Showing posts with label Tamra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tamra. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Gretchen Rossi: Returning to RHOC to Ruin Tamra Judge"s Life?!

We’ve heard that one of the priorities that producers had for this past season was to try to reunite Vicki Gunvalson and Tamra Judge.

That goal was apparently why they brought back Lydia McLaughlin. And, mission more or less accomplished, they’ve now fired Lydia McLaughlin. Make of that what you will.

But that doesn’t mean that Tamra is headed for a drama-free life. Because it looks like Gretchen Rossi is going to make an epic return to The Real Housewives of Orange County.

Tamra Judge and Gretchen Rossi aren’t exactly what you’d call friends.

You might think that, with Gretchen no longer on The Real Housewives of Orange County, the ongoing dislike between the two of them might have cooled off during the past season.

Out of sight, out of mind, you know?

Instead, things actually reached a boiling point — no, they more or less exploded — between Gretchen and Tamra.

See, back in August, Sidney Barney slammed Tamra Judge as a bad mother, accusing neglect and emotional abuse.

Sidney, not an adult, alleged that her estranged mother continued to use her as a storyline despite her repeated requests to not be mentioned, that Tamra misrepresented her relationship with Sidney to gain sympathy from followers, and that Tamra basically just sucks.

Sidney said that a little more eloquently, but you get the idea.

How did Gretchen respond to Sidney’s post?

With sympathy and support. Gretchen wrote in a publicly visible reply to Sidney’s post:

“You have no idea how your brave words are helping so many who have been wronged by your mother’s manipulation and lies as well … “

We honestly doubt that this was Sidney’s intention, but Gretchen was clearly making this about her.

“So thank you for being brave enough to speak the truth.”

“I am so sorry your mother and your family is going through any of this, especially publicly, but continue to stay strong.”

“Your morals and strength are commendable and inspiring.”

That is classic the enemy of my enemy is my friend, right there.

Well, it looks like Tamra’s life is about to get a whole lot more stressful.

RadarOnline reports that Gretchen Rossi is being courted to return to The Real Housewives of Orange County.

For a price.

“Gretchen is willing to return, but producers know she will only sign if they offer the kind of money she can’t refuse.”

According to their source, Gretchen wants the kind of salary that Vicki Gunvalson is making.

Reportedly, Vicki is pulling in about $ 750,000 a year. But apparently producers think that Gretchen might be worth it.

“Producers for RHOC know that they need someone who is going to bring the drama, and Gretchen will certainly do just that.”

She’ll certainly do that.

After Vicki and Tamra ever-so-slightly mended fences in Iceland, producers will want new, fresh drama that doesn’t threaten to derail the entire series.

They’ll also need it to be a source of reliable drama, too.

“Gretchen will never, ever make up with Tamra.”

That sounds much better than the random fights that the now-fired Peggy Sulahian used to engage in for no reason other than the fact that cameras were rolling.

“The two hate each other so much and it does not matter to Gretchen whether or not Vicki let it go because she will not.”

Gretchen and Vicki, of course, are still friends. But it sounds like Gretchen won’t hold back.

You know that Vine (who else is excited about Vine 2?!) where the kid does his impression of Real Housewives by stuffing his shirt hilariously and then saying “I won’t hesitate, bitch” while pointing a toy gun?

That, it sounds like, is what we can look forward to from the next season of The Real Housewvies of Orange County.

Assuming that producers cough up the requisite dough, that is.

With Meghan King Edmonds remaining on the show because she’s pregnant and Gretchen a likely castmate, we’re reportedly still looking at at least three new castmates being added to the roster for next season.

It’ll be interesting to see what sort of dynamic the producers cook up.


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Tamra Judge: My Estranged Daughter Just Needs to Grow Up!

Each star of The Real Housewives of Orange County comes with her own history and her own bag of nonsense. And we’ve heard a lot about Tamra Judge in particular this year.

Namely, about her estrangement from her daughter, Sidney Barney.

Things got pretty heated, and it only makes sense that Tamra spoke about it at the reunion special.

So, over the summer, Tamra Judge posted a photoset from her daughter Sidney’s graduation. She spoke about how the two of them were mending fences, even though Sidney had been in Simon Barney’s sole custody for years.

To hear Tamra tell it, you’d think that Sidney had just, like so many young teen girls, hated her mom for a few years but was now maturing and wanted to see Tamra again and reconnect.

Sometimes, that’s how things go down.

But after Tamra posted the photo, all hell broke loose as it drove Sidney to speak out against Tamra Judge, proclaiming that Tamra was no mother to her.

In her lengthy and very well-written post, Sidney described exactly why she’d invited her estranged mother to her graduation … and how Tamra had broken the conditions of that invitation.

“[My father] even forced me to let [Tamra] come to my graduation because it was a milestone. When I told my mother that she could come I gave her a few conditions. All I asked was that she remains cordial with my father and my stepmom and to not post anything about my graduation, anywhere.”

That’s more than fair. Real Housewives are seeking fame and attention. Their children don’t necessarily share that desire.

