quite the glamour puss of say, Emily Ratajkowski or Blake Lively [two of his rumored former conquests whilst he was married to Jen Garner],” the source claims.

The insider adds that Ben “wants Lindsay to seize the moment and get herself a brand new wardrobe, even some fillers if necessary.”

“She’s totally smitten and dancing to his tune, so expect her to follow through and vamp up her image big time,” the insider adds

Seize the moment and make yourself hotter for me!

That might have been the sort of thing Ben could get away with saying before he got fired as Batman.

So we’ll know if this rumor is true if Affleck steps out rocking a massive shiner sometime this week.


Thursday, July 20, 2017

Ben Affleck to Lindsay Shookus: Let"s Have a Baby!

It’s only been two weeks since we first learned that Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus are dating.

But depending on who you believe, the couple may have been together much longer than that.

In fact, some say Affleck and Shookus have been together for years, dating back to when they were both married to other people.

That may just be the tabloid media doing what it does and making up a salacious angle for a tame story.

Or maybe Affleck and Shookus really did leave their spouses for one another.

We may never know for sure, but whatever the case, this is clearly more than a rebound fling.

Sources close to the couple say Ben and Lindsay are both in it for the long haul.

Affleck reportedly has yet to pop the question, but it seems he and Lindsay are very much planning a future together.

One insider has even gone so far as to claim Ben and Lindsay are planning to start a family together.

Despite rumors to the contrary, Shookus is not yet pregnant, but there could be another Batfleck on the way very soon.

“They’re actively talking about having a baby,” a source close to Ben tells In Touch.

“They’re ready to start a family.”

The same insider says the couple’s only concern is how Ben’s ex-wife, Jennifer Garner, will react to the news.

“This is going to be her biggest nightmare,” says the source.

The problem it seems, isn’t that Garner begruges Affleck his happiness, but that she’s worried about how her children will react to seeing their newly-single dad with a pregnant girlfriend/

The tipster says Shookus’ pregnancy is sure to cause “a lot of drama” within Ben’s family.

Affleck and Garner finalized their divorce less than three months ago, so it’s safe to assume those close to Ben didn’t expect him to move on this quickly.

That said, the couple separated in 2015, so it’s not really all that surprising that Ben has moved on to another serious relationship.

Sources close to Garner say she wasn’t surprised that Ben is dating someone new, as he’s never been single for very long.

Tellingly, the actress has kept mum on the question of whether or not Ben’s new relationship overlapped with his marriage.


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Lindsay Shookus: Did She Cheat on Ben Affleck With Jon Hamm?!

When the world first learned that Ben Affleck was dating Lindsay Shookus, many applauded the non-tabloidy nature of their relationship.

After all, Affleck’s divorce from Jennifer Garner had been finalized; the former couple had been separated for more than two years; and the timng seemed right for Ben to move on with someone new.

Then the tabloid media started doing some digging and they found, well … a lot.

For starters, several outlets claimed that Garner and Shookus had an affair for several years before coming out as a couple.

This is a bit of a problem, as until relatively recently, both were married to other people.

It later came out that Garner confronted Shookus after learning of the affair, which she found out about after noticing some expensive jewelry purchases on Ben’s credit card statement.

As for Shookus’ ex-husband, Kevin Miller, he reportedly just fouhd out about the affair a few months ago, and now believes it was the cause of his divorce.

(According to People and Us Weekly‘s timelines, Shookus began her relationship with Affleck just a few months after welcoming the her and Miller’s first child.)

Now, London’s Daily Mail has done even more digging into the Lindsay’s past and found that the SNL producer has a history of dating famous men.

The tabloid reports that Lindsay engaged in a low-key affair with Sex and the City actor Chris Noth, though Noth’s reps deny the claim.

Of course, that may have something to do with the fact that Noth would’ve already been involved with his current wife at the time.

Interestingly, the tabloid claims that Ben and Lindsay went on a break at at one point.

(Yes, if the timelines are accurate, they’ve been together long enough to have gone on a break.)

During that time, it seems Lindsay got involved with another respected actor with a famously messy personal life.

The Mail claims Lindsay dated Jon Hamm during this time, and news of the relationship royally pissed Ben off.

Affleck and Hamm are friends and they worked on the 2010 film The Town together.

They both got out of very longterm relationships around the same time, and it seems Shookus knew just how to make Affleck jealous.

It’s anyone’s guess as to how much of the Mail‘s report is accurate, but one thing’s for sure:

It doesn’t look like Ben will be able to leave his tabloid staple status in the past any time soon.


Monday, July 17, 2017

Lindsay Shookus: Is Ben Affleck"s Girlfriend Pregnant?!

Regardless of what’s actually going on in their relationship, Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus’ romance is moving at breakneck speed in the pages of the world’s most salacious tabloids.

