Showing posts with label Tiger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tiger. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Tiger Woods Completes Intensive Treatment Program: What Did He Say?

Tiger Woods was arrested on DUI charges last month after police in Jupiter, Florida noticed the famous golfer was driving in bizarre fashion. 

In the aftermath, it was revealed that Woods was not drunk. Instead, he was under the influence of a cocktail of prescription drugs. 

The issue at hand was put down to back surgery the 41-year-old had, and he allegedly took a bad reaction to the painkillers prescribed to him by doctors at the time. 

Tiger recognized that he did need some help in a statement shortly after the incident. 

“I’m currently receiving professional help to manage my medications and the ways that I deal with back pain and a sleep disorder,” Woods said at the time.

“I want to thank everyone for the amazing outpouring of support and understanding especially the fans and players on tour.”

While this proved Tiger showed he was remorseful for what went down, not everyone felt like he was taking the treatment seriously. 

He was spotted out and about with his kids, presumably meaning he was not in an in-patient facility. Some felt that he was using the treatment as a tactic to get a lighter sentence. 

On top of that, the treatment has now been completed, with Tiger taking to Twitter to let his followers know this was not something he was just going to brush under the rug. 

“I recently completed an out of state private intensive program,” he said in the statement.

“I will continue to tackle this going forward with my doctors, family, and friends. I am so very thankful for all the support I’ve received.”

With the treatment over, Woods is scheduled to appear in court on July 8. We’re unsure what the court date will hold for the gold legend, but we’ll have more clarity in the coming days. 

What do you think of all of this?

Sound off below!


Monday, July 3, 2017

Tiger Woods Says He Completed "Intensive Program" for Rx Pill Issue

Tiger Woods is out of the woods for his issues with prescription pills … at least that’s what he’s claiming now. Tiger posted a message Monday saying he completed an out of state “private intensive program” to deal with his medication…


Sunday, July 2, 2017

Shooter McGavin Gives Post-DUI Advice To Tiger Woods, Says Tiger Will Bounce Back

One of the greatest (fictional) golfers ever says he still believes in Tiger Woods … and is giving TW some game on how to bounce back from his DUI … ‘cause he’s been there too.  We talked to Christopher McDonald, the actor who played…


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Tiger Woods Talks Prescription Pill Abuse: I"m Getting Help!

Last month, Tiger Woods was arrested on DUI charges after police in Jupiter, Florida spotted the golf legend driving erratically.

As it turned out, Woods was not drunk but under the influence of a potent cocktail of prescription pills.

The 41-year-old recently underwent back surgery and sources say he suffered a bad reaction to painkillers that were prescribed to him by his doctors.

But the fact that Woods didn’t consciously enter an impaired state before getting behind the wheel doesn’t make his actions any less dangerous.

Police departments across the country report that they’ve seen a sharp rise in cases of “drugged driving” in recent years, and the risk of death or serious injury is just as real as when a driver is drunk.

To his credit, Woods seems to understand the severity of the situation.

While he maintains that the drugs he was on were solely for pain management, Woods apparently recognizes that he needs professional help in order to free himself from the grips of substance abuse.

In a statement issued this morning, Woods revealed that he is seeking treatment as a result of his arrest over Memorial Day weekend:

“I’m currently receiving professional help to manage my medications and the ways that I deal with back pain and a sleep disorder,” Woods said.

“I want to thank everyone for the amazing outpouring of support and understanding especially the fans and players on tour.”

According to TMZ, Woods has been spotted out and about in Florida with his children, so it appears he did not enter an in-patient facility.

Critics are skeptical, and some have expressed the belief that Woods public revelation that he’s seeking treatment is simply part of an effort to secure a lighter sentence at his upcoming DUI trial.

Some have called on the golf icon to seek more aggressive treatment, both for the sake of his health and as a message to his younger fans that prescription pill addiction is as serious as any other form of substance abuse.

It does not appear that Woods will be heeding that advice.