“Not even two weeks after I graduated she posted a photo of me and shared it with her one million followers knowing that it would get picked up by the press. The one thing I asked and have been asking for 4 years now has been to not talk about me because I don’t want to be in the spotlight.”

Which means that there’s really no chance that Tamra could have “forgotten” Sidney’s wishes. It sounds like her fame, and using her estrangement as a storyline, was just more important.

“But again breaking her promises as per usual, she puts herself, her fame, her reputation, and her bank account before me. If she really wanted a relationship she would keep her promises and recognize that it is no one else’s fault but hers that I do not want her in my life.”

Like we said, Sidney is a very well-spoken young woman.

Also, Sidney explained exactly why she doesn’t care for her mother: detailing emotional abuse and alleging some disturbing neglect.

Tamra Judge seemed to dismiss Sidney’s callout post, which sounds like it’s part of a lifelong pattern with her.

So, at the reunion, Tamra addressed attending Sidney’s graduation:

“It was something I had been thinking about for the past few years. It was the next milestone in her life that I didn’t want to miss. And when I was invited, I was so grateful. I was so happy.”

And yet she had some misgivings, even then.

“But then I started thinking, ‘Why am I not helping her? Why am I not picking out the dress? Why am I not planning it?’ It’s just so hurtful.”

Probably because of the alleged emotional abuse in which she would ridicule her children, calling them “mini Simon” when they did something that she didn’t like.

Also probably because she laments her estrangement from Sidney on camera when Sidney does not want that.

And then Tamra made it worse:

“I stupidly posted a picture of her and I on graduation, which she had asked me not to do.”

She says that she did it because Simon had posted graduation photos that did not include Tamra, and Tamra apparently couldn’t handle not being publicly included.

“I was just so hurt, I was so hurt.”

So, Tamra violated her daughter’s wishes and privacy because of her own feelings. Ugh.

“There were so many horrible stories that were coming out and I was impulsive.”

Hearing Tamra Judge explain her actions really makes you feel sympathy … for Sidney.

Despite everything, including Sidney’s open letter, Tamra doesn’t seem to understand why Sidney doesn’t want her in her life.

“If I had done something absolutely horrible to her to warrant this, I’d get it. But I was nothing but a loving mother. That’s it.”

Tamra is also defending using her daughter as a storyline for her reality career.

“When your child turns their back on you, it’s very hard to keep it from a reality show.”

Is it, though?

“When you’re on a reality show and half your heart is missing? How do you stay quiet about that? I didn’t expect that to come out, I didn’t.”

Reality stars keep things — serious things, like pregnancy or even abuse — hidden from the camera all of the time.

It sounds like maybe Tamra doesn’t really prioritize her daughter’s feelings. And that perhaps she never has.

But Tamra told Andy Cohen that she hopes that Sidney will come around to her way of thinking.

“And I think that she’ll understand that when she gets older and she has her own kids. She’ll understand how hard it is.”

You know, it’s not uncommon for children with at least one terrible parent to be afraid of having children, out of concern that they’d fall into the trap of repeating a parent’s unforgivable actions.

You know what else? If you’re not willing to admit that you’re at fault, you really decrease your odds of reconciliation.

Regardless, if Tamra thinks that Sidney just needs to do some maturing, we think that she has another thing coming. From her writing, Sidney — who is an adult — sounds very mature to us.

Tamra is the one who gets into juvenile drama on camera for a living.


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Vicki Gunvalson: Tamra Judge Brings Up Eddie"s Sexuality, Not Me!

Vicki Gunvalson and Tamra Judge’s contentious relationship is pretty central to The Real Housewives of Orange County. These feuding frenemies are former friends, but sometimes that’s how life works out.

One major gripe that Tamra has with Vicki is that she blames Vicki for spreading rumors that her husband, Eddie Judge, is gay. That storyline has actually become pretty controversial.

Vicki is trying to clear the air — not with Tamra or Eddie, but more with the general public.

As we mentioned, the rumors about Eddie Judge’s sexuality and sexual history, which have come up repeatedly on The Real Housewives of Orange County, are controversial.

Not just on the show, but with outside audiences.

Mostly because sexuality rumors are never nice and can come across as homophobic. If you appear to be teasing someone with something just to hurt their feelings, one assumes that you believe that thing to be bad.

One can argue that it’s just Tamra who flips out about it and that Vicki and others only repeat the rumor because it elicits that reaction, but no matter how you look at it, the allegation of gayness is being used as a weapon.

Another sticking point for some viewers is that, as too often happens, the “Eddie is gay” narrative erases the existence of bisexuals. Plenty of people who are married to another gender had had same-sex relationships in the past. That doesn’t mean that they “used to be gay.” That’s bisexuality.

But while Tamra doesn’t come out of this looking great simply because the rumor seems to get under her skin more than it should, the lingering storyline of this rumor has reflected poorly on Vicki Gunvalson, who is often seen as its architect.

So now Vicki is out doing what looks a lot like damage control.

In a very, very lengthy interview with TooFab, Vicki Gunvalson addresses the Eddie Judge rumors and also speaks directly to the LGBTQ community.

Vicki describes how the rumor came to be passed around the RHOC stars — and says that Tamra seemed to be the one who brought it up.

