Showing posts with label Weiner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weiner. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Anthony Weiner Checks Into Rehab for Sex Addiction

Anthony Weiner is horribly, tragically, shockingly, depressing, nauseatingly back in the news.

The disgraced Congressman is at the center of a renewed investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails because the FBI has flagged numerous references to the Presidential candidate on Weiner’s computer.

The FBI is in possession of Weiner’s computer because it is looking into allegations that he sent sexually explicit messages to a 15-year old.

We really wish we were making this all up.

But Weiner was married to close Clinton aide Huma Abedin at the time of his (third!) sexting scandal and the emails in question appear to have been either sent to Abedin or sent from Abdein.

It remains unclear.

The point of this story, however, is not to wonder what the FBI Director was thinking when he disrupted the 2016 Presidential election with a vague statement that has caused nothing but mass hysteria and confusion among voters.

Instead, it’s to focus on the future of Anthony Weiner.

Is he headed to prison for this underage incident? Maybe.

But The Daily Mail reports that he is definitely headed to rehab for sex addiction.

The British newspaper claims Weiner is actually in this facility right at this very moment; and while the publication does not cite the facility by name, it does say the following about Weiner’s temporary residence:

The facility supposedly “separates men and women and its program includes counseling for those addicted to cybersex and exhibitionism, as well as addictions to anonymous sex and porn.”

Weiner was first accused of sending inappropriate messages to a woman online in 2011.

This same issue cropped up again in 2013 when he was running for Mayor of New York, with the women in question speaking out each time and with lewd images of Weiner making their way around the Internet.

We’ll spare you the photo of Weiner’s underwear bulge and simply share below a picture of Weiner’s bare chest that he allegedly sent to one of his Internet paramours:

On September 21, Weiner was exposed for reportedly telling a 15-year old that he was “hard” and that he “would bust that tight pussy.”

He also sent this unnamed teenager some naked photos and said he had rape fantasies about her.

At the time of these sexts, Weiner was still married to Abedin… although he complained about their lack of a sex life to the girl.

Not that this excuses his behavior, of course. We’re just reporting what he said at the time.

Weiner was also caring for the couple’s infant son while she campaigned for Clinton and, based on one photo he sent this teenager, was literally lying alongside him at one point during their X-rated exchanges.


The FBI moved on to seize Weiner’s computer shortly after this information came to light.

By then, Abedin had separated from her disgusting husband and we all thought we had heard the last of Anthony Weiner.

But, because we were so badly mistaken, a democracy may soon come crumbling down on November 8.


Monday, August 29, 2016

Huma Abedin (Finally!) Separates from Anthony Weiner

Three sexting scandals for Anthony Weiner and she’s out!

On Monday morning – just hours after yet ANOTHER inappropriate instance of her husband using his penis outside of his marriage came to light – Huma Abedin announced her separation from this disgraced politician.

Said Abedin, who serves as a close aide to Hillary Clinton, in a statemennt:

“After long and painful consideration and work on my marriage, I have made the decision to separate from my husband.

“Anthony and I remain devoted to doing what is best for our son, who is the light of our life.

“During this difficult time, I ask for respect for our privacy.”

Weiner, to the shock and dismay of a fascinated public, has remained devoted to numerous online affairs with various women over the past few years.

He and Abedin have been married since 2010.

Just a year after they exchanged vows, Weiner resigned from Congress after he inadvertently tweeted a photo of his crotch to all followers.

It had been meant for an audience of just one.

This initial sexting scandal came as Abedin was pregnant with the couple’s son, Jordan, who is now four years old.

The scandalous picture centered on the bulge inside of Weiner’s underwear and it led to quite a few jokes and puns due to Weiner’s last name.

Weiner’s follow-up sexting scandal went public in 2013.

It ended his campaign for mayor of New York City at the time and it led to more jokes about his name because it came out that Weiner was going by “Carlos Danger” while exchanging lewd messages with random women.

Really, we couldn’t make that up if we tried.

Soon afterward, Weiner and his wife held a joint press conference in which he apologized to Abedin repeatedly.

“I want to again say that I am very sorry to anyone who was on the receiving end of these messages and the disruption this has caused,” Weiner said back then.

What prompted Abedin to stay in her marriage throughout this turmoil?

“It took a lot of work and a whole lot of therapy to get to a place where I could forgive Anthony,” she said at the time.

“It was not an easy choice in any way, but I made the decision that it was worth staying in this marriage. I made a decision for me, for my son and my marriage.”

So… why did Abedin finally choose to leave Weiner?

