Monday, December 14, 2015

Florida Woman FLIPS OUT, Kicks Cop at the DMV: WATCH!

We"d say this is the sort of thing you don"t see every day, but if you work at a DMV in Florida, you might witness scenes like this on a pretty regular basis.

It"s not easy to land a spot in our Florida Woman Hall of Shame (unless, of course, you live in the state and have access to bath salts or "flakka"), but Eleanore Stern has definitely earned her place.

It"s not just that she attacked a cop while standing in line at the DMV; it"s the way she attacked a cop while standing in line at the DMV.

After a few flip-flopped kicks to the shin, Eleanore winds up wrestling with the officer on the ground.

She wriggles away from him and proudly declares, "I just kicked his ass!" before eventually being restrained.

Ms. Stern is a strong-willed woman, though, and even once it"s clear that she"s being taken into custody she continues to give orders.

"I am not going to jail," she tells the trooper at one point.

Sadly, he passed on the opportunity to reply, "Yeah, you totally are."

It"s easy to laugh at Eleanore"s situation (and we strongly suggest that you do so), but at the same time, we can"t pretend like we haven"t felt the same way at the DMV.


Florida woman flips out kicks cop at the dmv watch