“This started in 2011 when Tamra was dating him. So this isn’t anything new Tamra just started to bring up.”

Tamra, she says, brought it up when the Housewives were in Ireland.

“So we get on the bus and it’s pitch black out. I got my hat on and everyone has their earphones in and then Tamra goes up to Kelly in the midst of other things prior to that happening on the bus, and the cameras were off, down under the bus. No cameras were up.”

Well, at least it was off-camera.

“Tamra says, ‘Has Vicki ever told you that Eddie is gay?’ Now, why in the middle of the night would Tamra ask that of Kelly? Kelly shook her head because we have talked about that rumor privately but never on camera.”

Vicki says that she and Tamra had discussed the rumor back when Eddie and Tamra were dating — that Tamra had been anxious and had spoken to Vicki about it. (Remember that they used to be friends)

To Vicki, if they’re happy together, she doesn’t see that Eddie’s sexual history matters.

“I’m glad she found Eddie, they seem extremely happy. She’s the one who has made this a bigger deal than it needs to be. Because I don’t care.”

Vicki does say that having people discuss and question Eddie’s personal history is something that he signed up for because he married a reality star.

“Our past is our past and we cannot change our past. So if Eddie had a past of being with another man then that was his choice. He’s at a place now where he’s married.”

There are untold millions of men who are married with that kind of history, so it’s a plausible scenario. The best rumors always sound plausible.

“So if you’re married and you have a past that you don’t want to talk about or that you don’t want your wife’s friends to talk about, then that means there’s something more to it. He’s on a reality TV show.”

That argument wouldn’t fly with the child of a reality star — nobody asks to be born, and if we could all pick our parents, the Gates family and the Zuckerbergs would have many, many more children than they do.

“He married a reality star. He knew what he was getting himself into.”

We might not agree that anything and everything becomes fair game for reality stars, but we’d argue that Eddie shouldn’t be surprised that it’s come up.

As for the scene where Eddie’s supposed sexual past was brought up by Tamra’s friend Ricky on camera, Vicki says that it was a surprise to her and was not in any way orchestrated.

“The producers had nothing to do with this. We were sitting at a table and we were talking like old times. It was not orchestrated, there was no script. We don’t have a script.”

Well, not having a script doesn’t mean that things aren’t orchestrated. But we’re willing to take Vicki at her word that the producers didn’t tell them to have that conversation.

And Vicki addresses LGBTQ fans of The Real Housewives of Orange County, saying that she absolutely does not consider insinuations that someone has a gay past as being an insult.

“Gay is not less than. If you are married to a woman and you are a man and you have had a past… deal with it! No, I don’t dislike gays, I don’t dislike lesbians. My best friend’s daughter is a lesbian, she just got married. I don’t care.”

That’s not the best way to phrase that, but sure. We genuinely do not believe that Vicki Gunvalson is a homophobe.

“[Tamra is] taking this and twisting it to make her feel like a victim. Eddie is a great man. I don’t really give a crap what his past is.”

Well, that’s how Tamra gets part of her storyline. It can’t all be about trying to help Shannon Beador lose weight.

“As long as he loves Tamra and he’s loyal to her and monogamous to her as his wife, I’m good because I care about Tamra. I don’t know what she feels about me, but I care about Tamra and I never meant for this to be hurtful.”

And she has a message for the show’s LGBTQ fandom.

“To the LGBTQ fans that watch the show, I adore you. I love you.”

If we had to summarize all of this, we’d guess that we’d say that Vicki Gunvalson was enjoying the Eddie Judge rumors when they were getting reactions from Tamra Judge.

But Vicki has realized, we think, that the backlash over it from viewers is doing more harm than the rumor itself ever could. So, like we said, she’s trying to do damage control.


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

"Housewives" Star Vicki Gunvalson Say"s Tamra Judge"s Husband Should Come Out If He"s Gay

‘Real Housewives’ star Vicki Gunvalson isn’t doing a damn thing to shut down the rumor that’s become a big thing on the show … that Tamra Judge’s husband, Eddie, might be gay. The “OG from the OC” caught some heat this season when Tamra…


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Tamra Judge Lashes Out at Rumors: Eddie is NOT Gay!

This again?

As you know from our The Real Housewives of Orange County recap, the topic of Tamra Judge’s husband Eddie’s sexuality came up, again.

As soon as the episode aired on the East Coast, Tamra Judge went off in a furious social media rant. One that even she realized went too far, and had to dial back (but we have both versions).

So, Vicki Gunvalson — Queen Bee of The Real Housewives of Orange County and Tamra Judge’s friend-turned-enemy — was with Gretchen Rossi, Lizzie Rovsek, and Kelly Dodd.

Vicki Gunvalson has heard a rumor in the past that Eddie Judge, Tamra Judge’s husband, might be gay.

Vicki has also repeated this, often with a tone of delight, at more or less every opportunity.

The question of Eddie Judge’s sexuality even made it onto that Tamra Judge diss track.

Why? We don’t think that she’s concerned that Eddie Judge is living a lie when he could be living his best life.

Instead, it’s because the rumor seems to really get under Tamra Judge’s skin.