It was just last week that we learned Affleck and Shookus are dating, and already, rumors about flying about the couple taking major steps forward together.

Of course, it’s been widely reported that Affleck and Shookus dated in secret for several years, but that’s a topic for another time.

The big Shookfleck news of today comes from an Australian tabloid called Woman’s Day, and should thus be taken with several grains of salt.

The magazine claims that Shookus is pregnant and Ben’s ex-wife, Jennifer Garner, is “devastated by the news.”

An insider explains to the outlet that Ben and Lindsay decided to stop being secretive about their relationship after learning they’re expecting.

The source says Ben recently broke the news to Jennifer, who was understandably less than thrilled:

“Ben told her they’d just had their first doctor’s appointment,” claims the tipster.

Now, in all likelihood, this is a load of bull, but a Batfleck baby would explain a lot.

The normally secretive and downcast-looking Affleck has been out and about with Lindsay in plain view of the paparazzi in recent weeks, and what’s truly amazing is that he’s often smiling.

Of course, the most likely explanation is that he’s simply happy to have found love again after one of the most high-profile celebrity splits in recent memory.

Affleck and Garner separated back in 2015, but only finalized their divorce earlier this year.

There were rumors that they were trying to sort things out, and the actors were even spotted attending church and couples counseling together.

It was a dark time for both, no doubt, but after two years of darkness, it seems they’re both finally seeing some light at the end of the tunnel.

Affleck is newly sober after completing a stint in rehab, and friends say they haven’t seen him this happy in years.

Both he and Shookus are already parents, but if the relationship is progressing as rapidly as some claim, we wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a baby in their future.

We just doubt it’s in their immediate future.


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Ben Affleck-Lindsay Shookus Timeline: Did They Hookup While He Was Still Married?

As you’ve likely heard by now, Ben Affleck is dating Lindsay Shookus, a 37-year-old Saturday Night Live producer, whom he met while preparing for an appearance on the show.

The narrative, as presented by those on Team Affleck, goes something like this:

Jennifer Garner was the woman Ben was supposed to marry.

After that failed experiment, he found love with Lindsay, his bonafide soulmate.

Ben and Lindsay are both Northeasterners (she hails from the frigid climes of Buffalo; Ben, obviously, is from Boston); they’re both showbiz insiders who never fell in love with the glitz and glamour of fame; and their shared love of sarcastic humor helped them to click instantly.

Ben and Lindsay reportedly helped one another rise from the ashes of their respective failed marriages – which may help explain that ill-advised Phoenix tattoo on Ben’s back.

But there are those who claim that that convenient version of events is a fiction created by Ben’s PR team, designed to cover up the ugly truth:

Ben cheated on Garner with Shookus, and the affair led to the end of his marriage.

Entertainment Tonight has assembled a timeline of Ben and Lindsay’s time together, assembled from various reports from reputable sources such as People magazine.

According to ET’s version of events, Ben and Lindsay met in 2013, when Ben hosted the show’s 38th season finale.

Shortly thereafter, Ben and Lindsay were reportedly spotted getting “flirty” with one another at the premiere of the Sandra Bullock-Melissa McCarthy comedy The Heat.

Interestingly, this was the same year that the Affleck-directed drama Argo took home Best Picture at the Oscars, and Ben drew some mild criticism for talking about how “marriage takes work” in his acceptance speech.

Insiders say the relationship between Ben and Lindsay continued, but never progressed beyond the flirtatious stage … until 2015.

It was at that point that Affleck and Shookus “full-on had an affair,” according to a source cited by People.

“They would fly back and forth, but he would mostly visit her in New York. They didn’t hide.”

“Both of them were married at the time. They were having secret rendezvous every time he came in to New York City and other places, too,” claims a second source.

“Both of them were cheating on their spouses so they were very careful about it,” the insider adds.

Us Weekly offers an even more scandalous account, claiming that Ben and Lindsay’s affair began just months after she welcomed her first child with her then-husband, Kevin Miller.

In June of 2015, Affleck and Garner announced their separation.

In April of this year, Jen finally filed for divorce from Ben.

And earlier this month, of course, Affleck went public with his relationship with Shookus.

We may never know for sure if Shookus played a direct role in the end of Ben and Jen’s marriage, but at the very least, it seems she was a willing shoulder for Ben to cry on.


Monday, July 10, 2017

Ben Affleck and "SNL" Producer Lindsay Shookus On a Coffee Date

Ben Affleck’s looking more and more like he’s locking in ‘SNL’ producer Lindsay Shookus as his new gf … ‘cause they had a coffee/juice date Monday morning. Ben and Lindsay grabbed Starbucks in Brentwood after apparently spending the weekend…


Jennifer Garner Confronted Lindsay Shookus After Learning of Ben Affleck Affair, Sources Claim

Last week, we learned that Ben Affleck is dating Lindsay Shookus, a 37-year-old Saturday Night Live producer, whom he reportedly met while rehearsing an appearance on the show.