Woods will likely be able to avoid harsh punishments from both the court and the PGA, but it remains to be seen if his career and reputation will be able to survive yet another scandal.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Monday, June 19, 2017

Tiger Woods: I"m Getting Professional Help for Rx Pill Issues

Tiger Woods says he’s getting “professional help” for his issues with prescription medication in the wake of his DUI arrest — but he’s not describing the situation as rehab.  “I’m currently receiving professional help to manage my medications…


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Tiger Woods Checks Into Rehab Following DUI Arrest

Last month, Tiger Woods was arrested on DUI charges after being pulled over for reckless driving by police in Jupiter, Florida.

Video from Woods’ arrest showed the golf legend stumbling, slurring his words, and struggling to answer the most basic questions from police.

It was later revealed that a Breathalyzer test showed Woods had no alcohol in his system at the time of his arrest, and his inebriation was attributed to various pills he’d been prescribed by his doctor.

But while Woods’ team seemed to feel that the 41-year-old was somewhat exonerated by the revelation that he had not been drinking and that the pills he had taken were the result of a recent back surgery, the golfer still has a lot to answer for.

In the eyes of the law, driving under the influence of prescription medications is just as punishable as driving drunk.

And victim advocacy groups like MADD are arguing that it’s vital for Woods to be prosecuted, so as to send the message that all forms of inebriated driving are equally potentially fatal.

The repercussions for Woods could include changes to his custody arrangement with ex-wife Elin Nordegren, and Radar Online reports today that the troubled icon is hoping to get in front of the situation by checking into rehab.

“Tiger visited the hospital with his children on June 2, then went alone two days later to complete paperwork and his assessment,” a source close to Woods tells the site.

“If Tiger gets caught up in a scandal, he could face losing the 20 percent custody he currently has,” the tipster adds.

No word on how the insider arrived at that 20 percent figure, but Woods’ divorce from Nordegren wasn’t exactly civil, so it stands to reason that their custody agreement is a frequent point of contention.

Woods will likely experience the fallout from his latest scandal for many years to come, what with the potential loss of endorsement deals and possible punitive action from the PGA.

It seems that he’s aware that the best he can do these days is run damage control and hope to limit the long-term consequences.

Say what you will about Tiger Woods, the man is no stranger to PR crises, and we’re sure he’s learned a thing or two from past controversies.


Saturday, June 10, 2017

Tiger Woods Told Cops He Popped Xanax Night of DUI

Tiger Woods told arresting officers he’d taken Xanax the night he was pulled over for DUI … which has only now been revealed by an unredacted copy of the police report. In previous police docs, Tiger had copped to 4 other meds — Solarex,…


Friday, June 2, 2017

Tiger Woods Struggles to Take Breathalyzer During DUI Arrest (VIDEO)

Tiger Woods was still so out of it 2 and a half hours after cops pulled him over for DUI … he stumbled and mumbled his way through breathalyzer testing.   Police released video of Woods back at the station at 4:30 AM Monday. The woman tasked…


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Tiger Woods DUI Arrest Video: Released!

A dashcam video recorded from a police cruiser and documenting golf legend Tiger Woods" arrest for DUI last week has been released.

Police say Woods was passed out behind the wheel when they approached his vehicle. He sure looks zonked in the footage.

The incident took place roughly eight miles from Tiger"s home in Jupiter, Florida, not California, as reported … by Woods at the time.

Asked where he was headed, an obviously disoriented Woods told police he believed he was in L.A., driving toward Orange County. 

Swaying, incoherent and unable to even tie his own shoes, Tiger was a mess, and an officer said that he smelled the "odor" of alcohol.

Woods insists he was not drunk at the time.

In the clip, an officer asks the 14-time major champion to bend over and tie his shoes. He almost topples over, staring off into space.

“It’s really hard to get down there,” he says.

The officer responds: “Do you want to try this one more time or do you want to move on?” Woods then tried again, with similar results.

Asked to stand and follow the officer’s pen light with his eyes, the 41-year-old clearly didn"t do a good job of that task either.

"You’re not following the light at all,” the officer said, and Woods’ attempt to walk a straight line completed an epic fail trifecta.

Barely able to stand in place, let alone do as instructed, the golfer bobs and weaves all over the line as the police observe him.

Woods was subsequently booked for DUI.

In a statement, he said that alcohol was not a factor and blamed this on an "unexpected reaction to prescription medications."