Anyway, this time, Ricky — Tamra’s very close friend — is part of the conversation.

And he claims that he once saw Eddie Judge kissing another man.

That caused a stir, obviously. It’s a dubious claim with zero support, but it’s salacious enough that Vicki would have to know that it would irk Tamra to no end.

And Tamra, on social media, took the bait.

So, as soon as the episode aired on the East Coast — where, we’ll remind you, most shows air three hours earlier (in real time) than on the West Coast because of the time difference — Tamra Judge took to Instagram to post her rebuttal.

Currently, her post says this:

“How orchestrated and wrong was that? The worst acting I’ve ever seen. They are nothing but homophobic bullies that think it’s okay to try and Out a straight man hoping to humiliate him.”

What exactly does it mean to out a straight man?

“Well guess what it didn’t work ! It’s Not the 1920’s and being gay is not something to be ashamed of or mocked. You should all be ashamed of yourself [sic].”

In its current form, Tamra’s post ends like this:

“We all know who was behind this …. bye.”

There’s a lot to unpackage here.

First of all, spreading rumors about someone’s sexuality is never good.

In many cases, it can endanger people. Not Eddie Judge, but … it’s never a good idea.

Even if you know something that somebody did or someone just sets off your very accurate gaydar, it’s bad form to share it.

Also, every part of this conversation about Eddie Judge isn’t just gossip, it’s also bisexual-erasure.

Plenty of straight people have bisexual spouses. Plenty of gay people have bisexual spouses.

Bi folks may be one of the “invisible” minorities because people tend to assume that they’re either gay or straight depending on their most recent partner, but they exist.

(They probably outnumber all of the rest of us combined, actually)

Anyway, so if Vicki’s going ot perpetuate rumors, she could at least refer to a man who’s married to a woman but allegedly has a past witn a man as bisexual.

But … it would still be better to find a new way to get under Tamra’s skin.

Perhaps she could talk about how Tamra Judge’s own daughter wants nothing to do with her, alleging neglect and emotional abuse.

Tamra’s original ending to that post after “you should all be ashamed of yourself [sic],” was a little more accusatory:

“Vicki was 100% behind this and I hope she loses her job just like Phaedra.”

That is … viciously harsh.

Gretchen Rossi then posted her own response on Instagram.

“Talk about reaching, this post takes the cake even for Tamra. Some of my dearest & best friends are part of the LGBTQ community…I am not homophobic in any way!”

Good that she starts by defending herself against accusations of being homophobic.

“No one was trying to ‘out’ anyone….Kelly was only pointing out that Vicki didn’t start the rumor and Lizzie pointed out that Tamra has known about this rumor going around town for years.”

We know … we all saw it.

“By the reaction on all our faces no one could have anticipated what Ricky was going to say when asked if he knew if Eddie was gay (which I only asked him because I knew he had been best friends with Tamra for 13 plus years and if anyone he might know)”

She saves her best point for last, however:

“Besides it’s only ‘outing’ someone if he is actually gay….which she adamantly denies. And just for the record Vicki Did not set anything up!!”

Honestly, whatever she really thinks of Eddie Judge, Vicki should probably cool it with the rumors.

Vicki can be creative and could find something else to use to needle Tamra.

Something that won’t make viewers and fans of the show uncomfortable.

Vicki’s taunts might even hit a little close to home for viewers and fans.

Taunting that someone’s spouse might be gay or bi shouldn’t be part of our society, you know?

Let’s all try to be better. Real Housewives included.


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Tamra Judge: Faking Her Fights for the Camera?

In Real Housewives terms, Tamra Judge seems to be fighting a war on all fronts, at any given time.

Her friend-turned-archenemy might still be Vicki Gunvalson, but Tamra seems to be always willing to go off on somebody else.

Well, according to an insider’s report, it sounds like Tamra has been faking it all just to stay relevant.

Sometimes, you hear a guy drone about how all of his ex-girlfriends were “crazy,” and by the time that he starts describing the fifth or sixth girl, you want to point out that the common factor in all of these relationships was the guy.

Well, that’s how we feel about Tamra Judge.

She does not get along with a lot of her fellow Real Housewives of Orange County.

Vicki Gunvalson and Tamra Judge’s rivalry is intense and an ongoing storyline of the series.

Once, they were friends, but competition for the spotlight drove a wedge between them until they became enemies.

It’s even been reported that Tamra Judge and Vicki Gunvalson refuse to film together, meaning that their rivalry storyline became so real that it could damage The Real Housewives of Orange County.

It was said that both women knew that they wouldn’t be fired and were leveraging their fame to avoid unpleasant encounters.

But while you wonder if they’d both stay on top if the camera didn’t show them at each other’s throats, you have to remember that Tamra seems willing to freak out at anyone these days.

We’ve all seen Tamra freak out, even at friends like Peggy Sulahian.

Recently, we saw Tamra Judge eviscerated by her daughter Sidney Barney, who exposed her mother by revealing accusations of years of neglect, frightening emotional abuse, an inability to respect anyone’s wishes, and a willingness to exploit her children to feed her own fame.

