Showing posts with label Wife's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wife's. Show all posts

Friday, May 5, 2017

"Revenge of the Nerds" Star Admits "Psychotic Breakdown" But Near-Fatal Crash Was Wife"s Fault

“Revenge of the Nerds” star Robert Carradine admits being in a psychotic state when he slammed into a semi-truck head-on that nearly killed him and his wife … but he claims it’s HER fault because she cut off his meds. Robert says he…


"Revenge of the Nerds" Star Admits "Psychotic Breakdown" But Near-Fatal Crash Was Wife"s Fault

“Revenge of the Nerds” star Robert Carradine admits being in a psychotic state when he slammed into a semi-truck head-on that nearly killed him and his wife … but he claims it’s HER fault because she cut off his meds. Robert says he…


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

WWE Legend Jim Ross Says Wife"s On Life Support ... "Catastrophic Brain Injury"

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross says his wife is “being kept alive via life support equipment” after a bad car accident earlier this week … and is now describing her brain injury as “catastrophic.” As we previously reported, Jan Ross was riding her…


Monday, February 13, 2017

Derek Jeter"s Wife"s INSANE Bikini Shots Before Pregnancy (Photos)

Only one question comes to mind when looking at Hannah Davis’ new bikini shots … what took Derek Jeter so long to knock her up?!?!?! The good folks at Sports Illustrated just released a sneak preview of Hannah’s new spread in the 2017 Sports…


Saturday, February 4, 2017

Patton Oswalt Reveals Tragic Cause of His Wife"s Death

On April 21st, 2016, Michelle McNamara, crime writer and wife of Patton Oswalt, passed away in her sleep.

It was an absolutely tragic event, obviously, made worse by the face that Michelle and Patton had a seven-year-old daughter, and also because Patton has been so painfully and beautifully honest about it.

At the time, no cause of death was given, but Patton’s publicist did say that her passing was “a complete shock to her family and friends, who loved her dearly.”

A few months later in October, we still hadn’t heard what caused Michelle’s death, but Patton did say that “I have a feeling it might have been an overdose.”

At least, he added, “That’s what the paramedics there were saying while I was screaming and throwing up.”

But now, nearly a year later, we’re finally hearing what actually happening.

And, sad though it is, he was right. Partially, anyway.

In a statement to the Associated Press, Patton revealed that “We learned today the combination of drugs in Michelle’s system, along with a condition we were unaware of, proved lethal.”

The condition was an undiagnosed heart problem that “caused blockages in her arteries.”

The drugs that were found in her system were Adderall, Xanax, and Fentanyl, an opioid used to treat especially severe pain.

There was no reason given for why Michelle was on Fentanyl, a drug that’s known to be 50 to 100 times more powerful than morphine.

Oddly enough, the coroner told the AP that her cause of death is still officially listed as pending.

We can only hope that this knowledge provides a little bit of closure for Patton, who once said of Michelle’s death that “She hasn’t left a void. She’s left a blast crater.”

Of his grief, he’s written that “Depression is the tallest kid in the 4th grade, dinging rubber bands off the back of your bead and feeling safe on the playground, knowing that no teacher is coming to help you.”

“But grief? Grief is Jason Statham holding that 4th grade bully’s head in a toilet and then f-cking the teacher you’ve got a crush on in front of the class.”

“Grief,” he added, “makes depression cower behind you and apologize for being such a dick.”

About raising their daughter by himself, he wrote. “I can’t do it. I can’t do it. I can’t do it.”

“I want to turn out the world and hide under the covers and never leave my house again and send our daughter, Alice, off to lie with her cousins in Chicago, because they won’t screw her up the way I know I will.”

But he also wrote “I’m moving forward — clumsily, stupidly, blindly — because of the kind of person Alice is.”

“She’s got so much of Michelle in her. And Michelle was living her life moving forward. And she took me forward with her. Just like I know Alice will. So I’m going to keep moving forward.”

So here’s hoping that, even now, Patton is still able to move forward.


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Rande Gerber -- My Naked Wife"s Not For Sale (VIDEO)

Rande Gerber is willing to give away the sofas in his Malibu mansion to whoever buys it … but the topless shots of Cindy Crawford inside aren’t up for grabs. This video tour of the $ 60 million beachfront pad the couple’s selling features…


Monday, October 31, 2016

Ricky Schroder -- I"m Scribbling My Answer to Wife"s Divorce (PHOTO)

Ricky Schroder responded to his wife Andrea’s divorce the ol’ fashioned way … with pen and paper.  Ricky did NOT have a lawyer file his answer to his wife’s divorce … he did it himself. The actor is fine handing over physical custody…


Friday, October 28, 2016

Man Sips From Wife"s Menstrual Cup, Kills Entire Internet at Once

A man on Reddit openly admitted that he discovered he’d accidentally been drinking from his wife’s menstrual cup – which, for all of you not in-the-know, is a period blood catcher. 