Affleck just finalized his divorce from Jennifer Garner in April, but the couple has been separated since 2015.

So surely there’s no great scandal in Ben moving on and dating someone new at this point, right?

Ha! This is the Batfleck we’re talking about, and whether it’s justified or not, there will always be countless pearl-clutching gasp-takes about everything he does.

And in this case, the situation might have involved actual clutching of pearls.

But we’re getting ahead of ourselves …

As you may have heard, it’s been rumored that Ben cheated on Jennifer with Lindsay

In fact, some have gone so far as to say that Affleck and Shookus carried on an affair behind Garner’s for years, and that the couple parted ways after Jen found out about it.

Conflicting stories abound, but right now, the consensus seems to be that Garner is pissed about the relationship, which lends credence to the theory that it overlapped with her marriage.

One insider tells Radar Online that Ben and Lindsay hit it off from the first time they met, and 

“There was an immediate spark,” says a source close to the situation.

“Ben and Lindsay flirted and stayed in touch through Ben’s appearances on SNL.”

Apparently, Affleck and Shookus weren’t great at keeping things on the down-low, and Jen found out about the affair after realizing that Ben had made several extravagant jewelry purchases.

“Jen met face-to-face with Lindsay and demanded she return the jewelry,” the source revealed.

“Lindsay says she’d return it, but only if Ben asked for it back.”

Yes, the insider claims there was an actual face-to-face confrontation between Garner and Shookus.

Sounds like things came close to getting very ugly.

Fortunately, Garner didn’t feel the need to fake her own death and frame Ben for the murder.

Sorry, but it’s impossible to hear news of Ben Affleck marital troubles and not think of Gone Girl.


Jennifer Garner: PISSED About Ben Affleck-Lindsay Shookus Affair!

Last week, we learned that Ben Affleck is dating Lindsay Shookus, a Saturday Night Live producer whom he reportedly met duting one of his appearances on the show.

The question of when exactly Ben and Lindsay met and started hooking up is an important one, as both parties were both married until relatively recently.

Ben’s divorce from Jennifer Garner was one of the most high-profile celebrity splits in recent memory, and the tabloid press has been obsessing over what might have caused the split for over two years.

So when word got out that Affleck’s relationship might not be new, and allegations that he cheated on Garner with Shookus surfaced online, old wounds were re-opened, and a story that had cooled suddenly got hot again.

Affleck hasn’t spoken out about the relationship yet or offered any information about when he and Shookus started dating, but sources tell People magazine that Garner has been deeply upset by news of the relationship.

“It’s not an easy situation for Jen,” an insider tells the magazine.

Garner is reportedly most troubled by the fact that she was aware of Ben’s “friendship” with Shookus during their marriage, and she’s now concerned that it may have been something more.

“It would have been easier for Jen if Ben would have just dated someone that Jen wasn’t familiar with,” says the insider.

As for the fact that Ben moved on so quickly after finalizing his divorce, the source says Jen’s not surprised:

“She knew it would happen soon. Ben just can’t be alone.”

Interestingly, a different source close to Garner says the actress is not upset in the slightest by Affleck and Shookus’ relationship … but doesn’t deny the allegations that Ben was unfaithful.

“Of course there are issues given it was a major affair, but Jen is her own woman and is completely fine,” says the insider.

“Nothing is new for her here. She’s in mama-bear mode …  putting the kids’ happiness first.”

The second insider maintains that as long as Affleck stays sober (the Oscar winner checked into rehab for alcoholism back in March), Jen doesn’t really care what he does, and will not stand in the way of Ben’s relationship with his kids.

“As long as he stays healthy and sober, she will support him spending as much time with the kids as he wants,” says the source.

We may never know if the allegations about Ben cheating on Jen are true, but it seems unlikely that the story will disappear from the tabloids any time soon.

Lindsay may have worked behind the scenes at SNL, but like it or not, she just entered the spotlight.


Saturday, July 8, 2017

Lindsay Shookus: Was She Ben Affleck"s Mistress?!?

According to multiple new reports, Lindsay Shookus is dating Ben Affleck.

According to a bombshell report, however, Lindsay Shookus is not the new girlfriend of Ben Affleck.

She’s actually been seeing the actor for awhile now.

Like, for THREE YEARS.

An insider tells Us Weekly that Affleck actually started his romance with Shookus way back in June of 2015, back when he was still married to Jennier Garner.