Well, it looks like that’s not all that Tamra is willing to do to stay famous.

RadarOnline reports that, according to their source, Tamra Judge fakes fights in front of the cameras just to stay relevant.

Isn’t that sad?

“Tamra literally starts fights with everyone because she knows that it is the only way that people will keep talking about her.”

Well, that seems pretty true.

People are only going to have so much to say about Tamra’s, like, exercise recommendations or whatever is left to Tamra if you take away all of the fights.

“It seems pointless to everyone on the cast and her friends. She claims to have so many issues with everyone on the cast, and insists that it is everyone else’s fault.”

Isn’t that so typical?

The thing is that, while playing up conflicts or even creating them just for drama and to continue collecting a paycheck would totally fit with justa bout any reality series … we’re not sure how deliberately Tamra does this.

We’re sure that she exaggerates for the camera — who doesn’t? — but Tamra seems to have some issues that cause her to lash out hurtfully at people.

Not all monsters are made by cameras, people.

Now, let’s be clear:

Tamra may be a less-than-likable person and, from what her daughter says, a truly terrible mother …

(Tamra has been milking the estrangement from her daughter for sympathy for ages, which is the exact opposite of what Sidney asked her to do)

… But we were saddened to hear about her skin cancer diagnosis.

That’s no reason for anyone to try to guilt Sidney into trying to rekindle a relationship with her mother, though.

And a melanoma diagnosis is not an excuse for Tamra’s bad behavior for the camera.

Vicki Gunvalson isn’t exactly blameless for their feud, but Tamra can’t possibly be the victim in every single conflict.

Either she has some serious social aggression issues … or Tamra is faking it to make it.


Monday, August 28, 2017

Tamra Judge Reveals Skin Cancer Diagnosis

Tamra Judge has been diagnosed with skin cancer.

The Real Housewives of Orange County star made this unfortunate admission via an Instagram post and photo on Sunday afternoon.

Sharing a selfie that depicted her in Daisy Dukes, the Bravo star – who turns 50 years old on September 2 – gave followers a look at a small mole on the side of her rear end.

“I work out hard for this Booty,” Judge wrote as a caption, adding in further detail:

“I was planning on competing again in November at 50 years old, but I’m not sure that’s happening now. it looks like God has a different plan for me.”

The reality star had been in the news this month because her daughter, Sidney, has torn her apart pretty hard in public.

Saying their relationship was “toxic,” the recent high school graduate wrote on Facebook that she lived with her mother after their parents divorced, but…

“The reasons I left my mothers house are that she was neglectful (leaving us at home with no food or simply ignoring us entirely), she constantly put herself first and the biggest reason was that she was mentally and emotionally abusive.”


In response to this allegation, the veteran TV personality said:

I love my daughter and I would NEVER abuse, hurt or neglect her in any way.”

It will be interesting to see whether Tamra’s cancer diagnosis mends the powerful wound that clearly exists between mother and daughter.

“Im showing you this picture because this is what melanoma looks like,” the fitness competitor added on Instagram over the weekend.

“I don’t want sympathy, I want you to save YOUR ass and get your skin checked. This was just a small black flat freckle….

“I had no idea! Ill be fine because my faith is strong and my Ass ain’t bad either.”

No type of cancer is harmless.

But, if picked up early by doctors, skin cancer is typically curable.

“Going to be honest I’ve been a little sad, worried and pissed off,” Judge concluded.

“But we caught it early and that makes me happy. Happy birthday to me. #saveyourass birthday party in Cabo not sounding like a good idea now.”

The reality star renewed her wedding vows with husband Eddie at the Ritz-Carlton in Aruba on August 9.

While her relationship with Sidney is a mess, her marriage is going very well.

“Celebrating love with all the hate that’s going on,” Judge wrote at the time of the renweal.

“May God bless your life because it’s not always easy. But God has a plan.. a big plan. I wanna say thank you to @shannonbeador @oclydia @rhoc_kellyddodd (you know what you did and you all rock) #arubaido.”


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Vicki Gunvalson and Tamra Judge: Their Feud May Destroy RHOC!

Feuds are amazing fuel for the drama the drives reality television.

When a feud gets so bad, even off-camera, that it starts interfering with the show … that’s a catastrophic backfire and it can kill a successful series.

The Real Housewives of Orange County may be in hot water, because reports say that two of the Housewives refuse to film together, and this tension threatens to rip the series apart at the seams.

Vicki Gunvalson and Tamra Judge used to be friends, as hard as that may be to imagine.

Lately, they’ve been everything but.

And you can basically blame that on the show.

The two struggled with each other for camera time and storylines until Vicki Gunvalson had secured her place as the queen bee on RHOC.

That didn’t mean that Tamra Judge was counted out — as her conflicts with Vicki are a long-running storyline for herself but also for their costars.

In the latest episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County, not one but two other Housewives were dragged into their feud.

That might not say good things about humanity, but it makes for television gold.

Now, though, it looks like it’s become too much.

According to a report by RadarOnline, Vicki Gunvalson is refusing to film with Tamra Judge. Like, at all.

Apparently, Vicki “straight up told Bravo execs that she will not film” with Tamra.