Sorry for all the graphic this morning.  

Many condolences or whatever. 

He wrote, “Ok, not just today, but I found out today about something I’ve been doing for a couple of weeks.” 

“My wife and I have a toddler and so our bathtub is always full of toyos, including non-bath toys our son insists on bringing in anyway.” 

You know how that goes – measuring cups, family pets, sometimes the television remote.  

“If anyone has kids,” he continued, “you know they come with all kinds of nonsense-looking pieces.” 

“Some of these pieces my wife puts up in the hanging basket, out of reach of our son, if it’s not supposed to get wet or it’s an important toy or something.” 

“I brush my teeth in the shower every morning,” he explained.


“And after my wife had taken out the cup I use to rinse my mouth out, I picked up the closest thing to a cup that was in the hanging basket.” 

“Figured it was one of these weird pieces to a toy,” he reasoned.  

“It worked fine to get a mouthful of water for rinsing after I brush.”  

“Cut to today in the car,” he continued. 

“My wife is talking about lady stuff and mentions her menstrual cup in the shower.” 

… Dear God no. 

“After a moment of spinning into the depths of hell, I asked her to please, for the love of gods, tell me it’s not that rubber cup thing in the basket.” 

“It was,” he said. 

“And I’ll never be clean again.” 

First of all, friend, those things, since they have to be inserted into a very important and sensitive area, are probably pretty sterile to begin with. 

Unless, of course, your wife is a slob who has no concept of feminine hygiene.  

But hey … we feel your pain, guy. 

(No, no, we don’t, because we’re too busy feeling our own pain from throwing up.) 


Thursday, August 4, 2016

Man Spits in Wife"s Face Over Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Gets Arrested

A man in Georgia has been arrested for reacting to his wife’s cooking in a very inappropriate manner.

The incident took place in Clarke County on Wednesday and it centered on 55-year old James DePaola.

More specifically, it centered on the misguided, over-the-top temper of 55-year old James DePaola.

According to the Athens-Clarke County police department, DePaola started screaming at his wife because he was displeased with the way in which she made his grilled cheese.

James asked for two slices of cheese on the sandwich; his wife used three slices of cheese on the sandwich; and this was deemed unacceptable.

James allegedly spit in his wife’s face during the dispute, causing such an uproar that the couple’s 12-year old daughter called 911.

She told an operator that her dad hit her mother and pulled the phone out of the wall

(She called for help from a cell phone.)

Once authorities arrived, DePaola admitted to pulling the phone from the wall because he said he did not want his wife to call 911 for a “stupid” reason.

(And someone who attacks another person over an extra slice of cheese knows all about stupid reasons.)

The wife, Michele DePaola, told police officers that James has a history of violent and abusive behavior toward her; it has resulted in him being arrested in the past and served with a restraining order.

Michele added that he has not been physically abusive to her in a long time, although he does often control her via criticisms, shouting and cursing.

In the case of this grilled cheese incident, Michele says her husband did NOT hit her and she was never afraid he was going to because he knows James does not want to go back to jail.

James DePaola was charged with obstruction of a 911 call and criminal trespass/damage to property.

We hope he goes back to jail.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Patton Oswalt Continues to Grieve Wife"s Death: Read His Message

Patton Oswalt remains in mourning.

Over four months have gone by since the comedian lost his wife in shocking, tragic fashion, as Michelle McNamara died in her sleep on April 21.

But that’s not nearly enough time for one to move on from the love of one’s life.

After bidding McNamara an emotional goodbye soon after her passing, Oswalt has once again taken to Facebook in order to express his grief.

“Depression is the tallest kid in the 4th grade, dinging rubber bands off the back of your head and feeling safe on the playground, knowing that no teacher is coming to help you,” he wrote.

“But grief? Grief is Jason Statham holding that 4th grade bully’s head in a toilet and then f-cking the teacher you’ve got a crush on in front of the class.”

That’s a unique way to put it.

But it does actually make a lot of sense.

“Grief makes depression cower behind you and apologize for being such a dick,” he added.