“Ben and Lindsay started their affair about three years ago, just a few months after she became a mom,” this source tells the tabloid, adding in further detail:

“They were not casually dating – they were having a full-blown affair.

“They were sleeping together, sending each other cute texts and meeting up whenever they could.”


There had been rumors of an Affleck affair nearly since the beginning of his turmoil with Garner.

It’s basically been confirmed, for example, that Affleck slept with his family nanny, but sources have claimed this dalliance took place after he was separated from Garner.

The same, though, cannot be said for Shookus.

Garner and Shookus’ ex-husband, Kevin Miller, both learned about this allegedly sordid relationship in 2015, Us Weekly claims:

“They were devastated when they found out about the affair,” the tabloid writes, while a second insider makes it clear:

“Lindsay was the main reason that Jen decided to leave Ben. They had a multitude of problems, but this was the breaking point for Jen.

“This wasn’t just sex, this was infatuation and a full-blown relationship that Ben and Lindsay were having while they were both married.”

Someone close to Affleck disagrees with this assessment, however, along with the entire Shookus timeline/allegation in general.

“Lindsay was not what led to the end of their marriage. They had a ton of other problems,” says this mole, who insists Affleck has only been giving it to Shookus for a few months.

“Ben is enjoying Lindsay’s company, and they will continue to see each other.”

Affleck and Garner finally got divorced this past April.

It took them two years to make the break-up official, as rumors of a reconciliation floated around the Internet for about two years.

The stars are committed to a healthy friendship in order to co-parent their three kids in a healthy environment, even spending this past July Fourth as a family.

As for Lindsay Shookus?

A friend tells E! News that she “the kindest person” and is very “down to earth.”

She grew up in cold climate of Buffalo, New York and attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in journalism.

Her very first job out of college was as an assistant to a producer on Saturday Night Live.

“I was watching Bruce Springsteen perform from 30 feet away on my fourth day,” she told The Hollywood Reporter in 2015. “I remember thinking, ‘How is this my job?’”

Shookus moved up the ranks to become an associate producer for the NBC program and later a producer for dozens of episodes and specials, including the 40th anniversary special, for which she won an Emmy.

She sort of discovered Kristen Wiig, spotting her early on and pushing for her to audition for SNL.

She has one child with the aforementioned Miller, who she met when he worked as writers’ assistant on SNL and who now works as a supervising producer on Late Night with Seth Meyers.

They got married in 2010.

Did they then get divorced because of Affleck?

Yes, if you believe this scandalous story.


Friday, July 7, 2017

Lindsay Shookus: Dating Ben Affleck! For Real!

Ben Affleck reportedly spent July Fourth with Jennifer Garner and their children.

But the actor and the actress merely hung out as friends.

The real fireworks for Affleck, according to E! News insiders, takes place when the star spends time with someone named Lindsay Shookus…

… because the two are totally getting it on! In bed!

Shookus is a producer at Saturday Night Live and an anonymous source tells E! that she and Affleck recently met up in London while the actor was abroad for work.

The duo took in a showing of Sam Mendes’ play Ferryman at the time, with the reliable celebrity news outlet even featuring a photo of Affleck with his hand on his new lady’s back as proof.

“It’s more than a summer fling,” the insider says, immediately contradicting him or herself by adding:

“They are having fun and care for each other. It’s early and they are taking it slow.”

Affleck and Shookus also stepped out in Los Angeles last night, taking their romance semi-public for the first time.

Shookus graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a Bachelor’s degree and her middle name is Anne.

She previously helped produce 30 Rock and was included among those who won an Emmy Award for the 40th anniversary Saturday Night Live special.

The blonde beauty started working at SNL way back in 2006.

Following many months of up, downs, backs and forths, Jennifer Garner and Affleck filed for divorce this past April.

They had announced their separation two years beforehand, yet continued to spend time together as the parents of three kids.

There had been many rumors of reconciliation floating around the Internet during this time, but neither Garner nor Affleck ever talked this way. They never hinted that they’d get back together.

It seems pretty clear at this point that the stars simply remained on strong terms because they wanted what was best for their family. And they still do.

Previously, Affleck had been linked romantically to Sienna Miller and Jennifer Lopez.

But those reports were likely complete nonsense.

Heck, he didn’t even move out of the home he shared with Garner until early May!

This Lindsay Shookus relationship is the real deal, however, marking Affleck’s first attempt to truly move on since becoming single.

According to court documents, he and Garner filed for joint legal and physical custody of their children, meaning they’ll remain a close part of each other’s lives for a very long time.

That’s sweet, really. And very mature.

“Jen is a superhero mom,” Affleck said earlier this year.

“She is an amazing mother and I’m really lucky to have her as a partner to co-parent these kids with. We try our best, we put them first and that’s what we do.”
