Monday, December 28, 2015

29 People We Can"t Believe Exist (and May Not For Long)

These 29 people are apparently actual humans that exist in the world. Humanity is an amazing thing, indeed … and one you might lose faith in after clicking through this.

1. This Grandma

This grandma

Well then, Grandma is certainly living out her Golden Years with no regrets, for better or worse. Number of f–ks given? Zero.

2. Beardkini Body

Beardkini body

This guy is not shy about showing off his body. Or shaving his chest hair in such a manner that it resembles a bikini. Points for creativity.

3. Subway Tomato

29 people who somehow exist somewhere in this world subway tomato

Further comment rendered unnecessary.

4. Dude Witch

29 people who somehow exist somewhere in this world dude witch

If you watch The Vampire Diaries or The Originals, all the witches are played by women. If he’s still alive, this dude could well change that.

5. These Fellas

29 people who somehow exist somewhere in this world show those pearly whites

We can’t even.

6. This Poor Sap

29 people who somehow exist somewhere in this world this poor sap

Not only did he lose his hat in a trash recepticle, then get his head stuck in said recepticle trying to find it, but a newspaper reporter got wind of it. What are the odds.

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