He was later shown to have a .000 blood alcohol level after the arrest, backing up his claim to have been booze-free at least.

It"s not clear how this will play out in court, but photos of the golfer"s car show he had a couple of flat tires prior to the arrest.

The car was damaged on the front driver"s side bumper and rear bumper, with scrapes and scuffs, with the rear tail light out.

Police say it was all fresh damage, meaning Woods likely drove off the road at some point before the police located him.

He’s lucky he didn"t kill someone or himself; Tiger is due back in court on July 5 to face charges related to this incident.

Tiger woods dui arrest video released

Charles Barkley Says, "We Don"t Know If Tiger Has a Drug Problem" (AUDIO)

Charles Barkley is going to bat for his old friend, Tiger Woods — saying people like Jack Nicklaus who say Tiger needs help don’t REALLY know what they’re talking about. Barkley appeared on 97.5 FM The Fanatic Philadelphia on Wednesday and…


Charles Barkley Says, "We Don"t Know If Tiger Has a Drug Problem" (AUDIO)

Charles Barkley is going to bat for his old friend, Tiger Woods — saying people like Jack Nicklaus who say Tiger needs help don’t REALLY know what they’re talking about. Barkley appeared on 97.5 FM The Fanatic Philadelphia on Wednesday and…


Tiger Woods Didn"t Party with Me Before DUI Says Fitness Model Laci Kay Somers (PHOTOS)

Laci Kay Somers wants no part of a Tiger Woods scandal … the wildly popular, and smoking hot, Instagram model is denying rumors she was hanging with him prior to his DUI arrest. Laci tells TMZ … multiple reports claiming she was…


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Tiger Woods Police Arrest Photos Show Car Damage (PHOTO GALLERY)

Tiger Woods was left flat on the road before his arrest … and the pics cops released make that clear. Tiger’s 2015 Mercedes had 2 flats and it’s apparent from the photos he was unable if not incapable of driving further than he did. The car was…


Tiger Woods" DUI Dash Cam Arrest Video (LIVE STREAM)

Cops are about to release the police video of the Tiger Woods DUI arrest — showing the golfer zonked out behind the wheel. You will see it on TMZ the second it becomes available.  The footage was shot early Monday morning from a Jupiter PD…


Tiger Woods DUI Video Should Be Released Today, Cops Say

Police video of the Tiger Woods DUI arrest is expected to be released Wednesday … this according to the Jupiter Police Dept. Woods was arrested early Monday morning after cops found the golfer passed out behind the wheel of his banged up 2015…


Tiger Woods DUI Video Should Be Released Today, Cops Say

Police video of the Tiger Woods DUI arrest is expected to be released Wednesday … this according to the Jupiter Police Dept. Woods was arrested early Monday morning after cops found the golfer passed out behind the wheel of his banged up 2015…


John Daly Gives DUI Advice to Tiger Woods, "This Stuff Will Pass" (VIDEO)

John Daly still supports Tiger Woods in a big way — and says the best way to hush critics after his DUI arrest is to get back on the golf course.  TMZ Sports spoke with Daly — who’s famously battled alcohol issues in the past — and John…


Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Tiger Woods" Girlfriend Kristin Smith Can"t Stop Shopping After DUI Bust (PHOTOS)

Tiger Woods’ girlfriend is sticking to her own form of therapy in dealing with her man’s DUI bust — more shopping … and lots of it. Kristin Smith was in Dallas Tuesday loading up a hefty bag full of what looked like shoe boxes. While her face…


Tiger Woods DUI Police Report Shows Car Was Banged Up, Flat Tires and Damage

Tiger Woods’ car was a wreck when cops found him during his DUI arrest — with 2 flat tires, a broken tail light and mangled bumpers … this according to the police report obtained by TMZ Sports.  The officers at the scene reported, “”Both…


Jack Nicklaus Says Tiger Woods "Needs Our Help" After DUI Arrest

Jack Nicklaus says he feels bad for Tiger Woods after his DUI arrest — and says the golf community should rally around to help him.  Nicklaus was speaking with Golf Channel’s Nick Menta and said straight-up, “I feel bad for Tiger.”…