Their insider also claims that Tamra shares those sentiments, though it doesn’t sound like Tamra’s taken her demands to producers.

If you’re thinking that this is ridiculous behavior for two grown women, you’re right.

If you’re also thinking that maybe this kind of prima donna behavior will have repercussions for them on the show … maybe not.

The insider claims that Vicki and Tamra are both very confident in their places.

“Vicki and Tamra are absolutely both coming back next season. The network will not boot either one of them and they both know it.”

That’s pretty true.

Vicki Gunvalson is the one who holds court on The Real Housewives of Orange County. It’s hard to imagine the series without her.

Their bad behavior might actually end up earning them a … reward.

“Producers do not know what to do about it at this moment, and they are considering paying each one of them a substantial bonus to coexist in the same scenes together.”

If you’re wondering why the producers don’t just have them film but separately, there’s a reason for that.

“They are the reason that the Orange County franchise continues to do so well.”

The show needs just the right amount of conflict.

Vicki and Tamra can provide that.

Vicki Gunvalson is indisputably the higher ranking of these two ladies. As we said, it’s hard to see her going anywhere as long as this show is still running.

We have to wonder if, should this continue, Tamra might end up having to leave the show.

Her place might be secure now, but will that always be the case?

After all that we’ve heard about how Tamra Judge treated her daughter, our feeling on Tamra having to leave could be summed up with a famous Kim Kardashian quote:

“It’s what she deserves.”


Thursday, August 10, 2017

Tamra Judge Rips Critics, Abuse Claims: I Would NEVER Hurt Sidney!

The Real Housewives of Orange County star Tamra Judge has been absolutely relishing her vow renewal to husband Eddie this month.

That said, she has plenty of other things on her mind.

Denying accusations lobbed at her by estranged daughter Sidney, Judge offered more than just an update on her romantic trip to Aruba.

Tamra, 49, made her first statements directly referencing the bombshell abuse claims made by her 18-year-old, long estranged child.

“So many wonderful memories made. Although bittersweet,” Judge wrote on Instagram and Twitter, along with a broken heart emoji.

“I want to say thank you to everyone that has reached out to see if I’m okay,” Tamra responded to her daughter‘s post, pointedly adding:

“I/We are trying our best to enjoy our vacation. Thank you to my Mom who is not taking this very well and feels the need to defend me.”

“I love you Mom. I love my daughter and I would NEVER abuse, hurt or neglect her in any way,” the Bravo reality TV mainstay continued.

This past Monday, Sidney Barney went off on Judge as “no mother” to her, explaining the reasons for their ongoing rift in blunt terms.

“The reasons I left my mothers house are that she was neglectful (leaving us at home with no food or simply ignoring us entirely),” she said.

“She constantly put herself first and the biggest reason was that she was mentally and emotionally abusive,” Sidney shared.

Many who watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online and haven’t seen Sidney in years have wondered why this is.

Many more who follow Tamra’s life off screen are inclined to believe the teenager, though Judge takes issue with her claims.

To her credit, after defending herself, she pleaded to fans not to harass her daughter and to “direct [comments] at me if you need to.” 

In her latest post, Judge attempted to protect Sidney by requesting that her fans “do not send Sidney negative messages or comments.”

The mother of four did clap back at Gretchen Rossi, whom she called a “thirsty wannabe” after the RHOC alum echoed Sidney’s criticisms.

To put it mildly, Tamra did not hold back.

“I usually don’t give this troll any attention because it’s exactly what she wants,” Judge said, before absolutely unloading on her rival.

“After years of her bashing me and now reaching out to my daughter I must say. Gretchen you are the biggest piece of s–t I’ve ever met.”

“Move on with your sad empty childless life and stay out of mine you thirsty wannabe. You have NO IDEA What my family is going through.”

Tamra’s divorce from Simon Barney was as ugly as it gets, and her relationship with Sidney has clearly become a sad casualty of this.

That doesn’t mean she isn’t at fault – or that her comments are appropriate – but it’s a more complex situation than many fans realize.

Not that she’s putting it in those terms when Gretchen inserts herself into the situation and Tamra feels she has to hit back doubly hard.

Judge absolutely burned Rossi:

“It’s just an opportunity for you to get your name in the press. #obsessedfreak. Funny you of all people should be talking about morals.”

“You have none!”



Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Tamra Judge Responds to Daughter"s Callout Post: I"m Ignoring the Hate!

When your fame-shy daughter writes up a massive callout post that takes aim squarely at you, how do you respond?

If you’re Tamra Judge, you apparently go for a walk on the beach and post the pics!

Seriously. Sunday night, Tamra’s daughter Sidney said that Tamra Judge was no mother to her and slammed her for neglect and verbal abuse. Tamra’s big retaliation is to share pics of her renewing her wedding vows.

For ages, part of Tamra Judge’s storyline has been her estrangement from her teenage daughter, Sidney Barney.

Tamra has even taken to social media to talk about the hardships of being apart from her daughter, even on happy occasions like Sidney’s high school graduation.

Sunday night, Sidney took to Facebook and dropped a lengthy post about how that’s all a big crock of nonsense, basically.