Oswalt shared this heartbreaking point of view 102 days after McNamara died.

He went on to reference that number.

“102 days at the mercy of grief and loss feels like 102 years and you have sh-t to show for it. You will not be physically healthier. You will not feel ‘wiser.’ You will not have ‘closure.’ You will not have ‘perspective’ or ‘resilience’ or ‘a new sense of self.’

“You WILL have solid knowledge of fear, exhaustion and a new appreciation for the randomness and horror of the universe.

“And you’ll also realize that 102 days is nothing but a warm-up for things to come.”

Oswalt and McNamara were married in 2005.

The two share a seven-year-old daughter, Alice.

“I was face-down and frozen for weeks,” Oswalt wrote of how he felt when he first lost his wife.

“It’s 102 days later and I can confidently say I have reached a point where I’m crawling. Which, objectively, is an improvement. Maybe 102 days later I’ll be walking.”

Despite the pain, Oswalt says he has been shown “new levels of humanity and grace and intelligence” by his family, friends and also by his fans.

“They will show up for you, physically and emotionally, in ways in which make you take careful note and say to yourself, ‘Make sure to try to do that for someone else someday,"” he wrote.

“Complete strangers will send you genuinely touching messages on Facebook and Twitter, or will somehow figure out your address to send you letters which you’ll keep and re-read ’cause you can’t believe how helpful they are.”

Prior to her passing, McNamara was working on a book about a serial killer she dubbed The Golden State Killer.

Oswalt says it will be released at some point and is “amazing.”

The beloved actor also promised his fans he is going to get back into comedy, acting and writing.

At some point.

“I like and working with friends on projects and do all the stuff I was always so privileged to get to do before the air caught fire around me and the sun died,” he said.

“It’s all I knew how to do before I met Michelle. I don’t know what else I’m supposed to do now without her.”

Patton Oswalt Continues to Grieve Wife"s Death: Read His Message

Patton Oswalt remains in mourning.

Over four months have gone by since the comedian lost his wife in shocking, tragic fashion, as Michelle McNamara died in her sleep on April 21.

But that’s not nearly enough time for one to move on from the love of one’s life.

After bidding McNamara an emotional goodbye soon after her passing, Oswalt has once again taken to Facebook in order to express his grief.

“Depression is the tallest kid in the 4th grade, dinging rubber bands off the back of your head and feeling safe on the playground, knowing that no teacher is coming to help you,” he wrote.

“But grief? Grief is Jason Statham holding that 4th grade bully’s head in a toilet and then f-cking the teacher you’ve got a crush on in front of the class.”

That’s a unique way to put it.

But it does actually make a lot of sense.

“Grief makes depression cower behind you and apologize for being such a dick,” he added.

Oswalt shared this heartbreaking point of view 102 days after McNamara died.

He went on to reference that number.

“102 days at the mercy of grief and loss feels like 102 years and you have sh-t to show for it. You will not be physically healthier. You will not feel ‘wiser.’ You will not have ‘closure.’ You will not have ‘perspective’ or ‘resilience’ or ‘a new sense of self.’

“You WILL have solid knowledge of fear, exhaustion and a new appreciation for the randomness and horror of the universe.

“And you’ll also realize that 102 days is nothing but a warm-up for things to come.”

Oswalt and McNamara were married in 2005.

The two share a seven-year-old daughter, Alice.

“I was face-down and frozen for weeks,” Oswalt wrote of how he felt when he first lost his wife.

“It’s 102 days later and I can confidently say I have reached a point where I’m crawling. Which, objectively, is an improvement. Maybe 102 days later I’ll be walking.”

Despite the pain, Oswalt says he has been shown “new levels of humanity and grace and intelligence” by his family, friends and also by his fans.

“They will show up for you, physically and emotionally, in ways in which make you take careful note and say to yourself, ‘Make sure to try to do that for someone else someday,"” he wrote.

“Complete strangers will send you genuinely touching messages on Facebook and Twitter, or will somehow figure out your address to send you letters which you’ll keep and re-read ’cause you can’t believe how helpful they are.”

Prior to her passing, McNamara was working on a book about a serial killer she dubbed The Golden State Killer.

Oswalt says it will be released at some point and is “amazing.”

The beloved actor also promised his fans he is going to get back into comedy, acting and writing.

At some point.

“I like and working with friends on projects and do all the stuff I was always so privileged to get to do before the air caught fire around me and the sun died,” he said.

“It’s all I knew how to do before I met Michelle. I don’t know what else I’m supposed to do now without her.”