Showing posts with label Tinder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tinder. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

"Star Wars" Screenwriter Sues Tinder Date Over Disastrous Breakup

A big-time screenwriter is suing a woman he met on Tinder, claiming she was using an episode of “Entourage” as a template to ruin his life. Derek Connolly, whose credits include the upcoming “Star Wars: Episode IX,” as well as “Jurassic World” and…


"Star Wars" Screenwriter Sues Tinder Date Over Disastrous Breakup

A big-time screenwriter is suing a woman he met on Tinder, claiming she was using an episode of “Entourage” as a template to ruin his life. Derek Connolly, whose credits include the upcoming “Star Wars: Episode IX,” as well as “Jurassic World” and…


Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Ryan Lochte: Looking For Love, Etc On Tinder

Ah, Ryan Lochte.  A special, special young man with so much to offer.

Lochte recently spoke to ahead of the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio, and getting himself some strange (JK, I’m sure he’s a total gentleman when it comes to dates).

Lochte admitted that he has tried Bumble and Raya (the latter of which is a dating app for celebs and other VIPs), but neither tickled his fancy.

“With Bumble, the girl always has to make the first [move], and I don’t really like that. I don’t think that’s a woman job. So I got off that,” he explained.

“And then Raya, I don’t know. I’m living in Charlotte so that didn’t really work because most of the women you link up with are either in L.A. or New York. So I just recently got on Tinder.”

Swipe right for love.

“I heard it took off in Sochi [at the 2014 Winter Olympics] and then people were talking about it and I was like, ‘Let me try this.’ 

“So I got on it and I’ve been matching up with a bunch of gorgeous women who are smart, they have professional jobs and everything. I’m like, “Wow, this is perfect.’

“So I’ve been on Tinder lately. So far I haven’t had any dates or anything. I’ve just been talking with a couple [women].”

What does a fella like Lochte look for in a woman? 

“You can’t say, like, looks aren’t everything because, I mean, that’s the first thing that people see,” he admitted.

“So you definitely see their picture and then you look at their bio and they tell you their job description.

“I want someone that has goals and all that. Sometimes they post their Instagram name, and you can look at their Instagram and just see how they present themselves.”

Let us all put forth good vibes for Lochte, so that he may win the gold medal in love.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Chad Johnson: You Will Not BELIEVE What is in his Tinder Profile!

Chad Johnson is one of those reality TV villains that just won’t go away. 

He may be one of the most horrid villains on The Bachelorette to date, but has he always been a villain?

After hearing about what his Tinder profile says, probably.

It turns out that blogger, Katy Wellhousen swiped left on him a year ago. 

She took a screenshot of the villain’s profile and has the deets on the bio. 

“You’re gonna have to deal with me being a workaholic realtor. I want my own jet by 31 … I go out once a month maybe. 6’3 195lb and I workout 6 days a week.”

If you watch The Bachelorette online, you’ll probably be thinking that he sounds pretty boring and nothing like the dude who shocked us this summer.

He would have to be pretty rich to have his own jet, but maybe he can’t stand to be in the presence of other people. 

There’s also a huge possibility that he steers clear of economy flying. He does not get on well with anyone!

Flying in private jets would be a good thing, but the dude probably aspires to be Dan Bilzerian

He closed off his bio with a rather bold statement.

“You probably have a better chance of winning the lottery to be honest.”

We’re sure people would rather win the lottery than spend time with him. 

There were initial reports that the profile was fake, but bad Chad confirmed that it was his profile in a tweet over the weekend. 

“Fine. You caught me,” the hothead tweeted at Katy.

He then closed the tweet off proving that he really does love himself.

“But we both know you swiped right #TinderWinner #TheBachelorette #NoLotterlyWin4U.”

It’s pretty crazy how someone can remember who they swiped left a year ago. 

What do you think about all of this?

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The 33 Worst (Best?) Tinder Pickup Lines of All Time

Despite being a time-honored pastime of dating, pick-up lines have traditionally been largely ineffective. Lame. Immature. Sophomoric.

Tinder has upped the ante on this to the 10th power.

Since the app launched, it has become the de facto standard for mobile hookups, making pick-up lines actually somewhat necessary.

One literally requires an icebreaker, by definition.

Sometimes, this leads to genuine, good-natured lines. Yet the extent to which some people (mostly guys) go from 0-100 is amazing.

Often vulgar. Sometimes hilarious. Never boring.

Peep 33 of the best (worst?) Tinder lines ever used below, and feel bad for the women who somehow swiped right on these dudes.

Unless they went for it, of course …

1. Are you an appendix?

Are you an appendix

That one is actually pretty good.

2. Let’s go at it HARD

Lets go at it hard

Soft, passive cuddlers need not apply.

3. Horny guys are people too!

Horny guys are people too

Seriously. Stop treating us like this is some kind of meat market!

4. What’s your …

Whats your

Typical guys, always coming on too strong.

5. Either answer works

Either answer works

These two totally boned.

6. A (dead) bird in hand …

A dead bird in hand

… is worth one long-ass, somewhat compelling pickup line.

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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

9 Celebrities Who Will Probably Swipe You Left on Tinder

Us Weekly has been saying it for years:

Celebrities, they"re just like us!

And that really is the case for the following single stars, who are unmarried and looking for love online, just like many regular folks out there.

Indeed, these athletes, actors and actresses have all had Tinder profiles at one point or another… meaning you are just a swipe away from maybe dating one of them. Good luck!

1. Eric Stonestreet

Eric stonestreet pic

“Yes, I have a Tinder account … I’ve done Bumble, I tried this other website,” the Emmy winner told Ellen DeGeneres on her talk show. “The way I justify it is … because I’m on TV, I shouldn’t be eliminated in participating from what’s going on in the world.”

2. Ronda Rousey

Ronda rousey photo

This former UFC champion told Sports Illustrated that she signed up for Tinder under a fake named – Brynn Campbell – but she didn’t have any luck with the dating app. Your loss, fellas!

3. Chelsea Handler

Chelsea handler nude selfie cropped

No major shock here, right? “I like anonymous random men. That’s exactly what I’m looking for,” the comedian said on her talk show.

4. Andy Cohen

Photo of andy cohen

There’s no shame here, Cohen tells People: “I like it. It’s fun. You know, it’s to me: Where am I going to meet an architect who lives in Brooklyn besides Tinder at this point? It’s the modern-day singles bar.”

5. Eric Andre

Eric andre

Eric Andre wins for best profile photo: it’s his face imposed on to Janet Jackson’s body from her famous “janet.” album cover. As he once quipped to Conan O’Brien: “I’m looking for a lucky lady, or a very unlucky man.”

6. Britney Spears

Britney spears gun show

Spears was convinced to make one during an appearance with Jimmy Fallon. But she really only used is to hawk her perfume.

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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tinder, Gridnr Slams AIDS Org ... You"re Defaming Us!!!


0929-ahf-free-std-check-ahf-01The folks at Tinder and Grindr are attacking an AIDS org that is warning people they can get STDs by using the apps.

The AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) posted billboards around West Hollywood, telegraphing a warning — you can get chlamydia by hooking up on Tinder and gonorrhea on Grindr.

Tinder has responded, courtesy of its lawyer who fired off a cease and desist order, obtained by TMZ. The letter says, “Tinder cannot tolerate AHF’s exploitation of these false, unsupported statements.” Tinder is demanding the billboards be removed immediately.

As for Grindr, it cut off AHF paid advertising for free STD testing from its app. 

AHF does not seem inclined to back down, citing various studies linking STDs to dating apps.