Sidney says that she isn’t separated from Tamra because of the divorce — that she actually initially sided with her mother, mostly due to the fact that her mother’s constant badmouthing of her father, Simon Barney, had led her to take her side.

Tamra would reportedly ridicule her children if they did things that she didn’t like, calling them “Simon” or “mini-Simon” to insult them, which is just all sorts of awful.

Sidney also mentioned that Tamra would sometimes just ignore the children and not stock any food at home.

Making sure that your kids have food to eat is about as basic as parenting duties get, and Tamra couldn’t even get that right.

Clearly what had driven Sidney to go public is that she’s been asking, nonstop, for Tamra to stop posting about her and to stop talking about her.

Sidney was forced to allow her mother’s presence at her graduation (which is absolutely wrong; shame on Simon Barney for that), but Sidney asked her mother that, if she’s going to be part of the event, would she please not post anything from it.

Clearly, if Tamra cared about her daughter’s desires and feelings, they’d have a very different relationship.

So, naturally, Tamra posted photos and talked about it, presenting it as evidence that she and Sidney were repairing their relationship.

Sidney went public to set the record straight.

And here’s Tamra’s big response:

There she is, walking the beach with Eddie Judge as if everything is fine.

We guess that she won’t have as easy of a time milking audiences for sympathy now that Sidney’s spoken up.

Tamra did refer to Sidney’s message, if very indirectly, in her caption:

“Celebrating love [heart emoji] with all the hate that’s going on. May God bless your life because it’s not always easy. But God has a plan.. a big plan.”

Okay, so, we’re no theologians, but “God has a plan … a big plan” sounds like the ramblings of a certain orange president 

But while obviously she’s celebrating love, the “with all the hate that’s going on” sounds like something that a celeb would post after getting roasted in a feud.

Tamra … that’s your daughter calling you out for the things that you’ve done.

This is not the time to double down.

This is the time to apologize once in public and then never speak about Sidney if you ever want even a chance at contact with her ever again.

And yes, it can be done.

If Nicole Kidman can avoid saying anything negative about Tom Cruise and Scientology so that she won’t lose contact with her adult, Scientologist children, then Tamra can avoid using her estrangement from Sidney as a prop to get sympathy and continue to be famous.

On The Real Housewives of Orange County but also on social media.

Maybe she can pursue that “help I’m being bullied by Vicki Gunvalson” storyline some more.

Even her worries over Shannon Beador’s slight weight gain would make a better storyline than shamelessly using her children for fame.

Tamra Judge apparently really liked Aruba.

And, you know, more power to her for that.

Her romance with Eddie Judge is a totally appropriate thing to post about on social media.

Tamra did respond publicly to RHOC alum Gretchen Rossi, slamming the other woman for … reaching out to Sidney with some supportive words.

Gretchen told Sidney:

“You have no idea how your brave words are helping so many who have been wronged by your Mother’s manipulation and lies as well….so thank you for being brave enough to speak the truth.”

That’s nice, right?

“I am so sorry your mother and your family is going through any of this, especially publicly, but continue to stay strong. Your morals and strength are commendable and inspiring.”

Tamra flipped out in a now-deleted Instagram post that featured a screenshot of Gretchen’s comment:

“I usually don’t give this troll any attention because it’s exactly what she wants. But after years of her bashing me and now reaching out to my daughter I must say. Gretchen you are the biggest piece of s— I’ve ever met. Move on with your sad empty childless life and stay out of mine you thirsty wannabe.”

Super mature.

“You have NO IDEA What my family is going through or what the truth is, Nor do you care. It’s just an opportunity for you to get your name in the press. #obsessedfreak. Funny you of all people should be talking about morals. You have none!”

Tamra … maybe this isn’t the best time to be calling out people for ploys for fame.

Evidently she did think better of it, 

That’s progress.

Progress or not, Sidney doesn’t owe Tamra anything.

Sadly, not all commenters understood this.

Sidney’s post got more than a few comments about how “you have only one mother,” which is a transparent effort to pressure people into trying to repair toxic relationships.

Even non-famous people who’ve cut off contact with a parent get vile messages like that from time to time over social media.

A word to the wise: even if someone hasn’t told you why they’ve cut ties with a family member, it’s usually for a very good reason and nobody owes you an explanation.

And, again, Sidney doesn’t owe Tamra the time of day, much less a relationship.

We just hope that Sidney’s relationship with her siblings isn’t too strained by all of this.

A toxic parent can tear apart sibling bonds. Sometimes forever.


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Tamra Judge Publicly SLAMMED by Estranged Daughter: She Was No Mother to Me!

Tamra Judge presents herself as the long-suffering mother who is slowly but surely repairing the distance caused by divorce between herself and her teenage daughter, Sidney Barney.

Like so much of what we see on reality television, the story that we’re told on screen seems to be far from the whole truth.

Sidney, who only recently graduated from high school, has posted a damning letter that tells the world exactly what she thinks of her mother — and exactly why she has nothing to do with Tamra Judge. Good for you, Sidney.

From the first time that Tamra Judge spoke about the distance between her and her daughter, Sidney, we were a little torn.