Because The New York Post just published yet another photo of Weiner’s crotch, this time with an added bonus:

In the following image – which was reportedly shared online around 3 a.m. on July 31, 2015 – Weiner is erect… in his underwear… and LYING NEXT TO HIS SON.

The Post writes that Weiner was talking to a 40-something divorcee at the time and had the following exchange with her:

“Someone just climbed into my bed,” Weiner wrote.

“Really?” she replied.

Weiner then his “Send,” only to panic that he had once again made the picture public.

“Ooooooh . . . I was scared. For half a second I thought I posted something. Stop looking at my crotch,” Weiner wrote to the unnamed woman.

“Whatever. You did it on purpose,” she responded.

Gee, ya think?!?

The woman tells the newspaper that she and Weiner talked about getting together, but have “never met.”

She added that she has two adult children and lives with her boyfriend.

The picture with Weiner’s son was just one of several selfies he sent to her, however, most of which featured Weiner in states of undress.

At one point, the woman sent Weiner a selfie that depicyed her in a cleavage-baring, red lace dress, to which Weiner wrote back;

“Holy f–kity f- -k.”

In reply to another photo of her standing next to a woman at the same event, he quipped:

“Conjured some high school fantasies.”

Abedin is currently on the Presidential campaign trail with Clinton.

This means two things:

1. She is at least spending time with someone who can relate to infidelity and very public sexual liasions.

2. Donald Trump will clearly Tweet about this at any moment.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Anthony Weiner Caught in ANOTHER Sexting Scandal!

It’s hard to recall now, but there was a time when Anthony Weiner was one of the rising stars of the Democratic party. 

Sadly, his career came crashing down in what may be the most name-appropriate scandal in the history of American politics.

In case you forgot, Anthony had a bizarre compulsion to show the his wiener to the world.

In 2011, while working as a congressman for New York’s 9th district, Weiner tweeted a sexually explicit photo via his public account. 

After several days of denying that the photo was taken or sent by him, Weiner confessed that he had “exchanged messages and photos of an explicit nature with about six women over the last three years”

Shortly thereafter, he resigned from congress.

But these days, the public is quick to forget something as small (no pun!) as a leaked dick pic, and Weiner made his return to the political arena with a 2013 run for mayor of New York City.

Of course, this is a guy who had a cameo in Sharknado 3 (seriously), so he further proved his deep love for sequels no one asked for with yet another sexting scandal, this one involving Sydney Leathers.

If the name sounds familiar, it’s because Leathers parlayed her 15 minutes of fame into a brief adult film career, and you spend way too much time on YouPorn.

Anyway, all of that is just backstory that brings us up to Weiner’s latest adventure in the world of sex and social media.

It seems that while he was in Los Angeles for a recent appearance on Real Time With Bill Maher, Weiner once again found himself chatting up a young sexy stranger on Twitter.

Fortunately, he didn’t DM any photos of his dong.

Unfortunately, he made some truly cringeworthy puns about his “staff” and boasted that he’s “deceptively strong . . . like a mongoose.”

In comments made to The New York Post, 51-year-old claims he knew he was being he was being toyed with (the eager Cali girl he was chatting with turned out to be a Republican New Yorker) and decided to play along.

“I can confirm that I am indeed deceptively strong like a mongoose,” Weiner told the Post, adding that it was just a “playful joust with an obvious catfish.”

Of course, the timing of all this couldn’t be much worse, as Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin, is a top aide for Hillary Clinton.

Fortunately, she has some experience with enduring penis-related scandals.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Mad Men Creator Matthew Weiner Breaks His Silence On Jon Hamm & Jennifer Westfeldt"s Sad Split

It seems like everyone is super bummed about Jon Hamm and Jennifer Westfeldt‘s break-up!

On Saturday night, Mad Men creator Matthew Weiner spoke out on Jon and Jennifer’s sad split, a hard blow for many fans who’ve admired the couple’s relationship of 18 years. Obviously Matthew is also saddened by the split yet he maintained an upbeat outlook on the situation when asked about it on the Creative Arts Emmy‘s red carpet.

[ Related: More Details Inside Jon & Jennifer’s Breakup: ‘He Wanted Kids & She Didn’t’ ]

Weiner dished on the situation, saying:

“It’s a personal thing for him, and he’s a public person, I guess, so it’s an issue. All I can say is I wish him the best. I wish them both the best. They’re both incredibly talented, wonderful people. They’ll both find happiness, there’s no doubt in my mind.”

Aww. While we definitely agree that both parties will be fine, it’s still sad to know that their “happiness” is no longer with each other!

So, do YOU think the pair will ever get back together?

[Image via WENN.]