The way that Tamra described things sounded so sympathetic, and it’s easy to look at Tamra — always at odds with Vicki Gunvalson — and root for her.

And we do know that there are cases where a parent and child will squabble over nothing during puberty.

Without hearing from Sidney, we always knew that this could be one of those situations.

But this?

This sounds serious.

We’d 100% support Sidney if she never so much as speaks to Tamra again.

Sidney Barney’s powerful public letter about what her issues with her mother are really about should win over anyone and everyone.

Sidney doesn’t want fame or the spotlight, so her open letter — on a Facebook page where those who aren’t her friends can only see rare public statements — is a rare instance of her going public.

“I want to start by clearing some things up as my mother continues to talk about me despite me requesting her to stop speaking of me publicly as I don’t want to be associated with her or the show.”

If someone else is speaking for you, sometimes you need to step up and go public — even if you prefer to live your life privately.

“My parents separated in 2010, I moved out of my mother’s house in 2013. Me leaving has nothing to do with the divorce, it has to do with the living conditions at my mothers house and the way she treated me and still treats me today.”

That’s a very different picture than the one that Tamra paints.

“I actually chose my mothers side when my parents separated. This was due to the fact that my mother, the true parent alienator, would constantly talk negatively about my father in front of me and my siblings, putting us kids in the middle of my parents arguments.”

That’s classic toxic parenting, but it gets worse — as Tamra would very directly compare them to their father, Simon Barney.

“She even called us Simon or “mini Simon” when we did something bad or told us that we were “acting like your father”. This parent alienation caused me to resent my father and take her side. However as I got older I realized what she was doing along with other things that were toxic.”

Well that’s just awful.

And then there’s some straight-up neglect.

“The reasons I left my mothers house are that she was neglectful (leaving us at home with no food or simply ignoring us entirely), she constantly put herself first and the biggest reason was that she was mentally and emotionally abusive.”

Maybe Tamra should spend less time fussing over Shannon Beador’s almost unnoticeable weight gain and more time thinking about what it means to be a good person and a good mother, and how far from both she seems to be.

Not just for Sidney, but for her other children.

Some people bend over backwards to excuse the unexcusable when it’s done by parents.

Fortunately, Sidney is one of the rare few with the wisdom to get past the pernicious social conditioning that tells people to worship and forgive their parents no matter what.

“She was no mother to me. This was an unhealthy environment for all of us kids and unfortunately I was the only one to recognize this and take steps to get out of that toxic environment.”

Sadly, it’s not uncommon at all for some children to remain steadfastly by a parent’s side or even deny that certain events transpired at all.

“I went to therapy with my mother for 3 years. I was forced by the courts and my father to try to mend the relationship with my mother.”

That should never have happened.

We know that Simon Barney and the courts probably thought that they were doing the right thing.

But they weren’t.

“My father has pushed me to have a relationship with my mother forcing me to go meet her in and out of therapy. He even forced me to let her come to my graduation because it was a milestone.”

That graduation milestone is probably a big reason why Sidney decided to make this post.

So … remember this set of photos that Tamra Judge shared from Sidney’s graduation?

Tamra was not supposed to share them.

“When I told my mother that she could come I gave her a few conditions. All I asked was that she remains cordial with my father and my stepmom and to not post anything about my graduation, anywhere.”

That is extremely reasonable.

“Not even two weeks after I graduated she posted a photo of me and shared it with her one million followers knowing that it would get picked up by the press.”

We sure covered it.

“The one thing I asked and have been asking for 4 years now has been to not talk about me because I don’t want to be in the spotlight. But Again breaking her promises as per usual, she puts herself, her fame, her reputation, and her bank account before me.”

And now Sidney has to put herself forward just to set things straight. It’s very unfair.

“If she really wanted a relationship she would keep her promises and recognize that it is no one else’s fault but hers that I do not want her in my life.”

Some people will never accept wrongdoing.

“Although I do not want to be in the public eye, I felt the need to clear these lies up and set the record straight in hopes that it will straighten my mom out so that she is held accountable and is forced to do the right thing.”

When it comes to Tamra straightening up her act, we hope that Sidney isn’t holding her breath.

But at least others will know what’s going on.

“Instead of playing the innocent erased mother character, she could’ve been trying to actually fix our relationship and change her ways. However the character keeps her relevant, and is her only storyline.”

That’s the truth.

“Why would she actually try to get me back? Without the estrangements she is no longer pitied and talked about and her fame and fortune go down the tubes.”


Reality television as we now know it — following people’s lives rather than putting them in competitive scenarios — is still fairly new.

This kind of environment can impact children in all sorts of ways.

But more to the point, it can allow terrible parents to try to portray themselves as the good guys in a scenario in which they are everything but.

We’re glad that Sidney is using social media to make her voice heard.

We suppose that it’s only a matter of time before we see something like this from one of the Gosselin children — or even from an ex-Duggar.

In their cases, though, we already know what horrible parents they have.

If Sidney hadn’t spoken up, we might have gone on and continued to view Tamra as sympathetic just because of her role on The Real Housewives of Orange County.

Reality television seldom reflects reality, folks.
